Gateway API Compatibility

Learn which Gateway API resources NGINX Gateway Fabric supports and to which level.


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
GatewayClass Supported Not supported Supported v1
Gateway Supported Partially supported Not supported v1
HTTPRoute Supported Partially supported Not supported v1
ReferenceGrant Supported N/A Not supported v1beta1
GRPCRoute Supported Partially supported Not supported v1
TLSRoute Supported Not supported Not supported v1alpha2
TCPRoute Not supported Not supported Not supported N/A
UDPRoute Not supported Not supported Not supported N/A
BackendTLSPolicy Supported Supported Not supported v1alpha3
Custom policies N/A N/A Supported N/A


Gateway API features has three support levels: Core, Extended and Implementation-specific. We use the following terms to describe the support status for each level and resource field:

  • Supported. The resource or field is fully supported.
  • Partially supported. The resource or field is supported partially, with limitations. It will become fully supported in future releases.
  • Not supported. The resource or field is not yet supported. It will become partially or fully supported in future releases.
It’s possible that NGINX Gateway Fabric will never support some resources or fields of the Gateway API. They will be documented on a case by case basis. NGINX Gateway Fabric doesn’t support any features from the experimental release channel.


Each resource below includes the support status of their corresponding fields.

For a description of each field, visit the Gateway API documentation.


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
GatewayClass Supported Not supported Supported v1

NGINX Gateway Fabric supports a single GatewayClass resource configured with the --gatewayclass flag of the static-mode command.


  • spec
    • controllerName - supported.
    • parametersRef - NginxProxy resource supported.
    • description - supported.
  • status
    • conditions - supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
      • Accepted/True/Accepted
      • Accepted/False/InvalidParameters
      • Accepted/False/UnsupportedVersion
      • Accepted/False/GatewayClassConflict: Custom reason for when the GatewayClass references this controller, but a different GatewayClass name is provided to the controller via the command-line argument.
      • SupportedVersion/True/SupportedVersion
      • SupportedVersion/False/UnsupportedVersion


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
Gateway Supported Partially supported Not supported v1

NGINX Gateway Fabric supports a single Gateway resource. The Gateway resource must reference NGINX Gateway Fabric’s corresponding GatewayClass.

See the static-mode command for more information.


  • spec
    • gatewayClassName: Supported.
    • listeners
      • name: Supported.
      • hostname: Supported.
      • port: Supported.
      • protocol: Partially supported. Allowed values: HTTP, HTTPS.
      • tls
        • mode: Partially supported. Allowed value: Terminate.
        • certificateRefs - The TLS certificate and key must be stored in a Secret resource of type Only a single reference is supported.
        • options: Not supported.
      • allowedRoutes: Supported.
    • addresses: Not supported.
  • status
    • addresses: Partially supported (LoadBalancer and Pod IP).
    • conditions: Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
      • Accepted/True/Accepted
      • Accepted/True/ListenersNotValid
      • Accepted/False/ListenersNotValid
      • Accepted/False/Invalid
      • Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when a value of a field in a Gateway is invalid or not supported.
      • Accepted/False/GatewayConflict: Custom reason for when the Gateway is ignored due to a conflicting Gateway. NGINX Gateway Fabric only supports a single Gateway.
      • Programmed/True/Programmed
      • Programmed/False/Invalid
      • Programmed/False/GatewayConflict: Custom reason for when the Gateway is ignored due to a conflicting Gateway. NGINX Gateway Fabric only supports a single Gateway.
    • listeners
      • name: Supported.
      • supportedKinds: Supported.
      • attachedRoutes: Supported.
      • conditions: Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/UnsupportedProtocol
        • Accepted/False/InvalidCertificateRef
        • Accepted/False/ProtocolConflict
        • Accpeted/False/HostnameConflict
        • Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when a value of a field in a Listener is invalid or not supported.
        • Accepted/False/GatewayConflict: Custom reason for when the Gateway is ignored due to a conflicting Gateway. NGINX Gateway Fabric only supports a single Gateway.
        • Programmed/True/Programmed
        • Programmed/False/Invalid
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidCertificateRef
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidRouteKinds
        • Conflicted/True/ProtocolConflict
        • Conflicted/True/HostnameConflict
        • Conflicted/False/NoConflicts


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
HTTPRoute Supported Partially supported Not supported v1


  • spec
    • parentRefs: Partially supported. Port not supported.
    • hostnames: Supported.
    • rules
      • matches
        • path: Partially supported. Only PathPrefix and Exact types.
        • headers: Partially supported. Only Exact type.
        • queryParams: Partially supported. Only Exact type.
        • method: Supported.
      • filters
        • type: Supported.
        • requestRedirect: Supported except for the experimental path field. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest. Incompatible with urlRewrite.
        • requestHeaderModifier: Supported. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest.
        • urlRewrite: Supported. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest. Incompatible with requestRedirect.
        • responseHeaderModifier: Supported. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest.
        • requestMirror, extensionRef: Not supported.
      • backendRefs: Partially supported. Backend ref filters are not supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef: Supported.
      • controllerName: Supported.
      • conditions: Partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingParent
        • Accepted/False/NotAllowedByListeners
        • Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when the HTTPRoute includes an invalid or unsupported value.
        • Accepted/False/InvalidListener: Custom reason for when the HTTPRoute references an invalid listener.
        • Accepted/False/GatewayNotProgrammed: Custom reason for when the Gateway is not Programmed. HTTPRoute can be valid and configured, but will maintain this status as long as the Gateway is not Programmed.
        • Accepted/False/GatewayIgnored: Custom reason for when the Gateway is ignored by NGINX Gateway Fabric. NGINX Gateway Fabric only supports one Gateway.
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidKind
        • ResolvedRefs/False/RefNotPermitted
        • ResolvedRefs/False/BackendNotFound
        • ResolvedRefs/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when one of the HTTPRoute rules has a backendRef with an unsupported value.
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidIPFamily: Custom reason for when one of the HTTPRoute rules has a backendRef that has an invalid IPFamily.
        • PartiallyInvalid/True/UnsupportedValue


