Manage WAF Security Policies and Security Log Profiles
F5 NGINX Management Suite Instance Manager provides the ability to manage the configuration of NGINX App Protect WAF instances either by the user interface or the REST API. This includes editing, updating, and deploying security policies, log profiles, attack signatures, and threat campaigns to individual instances and/or instance groups.
In Instance Manager v2.14.0 and later, you can compile a security policy, attack signatures, and threat campaigns into a security policy bundle. A security policy bundle consists of the security policy, the attack signatures, and threat campaigns for a particular version of NGINX App Protect WAF, and additional supporting files that make it possible for NGINX App Protect WAF to use the bundle. Because the security policy bundle is pre-compiled, the configuration gets applied faster than when you individually reference the security policy, attack signature, and threat campaign files.
The following capabilities are only available via the Instance Manager REST API:
- Update security policies
- Create, read, and update security policy bundles
- Create, read, update, and delete Security Log Profiles
- Publish security policies, security log profiles, attack signatures, and/or threat campaigns to instances and instance groups
Before You Begin
Complete the following prerequisites before proceeding with this guide:
Verify that your user account has the necessary permissions to access the Instance Manager REST API:
- Module: Instance Manager
- Feature: Instance Management
- Access:
- Feature: Security Policies
- Access:
The following are required to use support policy bundles:
- You must have
permissions for the security policies specified in the request. - The correct
packages for the NGINX App Protect WAF version you’re using are installed on Instance Manager. - The attack signatures and threat campaigns that you want to use are installed on Instance Manager.
How to Access the Web Interface
To access the web interface, go to the FQDN for your NGINX Instance Manager host in a web browser and log in. Once you’re logged in, select “Instance Manager” from the Launchpad menu.
How to Access the REST API
You can use tools like curl
or Postman to interact with the NGINX Instance Manager REST API. The API URL is https://<NIM-FQDN>/api/[nim|platform]/<API_VERSION>
, and each request requires authentication. For more details on authentication options, see the API Overview.
Create a Security Policy
To create a security policy using the Instance Manager web interface:
In a web browser, go to the FQDN for your NGINX Management Suite host and log in. Then, from the Launchpad menu, select Instance Manager.
On the left menu, select App Protect.
On the Security Policies page, select Create.
On the Create Policy page, fill out the necessary fields:
Name: Provide a name for the policy.
Description: (Optional) Add a short description for the policy.
Enter Policy: Type or paste the policy in JSON format into the form provided. The editor will validate the JSON for accuracy.
For more information about creating custom policies, refer to the NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide and the Policy Authoring and Tuning section of the config guide.
Select Save.
To upload a new security policy, send an HTTP POST
request to the Security Policies API endpoint.
Before sending a security policy to Instance Manager, you need to encode it usingbase64
. Submitting a policy in its original JSON format will result in an error.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/policies |
For example:
curl -X POST https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
-d @ignore-xss-example.json
JSON Request
"metadata": {
"name": "ignore-cross-site-scripting",
"displayName": "Ignore cross-site scripting",
"description": "Ignore cross-site scripting is a security policy that intentionally ignores cross site scripting."
"content": "ewoJInBvbGljeSI6IHsKCQkibmFtZSI6ICJzaW1wbGUtYmxvY2tpbmctcG9saWN5IiwKCQkic2lnbmF0dXJlcyI6IFsKCQkJewoJCQkJInNpZ25hdHVyZUlkIjogMjAwMDAxODM0LAoJCQkJImVuYWJsZWQiOiBmYWxzZQoJCQl9CgkJXSwKCQkidGVtcGxhdGUiOiB7CgkJCSJuYW1lIjogIlBPTElDWV9URU1QTEFURV9OR0lOWF9CQVNFIgoJCX0sCgkJImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiAidXRmLTgiLAoJCSJlbmZvcmNlbWVudE1vZGUiOiAiYmxvY2tpbmciCgl9Cn0="
JSON Response
"metadata": {
"created": "2022-04-10T23:19:58.502Z",
"description": "string",
"displayName": "Ignore cross-site scripting",
"modified": "2022-04-12T23:19:58.502Z",
"name": "ignore-cross-site-scripting",
"revisionTimestamp": "2022-04-12T23:19:58.502Z",
"uid": "21daa130-4ba4-442b-bc4e-ab294af123e5"
"selfLink": {
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/services/environments/prod"
Update a Security Policy
To update a security policy, send an HTTP POST
request to the Security Policies API endpoint, /api/platform/v1/security/policies
You can use the optional isNewRevision
parameter to indicate whether the updated policy is a new version of an existing policy.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/policies?isNewRevision=true |
PUT | /api/platform/v1/security/policies/{system_id_string} |
For example:
curl -X POST https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies?isNewRevision=true \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
-d @update-xss-policy.json
You can update a specific policy by sending an HTTP PUT
request to the Security Policies API endpoint that includes the policy’s unique identifier (UID).
