Using the Metrics API


You can use the Analytics module to monitor your NGINX instances and evaluate your applications’ performance. The Metrics API query parameters let you fine-tune your system data based on parameters such as time window, aggregation, time resolution, and filter.

By using different combinations of these query parameters, you can gather information that lets you:

  • Identify system health – query for various system metrics such as CPU, Memory to get the current state of your system
  • Identify traffic behavior – query for the HTTP / Stream Requests handled by an instance.
  • Monitor your application performance – filter on HTTP response codes to track the number of successful or failed requests


You can use the Metrics API to query for desired metric names and fine-tune the data returned based on the following parameters:

  • time window (startTime and endTime)
  • filter
  • dimensions
  • resolution
  • groupBy


You can use basic authentication or JWT authentication to access the Instance Manager REST API, as described in the Instance Manager API Overview.

The examples in this guide demonstrate using a “bearer” token for authentication. The token is sent using the “Authorization” request header field and “Bearer” schema.

Understanding the Metrics API Response

The Metrics API response consists of query metadata and an array of metrics – one array element for each queried metric.

  • The metric object includes the queried metric name and an array of data series associated with the metric.
  • The series object groups metrics data according to dimension values. The series consists of dimensions (key-value map), timestamps, and the timestamps’ metric values.

In the preceding example, there are two data series for the queried metric. The differentiator between the two series is the “nginx_id” value. This value is what makes NGINX metrics instance centric: you can easily distinguish metrics based on their dimensions’ values, such as an Instance, NGINX ID or System ID.

You can view the full list of the supported metrics and dimensions, with detailed descriptions, by querying the Catalog API:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/catalogs/metrics" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

Likewise, you can get a full list of the available dimensions by querying the Catalogs API:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/catalogs/dimensions" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

This information is also provided in the Catalogs Reference).

Querying the Metrics API

This section provides an overview of each query parameter and examples of using the parameters together to refine your data.

The examples progress from basic usage to more advanced API queries.


The names parameter is the only required parameter in the Metrics API.

The following example query returns a response with the last recorded value for the queried metric: nginx.http.request.count:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

If the dimension values differ, the series array in the response will contain multiple items.

It is possible to query the API for several metrics simultaneously. To do so, provide the metric names as a comma-separated list:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count,nginx.http.conn.accepted" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

Time Window

To get more than the last recorded value for the queried metric, use the following time window parameters:

  • startTime indicates the start of the time window to include metrics from (inclusive).
  • endTime means the end of the time window to include metrics from (non-inclusive).

There are a few rules to remember when working with time window parameters:

  • If you provide an endTime, you must also provide a startTime;
  • endTime must be greater than startTime;
  • If you give a startTime but don’t give an endTime, the endTime defaults to the current time.

You can define time using the ISO 8601 format or as an offset (for example, 2020-07-14T13:07:11Z). An offset is a string that starts with + or -, followed by a number and a unit of time: y, M, w, d, h, m, or s. You can also use now to indicate the current timestamp.

The following example request returns all the recorded metric values for the last 12 hours.

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

The following example query contains a fully defined time window:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count&startTime=now-5h&endTime=2020-07-01T09:00:00Z" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

In this case, the response contains metrics from 05:00:00 to 09:00:00 on the 1st of July 2020.


Using only names and time window parameters will give you the raw data points of metrics values.

To get a more organized response, you can provide an aggregate function for each queried metric: AVG, SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, or RATE.

In the following definitions, time period refers to the resolution (if provided) or the difference between the endTime and startTime (when resolution is not provided).
  • AVG - calculates the average value of the metric data samples over the period
  • SUM - calculates the total value of the metric data samples over the period
  • COUNT - returns the number of collected data samples of the metric over the period
  • MIN/MAX - returns the minimal/maximal data sample of the metric from the given period
  • RATE - returns an average value of the metric calculated per second (always per second, regardless of the provided resolution), based on the data available in the given period
You must define a startTime when using aggregate functions.
See Also:
The list of supported aggregate functions for any particular metric is available in the Metrics Catalog).

