Back Up and Recovery

Follow the steps in this guide to back up and restore the essential system files for the NGINX Management Suite platform and modules.


  • NGINX Management Suite includes several scripts, which you can run to back up and restore the configuration files, secrets, and databases used by the NGINX Management Suite platform.

  • Additionally, to back up and restore data for specific modules, such as API Connectivity Manager, you can edit the provided scripts and uncomment the commands in the relevant sections.

The backup and recovery scripts are provided for reference and may need to be adapted to suit the requirements of your deployment.

NGINX Management Suite and modules deployed in a Virtual Machine or Bare Metal

Before You Begin

To complete the instructions in this guide, you need the following:

  • An installed version of Instance Manager

  • (optional) An installed version of API Connectivity Manager

  • An installed version of SQLite. Refer to the Install SQLite guide for installation instructions.

  • The NGINX Management Suite services must be running:

    sudo systemctl start nms

Make Scripts Executable

To run the backup and restore scripts, you need to set their permissions to make them executable.

  1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to the NGINX Management Suite host and log in.

  2. Change to the directory where the scripts are located:

    cd /etc/nms/scripts
  3. Run the following commands to make the scripts executable:

    sudo chmod +x
    sudo chmod +x
    sudo chmod +x
    sudo chmod +x
    sudo chmod +x

Back Up and Restore NGINX Management Suite

To back up the NGINX Management Suite configuration files, secrets, and databases:

  1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to the NGINX Management Suite host and log in.

  2. To back up NGINX Management Suite, run the following commands:

    cd /etc/nms/scripts
    sudo ./

    The backup is saved to a tarball file similar to the following example: /tmp/nms-backup-<DATETIME>.tgz

To restore NGINX Management Suite:

  1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to the NGINX Management Suite host and log in.

  2. To restore NGINX Management Suite, run the following commands:

    cd /etc/nms/scripts
    sudo ./ /tmp/nms-backup-<DATETIME>.tgz

NGINX Management Suite and modules deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster

Before You Begin

To complete the instructions in this guide, you need the following:

  • An installed version of NGINX Management Suite and Instance Manager
  • (optional) An installed version of API Connectivity Manager
  • An installed version of SQLite. Refer to the Install SQLite guide for installation instructions.

  • Root Access

    The Kubernetes backup and restore scripts for NGINX Management Suite are executed using sudo and use the Kubernetes command kubectl internally to access the Kubernetes API. It is necessary to ensure the target Kubernetes cluster is accessible to the root user.

    To confirm that the root user has access to the Kubernetes API, execute the following command:

    sudo kubectl -n nms get pods

    If the result is error-free and the output is the list of currently running pods/nodes the root user has the required access.

    If the root user does not have the required access, you will need to configure the root user to have Kubernetes API access, or provide the script with the location of the Kubernetes configuration via the environment variable KUBECONFIG. For example:

    • To back up NGINX Management Suite:

      sudo KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ./
    • To restore NGINX Management Suite:

      sudo KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ./ -i <path to backup file> -r

      In the examples above, /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf is the default configuration location of a Kubernetes cluster. If the configuration location is different for the target Kubernetes cluster, update the commands above accordingly.

  • Utility pod

    To back up and restore NGINX Management Suite in a Kubernetes cluster, you need to install the utility pod in your Kubernetes cluster. Optionally, for each module you want to back up and restore, you need to configure the utility pod accordingly:

    1. Update your Helm Deployment values.yaml file, add the utility: true line to enable the utility pod, and the required sections under nmsModules to enable the modules you want to back up and restore. For example, if you have API Connectivity Manager installed, add the following:

          utility: true
          nmsModules :
                  enabled: true
                  addClaimsToUtility: true
    2. Upgrade your NGINX Management Suite deployment to apply the changes.

    3. Download the NGINX Management Suite Helm chart for your currently installed version of NGINX Management Suite:

      helm repo add nginx-stable
      helm repo update
      helm pull nginx-stable/nms
      tar zxvf nms-<version>.tgz

Back Up

To back up NGINX Management Suite deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the extracted backup scripts to your working directory:

    • For NGINX Management Suite and API Connectivity Manager, from the nms-<version>/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ directory.
    cp nms-<version>/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ .
  2. Make the scripts executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the backup script:

    The backup script does not need the utility pod or sudo permissions to create a backup.
  4. The command will ask for the NGINX Management Suite namespace. The script will create a backup archive in the same directory called k8s-backup-<timestamp>.tar.gz.

Full Restoration: Same Kubernetes Cluster

To restore NGINX Management Suite and the installed modules deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the extracted backup scripts to your working directory:

    • For NGINX Management Suite and API Connectivity Manager, from the nms-<version>/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ directory.
    cp nms-<version>/nms/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ .
  2. Make the scripts executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Copy your k8s-backup-.tar.gz file to the same directory as the script.

  4. Run the restore script:

    sudo ./ -r -i k8s-backup-<timestamp>.tar.gz
    The restore script needs root access to Kubernetes for the restore operation.
  5. The script will ask for the NGINX Management Suite namespace. Once the namespace has been provided, the script will consume the specified backup archive.

    The script will use the utility pod to access all the mounted volumes to restore database directories and core-secrets; and kubectl to restore the k8s configmaps and secrets. Before starting the restoration, the script will stop all service pods and start the utility pod. After finishing the restore, it will stop the utility pod and start all service pods.

Data-only Restoration: Restoration to a Different Cluster

To restore NGINX Management Suite and the installed modules into a different Kubernetes cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the extracted backup scripts to your working directory:

    • For NGINX Management Suite and API Connectivity Manager, from the nms-<version>/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ directory.
    cp nms-<version>/nms/charts/nms-hybrid/backup-restore/ .
  2. Make the scripts executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Copy your k8s-backup-.tar.gz file to the same directory as the script.

  4. Run the restore script:

    sudo ./ -r -i k8s-backup-<timestamp>.tar.gz -d
    The restore script needs root access to Kubernetes for the restore operation.
  5. The script will ask for the NGINX Management Suite namespace. Once the namespace has been provided, the script will consume the specified backup archive.

The restore script will only restore the databases and core secrets. If you want to restore the user passwords too, run the following commands:

cd nms-<version>/secrets
kubectl -n nms apply -f nms-auth.json
kubectl -n nms delete pod apigw-<hash>


ClickHouse supports backup and restore on versions greater than v22.

For instructions on how to back up and restore the ClickHouse database, please refer to ClickHouse’s documentation.

To check your ClickHouse version, run the following command:

clickhouse-server --version