To find the UID, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Policies API endpoint. This returns a list of all Security Policies that contains the unique identifier for each policy.
Include the UID for the security policy in your PUT
request to update the policy. Once the policy update is accepted, the WAF compiler will create a new, updated bundle.
For example:
curl -X PUT https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/23139e0a-4ac8-49f9-b7a0-0577b42c70c7 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
--Content-Type application/json -d @update-xss-policy.json
After you have pushed an updated security policy, you can publish it to selected instances or instance groups.
Delete a Security Policy
To delete a security policy using the Instance Manager web interface:
- In a web browser, go to the FQDN for your NGINX Management Suite host and log in. Then, from the Launchpad menu, select Instance Manager.
- On the left menu, select App Protect.
- On the Security Policies page, select the Actions menu (represented by an ellipsis, …) for the policy you want to delete. Select Delete to remove the policy.
To delete a security policy, send an HTTP DELETE
request to the Security Policies API endpoint that includes the unique identifier for the policy that you want to delete.
Method | Endpoint |
DELETE | /api/platform/v1/security/policies/{security-policy-uid} |
For example:
curl -X DELETE https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/23139e0a-4ac8-49f9-b7a0-0577b42c70c7 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
Create Security Policy Bundles
To create security policy bundles, send an HTTP POST
request to the Security Policies Bundles API endpoint. The specified security policies you’d like to compile into security policy bundles must already exist in Instance Manager.
Required Fields
: The version of NGINX App Protect WAF being used.policyName
: The name of security policy to include in the bundle. This must reference an existing security policy; refer to the Create a Security Policy section above for instructions.
- If you do not specify a value for the
fields, the latest version of each will be used by default. You can also explicitly state that you want to use the most recent version by specifying the keywordlatest
as the value. - If the
field is not defined, the latest version of the specified security policy will be used. This field does not allow use of the keywordlatest
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/policies/bundles |
For example:
curl -X POST https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/bundles \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
-d @security-policy-bundles.json
JSON Request
"bundles": [{
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "default-enforcement",
"policyUID": "29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.06.20",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.07.18"
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.279.0",
"policyName": "default-enforcement",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "latest",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "latest"
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "ignore-xss"
JSON Response
"items": [{
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "default-enforcement",
"policyUID": "29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.06.20",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.07.18",
"uid": "dceb8254-9a90-4e77-87ac-73070f821412"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiling",
"message": ""
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.279.0",
"policyName": "defautl-enforcement",
"policyUID": "04fc5b9849a6-612a-5c69-895a-29d86fe8",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.08.10",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.08.09",
"uid": "trs35lv2-9a90-4e77-87ac-ythn4967"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiling",
"message": ""
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "ignore-xss",
"policyUID": "849a604fc5b9-612a-5c69-895a-86f29de8",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.08.10",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.08.09",
"uid": "nbu844lz-9a90-4e77-87ac-zze8861d"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiling",
"message": ""
List Security Policy Bundles
To list security policy bundles, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Policies Bundles API endpoint.
The list will only contain the security policy bundles that you have “READ” permissions for in Instance Manager.
You can filter the results by using the following query parameters:
: Boolean indicating whether to include the security policy bundle content for each bundle when getting a list of bundles or not. If not provided, defaults tofalse
. Please note that the content returned isbase64 encoded
: String used to filter the list of security policy bundles; only security policy bundles that have the specified security policy name will be returned. If not provided, it will not filter based onpolicyName
: String used to filter the list of security policy bundles; only security policy bundles that have the specified security policy UID will be returned. If not provided, it will not filter based onpolicyUID
: The security policy bundle’s “modified time” has to be equal to or greater than this time value. If no value is supplied, it defaults to 24 hours from the current time.startTime
has to be less thanendTime
: Indicates the time that the security policy bundles modified time has to be less than. If no value is supplied, it defaults to current time.endTime
has to be greater thanstartTime
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/security/policies/bundles |
For example:
curl -X GET https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/bundles \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Response
"items": [{
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "default-enforcement",
"policyUID": "29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.06.20",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.07.18",
"uid": "dceb8254-9a90-4e77-87ac-73070f821412"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiled",
"message": ""
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.279.0",
"policyName": "defautl-enforcement",
"policyUID": "04fc5b9849a6-612a-5c69-895a-29d86fe8",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.08.10",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.08.09",
"uid": "trs35lv2-9a90-4e77-87ac-ythn4967"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiled",
"message": ""
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyName": "ignore-xss",
"policyUID": "849a604fc5b9-612a-5c69-895a-86f29de8",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.08.10",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.08.09",
"uid": "nbu844lz-9a90-4e77-87ac-zze8861d"
"content": "",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiling",
"message": ""
Get a Security Policy Bundle
To get a specific security policy bundle, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Policies Bundles API endpoint that contains the security policy UID and security policy bundle UID in the path.
