Troubleshooting NGINX App Protect DoS

This document describes how to troubleshoot problems when using NGINX Ingress Controller and the App Protect DoS module.

To troubleshoot other parts of NGINX Ingress Controller, check the troubleshooting section of the documentation.

Potential problems

The table below outlines potential problems with NGINX Ingress Controller when the App Protect DoS module is enabled. It suggests how to troubleshoot those problems with methods explained in the next section.

Problem area Symptom Troubleshooting method Common cause
Start NGINX Ingress Controller fails to start. Check the NGINX Ingress Controller logs. Misconfigured DosProtectedResource, APDosLogConf or APDosPolicy.
DosProtectedResource, APDosLogConf, APDosPolicy or Ingress Resource. The configuration is not applied. Check the events of the DosProtectedResource, APDosLogConf, APDosPolicy and Ingress Resource, check the Ingress Controller logs. DosProtectedResource, APDosLogConf or APDosPolicy is invalid.

Troubleshooting ethods

Checking NGINX Ingress Controller and App Protect DoS logs

App Protect DoS logs are part of the NGINX Ingress Controller logs when the module is enabled. To check the Ingress Controller logs, follow the steps of Checking the Ingress Controller Logs of the Troubleshooting guide.

For App Protect DoS specific logs, look for messages starting with APP_PROTECT_DOS, such as:

2021/06/14 08:17:50 [notice] 242#242: APP_PROTECT_DOS { "event": "shared_memory_connected", "worker_pid": 242, "mode": "operational", "mode_changed": true }

Checking Ingress Resource Events

Follow the steps of Troubleshooting Ingress Resources.

Checking VirtualServer Resource Events

Follow the steps of Troubleshooting VirtualServer Resources.

Checking for DoSProtectedResource Events

After you create or update an DosProtectedResource, you can immediately check if the NGINX configuration was successfully applied by NGINX:

kubectl describe dosprotectedresource dos-protected
Name:         dos-protected
Namespace:    default

  Type     Reason          Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------          ----  ----                      -------
  Normal   AddedOrUpdated  2s    nginx-ingress-controller  Configuration for default/dos-protected was added or updated

Note that in the events section, we have a Normal event with the AddedOrUpdated reason, which informs us that the configuration was successfully applied.

If the DosProtectedResource refers to a missing resource, you should see a message like the following:

  Type     Reason    Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------    ----  ----                      -------
  Warning  Rejected  8s    nginx-ingress-controller  dos protected refers (default/dospolicy) to an invalid DosPolicy: DosPolicy default/dospolicy not found

This can be fixed by adding the missing resource.

Checking for APDosLogConf Events

After you create or update an APDosLogConf, you can immediately check if the NGINX configuration was successfully applied by NGINX:

kubectl describe apdoslogconf logconf
Name:         logconf
Namespace:    default

  Type    Reason          Age   From                      Message
  ----    ------          ----  ----                      -------
  Normal  AddedOrUpdated  11s   nginx-ingress-controller  AppProtectDosLogConfig  default/logconf was added or updated

Note that in the events section, we have a Normal event with the AddedOrUpdated reason, which informs us that the configuration was successfully applied.

Check events of APDosPolicy

After you create or update an APDosPolicy, you can immediately check if the NGINX configuration was successfully applied by NGINX:

kubectl describe apdospolicy dospolicy
Name:         dospolicy
Namespace:    default
. . .
  Type    Reason          Age    From                      Message
  ----    ------          ----   ----                      -------
  Normal  AddedOrUpdated  2m25s  nginx-ingress-controller  AppProtectDosPolicy default/dospolicy was added or updated

The events section has a Normal event with the AddedOrUpdated reason, indicating the policy was successfully accepted.

Run App Protect DoS in Debug log Mode

When you set the Ingress Controller to use debug log mode, the setting also applies to the App Protect DoS module. See Running NGINX in the Debug Mode for instructions.

You can enable debug log mode to App Protect DoS module only by setting the app-protect-dos-debug configmap.