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
GRPCRoute Supported Partially supported Not supported v1


  • spec
    • parentRefs: Partially supported. Port not supported.
    • hostnames: Supported.
    • rules
      • matches
        • method: Partially supported. Only Exact type with both method.service and method.method specified.
        • headers: Partially supported. Only Exact type.
      • filters
        • type: Supported.
        • requestHeaderModifier: Supported. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest.
        • responseHeaderModifier: Supported. If multiple filters are configured, NGINX Gateway Fabric will choose the first and ignore the rest.
        • requestMirror, extensionRef: Not supported.
      • backendRefs: Partially supported. Backend ref filters are not supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef: Supported.
      • controllerName: Supported.
      • conditions: Partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingParent
        • Accepted/False/NotAllowedByListeners
        • Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when the GRPCRoute includes an invalid or unsupported value.
        • Accepted/False/InvalidListener: Custom reason for when the GRPCRoute references an invalid listener.
        • Accepted/False/GatewayNotProgrammed: Custom reason for when the Gateway is not Programmed. GRPCRoute can be valid and configured, but will maintain this status as long as the Gateway is not Programmed.
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidKind
        • ResolvedRefs/False/RefNotPermitted
        • ResolvedRefs/False/BackendNotFound
        • ResolvedRefs/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when one of the GRPCRoute rules has a backendRef with an unsupported value.
        • PartiallyInvalid/True/UnsupportedValue


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
ReferenceGrant Supported N/A Not supported v1beta1


  • spec
    • to
      • group - supported.
      • kind - supports Secret and Service.
      • name- supported.
    • from
      • group - supported.
      • kind - supports Gateway and HTTPRoute.
      • namespace- supported.


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
TLSRoute Supported Not supported Not supported v1alpha2


  • spec
    • parentRefs: Partially supported. Port not supported.
    • hostnames: Supported.
    • rules
      • backendRefs: Partially supported. Only one backend ref allowed.
        • weight: Not supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef: Supported.
      • controllerName: Supported.
      • conditions: Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingParent
        • Accepted/False/NotAllowedByListeners
        • Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute includes an invalid or unsupported value.
        • Accepted/False/InvalidListener: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute references an invalid listener.
        • Accepted/False/GatewayNotProgrammed: Custom reason for when the Gateway is not Programmed. TLSRoute can be valid and configured, but will maintain this status as long as the Gateway is not Programmed.
        • Accepted/False/HostnameConflict: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute has a hostname that conflicts with another TLSRoute on the same port.
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs
        • ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidKind
        • ResolvedRefs/False/RefNotPermitted
        • ResolvedRefs/False/BackendNotFound
        • ResolvedRefs/False/UnsupportedValue: Custom reason for when one of the TLSRoute rules has a backendRef with an unsupported value.
        • PartiallyInvalid/True/UnsupportedValue


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
TCPRoute Not supported Not supported Not supported N/A


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
UDPRoute Not supported Not supported Not supported N/A


Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
BackendTLSPolicy Supported Supported Not supported v1alpha3


  • spec
    • targetRefs
      • group - supported.
      • kind - supports Service.
      • name - supported.
    • validation
      • caCertificateRefs - supports single reference to a ConfigMap, with the CA certificate in a key named ca.crt.
        • name- supported.
        • group - supported.
        • kind - supports ConfigMap.
      • hostname - supported.
      • wellKnownCertificates - supports System. This will set the CA certificate to the Alpine system root CA path /etc/ssl/cert.pem. NB: This option will only work if the NGINX image used is Alpine based. The NGF NGINX images are Alpine based by default.
  • status
    • ancestors
      • ancestorRef - supported.
      • controllerName: supported.
      • conditions: Partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/PolicyReasonAccepted
        • Accepted/False/PolicyReasonInvalid
If multiple backendRefs are defined for a HTTPRoute rule, all the referenced Services must have matching BackendTLSPolicy configuration. BackendTLSPolicy configuration is considered to be matching if 1. CACertRefs reference the same ConfigMap, or 2. WellKnownCACerts are the same, and 3. Hostname is the same.

Custom Policies

Resource Core Support Level Extended Support Level Implementation-Specific Support Level API Version
Custom policies N/A N/A Supported N/A

Custom policies are NGINX Gateway Fabric-specific CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions) that support features such as tracing, and client connection settings. These important data-plane features are not part of the Gateway API specifications. While these CRDs are not part of the Gateway API, the mechanism to attach them to Gateway API resources is part of the Gateway API. See the Policy Attachment documentation.

See the custom policies document for more information.

Last modified October 22, 2024