You must have “READ” permission for the security policy bundle to be able to retrieve information about a bundle by using the REST API.
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/security/policies/{security-policy-uid}/bundles/{security-policy-bundle-uid} |
For example:
curl -X GET https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6/bundles/trs35lv2-9a90-4e77-87ac-ythn4967 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
The JSON response, shown in the example below, includes a content
field that is base64 encoded. After you retrieve the information from the API, you will need to base64 decode the content field. You can include this in your API call, as shown in the following example cURL request:
curl -X GET "https://{NMS_FQDN}/api/platform/v1/security/policies/{security-policy-uid}/bundles/{security-policy-bundle-uid}" -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz" | jq -r '.content' | base64 -d > security-policy-bundle.tgz
JSON Response
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"modified": "2023-10-04T23:19:58.502Z",
"appProtectWAFVersion": "4.457.0",
"policyUID": "29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6",
"attackSignatureVersionDateTime": "2023.08.10",
"threatCampaignVersionDateTime": "2023.08.09",
"uid": "trs35lv2-9a90-4e77-87ac-ythn4967"
"content": "ZXZlbnRzIHt9Cmh0dHAgeyAgCiAgICBzZXJ2ZXIgeyAgCiAgICAgICAgbGlzdGVuIDgwOyAgCiAgICAgICAgc2VydmVyX25hbWUgXzsKCiAgICAgICAgcmV0dXJuIDIwMCAiSGVsbG8iOyAgCiAgICB9ICAKfQ==",
"compilationStatus": {
"status": "compiled",
"message": ""
Create a Security Log Profile
request to the Security Log Profiles API endpoint to upload a new security log profile.
Before sending a security log profile to Instance Manager, you need to encode it usingbase64
. Submitting a log profile in its original JSON format will result in an error.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles |
For example:
curl -X POST https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
-d @default-log-example.json
JSON Request
"metadata": {
"name": "default-log-example"
"content": "Cgl7CgkJImZpbHRlciI6IHsKCQkJInJlcXVlc3RfdHlwZSI6ICJpbGxlZ2FsIgoJCX0sCgkJImNvbnRlbnQiOiB7CgkJCSJmb3JtYXQiOiAiZGVmYXVsdCIsCgkJCSJtYXhfcmVxdWVzdF9zaXplIjogImFueSIsCgkJCSJtYXhfbWVzc2FnZV9zaXplIjogIjVrIgoJCX0KCX0="
JSON Response
"metadata": {
"created": "2023-07-05T22:09:19.634358096Z",
"externalIdType": "",
"modified": "2023-07-05T22:09:19.634358096Z",
"name": "default-log-example",
"revisionTimestamp": "2023-07-05T22:09:19.634358096Z",
"uid": "54c35ad7-e082-4dc5-bb5d-2640a17d5620"
"selfLink": {
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles/54c35ad7-e082-4dc5-bb5d-2640a17d5620"
Update a Security Log Profile
To update a security log profile, send an HTTP POST
request to the Security Log Profiles API endpoint, /api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles
You can use the optional isNewRevision
parameter to indicate whether the updated log profile is a new version of an existing log profile.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles?isNewRevision=true |
PUT | /api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles/{security-log-profile-uid} |
For example:
curl -X POST https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles?isNewRevision=true \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
-d @update-default-log.json
You can update a specific log profile by sending an HTTP PUT
request to the Security Log Profiles API endpoint that includes the log profile’s unique identifier (UID).
To find the UID, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Log Profiles API endpoint. This returns a list of all Security Log Profiles that contains the unique identifier for each log profile.
Include the UID for the security log profile in your PUT
request to update the log profile.
For example:
curl -X PUT https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles/23139e0a-4ac8-49f9-b7a0-0577b42c70c7 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>" \
--Content-Type application/json -d @update-default-log.json
After you have pushed an updated security log profile, you can publish it to selected instances or instance groups.
Delete a Security Log Profile
To delete a security log profile, send an HTTP DELETE
request to the Security Log Profiles API endpoint that includes the unique identifier for the log profile that you want to delete.
Method | Endpoint |
DELETE | /api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles/{security-log-profile-uid} |
For example:
curl -X DELETE https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/logprofiles/23139e0a-4ac8-49f9-b7a0-0577b42c70c7 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
Publish Updates to Instances
The Publish API lets you distribute security policies, security log profiles, attack signatures, and/or threat campaigns to instances and instance groups.
