Configurable Helm Settings

This reference guide lists the configurable Helm chart parameters and default settings for the NGINX Management Suite platform and modules.

NGINX Management Suite Helm Chart Settings

The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values for the NGINX Management Suite platform when installing from a Helm chart.

To modify a configuration for an existing release, run the helm upgrade command and use -f <my-values-file>, where my-values-file is a path to a values file with your desired configuration.

Parameter Description Default
nms-hybrid.adminPasswordHash The hashed value of the password for the admin user.
To generate the hash using openssl, run a command similar to the following example: openssl passwd -1 "YouPassword123#"
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.enabled Enable this if external ClickHouse is not used. true
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.fullnameOverride Modify the name of ClickHouse resources. clickhouse
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.image.repository Repository name and path public ClickHouse image. clickhouse/clickhouse-server
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry.
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.user Username to connect to the ClickHouse server as. N/A
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.password Password for the ClickHouse server. N/A ClickHouse service name. clickhouse
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.service.rpcPort ClickHouse service port. 9000
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run ClickHouse server. 500m
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run ClickHouse server. 1Gi
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.enabled Use PVCs to persist ClickHouse data. true
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.existingClaim Name of an existing Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to use for ClickHouse persistence N/A
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.storageClass Storage Class to use for creating a ClickHouse PVC
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.volumeName Name to use a ClickHouse PVC volume
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.accessMode PVC access mode for ClickHouse ReadWriteOnce
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.persistence.size PVC size ClickHouse 1G
nms-hybrid.nmsClickhouse.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations
nms-hybrid.externalClickhouse.address Address of external ClickHouse service.
nms-hybrid.externalClickhouse.user User of external ClickHouse service.
nms-hybrid.externalClickhouse.password Password of external ClickHouse service.
nms-hybrid.serviceAccount.annotations Set custom annotations for the service account used by NGINX Management Suite. {} Name used for API Gateway resources. apigw
nms-hybrid.apigw.tlsSecret By default, this helm chart creates its own Certificate Authority (CA) to self-sign the HTTPS server cert key pairs; these are not managed by NGINX Management Suite. You can bring your own NGINX API Gateway certificates for hosting the HTTPS NGINX Management Suite server by setting “tlsSecret” to an existing Kubernetes secret name in the namespace targeted by the chart. The secret should include tls.crt, tls.key, and ca.pem in the data object. We recommend using a self-provisioned “tlsSecret” for production scenarios.

