Back Up & Restore an External Config Database
Follow the steps in this guide to back up and restore an external F5 NGINX Controller config database. Use this guide if you selected the option to use an external PostgreSQL config database when you installed NGINX Controller. External config means that you set up NGINX Controller to store configuration data in your own Postgres database.
Before You Begin
To backup and restore the external config database, you’ll need the following:
- Login credentials for your NGINX Controller PostgreSQL database
- A connection to your NGINX Controller PostgreSQL database
- psql and pg_dump installed on the server where you’ll be performing the backup or restore
Set the PostgreSQL Environment Variables
Log in to the NGINX Controller host using SSH.
Set the following environment variables using the credentials for your NGINX Controller PostgreSQL database:
export PGHOST=<postgres host> export PGPORT=5432 export PGUSER=<postgres user> export PGPASSWORD=<postgres password>
If you’ve configured PostgreSQL to use SSL, ensure that you’ve placed your certs in~/.postgresql
. For more information, see Client Certificates in the PostgreSQL documentation.
Back Up External Config Database
Take the following steps to back up the external NGINX Controller config database:
Stop NGINX Controller:
/opt/nginx-controller/ controller stop
Run the following script to back up the NGINX Controller database. The backup files are saved in a directory that looks like
.DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M") mkdir ~/pgbackup_${DATE} for db in common data system vault; do pg_dump -w -E utf8 ${db} -F c -f ~/pgbackup_${DATE}/${db}-${DATE}.backup done
Start NGINX Controller:
/opt/nginx-controller/ controller start
Restore External Config Database
If you restore the config database on top of a new installation of NGINX Controller, make sure to follow the steps to restore your NGINX config and encryption keys afterward.
To restore the external NGINX Controller config database:
Stop NGINX Controller:
/opt/nginx-controller/ controller stop
Locate the backup directory and save the name as a local environment variable. The name of the backup directory follows the format
Run the restore script:
for backup_file in "$BACKUP_PATH"/*.backup; do db="$(basename "$backup_file" | cut -d '-' -f 1)" pg_restore -c -C -d "$db" "$backup_file" done
Start NGINX Controller:
/opt/nginx-controller/ controller start
What’s Next
This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16.1, 3.17, 3.18, 3.18.1, 3.18.2 and 3.18.3.
This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller API Management module: 3.18, 3.18.1, 3.19, 3.19.1, 3.19.2, 3.19.3, 3.19.4 and 3.19.5.
This documentation applies to the following versions of NGINX Controller App Delivery module: 3.20, 3.20.1, 3.21, 3.22, 3.22.1, 3.22.2, 3.22.3, 3.22.4, 3.22.5, 3.22.6, 3.22.7 and 3.22.8.