
This topic describes possible issues when using NGINX Gateway Fabric and general troubleshooting techniques. When possible, suggested workarounds are provided.

General troubleshooting

When investigating a problem or requesting help, there are important data points that can be collected to help understand what issues may exist.

Resource status

To check the status of a resource, use kubectl describe. This example checks the status of the coffee HTTPRoute, which has an error:

kubectl describe coffee -n nginx-gateway
      Last Transition Time:  2024-05-31T17:20:51Z
      Message:               The route is accepted
      Observed Generation:   4
      Reason:                Accepted
      Status:                True
      Type:                  Accepted
      Last Transition Time:  2024-05-31T17:20:51Z
      Message:               spec.rules[0].backendRefs[0].name: Not found: "bad-backend"
      Observed Generation:   4
      Reason:                BackendNotFound
      Status:                False
      Type:                  ResolvedRefs
    Controller Name:
    Parent Ref:
      Kind:          Gateway
      Name:          gateway
      Namespace:     default
      Section Name:  http

If a resource has errors relating to its configuration or relationship to other resources, they can likely be read in the status. The ObservedGeneration in the status should match the ObservedGeneration of the resource. Otherwise, this could mean that the resource hasn’t been processed yet or that the status failed to update.

If no Status is written on the resource, further debug by checking if the referenced resources exist and belong to NGINX Gateway Fabric.


Events created by NGINX Gateway Fabric or other Kubernetes components could indicate system or configuration issues. To see events:

kubectl get events -n nginx-gateway

For example, a warning event when the NginxGateway configuration CRD is deleted:

kubectl -n nginx-gateway get event
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                           MESSAGE
5s          Warning   ResourceDeleted     nginxgateway/ngf-config                          NginxGateway configuration was deleted; using defaults

Get shell access to NGINX container

Getting shell access to containers allows developers and operators to view the environment of a running container, see its logs or diagnose any problems. To get shell access to the NGINX container, use kubectl exec:

kubectl exec -it -n nginx-gateway  <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx -- /bin/sh


Logs from the NGINX Gateway Fabric control plane and data plane can contain information that isn’t available to status or events. These can include errors in processing or passing traffic.

You can see logs for a crashed or killed container by adding the -p flag to the kubectl logs commands below.
  1. Container Logs

    To see logs for the control plane container:

    kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx-gateway

    To see logs for the data plane container:

    kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx
  2. Error Logs

    For the nginx-gateway container, you can grep the logs for the word error:

    kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx-gateway | grep error

    For example, an error message when telemetry is not enabled for NGINX Plus installations:

    kubectl logs -n nginx-gateway nginx-gateway-nginx-gateway-fabric-77f8746996-j6z6v | grep error
    Defaulted container "nginx-gateway" out of: nginx-gateway, nginx
    {"level":"error","ts":"2024-06-13T18:22:16Z","logger":"usageReporter","msg":"Usage reporting must be enabled when using NGINX Plus; redeploy with usage reporting enabled","error":"usage reporting not enabled","stacktrace":"\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*CronJob).Start\n\\*runnableGroup).reconcile.func1\n\"}

    For the nginx container you can grep for various error logs. For example, to search for all logs logged at the emerg level:

    kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx | grep emerg

    For example, if a variable is too long, NGINX may display such an error message:

    kubectl logs -n nginx-gateway ngf-nginx-gateway-fabric-bb8598998-jwk2m -c nginx | grep emerg
    2024/06/13 20:04:17 [emerg] 27#27: too long parameter, probably missing terminating """ character in /etc/nginx/conf.d/http.conf:78
  3. Access Logs

    NGINX access logs record all requests processed by the NGINX server. These logs provide detailed information about each request, which can be useful for troubleshooting and analyzing web traffic. Access logs can be viewed with the above method of using kubectl logs, or by viewing the access log file directly. To do that, get shell access to your NGINX container using these steps. The access logs are located in the file /var/log/nginx/access.log in the NGINX container.

  4. Modify Log Levels

    To modify log levels for the control plane in NGINX Gateway Fabric, edit the NginxGateway configuration. This can be done either before or after deploying NGINX Gateway Fabric. Refer to this guide to do so. To check error logs, modify the log level to error to view error logs. Similarly, change the log level to debug and grep for the word debug to view debug logs.

Understanding the generated NGINX configuration

Understanding the NGINX configuration is key for fixing issues because it shows how NGINX handles requests. This helps tweak settings to make sure NGINX behaves the way you want it to for your application. To see your current configuration, you can open a shell in the nginx container by following these steps and run nginx -T. To understand the usage of NGINX directives in the configuration file, consult this list of NGINX directives.

In this section, we will see how the configuration gets updated as we configure different Services, Deployments and HTTPRoutes with NGINX Gateway Fabric. In the configuration file, you’ll often find several server blocks, each assigned to specific ports and server names. NGINX selects the appropriate server for a request and evaluates the URI against the location directives within that block. When only a Gateway resource is defined, but no Services or HTTPRoutes are configured, NGINX generates a basic configuration. This includes a default server listening on the ports specified in the Gateway listeners, handling all incoming requests. Additionally, there are blocks to manage errors with status codes 500 or 502.

This is a default server block listening on port 80:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    default_type text/html;
    return 404;

Once a HTTPRoute with path matches and rules are defined, nginx.conf is updated accordingly to determine which location block will manage incoming requests. To demonstrate how nginx.conf is changed, create some resources:

  1. A Gateway with single listener with the hostname * on port 80.
  2. A simple coffee application.
  3. An HTTPRoute that exposes the coffee application outside the cluster using the listener created in step 1. The path and rule matches create different location blocks in nginx.conf to route requests as needed.

For example, this coffee route matches requests with path /coffee and type prefix. Examine how the nginx.conf is modified:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: coffee
  - name: gateway
    sectionName: http
  - ""
  - matches:
    - path:
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /coffee
    - name: coffee
      port: 80

The modified nginx.conf:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    default_type text/html;
    return 404;

server {
    listen 80;


    location /coffee/ {
        proxy_set_header Host "$gw_api_compliant_host";
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for";
        proxy_set_header Upgrade "$http_upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Connection "$connection_upgrade";
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_pass http://default_coffee_80$request_uri;

    location = /coffee {
        proxy_set_header Host "$gw_api_compliant_host";
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for";
        proxy_set_header Upgrade "$http_upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Connection "$connection_upgrade";
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_pass http://default_coffee_80$request_uri;

    location / {
        return 404 "";

upstream default_coffee_80 {
    random two least_conn;
    zone default_coffee_80 512k;


Key information to note is:

  1. A new server block is created with the hostname of the HTTPRoute. When a request is sent to this hostname, it will be handled by this server block.
  2. Within the server block, three new location blocks are added for coffee, each with distinct prefix and exact paths. Requests directed to the coffee application with a path prefix /coffee/hello will be managed by the first location block, while those with an exact path /coffee will be handled by the second location block. Any other requests not recognized by the server block for this hostname will default to the third location block, returning a 404 Not Found status.
  3. Each location block has headers and directives that configure the NGINX proxy to forward requests to the /coffee path correctly, preserving important client information and ensuring compatibility with the upstream server.
  4. The upstream block in the given NGINX configuration defines a group of backend servers and configures how NGINX should load balance requests among them.

Review the behaviour when a curl request is sent to the coffee application:

Matches location /coffee/ block

curl --resolve$GW_PORT:$GW_IP$GW_PORT/coffee/hello
Handling connection for 8080
Server address:
Server name: coffee-56b44d4c55-hwpkp
Date: 13/Jun/2024:22:51:52 +0000
URI: /coffee/hello
Request ID: 21fc2baad77337065e7cf2cd57e04383

Matches location = /coffee block

curl --resolve$GW_PORT:$GW_IP$GW_PORT/coffee
Handling connection for 8080
Server address:
Server name: coffee-56b44d4c55-hwpkp
Date: 13/Jun/2024:22:51:40 +0000
URI: /coffee
Request ID: 4d8d719e95063303e290ad74ecd7339f

Matches location / block

curl --resolve$GW_PORT:$GW_IP$GW_PORT/
Handling connection for 8080
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
The configuration may change in future releases. This configuration is valid for version 1.3.

Metrics for troubleshooting

Metrics can be useful to identify performance bottlenecks and pinpoint areas of high resource consumption within NGINX Gateway Fabric. To set up metrics collection, refer to the Prometheus Metrics guide. The metrics dashboard will help you understand problems with the way NGINX Gateway Fabric is set up or potential issues that could show up with time.

For example, metrics nginx_reloads_total and nginx_reload_errors_total offer valuable insights into the system’s stability and reliability. A high nginx_reloads_total value indicates frequent updates or configuration changes, while a high nginx_reload_errors_total value suggests issues with the configuration or other problems preventing successful reloads. Monitoring these metrics helps identify and resolve configuration errors, ensuring consistent service reliability.

In such situations, it’s advisable to review the logs of both NGINX and NGINX Gateway containers for any potential error messages. Additionally, verify the configured resources to ensure they are in a valid state.

Access the NGINX Plus Dashboard

If you have NGINX Gateway Fabric installed with NGINX Plus, you can access the NGINX Plus dashboard at http://localhost:8080/dashboard.html. Verify that the port number (for example, 8080) matches the port number you have port-forwarded to your NGINX Gateway Fabric Pod. For further details, see the dashboard guide

Common errors

Problem Area Symptom Troubleshooting Method Common Cause
Startup NGINX Gateway Fabric fails to start. Check logs for nginx and nginx-gateway containers. Readiness probe failed.
Resources not configured Status missing on resources. Check referenced resources. Referenced resources do not belong to NGINX Gateway Fabric.
NGINX errors Reload failures on NGINX Fix permissions for control plane. Security context not configured.
Usage reporting Errors logs related to usage reporting Enable usage reporting. Refer to Usage Reporting Usage reporting disabled.
Client Settings Request entity too large error Adjust client settings. Refer to Client Settings Policy Payload is greater than the client_max_body_size value.
NGINX fails to reload

NGINX reload errors can occur for various reasons, including syntax errors in configuration files, permission issues, and more. To determine if NGINX has failed to reload, check logs for your nginx-gateway and nginx containers. You will see the following error in the nginx-gateway logs: failed to reload NGINX:, followed by the reason for the failure. Similarly, error logs in nginx container start with emerg. For example, 2024/06/12 14:25:11 [emerg] 12345#0: open() "/var/run/" failed (13: Permission denied) shows a critical error, such as a permission problem preventing NGINX from accessing necessary files.

To debug why your reload has failed, start with verifying the syntax of your configuration files by opening a shell in the NGINX container following these steps and running nginx -T. If there are errors in your configuration file, the reload will fail and specify the reason for it.

NGINX Gateway Fabric Pod is not running or ready

To understand why the NGINX Gateway Fabric Pod has not started running or is not ready, check the state of the Pod to get detailed information about the current status and events happening in the Pod. To do this, use kubectl describe:

kubectl describe pod <ngf-pod-name> -n nginx-gateway

The Pod description includes details about the image name, tags, current status, and environment variables. Verify that these details match your setup and cross-check with the events to ensure everything is functioning as expected. For example, the Pod below has two containers that are running and the events reflect the same.

    Container ID:  containerd://06c97a9de938b35049b7c63e251418395aef65dd1ff996119362212708b79cab
    Image:         nginx-gateway-fabric
    Image ID:
    Ports:         9113/TCP, 8081/TCP
    Host Ports:    0/TCP, 0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:47:46 -0600
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Readiness:      http-get http://:health/readyz delay=3s timeout=1s period=1s #success=1 #failure=3
      POD_IP:          (v1:status.podIP)
      POD_NAMESPACE:  nginx-gateway (v1:metadata.namespace)
      POD_NAME:       ngf-nginx-gateway-fabric-66dd665756-zh7d7 (
    Container ID:   containerd://c2f3684fd8922e4fac7d5707ab4eb5f49b1f76a48893852c9a812cd6dbaa2f55
    Image:          nginx-gateway-fabric/nginx
    Image ID:
    Ports:          80/TCP, 443/TCP
    Host Ports:     0/TCP, 0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:47:46 -0600
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
  Type    Reason     Age   From               Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  40s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned nginx-gateway/ngf-nginx-gateway-fabric-66dd665756-zh7d7 to kind-control-plane
  Normal  Pulled     40s   kubelet            Container image "nginx-gateway-fabric" already present on machine
  Normal  Created    40s   kubelet            Created container nginx-gateway
  Normal  Started    39s   kubelet            Started container nginx-gateway
  Normal  Pulled     39s   kubelet            Container image "nginx-gateway-fabric/nginx" already present on machine
  Normal  Created    39s   kubelet            Created container nginx
  Normal  Started    39s   kubelet            Started container nginx
Insufficient Privileges errors

Depending on your environment’s configuration, the control plane may not have the proper permissions to reload NGINX. The NGINX configuration will not be applied and you will see the following error in the nginx-gateway logs:

failed to reload NGINX: failed to send the HUP signal to NGINX main: operation not permitted

To resolve this issue you will need to set allowPrivilegeEscalation to true.

  • If using Helm, you can set the nginxGateway.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation value.
  • If using the manifests directly, you can update this field under the nginx-gateway container’s securityContext.
Usage Reporting errors

If using NGINX Gateway Fabric with NGINX Plus as the data plane, you will see the following error in the nginx-gateway logs if you have not enabled Usage Reporting:

usage reporting not enabled

To resolve this issue, enable Usage Reporting by following the Usage Reporting guide.

413 Request Entity Too Large

If you receive the following error:

<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>

Or view the following error message in the NGINX logs:

2024/05/30 21:48:22 [error] 138#138: *43 client intended to send too large body: 112 bytes, client:, server:, request: "POST /coffee HTTP/1.1", host: ""

The request body exceeds the client_max_body_size. To resolve this, you can configure the client_max_body_size using the ClientSettingsPolicy API. Read the Client Settings Policy documentation for more information.

IP Family Mismatch Errors

If you describe your HTTPRoute and see the following error:

      Last Transition Time:  2024-07-14T23:36:37Z
      Message:               The route is accepted
      Observed Generation:   1
      Reason:                Accepted
      Status:                True
      Type:                  Accepted
      Last Transition Time:  2024-07-14T23:36:37Z
      Message:               Service configured with IPv4 family but NginxProxy is configured with IPv6
      Observed Generation:   1
      Reason:                InvalidServiceIPFamily
      Status:                False
      Type:                  ResolvedRefs
    Controller Name:

The Service associated with your HTTPRoute is configured with a IP Family different than the one specified in the NginxProxy configuration. To resolve this, you can do one of the following:

  • Update the NginxProxy configuration with the proper ipFamily field. You can edit the NginxProxy configuration using kubectl edit. For example:

    kubectl edit -n nginx-gateway ngf-proxy-config
  • When installing NGINX Gateway Fabric, change the IPFamily by modifying the field nginx.config.ipFamily in the values.yaml or add the --set nginx.config.ipFamily= flag to the helm install command. The supported IPFamilies are ipv4, ipv6 and dual (default).

  • Adjust the IPFamily of your Service to match that of the NginxProxy configuration.

Policy cannot be applied to target

If you describe your Policy and see the following error:

      Last Transition Time:  2024-08-20T14:48:53Z
      Message:               Policy cannot be applied to target "default/route1" since another Route "default/route2" shares a hostname:port/path combination with this target
      Observed Generation:   3
      Reason:                TargetConflict
      Status:                False
      Type:                  Accepted

This means you are attempting to attach a Policy to a Route that has an overlapping hostname:port/path combination with another Route. To work around this, you can do one of the following:

  • Combine the Route rules for the overlapping path into a single Route.
  • If the Policy allows it, specify both Routes in the targetRefs list.

Further reading

You can view the Kubernetes Troubleshooting Guide for more debugging guidance.

Last modified October 22, 2024