Organize instances with tags


Tags allow you to label and group NGINX instances in F5 NGINX Instance Manager.

Adding a Tag

There are two ways you can add tags:

  • Add tags to the agent-dynamic.conf file.
  • Add tags using the Instance Manager web interface.

Add Tags with a Configuration File

You can edit the agent-dynamic.conf file to add a tag to an instance.

These tags show up during registration and can’t be removed from the web interface – if you try to remove these tags in the web interface, the NGINX Agent adds them back when restarting.

To add tags to the configuration file, take the following steps:

  1. Edit the /var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf file and add the tags in a list under the key tags:

    If you’re running Instance Manager 2.10.1 or earlier or NGINX Agent 2.25.1 or earlier, the agent-dynamic.conf file is located in /etc/nginx-agent/.
  2. Restart the NGINX Agent service:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx-agent

Add Tags using the Web Interface

To add tags using the Instance Manager web interface, take the following steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to the FQDN for your NGINX Management Suite host and log in.

  2. In the left menu, select Instances.

  3. Select an instance row in the list of instances. An informational panel for the instance is displayed.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. In the System Tags box, select one or more tags to associate with the instance. To add a new tag, type the name for the tag, then select Add New Tag.

    • You can remove a tag from an instance by clicking the x next to the tag’s name.
  6. Select Save.

Last modified March 19, 2025