Install NGINX Management Suite with Ansible


This guide shows you how to install F5 NGINX Management Suite using the open-source Ansible role.

With Ansible, you can automate and replicate your installation across multiple environments.

Open-Source Project on GitHub
The steps in this guide refer to the Ansible NGINX Management Suite Role project on GitHub


The Ansible role for NGINX Management Suite simplifies the installation process by installing all the prerequisites and any modules you specify.

A diagram showing the installation flow of the NGINX Management Suite Ansible role. The flow includes four steps: installing NGINX, installing ClickHouse, adding the NGINX Management Suite repository, and installing the NGINX Management Suite module(s).

Figure 1. NGINX Management Suite Ansible flow

System Requirements

  • The Ansible role requirements can be viewed on GitHub.

Installation Steps

  1. Install Ansible by following the installation steps on GitHub.

  2. Create the inventory file with the details of the host you want to install NGINX Management Suite on. Make sure you have access to the host. Example here.

  3. Create the requirements file and install the required Ansible role by following these steps.

  4. Create and run the Ansible playbook. Create a file named nms-playbook.yml (or any other name) with contents similar to the following example:

    - hosts: nms
      become: yes
          certificate: ./nginx-repo.crt
          key: ./nginx-repo.key
        nms_setup: install
        nms_version: 2.16.0*
        nms_user_name: admin
        nms_user_passwd: default
          - name: sm
        - nginxinc.nginx_core
        - nginxinc.nginx_management_suite
  5. Run the playbook:

    ansible-playbook -i <path-to-your-hostfile> nms-playbook.yml
See Also:
For a comprehensive list of configuration options, view the default main.yaml file on GitHub.

Getting Support

If you need help or have questions, you can request support from the NGINX Management Suite Ansible Role Project on GitHub.