Set up basic authentication


NGINX Instance Manager uses NGINX as a front-end proxy and for managing user access. By default, NGINX Instance Manager uses basic authentication, requiring you to send your username and password with each request to confirm your identity. When logging in for the first time, use the default admin account and password. After that, you can create additional user accounts. Instructions for adding users and setting passwords are provided below.

Security consideration
While convenient, basic authentication is less secure than other methods: credentials are sent as base64-encoded text, which is not a secure encryption method. If your data is intercepted, the encoding can be easily reversed. If you’re using NGINX Plus for your front-end proxy, consider switching to OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authentication. For production environments, we strongly recommend OIDC.

Default admin user

When you install NGINX Instance Manager, a default admin user is created with a randomly generated password that is shown in the installation output.

You can change the default admin password by running the provided script or by manually editing the /etc/nms/nginx/.htpasswd file. For instructions, see the Set user passwords section below.

The admin user is associated with an admin role that grants full permissions for all modules and features. You can delete the admin user, but only after assigning the admin role to another user. The admin role cannot be deleted and must always be assigned to at least one user.

Create new users

Please note that the web interface does not support adding user passwords directly. Once you’ve created new users, refer to the following steps to set user passwords.

To add users, take the following steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to the FQDN for your NGINX Instance Manager host and log in.

  2. Select the Settings (gear) icon in the upper-right corner.

  3. On the left menu, select Users.

  4. Select Create.

  5. On the Create User form, enter the details for the user:

    • Username: A unique username to identify the user.
    • Email: The user’s email address.
    • First Name: The user’s first name.
    • Last Name: The user’s last name.
    • Description: An optional brief description of the user.
  6. In the Roles list, select one or more roles to assign to the user.

    Learn more about roles and how to create them in the Getting started with RBAC topic.

  7. (Required for Basic Auth) Add each user’s username and password to the /etc/nms/nginx/.htpasswd file on the NGINX Instance Manager server. You can choose to run a script or make the changes manually. Refer to the Set user passwords topic for instructions.

See Also:
Refer to the Provision users and groups with SCIM topic for instructions on automating user and group creation using the SCIM API.

Set user passwords

Before you begin:
Before you can set users’ passwords, ensure you have created users in NGINX Instance Manager. Once you’ve created the users, you can use one of the following options to set their passwords.

(Recommended) Use the provided script

You can use the script to add a user’s encrypted password to the /etc/nms/nginx/.htpasswd file on the NGINX Instance Manager host.

The script requires the OpenSSL package. We strongly recommend OpenSSL v1.1.1 or later.

To change a user’s password with the script:

  1. Open an SSH connection to your NGINX Instance Manager host and log in.

  2. Run the script, providing the username you want to update and the desired password. Be sure to enclose the password in single quotation marks.

    sudo bash /etc/nms/scripts/ <username> '<desired password>'

    For example:

    sudo bash /etc/nms/scripts/ johndoe '<password>'

Manually set user passwords

To manually set user passwords:

  1. Open the /etc/nms/nginx/.htpasswd file on the NGINX Instance Manager host and add the username and password for each user.
  2. Save the changes to the file.
See Also:
Refer to the documentation Restricting access with HTTP basic auth for detailed instructions on working with the password file.

Making API requests with basic authentication

To use basic authentication for API requests, include your base64-encoded credentials as a “Basic” token in the “Authorization” header. To create the base64-encoded credentials, run the following command:

echo -n <username>:<password> | base64

Once you’ve generated the credentials, you can include them in your API request. Here’s how to do it with curl:

curl -X GET "https://<NIM_FQDN>/api/platform/<API_VERSION>/systems" -H "Authorization: Basic <base64_encoded_credentials>"

In this example, replace <NIM_FQDN> with your NGINX Instance Manager’s fully qualified domain name and <API_VERSION> with the API version you want to use.

Security consideration
While basic authentication is an option for API requests, it comes with security risks: credentials are sent as base64-encoded text, which is not secure encryption. If the data is intercepted, the encoding can be easily reversed. For production environments, where security is critical, we strongly recommend switching to OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Ending your browser session

With basic authentication, NGINX Instance Manager does not have a “Log Out” button. To end your session, close the web browser you’re using.

Closing the browser will void the authentication token or session cookie tied to your account. This step is essential for securing your account and preventing unauthorized access to NGINX Instance Manager.

Last modified January 3, 2025