F5 NGINX as a Service for Azure (NGINXaaS) enables customers to secure traffic by adding SSL/TLS certificates to a deployment. NGINXaaS can fetch certificates directly from Azure Key Vault, rotate certificates, and provide observability on the status of your certificates.
This document provides details about using SSL/TLS certificates with your F5 NGINX as a Service for Azure deployment.
Add SSL/TLS certificates
Add a certificate from an Azure Key Vault to your NGINXaaS deployment using your preferred client tool:
- Add certificates using the Azure portal
- Add certificates using the Azure CLI
- Add certificates using Terraform
Add SSL/TLS certificates bundled with NGINXaaS configuration
You can also add your certificate as a file to your NGINX configuration filesystem; refer to Upload an NGINX configuration to learn about the different options. Although this is a quick method for adding SSL/TLS certificates to your NGINXaaS deployment, we recommend adding certificates through Azure Key Vault (AKV) for enhanced security, certificate rotation, and monitoring.
Once a certificate has been added, update your NGINX configuration to reference your SSL/TLS certificate and key file paths.
http {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/mycert.cert;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/mycert.key;
# ...
Certificate rotation
NGINXaaS for Azure regularly polls the AKV to check if the certificate has been updated. If an updated certificate is found, it is automatically rotated on the deployment within 4 hours. Any change to the NGINX configuration will trigger all SSL/TLS certificates to be rotated immediately.
For Azure client tools, such as the Azure CLI or Azure Resource Manager, the certificate is referenced from AKV using its Key Vault secret identifier. If the secret identifier specifies a version, NGINXaaS will not rotate the certificate. To enable certificate rotation, ensure the secret id does not contain a version, for example, https://myvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/mysecret
. Certificates added using the Azure Portal will automatically be rotated.
If any of your SSL/TLS certificates or your NGINX configuration has issues, the certificates will not be rotated.
Monitor certificates
To view the status of your SSL/TLS certificates, enable monitoring for your NGINXaaS deployment and navigate to the Metrics tab in the Azure portal. View the nginxaas.certificates
metric under the nginxaas statistics
metric namespace. The nginxaas.certificates
metric allows you to filter by certificate name and the status of the certificate. The status dimension reports the health of your certificates through the following values:
Status | Description |
active |
The certificate was successfully fetched from AKV. |
unauthorized |
Azure returned a 401/403 error when fetching the certificate from AKV, which usually indicates an issue with the deployment’s Managed Identity. |
not found |
Azure returned a 404 error when fetching the certificate from AKV. |
incompatible |
An error occurred while fetching or processing the certificate from AKV. The possible reasons include:

Common certificate errors
The following section describes common errors you might encounter while adding SSL/TLS certificates to your NGINXaaS deployment and how to resolve them.
Error code: ForbiddenByRbac
Description: The Managed Identity associated with the NGINXaaS deployment does not have permissions to fetch certificates from key vault. This error is returned when the key vault’s permission model is set to Azure role-based access control.
Resolution: Assign the Key Vault Secrets User role to the managed identity associated with your NGINXaaS deployment.
Create a role assignment - Azure CLI
Get the principal ID of the user or system assigned managed identity.
User assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the managed identityMI_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the managed identity is in
mi_principal_id=$(az identity show --name $MI_NAME \ --resource-group $MI_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query principalId --output tsv)
System assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the NGINXaaS deploymentDEP_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the NGINXaaS deployment is in
mi_principal_id=$(az nginx deployment show --name $DEP_NAME \ --resource-group $DEP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query identity.principalId --output tsv)
Get the resource ID of the key vault.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the key vaultKV_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the key vault is in
key_vault_id=$(az keyvault show --name $KV_NAME \ --resource-group $KV_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query id --output tsv)
Create the role assignment.
az role assignment create --assignee $mi_principal_id \ --role "Key Vault Secrets User" \ --scope $key_vault_id
Error code: AccessDenied
Description: The Managed Identity associated with the NGINXaaS deployment has not been assigned to an access policy on the key vault. This error is returned when the key vault’s permission model is set to Vault access policy.
Resolution: Assign an access policy to the managed identity associated with your NGINXaaS deployment with Get secrets permissions or higher. If you are using the Azure portal, assign an additional access policy to your user with List certificates permissions or higher.
Create an access policy - Azure CLI
Get the principal ID of the user or system assigned managed identity.
User assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the managed identityMI_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the managed identity is in
mi_principal_id=$(az identity show --name $MI_NAME \ --resource-group $MI_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query principalId --output tsv)
System assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the NGINXaaS deploymentDEP_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the NGINXaaS deployment is in
mi_principal_id=$(az nginx deployment show --name $DEP_NAME \ --resource-group $DEP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query identity.principalId --output tsv)
Create the access policy.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the key vaultKV_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the key vault is in
az keyvault set-policy --name $KV_NAME \ --resource-group $KV_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --object-id $mi_principal_id \ --secret-permissions get
Error code: ForbiddenByFirewall
Description: The key vault’s firewall is enabled and NGINXaaS is not authorized to fetch certificates.
Resolution: Configure Network Security Perimeter to allow the subscription of the NGINXaaS deployment to access the key vault.
