Configure NGINX Instance Manager with nms.conf
Legacy 'nms' references
Some commands, file paths, and configuration references still usenms
due to the ongoing transition from NGINX Management Suite (NMS) to NGINX Instance Manager (NIM). These will be updated in future releases.
This guide explains how to configure F5 NGINX Instance Manager by editing the /etc/nms/nms.conf file.
Before you start
Before you set up NGINX Instance Manager, ensure:
- You have access to the /etc/nms/nms.conf file on the host where NGINX Instance Manager is installed.
- You understand the required settings and options.
- You have the necessary permissions to edit the configuration file.
Configuration details
Edit the /etc/nms/nms.conf file to configure NGINX Instance Manager. The comments in the example configuration file provide details on each setting and its usage.
Example nms.conf with default settings and values
# This is the default /etc/nms/nms.conf file distributed with Linux packages.
user: nms
daemon: true
# Root dqlite db directory. Each subdirectory here is dedicated to the process
db_root_dir: /var/lib/nms/dqlite
# Default log level for all processes. Each process can override this level.
encoding: console
level: error
prefix: /var/lib/nms
# NMS modules config are available here to be read if installed
conf_dir: /etc/nms/modules
# Enable this for core on TCP
# address:
address: unix:/var/run/nms/core.sock
grpc_addr: unix:/var/run/nms/coregrpc.sock
# Catalogs config
metrics_data_dir: /usr/share/nms/catalogs/metrics
events_data_dir: /usr/share/nms/catalogs/events
dimensions_data_dir: /usr/share/nms/catalogs/dimensions
# Dqlite config
# Disable this to prevent automatic cleanup on a module removal of its RBAC features and permissions
disable_rbac_cleanup: false
# Enable this for dpm on TCP
# address:
address: unix:/var/run/nms/dpm.sock
# Enable this for dpm gRPC server on TCP
# grpc_addr:
grpc_addr: unix:/var/run/nms/am.sock
# Dqlite config
# WATCHDOG configurations
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in seconds, messages are sent to the watchdog.
# The default interval is 2 seconds
reporting_period: 2s
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in seconds, the system checks in with the watchdog timer to reset.
# The default interval is 5 seconds
check_period: 5s
# Enable this setting to specify the maximum allowable time for the system to operate without resetting the watchdog.
# The default interval is 30 seconds
threshold_duration: 30s
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in seconds, performance statistics are collected and analyzed by the watchdog.
# The default interval is 30 seconds
stats_period: 30s
# Enable this setting to specify the maximum amount of time allowed for a deployment process to complete.
# The default interval is 10 minutes
deployment_timeout: 10m
# NATS config
address: nats://
# NATS streaming
store_root_dir: /var/lib/nms/streaming
# 10GB
max_store_bytes: 10737418240
# 1GB
max_memory_bytes: 1073741824
# 8MB
max_message_bytes: 8388608
# ClickHouse schema migration check interval
clickhouse_migration_interval: 100s
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in hours, offline agents are pruned from the system
# The default interval is 72 hours
agent_prune_duration: 72h
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in hours, offline container agents are pruned from the system
# The default interval is 12 hours
agent_container_prune_duration: 12h
# Enable this for integrations on TCP
# address:
address: unix:/var/run/nms/integrations.sock
# Dqlite config
# Enable this setting to automatically retrieve the latest Attack Signatures and Threat Campaigns.
enable: true
# Enable this setting to specify how often, in hours, the latest Attack Signatures and Threat Campaigns are retrieved.
# The default interval is 6 hours, the maximum interval is 48 hours, and the minimum is 1 hour.
interval: 6
# Enable this setting to specify how many updates to download for the latest Attack Signatures and Threat Campaigns.
# By default, the 10 latest updates are downloaded. The maximum value is 20, and the minimum value is 1.
number_of_updates: 10
# Time to live for attack signatures. If the attack signatures exceed their TTL and are not deployed to an instance or
# instance group, they will be deleted from the database. Duration unit can be seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
attack_signatures_ttl: 336h
# Time to live for compiled bundles, this includes compiled security policies and compiled log profiles. If a compiled
# bundle exceeds its TTL and is not deployed to an instance or instance group, it will be deleted from the database. Note
# that the compiled bundle is deleted, not the definition of it (i.e., the security policy or log profile definition).
# Duration unit can be seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
compiled_bundles_ttl: 336h
# Time to live for threat campaigns. If the threat campaigns exceed their TTL and are not deployed to an instance or
# instance group, they will be deleted from the database. Duration unit can be seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
threat_campaigns_ttl: 1440h
# Enable this for ingestion gRPC server on TCP
# grpc_addr:
grpc_addr: unix:/var/run/nms/ingestion.sock
# Parameters for ingesting metrics and events
# All limits are inclusive on both ends of the bound.
# Buffer_size limits: 2,000 - 1,000,000
buffer_size: 20000
buffer_flush_interval: 1m
buffer_check_interval: 1s
# Insert_connection_retries limits: -1 - 10
insert_connection_retries: -1
insert_connection_retry_interval: 5s
# Insert_timeout_retries limits: 2 - 10
insert_timeout_retries: 3
insert_timeout_retry_interval: 30s
transaction_timeout: 30s
# Concurrent_transactions limits: 2 - 20
concurrent_transactions: 10
# ClickHouse config for establishing a ClickHouse connection
# Below address not used if TLS mode is enabled
# Ensure username and password are wrapped in quotes
# The default ClickHouse username on install is empty. If you've set up a custom user, set the username here
username: ""
# The default ClickHouse password on install is empty. If you've set a custom password, set the password here
password: ""
# The TTL configurations below define how long data for features will be retained in ClickHouse
# The default values can be updated for a custom retention period. Restart nms-dpm to apply any modifications to TTL
- feature: metrics
ttl: 32 # number of days
- feature: events
ttl: 120 # number of days
- feature: securityevents
ttl: 32 # number of days
# # Enable TLS configurations for ClickHouse connections
# tls:
# # Address pointing to <tcp_port_secure> of ClickHouse
# # Below CH address is used when TLS mode is active
# tls_address:
# # Verification should be skipped for self-signed certificates
# skip_verify: true
# key_path
Last modified March 19, 2025