Analytics Overview


The Analytics Dashboards provides an at-a-glance summary of the state of your F5 NGINX infrastructure and your application performance.

Before You Begin

Overview Dashboard

When you log in to the NGINX Controller user interface, the Analytics Overview page displays first by default. Select the Dashboards tab to see the My Dashboards list page. On the Dashboard Overview page, you can view the key indicators noted below. By default, the graphs display metrics for the last hour. You can select any of the default time periods – one hour, four hours, one day, two days, or one week – to get a better idea of your apps’ overall health and performance. To view metrics over longer time periods, you can create a custom dashboard.

The cumulative metrics displayed on the Analytics Overview page are:

System Metrics

  • Application Health Score: the health score for your application.
  • Average CPU: 100 - AVG of the system.cpu.idle (CPU spent in an idle state)
  • Average Memory: AVG of the system.mem.used metric

Application Metrics

  • Time to First Byte: AVG of the client.ttfb.latency.max metric

  • Bytes In/s (Bytes In per second): RATE of the http.request.bytes_rcvd metric

  • Bytes Out/s (Bytes Out per second): RATE of the http.request.bytes_sent metric

  • Total Requests: SUM of the nginx.http.request.count metric.

  • HTTP 5XX Errors: SUM of the nginx.http.status.5xx metric.

  • HTTP 4XX Errors: SUM of the nginx.http.status.4xx metric.

  • Request time (P95): AVG of the nginx.http.request.time.pctl95 metric.

  • Avg Client Response Latency: AVG of the client.response.latency.max metric

  • Avg Upstream Response Latency: AVG of the upstream.response.latency.max metric

  • Avg Client Network Latency: AVG of the metric.

By default, the metrics are calculated for all of your Controller Agent-monitored Instances.

To display metrics for a specific set of hosts (for example, only for “production”), select the gear icon on the Application Health Score panel, then add a tag or tags by which you want to filter the results.

What’s Next

This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16.1, 3.17, 3.18, 3.18.1, 3.18.2 and 3.18.3.

This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller API Management module: 3.18, 3.18.1, 3.19, 3.19.1, 3.19.2, 3.19.3, 3.19.4 and 3.19.5.

This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller App Delivery module: 3.20, 3.20.1, 3.21, 3.22, 3.22.1, 3.22.2, 3.22.3, 3.22.4, 3.22.5, 3.22.6, 3.22.7 and 3.22.8.

Last modified March 19, 2025