Create a network security perimeter - Azure CLI
Create a network security perimeter.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the network security perimeterNSP_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the network security perimeter will be in
az network perimeter create --name $NSP_NAME --resource-group $NSP_RESOURCE_GROUP
Create a profile for the network security perimeter.
Please ensure the following environment variable is set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the network security perimeter profile
az network perimeter profile create --name $PROFILE_NAME \ --resource-group $NSP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --perimeter-name $NSP_NAME
Get the resource ID of the key vault.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the key vaultKV_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the key vault is in
key_vault_id=$(az keyvault show --name $KV_NAME \ --resource-group $KV_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query id --output tsv)
Get the resource ID of the network security profile.
nsp_profile_id=$(az network perimeter profile show --name $PROFILE_NAME \ --resource-group $NSP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --perimeter-name $NSP_NAME --query id --output tsv)
Associate the key vault with the network security perimeter
az network perimeter association create --name key-vault-association \ --perimeter-name $NSP_NAME \ --resource-group $NSP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --private-link-resource "{id:$key_vault_id}" \ --profile "{id:$nsp_profile_id}"
Add an inbound access rule to allow the NGINXaaS deployment’s subscription.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the access ruleDEP_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
: the subscription ID of the NGINXaaS deployment
az network perimeter profile access-rule create --name $RULE_NAME \ --profile-name $PROFILE_NAME \ --perimeter-name $NSP_NAME \ --resource-group $NSP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --subscriptions [0].id="/subscriptions/$DEP_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
Error code: AnotherOperationInProgress
Description: Another operation on this, or a dependent resource, is in progress.
Resolution: Retry the operation after the current operation reaches a terminal state.
Error code: SecretNotFound
Description: The certificate’s key vault secret ID was not found in the key vault.
Resolution: Ensure the specified key vault secret ID exists and has the correct format, for example, https://myvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/abcd/v1
Error code: CertificateInUse
Description: The certificate being deleted or modified is referenced in the NGINX configuration. The attempted modification would prevent the NGINX config from being applied.
Resolution: Remove references to the certificate in the NGINX config, or add a new certificate resource to the NGINXaaS deployment with the modified certificate and key paths.
Error code: ForbiddenByPolicy
Description: The Managed Identity associated with the NGINXaaS deployment does not have permissions to fetch certificates from key vault. This error is returned when the key vault’s permission model is set to Vault access policy.
Resolution: Assign an access policy to the managed identity associated with your NGINXaaS deployment with Get secrets permissions or higher. If you are using the Azure portal, assign an additional access policy to your user with List certificates permissions or higher.
Create an access policy - Azure CLI
Get the principal ID of the user or system assigned managed identity.
User assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the managed identityMI_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the managed identity is in
mi_principal_id=$(az identity show --name $MI_NAME \ --resource-group $MI_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query principalId --output tsv)
System assigned managed identity
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the NGINXaaS deploymentDEP_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the NGINXaaS deployment is in
mi_principal_id=$(az nginx deployment show --name $DEP_NAME \ --resource-group $DEP_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --query identity.principalId --output tsv)
Create the access policy.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the key vaultKV_RESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the resource group the key vault is in
az keyvault set-policy --name $KV_NAME \ --resource-group $KV_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --object-id $mi_principal_id \ --secret-permissions get
Error code: DuplicateFilePathError
Description: A file already exists on the instance’s filesystem with the certificate or key’s file path.
Resolution: Rename the certificate or key path, so there are no collisions with existing certificate and NGINX config file paths.
Error code: SecretDisabled
Description: The certificate is set to disabled in the key vault.
Resolution: Enable the certificate in the key vault.
Enable a certificate in key vault - Azure CLI
Get the resource ID of the certificate.
Please ensure the following environment variables are set before copying the below Azure CLI command.
: the name of the certificateKV_NAME
: the name of the key vault
certificate_id=$(az keyvault certificate show --name $CERT_NAME \ --vault-name $KV_NAME \ --query id --output tsv)
Enable the certificate.
az keyvault certificate set-attributes --enabled true --id $certificate_id
Error code: NoCertificateContent
Description: No certificate was found when parsing the file.
Resolution: Ensure the file is not empty and contains properly formatted PEM or PKCS12 certificate data.
Error code: MissingContentType
Description: The retrieved secret is missing the contentType field.
Resolution: When creating an Azure certificate in key vault, the contentType field will be properly set to either application/x-pem-file or application/x-pkcs12. If a certificate is added as a generic Azure secret the contentType field must be manually set to help with interpreting the secret data when it is retrieved. We recommend creating a certificate object, instead of a secret object containing certificate data, to ensure proprer formatting and contentType.
Error code: UnrecognizedContentType
Description: The retrieved secret’s content type, as interpreted from the contentType field, is of an unsupported type.
Resolution: When creating an Azure certificate in key vault, the contentType field will be properly set to either application/x-pem-file or application/x-pkcs12. NGINXaaS does not support other content types added as generic Azure secrets. Ensure the provided certificate is either a PEM or PKCS12 Azure certificate.
Error code: PKCS12ParseFailure
Description: The PKCS12 certificate could not be parsed.
Resolution: Ensure the file is not empty and contains properly formatted PKCS12 certificate data.
Error code: PEMParseFailure
Description: The PEM certificate could not be parsed.
Resolution: Ensure the file is not empty and contains properly formatted PEM certificate data.