Azure SDK

F5 NGINX as a Service for Azure (NGINXaaS) deployments can be managed using the multi-language SDK. This document outlines common workflows using the Python SDK. You can find example code to manage NGINXaaS deployments and related objects in the NGINXaaS GitHub repository, NGINXaaS Snippets.



Create or update a deployment

For example scripts to create or update deployment resources, see NGINXaaS Snippets

Create or update a certificate

Create or update a certificate under a deployment. This references an existing certificate in an Azure Key Vault and makes it available to the NGINX configuration. See NGINXaaS Snippets for example scripts to create or update deployment certificate resources.

Create or update a configuration

Create or update the default configuration for a deployment using a gzipped archive based on the NGINXaaS documentation below. See NGINXaaS Snippets for example scripts to create or update deployment configuration resources.

Additional Docs

Last modified March 19, 2025