End of Sale Notice:

F5 NGINX is announcing the End of Sale (EoS) for NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager Module, effective January 1, 2024.

F5 maintains generous lifecycle policies that allow customers to continue support and receive product updates. Existing API Connectivity Manager Module customers can continue to use the product past the EoS date. License renewals are not available after September 30, 2024.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.

Set Up Advanced Routing

Learn how to create dynamic routes for your deployments using NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager.


This tutorial will show you how to create dynamic routes for your proxy deployments using the ‘Advanced Routing’ feature. This allows routing to different backend services based on URI, HTTP method, etc.

Intended Audience

This guide is meant for NGINX Management Suite users who can add/modify Proxy deployments and want to create dynamic route matching configurations.

How do I publish a Proxy with Advanced Routing?

Follow the steps on the Publish an HTTP API section to publish a proxy.

Use Case

Jane Smith has started a new job as an API developer for the Product-Search team in a hardware manufacturing company. Jane needs to change the current catch-all route to more granular routes to support the new API endpoints she has added to the product. These endpoints will take a mixture of Query, Path, and Header parameters. Jane would like to interact with different backend services based on the routes and parameters provided.


In the steps that follow, we will:

  • Create an API Gateway proxy to route the traffic to the backend services.
  • Add Advanced Routing rules to allow granular control over the traffic based on the passed parameters.

Before You Begin

To complete the instructions in this guide, you need the following:

Built-In Role

API Connectivity Manager comes pre-configured with an ACM API Owner role suitable for API Owners (The individuals or teams who are responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining APIs).

Example: Create An Advanced Route

In our Proxy configuration form (found via a Proxy Create or a Proxy Edit), we will select the Ingress section in the left menu to see the options available to configure our proxy ingress.

Select the Next button. On the next screen, we have the options related to basepath and version. At the bottom of this section, there is an expandable panel to add an Advanced Route; select the Add Route link to continue.

This section shows several configuration options. For the purpose of this example, we will focus on the following:

  • Match URI
  • HTTP Method
  • Parameters

We are going to create a route that can take two integer IDs in the path; for example, /customer/123/order/1234. We are going to do this by adding the following parameters:

In the Match URI field add the following value: /customer/{customerID}/order/{orderID}. This configures our URI with placeholders for the path parameters customerID and orderID.

Expand the HTTP Method menu, and select GET for this config. The HTTP Method parameter allows us to configure which HTTP Method this route will match for. So in this case, a POST to /customer/123/order/1234 will not match and will return a 404 (or a 405 depending on your config). You can route to different backend services for the same URI but different HTTP methods using the TargetBackendServiceLabel parameter, which will associate the config to a specific backend service and the HTTP Method parameter combination.

In the Parameters section, select the Add Parameter button to see some new config options:

  • Name is the name of the parameter in the URI; this must match the placeholder value provided in Match URI (in the web interface, the validation will show an error if there is a mismatch). We need to add one entry for customerID and another for orderID by selecting the Add Parameter button again.

The In field indicates where the parameter will be passed; the options are PATH, QUERY, and HEADER.

  • PATH indicates that the parameter will be passed as a path parameter, for example, /customer/{id}}.
  • QUERY indicates that the parameter will be passed as a query parameter, for example, /customer?customerID=123.
  • HEADER indicates that it will be passed as a header with the Name field as the header key.

For this example, we will use PATH parameters.

Schema Type defines the type of parameter that will be passed, for example, STRING, INTEGER, and others which are supplied in a dropdown through the UI or in the API documentation if using the API. For this example, we will be using INTEGER.

The Enums option lets you limit the number of options to be allowed to match on; if anything else is passed, it doesn’t match. We won’t be using Enums for this example.

Now that we have added our route, we can select Add and Save and Publish on the next page. Our changes will be deployed, and we should now be able to resolve our new endpoint!