For an example, refer to the “Use your own certificates” section in Frequently Used Helm Configurations.
nms-hybrid.apigw.image.repository Repository name and path for the apigw image. apigw
nms-hybrid.apigw.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.apigw.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.apigw.container.port.https Container HTTPS port. 443 Service name. apigw
nms-hybrid.apigw.service.type Service type. Options: ClusterIp, LoadBalancer, NodePort ClusterIp
nms-hybrid.apigw.service.httpsPort Service HTTPS port. 443
nms-hybrid.apigw.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run core. 250m
nms-hybrid.apigw.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run core. 256Mi
nms-hybrid.apigw.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations Name used for API Gateway resources. core
nms-hybrid.core.image.repository Repository name and path for the core image. core
nms-hybrid.core.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.core.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.core.container.port.http Container HTTP port. 8033
nms-hybrid.core.container.port.db Container database port. 7891
nms-hybrid.core.container.port.grpc Container gRPC port. 8038
nms-hybrid.core.service.httpPort Service HTTPS port. 8033
nms-hybrid.core.service.grpcPort Service HTTPS port. 8038
nms-hybrid.core.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run core. 500m
nms-hybrid.core.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run core. 512Mi
nms-hybrid.core.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for core service. true An array of persistent volume claims for Dqlite and secrets, can be modified to use an existing PVC. See Dqlite and Secrets
nms-hybrid.core.persistence.storageClass Storage Class to use for creating a core PVC
nms-hybrid.core.persistence.volumeName Name to use a core PVC volume
nms-hybrid.core.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations Name used for dpm. dpm
nms-hybrid.dpm.image.repository Repository name and path for the dpm image. dpm
nms-hybrid.dpm.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.dpm.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.dpm.container.port.http Container HTTP port. 8034
nms-hybrid.dpm.container.port.nats Container database port. 9100
nms-hybrid.dpm.container.port.db Container database port. 7890
nms-hybrid.dpm.container.port.grpc Container gRPC port. 8036 Service name. nms
nms-hybrid.dpm.service.httpPort Service HTTPS port. 8034
nms-hybrid.dpm.service.grpcPort Service HTTPS port. 8036
nms-hybrid.dpm.service.natsPort Service HTTPS port. 9100
nms-hybrid.dpm.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run dpm. 500m
nms-hybrid.dpm.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run dpm. 512Mi
nms-hybrid.dpm.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for dpm service. true An array of persistent volume claims for Dqlite and NATS, can be modified to use an existing PVC. See Dqlite and NATS streaming
nms-hybrid.dpm.persistence.storageClass Storage Class to use for creating a dpm PVC
nms-hybrid.dpm.persistence.volumeName Name to use a dpm PVC volume
nms-hybrid.dpm.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations Name used for ingestion. ingestion
nms-hybrid.ingestion.image.repository Repository name and path for the dpm image. ingestion
nms-hybrid.ingestion.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.ingestion.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.ingestion.replicaCount Number of replicas of ingestion to run. 1
nms-hybrid.ingestion.container.port.grpc Container HTTP port. 8035 Service name. nms
nms-hybrid.ingestion.service.grpcPort Service HTTPS port. 8035
nms-hybrid.ingestion.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run ingestion. 500m
nms-hybrid.ingestion.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run ingestion. 512Mi
nms-hybrid.ingestion.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations Name used for integrations. integrations
nms-hybrid.integrations.image.repository Repository name and path for the integrations image. integrations
nms-hybrid.integrations.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.integrations.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-hybrid.integrations.container.port.http Container HTTP port. 8037
nms-hybrid.integrations.container.port.db Container database port. 7892 Service name. nms
nms-hybrid.integrations.service.httpPort Service HTTPS port. 8037
nms-hybrid.integrations.resources.requests.cpu Minimum required CPU on a node to run integrations. 500m
nms-hybrid.integrations.resources.requests.memory Minimum required memory on a node to run integrations. 512Mi
nms-hybrid.integrations.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for integrations service. true An array of persistent volume claims for Dqlite, can be modified to use an existing PVC. See Dqlite - size is 1Gi
nms-hybrid.integrations.persistence.storageClass Storage Class to use for creating a integrations PVC
nms-hybrid.integrations.persistence.volumeName Name to use a integrations PVC volume
nms-hybrid.integrations.tolerations List your Kubernetes tolerations, if any See Kubernetes Taints And Tolerations Name used for utility. utility
nms-hybrid.utility.image.repository Repository name and path for the utility image. utility
nms-hybrid.utility.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-hybrid.utility.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
Instance Manager Dqlite Storage Configuration
  - name: dqlite
    size: 500Mi
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
Instance Manager Secrets Storage Configuration
  - name: secrets
    size: 128Mi
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
Instance Manager NATS Storage Configuration
  - name: nats-streaming
    size: 1Gi
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations

The following example snippet shows a toleration on an Instance Manager APIGW deployment. In this example, Kubernetes will tolerate the “NoExecute” effect for 60 seconds before evicting the pod from the tainted node.

  - key: ""
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoExecute"
    tolerationSeconds: 60
  - key: ""
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoExecute"
    tolerationSeconds: 60

For more information, refer to the official Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations documentation.

API Connectivity Manager Helm Chart Settings

The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values used by the API Connectivity Manager chart when installing from a Helm chart.

To modify a configuration for an existing release, run the helm upgrade command and use -f <my-values-file>, where my-values-file is a path to a values file with your desired configuration.

Parameter Description Default
nms-acm.acm.logLevel Set the log level for the backend API service. The log level can be fatal, error, warning, info, or debug info
nms-acm.acm.image.repository Repository name and path for the acm image. acm
nms-acm.acm.image.tag Tag used for pulling images from registry. latest
nms-acm.acm.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nms-acm.acm.container.port.http TCP port for the pod to listen on. 8037
nms-acm.acm.container.port.db Port to use for Dqlite. 9300
nms-acm.acm.metrics.enabled Enable metrics. false
nms-acm.acm.service.httpPort TCP port for the service to listen on. 8037
nms-acm.acm.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource limits to allow for the acm pods. 500m
nms-acm.acm.resources.requests.memory Memory resource limits to allow for the api pods. 512Mi
nms-acm.acm.persistence.enabled Optionally disable persistent storage, used for database data. true An array of persistent volume claims, can be modified to use an existing PVC. See the Dqlite configuration section below.
nms-acm.acm.devportal.credentials.enabled Enables the Create Credentials Endpoint on the Developer Portal false
nms-acm.acm.devportal.credentials.ssl This should be set to true if mTLS has been configured between API Connectivity Manager and the Developer Portal, for more information see Create Credentials Endpoint on the Developer Portal false This should be set if an unknown Certificate Authority is needed for communication with the Developer Portal in order to provide a CA certificate. This should be set to the name of the secret in the release namespace that contains the CA certificate. Blank
nms-acm.acm.devportal.client.caSecret.key This should be set if an unknown Certificate Authority is needed for communication with the Developer Portal in order to provide a CA certificate. This should be set to the key of the secret in the release namespace that contains the CA certificate. Blank
API Connectivity Manager Dqlite Storage Configuration
  - name: dqlite
    size: 500Mi
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce