End of Sale Notice:

F5 NGINX is announcing the End of Sale (EoS) for NGINX Controller API Management Module, effective January 1, 2024.

F5 maintains generous lifecycle policies that allow customers to continue support and receive product updates. Existing NGINX Controller API- Management customers can continue to use the product past the EoS date. License renewals are not available after September 30, 2024.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.
End of Sale Notice:

F5 NGINX is announcing the End of Sale (EoS) for NGINX Controller Application Delivery Module, effective January 1, 2024.

F5 maintains generous lifecycle policies that allow customers to continue support and receive product updates. Existing NGINX Controller Application Delivery customers can continue to use the product past the EoS date. License renewals are not available after September 30, 2024.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.

Overview: Metrics and Metadata

Understanding how the F5 NGINX Controller Agent collects and reports metrics and metadata.


The data that F5 NGINX Controller collects can be divided into two categories:

  • System metrics: Data collected from the NGINX Plus API, the NGINX log files, and NGINX process state.
  • Traffic metrics: Data related to processed traffic, with the ability to distinguish the Application, API endpoint, or Environment that traffic is directed through.
The key difference between system and traffic metrics is that traffic metrics are pre-aggregated for each time period.

Metrics are published at a regular interval of 60 or 30 seconds for system and traffic metrics, respectively.

This topic gives an overview of the traffic metrics. Also known as “app-centric” metrics, traffic metrics contain information that lets you easily identify the App to which the data applies.

See Also:
Refer to View traffic metrics for instructions on how to view traffic metrics using the NGINX Controller REST API.

Metadata and Metrics That Are Reported

The NGINX Controller Agent collects the following types of data:

  • NGINX metrics. The Agent collects NGINX-related metrics using the NGINX Plus API, and by monitoring the NGINX log files and NGINX process state.
  • AVRD metrics. AVRD sends app-centric data, so each metric has assigned dimensions like “application name” or “gateway”. These metrics are related to processed traffic (for example, the number of bytes sent to a particular URL/endpoint).
  • NGINX configuration. After the initial installation, the NGINX configuration is uploaded to the NGINX Controller server. Configuration updates are also uploaded to the NGINX Controller server.
  • System metrics. These are key metrics describing the system. For example: CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, etc.
  • NGINX metadata. These describe your NGINX instances, and include package data, build information, the path to the binary, build configuration options, and so on. NGINX metadata also includes the NGINX configuration elements.
  • System metadata. These are the basic information about the OS environment where the Agent runs. For example, the hostname, uptime, OS flavor, and other data.

For the full list of metrics, see the Metrics Catalog Reference

Metrics Collection and Reporting Process

The Agent mostly uses Golang’s gopsutil to collect OS metrics.

While the Agent is running on the host, it collects metrics at regular 20-second intervals. Metrics then are downsampled and sent to the Controller server once per minute. The Agent reports metadata to the NGINX Controller server every minute. Changes to the metadata can be examined using the Controller user interface.

NGINX Controller stores historical metrics data in an analytics database. Metrics are aggregated and rolled-up as follows:

  • Data not older than 8 days are stored with best possible resolution (usually 1 min).
  • Data older than 8 days but not older than 30 days are stored with 5 min resolution.
  • Data older than 30 days but not older than 15 months are stored with 1 hour resolution.
  • Data older than 15 months are stored with 1 day resolution.

Parsing and Analyzing NGINX Configuration Files

NGINX configuration updates are reported only when a configuration change is detected.

The Agent checks the Controller server every 30 seconds for pending NGINX configuration changes. When changes are pending, the changes are applied and the NGINX is reloaded. Because the configuration is managed in the Controller server, the entire configuration is written to a single nginx.conf file.

If the Agent cannot reach the Controller server to send the accumulated metrics, it continues to collect metrics and sends them to the Controller server as soon as connectivity is re-established. The maximum amount of data that can be buffered by the Agent is about 2 hour’s worth of data.

The Agent is able to automatically find all relevant NGINX configuration files, parse them, extract their logical structure, and send the associated JSON data to the Controller Server for further analysis and reporting.

To parse SSL certificate metadata, the NGINX Controller Agent uses standard openssl(1) functions. SSL certificates are parsed and analyzed only when the corresponding Agent settings are turned on. SSL certificate analysis is off by default.


Most metrics are collected by the Agent without requiring the user to perform any additional setup. For troubleshooting instructions, see Troubleshooting NGINX Controller Metrics.

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