For example, the following query returns a single value (per dimension set), which is the sum of the metric values for the last 12 hours. To get proper values, ensure that the endTime is greater than the startTime.

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

It is possible to use aggregated and non-aggregated metrics in a single query. For this query, the Metrics API returns a single value per dimension set. That value is the sum of all of the metric’s values for the last 12 hours.

For example:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count),nginx.http.conn.accepted&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"


If you want to change the returned data’s granularity, you can use resolution parameter. This parameter must be used in conjunction with an aggregation function and a time window (at least startTime must be provided).

The resolution parameter must be a valid duration. The duration is a string that starts with a number, followed by a unit of time: y, M, w, d, h, m, or s.

The following example query returns three aggregated metric values. Here, we’re asking for the data from last 12 hours with one-hour granularity:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&startTime=now-12h&resolution=1h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"


This parameter, as the name indicates, filters results based on the value of dimensions. Filtering by dimension value can help to refine the data that’s returned into a more specific set.

The filter query consists of one or more predicates in the form of <dimension><operator><dimension value>, where:

  • <dimension> is the name of the dimension;
  • <operator> is one of the supported operators (=, !=, <, <=, >= >, in or not);
  • <dimension value> is value of the dimension(s) that you want to filter on.

For example, the following query includes a simple filter on the app name. The query returns data for the application named app1 for the last 12 hours.

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count&filter=nginx_id='nginx_id1'&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
  • Predicates can be combined into logical expressions using OR, AND, and ( ).
  • For matching values, wildcard (*) use is supported.
  • We recommend wrapping predicates in single quotes to ensure that the full query string is processed correctly.

The following example request uses filter with logical expressions:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=nginx.http.request.count&filter=nginx_id='nginx_id1*' and server_zone='zone1'&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"


Using filters and aggregation functions may not be enough to allow you to get comprehensive information about a specific application or environment.

The groupBy parameter helps to gather results according to the specified dimension(s). You can provide multiple dimension names as a comma-separated list.

  • When using groupBy, you must use an aggregate function and a time window (startTime must be defined; endTime is optional).
  • If a request contains aggregated and non-aggregated metrics, the groupBy parameter will apply only to the aggregated metrics.

For example, the following query returns data grouped by nginx_id for the last 12 hours.

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&groupBy=nginx_id&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

The API response for the query looks similar to the following:

         "aggr": "SUM",

The API returns the data for the last 12 hours grouped by nginx_id dimension. Unlike other queries, the API only returns those dimensions that have been selected in groupBy. However, the series of different dimension values are still distinguished.


You can use the dimensions query parameter to specify which dimension(s) should be included in each metric series’ response.

Dimensions not specified in the query parameter will not be included in the response. This may result in some series having the same dimension set but being returned as separate list items.

The following example returns results for the specified metric, where dimensions=nginx_id:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&dimensions=nginx_id&startTime=now-12h" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
         "aggr": "SUM",

If dimensions and groupBy parameters are both used, the list of provided dimensions must be a subset of the list provided in groupBy.

The following example uses dimensions with groupBy:

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&groupBy=nginx_id&dimensions=system_id&startTime=now-12h&resolution=5m" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

The dimensions parameter also lets you omit the dimensions from the response altogether. To do so, define dimensions as an empty list (dimensions=).

This results in several data series for the http.request.count metric without any dimensions being visible. That is not useful on its own; however, if you combine the empty dimensions parameter with metric aggregation, you will receive a single series with aggregated values.

For example, the following example query sums all the values in all of the series of the http.request.count metric for the past three hours using the default resolution.

curl -X GET --url "<NMS_FQDN>/api/platform/v1/analytics/metrics?names=SUM(nginx.http.request.count)&startTime=now-12h&dimensions=" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"