End of Sale Notice:

F5 NGINX is announcing the End of Sale (EoS) for NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager Module, effective January 1, 2024.

F5 maintains generous lifecycle policies that allow customers to continue support and receive product updates. Existing API Connectivity Manager Module customers can continue to use the product past the EoS date. License renewals are not available after September 30, 2024.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.

Install the Developer Portal in an Offline Environment

Complete the steps in this guide to install the Developer Portal directly from package files in environments without Internet access.


You can run the Developer Portal on one or more dedicated hosts. Do not install the Developer Portal on a host that is already running the management or data plane.


The Developer Portal requires PostgreSQL, F5 NGINX Plus R24 or later, and njs.


You can install the PostgreSQL package from your distribution’s repo at the same time you install the operating system. Refer to the the PostgreSQL download guide for instructions.

NGINX Plus and njs

To install NGINX Plus and njs, take the following steps on the Developer Portal host:

  1. Log in to MyF5 and download your nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key files.

  2. Copy the nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key files to the /etc/ssl/nginx/ directory:

    sudo cp nginx-repo.crt /etc/ssl/nginx/
    sudo cp nginx-repo.key /etc/ssl/nginx/
  3. Select the following link to download the fetch-external-acm-dataplane-dependencies.sh script. This script downloads the necessary NGINX Plus and njs packages to a tar.gz archive.

    Download fetch-external-acm-dataplane-dependencies.sh script

  4. To download the NGINX Plus and njs dependencies, run the fetch-external-acm-dataplane-dependencies.sh script. As parameters, specify your Linux distribution and the location of your nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key files.

    sudo bash fetch-external-acm-dataplane-dependencies.sh <linux distribution> /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key

    Supported Linux distributions:

    • ubuntu18.04
    • ubuntu20.04
    • ubuntu22.04
    • debian10
    • debian11
    • centos7
    • rhel7
    • rhel8
    • rhel9
    • amzn2

    For example, to download external dependencies for Ubuntu 20.04:

    sudo bash fetch-external-acm-dataplane-dependencies.sh ubuntu20.04 /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key

    In this example, the script creates an archive called acm-dataplane-dependencies-ubuntu20.04.tar.gz with the external dependencies.

  5. After you copy and extract the bundle onto your target machine, take the following steps to install the packages:

    The bundled NGINX Plus package may conflict with installed versions of NGINX Plus. Delete the package from the bundle if you want to keep the existing version.

    tar -kzxvf acm-dataplane-dependencies-<linux-distribution>.tar.gz
    sudo yum localinstall *.rpm

    tar -kzxvf acm-dataplane-dependencies-<linux-distribution>.tar.gz
    sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb

Install the Developer Portal

  1. Log in to the MyF5 Customer Portal and download the NGINX Developer Portal package files.

  2. Install the NGINX Developer Portal packages:

    sudo yum -y --nogpgcheck install /home/user/nginx-devportal-<version>.x86_64.rpm
    sudo yum -y --nogpgcheck install /home/user/nginx-devportal-ui-<version>.x86_64.rpm

  1. Log in to the MyF5 Customer Portal and download the NGINX Developer Portal package files.

  2. Install the NGINX Developer Portal package:

    sudo apt-get -y install -f /home/user/nginx-devportal_<version>_amd64.deb
    sudo apt-get -y install -f /home/user/nginx-devportal-ui_<version>_amd64.deb
  1. Enable the Developer Portal service:

    sudo systemctl enable nginx-devportal.service
  2. Start the Developer Portal service:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx-devportal.service

Upgrade the Developer Portal

To upgrade the Developer Portal in an offline environment, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to the MyF5 Customer Portal and download the Developer Portal package files.

  2. Upgrade the Developer Portal packages:

    sudo yum -y --nogpgcheck update /home/user/nginx-devportal_<version>.x86_64.rpm
    sudo yum -y --nogpgcheck update /home/user/nginx-devportal-ui_<version>.x86_64.rpm

  1. Log in to the MyF5 Customer Portal and download the Developer Portal package files.

  2. Upgrade the Developer Portal packages:

    sudo apt-get -y install -f /home/user/nginx-devportal_<version>_amd64.deb
    sudo apt-get -y install -f /home/user/nginx-devportal-ui_<version>_amd64.deb
  1. Enable the following Developer Portal service:

    sudo systemctl enable nginx-devportal.service
  2. Restart the Developer Portal service:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx-devportal.service