Azure CLI

Learn how to use the Azure CLI extension to manage NGINXaaS for Azure.

The Azure CLI has an extension to be used for management of NGINXaaS for Azure deployments whether that be locally or in continuous integration pipelines. This document links you to information around basic NGINXaaS extension usage.


Install the NGINXaaS for Azure extension

The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az nginx command.
az extension add --name nginx


See Azure NGINXaaS for Azure CLI Doc for a complete list of NGINXaaS CLI commands.

Create a deployment

See Azure CLI Deployment Create Documentation for example commands to create deployment resources.

Update a deployment

See Azure CLI Deployment Update Documentation for an example command to update deployment resources.

Delete a deployment

See Azure CLI Deployment Delete Documentation for an example command to delete deployment resources.

Create a certificate

Create a certificate under a deployment. This references an existing certificate in an Azure Key Vault and makes it available to NGINX configuration. See Azure CLI Certificate Create Documentation for an example command to create certificate resources.

Update a certificate

Update a certificate under a deployment. This references an existing certificate in an Azure Key Vault and makes it available to NGINX configuration. See Azure CLI Certificate Create Documentation for an example command to update certificate resources.

Delete a certificate

See Azure CLI Certificate Delete Documentation for an example command to delete certificate resources.

Create a configuration

Create a configuration for a deployment using a gzipped archive based on the NGINXaaS documentation below. See Azure CLI Configuration Create Documentation for example commands to create configuration resources.

Update a configuration

Update a configuration for a deployment using a gzipped archive based on the NGINXaaS documentation below. See Azure CLI Configuration Update Documentation for an example command to update configuration resources.

Additional Docs

If you are new to the Azure CLI, see: