
This topic describes possible issues users might encounter when using NGINX Gateway Fabric. When possible, suggested workarounds are provided.

General troubleshooting

When investigating a problem or requesting help, there are important data points that can be collected to help understand what issues may exist.

Resource status

To check the status of a resource, use kubectl describe. This example checks the status of the coffee HTTPRoute, which has an error:

kubectl describe coffee [-n namespace]
      Last Transition Time:  2024-05-31T17:20:51Z
      Message:               The route is accepted
      Observed Generation:   4
      Reason:                Accepted
      Status:                True
      Type:                  Accepted
      Last Transition Time:  2024-05-31T17:20:51Z
      Message:               spec.rules[0].backendRefs[0].name: Not found: "bad-backend"
      Observed Generation:   4
      Reason:                BackendNotFound
      Status:                False
      Type:                  ResolvedRefs
    Controller Name:
    Parent Ref:
      Kind:          Gateway
      Name:          gateway
      Namespace:     default
      Section Name:  http

If a resource has errors relating to its configuration or relationship to other resources, they can likely be read in the status. The ObservedGeneration in the status should match the ObservedGeneration of the resource. Otherwise, this could mean that the resource hasn’t been processed yet or that the status failed to update.


Events created by NGINX Gateway Fabric or other Kubernetes components could indicate system or configuration issues. To see events:

kubectl get events [-n namespace]

For example, a warning event when the NginxGateway configuration CRD is deleted:

kubectl -n nginx-gateway get event
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                           MESSAGE
5s          Warning   ResourceDeleted     nginxgateway/ngf-config                          NginxGateway configuration was deleted; using defaults

Logs from the NGINX Gateway Fabric control plane and data plane can contain information that isn’t available to status or events. These can include errors in processing or passing traffic.

To see logs for the control plane container:

kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx-gateway

To see logs for the data plane container:

kubectl -n nginx-gateway logs <ngf-pod-name> -c nginx

You can see logs for a crashed or killed container by adding the -p flag to the above commands.

NGINX fails to reload


Depending on your environment’s configuration, the control plane may not have the proper permissions to reload NGINX. The NGINX configuration will not be applied and you will see the following error in the nginx-gateway logs:

failed to reload NGINX: failed to send the HUP signal to NGINX main: operation not permitted


To resolve this issue you will need to set allowPrivilegeEscalation to true.

  • If using Helm, you can set the nginxGateway.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation value.
  • If using the manifests directly, you can update this field under the nginx-gateway container’s securityContext.

Usage Reporting errors


If using NGINX Gateway Fabric with NGINX Plus as the data plane, you will see the following error in the nginx-gateway logs if you have not enabled Usage Reporting:

usage reporting not enabled


To resolve this issue, enable Usage Reporting by following the Usage Reporting guide.

413 Request Entity Too Large


If you receive the following error:

<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>

Or view the following error message in the NGINX logs:

2024/05/30 21:48:22 [error] 138#138: *43 client intended to send too large body: 112 bytes, client:, server:, request: "POST /coffee HTTP/1.1", host: ""

The request body exceeds the client_max_body_size.


You can configure the client_max_body_size using the ClientSettingsPolicy API. Read the Client Settings Policy documentation for more information.