Using F5 NGINX Plus Docker images with NGINX Instance Manager


This guide explains how to:

  • get official NIGNX Plus Docker container images and add them to your private registry
  • start the container using NGINX Agent-specific parameters
  • add container instances to F5 NGINX Instance Manager

Before You Begin

Before you start, make sure that:

  • NGINX Management Suite is installed.

    When installing and configuring NGINX Management Suite, remember the domain name/IP address and the gRPC port number. You will need it to configure the NGINX Agent to communicate with NGINX Instance Manager.
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) or nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key files downloaded from MyF5 Customer Portal

  • Docker Engine command-line tool installed

  • your Private Docker Registry is configured and running

About NGINX Plus Docker Registry

NGINX Plus Docker registry is available at It contains the following Docker container images:

  • NGINX Plus:

  • Unprivileged installation of NGINX Plus:

  • NGINX Plus bundled with NGINX Agent:

  • Unprivileged installation of NGINX Plus and NGINX Agent:

The images can be targeted for a particular operating system and NGINX Plus release using tags.

Tags for Operating Systems

Operating system Basic OS tag Tag examples
Alpine (x86_64, aarch64) alpine r32-alpine, r32-alpine-3.20
Debian (x86_64, aarch64) debian r32-debian, r32-debian-bookworm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (x86_64, aarch64) ubi r32-ubi, r32-ubi-9, r32-ubi-9-20240624

Tags for NGINX Plus Versions

The NGINX Plus registry contains images for the two most recent versions of NGINX Plus. The basic Operating System tag returns the latest version of NGINX Plus built for the latest version of this operating system.

nginx-plus-r32-ubi-9, nginx-plus-r31-alpine-3.19.

Listing All Tags

For a complete tag list for NGINX Plus bundled with NGINX Agent images, use the command:

curl<nginxplus-image-type>/tags/list --key <nginx-repo.key> --cert <nginx-repo.crt> | jq


  • the <nginxplus-image-type> is the location of images in NGINX Plus private registry: base, rootless-base, agent, rootless-agent
  • the <nginx-repo.key> is a local path to your client key from MyF5, for example, /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo-x12345.key
  • the <nginx-repo.crt> is a local path to your client certificate from MyF5, for example,/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo-x12345.crt
  • the jq command is used to format the JSON output for easier reading and requires the jq JSON processor to be installed.

Getting an Image From The Registry

  1. Log in to the NGINX Plus registry. Replace YOUR_JWT_HERE with your actual JWT obtained from MyF5:

    sudo docker login --username=YOUR_JWT_HERE --password=none
  2. Pull the NGINX Plus image from the private registry. Use NGINX Plus bundled with NGINX Agent image (the agent subdirectory) to enable connectivity with NGINX Instance Manager. Replace VERSION_TAG with the specific version tag you need.

    sudo docker pull


    To pull the latest version of NGINX Plus with NGINX Agent image for Debian or Ubuntu, use the command:

    sudo docker pull

Adding Image To Private Docker Registry

After pulling the image, tag it and upload it to your private registry.

  1. Log in to your private registry:

    docker login <my-docker-registry>
  2. Tag the image. Replace <my-docker-registry> with your registry’s path and <my-version-tag> with the your NGINX Plus version, OS version, or both:

    docker tag<version-tag> <my-docker-registry>/nginx-plus/agent:<my-version-tag>
  3. Push the image to the private registry and tag it:

    docker push <my-docker-registry>/nginx-plus/agent:<my-version-tag>

Launching Docker Container

Start the Docker container from your private registry. You will also need to pass NGINX Agent connection settings as environment variables (--env=$variable) to enable connectivity with NGINX Instance Manager:

sudo docker run \
--restart=always \
--runtime=runc \
-d <my-docker-registry>/nginx-plus/agent:<my-version-tag>


  • NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_GRPCPORT sets a GRPC port used by NGINX Agent to communicate with NGINX Instance Manager.
  • NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_HOST sets the domain name or IP address of NGINX Instance Manager. Note that for production environments it is not recommended to expose NGINX Instance Manager to public networks.
  • NGINX_AGENT_TLS_ENABLE and NGINX_AGENT_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY enable mutual TLS, server-side TLS, or insecure mode (not recommended for production environments). See Encrypt communication for details.
  • <my-docker-registry> is the path to your private registry.
  • <my-version-tag> is the tag assigned when pushing to your registry.

Full list of CLI flags with their default values can be found in CLI Flags and Environment Variables.

Connecting NGINX Plus From Container to NGINX Instance Manager

  1. In a web browser, enter the address for your NGINX Management Suite, for example,, and log in.

  2. In the Modules section, select Instance Manager:

  1. Search for live hosts with NGINX Open Source or NGINX Plus.

    • In the left menu, Select Scan.
    • In the CIDR field, specify the mask of the target network, for example,
    • In the Port Ranges field, specify one or more ports or port ranges separated by a comma, for example, 80,443,8000-8090.
    • Deselect the ICMP checkbox if Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests are disabled in your network.
    • Select Scan.
  1. When the scanning is finished, you will get the list of your NGINX Plus managed and unmanaged instances, including instances running in containers:

NGINX Plus instances that can be managed by NGINX Instance Manager can be accessed from the NGINX Plus tab.

Troubleshooting unmanaged instances

If the instance appears as “unmanaged”, check if:

  • the NGINX Plus Docker image includes NGINX Agent
  • the container was started with correct --env= parameters of NGINX Agent, for example, --env=NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_GRPCPORT=443
  • there are connectivity issues between NGINX Management Suite and the network running NGINX Plus instances (for example, ports 80 and 443 are open in the firewall)

You can also scan for NGINX instances using the NGINX Instance Manager API; for more information, refer to Scan NGINX Instances.

See Also

Last modified August 22, 2024