End of Sale Notice:

F5 NGINX is announcing the End of Sale (EoS) for NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager Module, effective January 1, 2024.

F5 maintains generous lifecycle policies that allow customers to continue support and receive product updates. Existing API Connectivity Manager Module customers can continue to use the product past the EoS date. License renewals are not available after September 30, 2024.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.

Publish a Developer Portal

Learn how to use the F5 NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager web interface to create, update, or delete a Developer Portal.


You can use API Connectivity Manager to create and publish Developer Portals (or, “Dev Portals”) to host your APIs and documentation. API Connectivity Manager Dev Portals provide a framework for customization that lets you match your Dev Portal to your brand’s or business’ requirements.

You can also modify and delete your Developer Portals using API Connectivity Manager.

Before You Begin

Complete the following prerequisites before proceeding with this guide:

  • API Connectivity Manager is installed, licensed, and running.
  • Your Infrastructure has one or more Environments with a Developer Portal cluster.
  • You have verified that you can access the Developer Portal using the configured hostname.

How to Access the User Interface

This guide provides instructions for completing tasks using the API Connectivity Manager user interface (UI).

To access the UI, go to the FQDN of your NGINX Instance Manager host and log in. On the Launchpad menu, select “API Connectivity Manager.”

Create a Developer Portal

Create the Services Workspace

  1. Under Modules, select API Connectivity Manager.

  2. On the sidebar, select Services.

  3. On the Services - Workspaces section, select Create Workspace.

  4. In the Create Workspace drawer, provide a Name and Description.

    • Name: (required) A name can be any combination of lowercase letters, hyphens, numbers, or underscores. Spaces and capital letters are not allowed.
    • Description: (optional; 150-character limit) The description should help others in your organization understand the nature or purpose of the Workspace.
  5. (Optional) Select the Contact Information box to designate someone as the Workspace’s owner. Then, provide the following information:

    • Contact Name
    • Contact Email
    • Slack: The contact’s Slack handle
  6. Select Create to save your changes.

Modify Developer Portal Resources

Edit Workspace Description and Contact Information

  1. On the sidebar, select Services.
  2. Select the ellipsis button next to your workspace on the Actions column.
  3. Select Edit Workspace.
  4. Update the Description and Workspace Contact Information as needed.
  5. Select Save.

Delete Developer Portal Resources

Remove a Developer Portal from an API Proxy

  1. On the sidebar, select Services.
  2. Select your workspace from the list.
  3. On the API Proxies section, select the ellipsis button next to your API Proxy in the Actions column.
  4. Select Edit Proxy.
  5. On the Basic > Configuration section, uncheck Also publish API to developer portal.
  6. Select Save & Publish.

Delete API Docs

  1. On the sidebar, select Services.
  2. Select your workspace from the list.
  3. On the API Docs section, select the ellipsis button next to your API Doc in the Actions column.
  4. Select Delete API Doc.
  5. Select Delete to confirm the action.

Delete Services Workspaces

To delete a Workspace, you must delete all the API Proxies and API Docs belonging to a Services Workspace.
  1. On the sidebar, select Services.
  2. Select the ellipsis button next to your workspace in the Actions column.
  3. Select Delete workspace.
  4. Select Delete to confirm the action.