Use this endpoint after you’ve added or updated security policies, security log profiles, attack signatures, and/or threat campaigns.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | /api/platform/v1/security/publish |
When making a request to the Publish API, make sure to include all the necessary information for your specific use case:
- Instance and/or Instance Group UID(s) to push the bundle to
- Threat Campaign version and UID
- Attack Signature version and UID
- Security Policy UID(s)
- Security Log Profile UID(s)
For example:
curl -X PUT https://{{NMS_FQDN}}/api/platform/v1/security/publish -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Request
"publications": [
"attackSignatureLibrary": {
"uid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"versionDateTime": "2022.10.02"
"instanceGroups": [
"instances": [
"logProfileContent": {
"name": "default-log",
"uid": "ffdbda39-88be-420a-b673-19d4183b7e4c"
"policyContent": {
"name": "default-enforcement",
"uid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
"threatCampaign": {
"uid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"versionDateTime": "2022.10.01"
JSON Response
"deployments": [
"deploymentUID": "ddc781ca-15d6-46c9-86ea-e7bdb91e8dec",
"links": {
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/security/deployments/ddc781ca-15d6-46c9-86ea-e7bdb91e8dec"
"result": "Publish security content request Accepted"
Check Security Policy and Security Log Profile Publication Status
When publishing an NGINX configuration that references a security policy and secuity log profile, the Instance Manager REST APIs can provide further details about the status of the configuration publications. To access this information, use the Instance Manager API endpoints and method as indicated.
To retrieve the details for the different configuration publication statuses for a particular security policy, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Deployments Associations API endpoint, providing the name of the security policy.
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/security/deployments/associations/{security-policy-name} |
You can locate the configuration publication status in the response within the field lastDeploymentDetails
for instances and instance groups:
(for an instance): associations -> instance -> lastDeploymentDetailslastDeploymentDetails
(for an instance in an instance group): associations -> instanceGroup -> instances -> lastDeploymentDetails
The example below shows a call to the security deployments associations
endpoint and the corresponding JSON response containing successful deployments.
curl -X GET "https://{NGINX-INSTANCE-MANAGER-FQDN}/api/platform/v1/security/deployments/associations/ignore-xss" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Response
"associations": [
"attackSignatureLibrary": {
"uid": "c69460cc-6b59-4813-8d9c-76e4a6c56b4b",
"versionDateTime": "2023.02.16"
"instance": {
"hostName": "ip-172-16-0-99",
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:11.519174534Z",
"details": {
"failure": [],
"pending": [],
"success": [
"name": "ip-172-16-0-99"
"id": "19cf5ed4-29d6-4139-b5f5-308c0d0ebb13",
"message": "Instance config successfully published to",
"status": "successful",
"updateTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:14.008108979Z"
"systemUid": "0435a5de-41c1-3754-b2e8-9d9fe946bafe",
"uid": "29d86fe8-612a-5c69-895a-04fc5b9849a6"
"instanceGroup": {
"displayName": "inst_group_1",
"instances": [
"hostName": "hostname1",
"systemUid": "49d143c2-f556-4cd7-8658-76fff54fb861",
"uid": "c8e15dcf-c504-4b7f-b52d-def7b8fd2f64",
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:11.519174534Z",
"details": {
"failure": [],
"pending": [],
"success": [
"name": "ip-172-16-0-99"
"id": "19cf5ed4-29d6-4139-b5f5-308c0d0ebb13",
"message": "Instance config successfully published to",
"status": "successful",
"updateTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:14.008108979Z"
"hostName": "hostname2",
"systemUid": "88a99ab0-15bb-4719-9107-daf5007c33f7",
"uid": "ed7e9173-794f-41af-80d9-4ed37d593247",
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:11.519174534Z",
"details": {
"failure": [],
"pending": [],
"success": [
"name": "ip-172-16-0-99"
"id": "19cf5ed4-29d6-4139-b5f5-308c0d0ebb13",
"message": "Instance config successfully published to",
"status": "successful",
"updateTime": "2023-04-11T21:36:14.008108979Z"
"uid": "51f8addc-c0e9-438b-b0b6-3e4f1aa8202d"
"policyUid": "9991f237-d9c7-47b7-98aa-faa836838f38",
"policyVersionDateTime": "2023-04-11T21:18:19.183Z",
"threatCampaign": {
"uid": "eab683fe-c2f1-4910-a88c-8bfbc6363164",
"versionDateTime": "2023.02.15"
To retrieve the details for the different configuration publication statuses for a particular security log profile, send an HTTP GET
request to the Security Deployments Associations API endpoint, providing the name of the security log profile.
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/security/deployments/logprofiles/associations/{security-log-profile-name} |
You can locate the configuration publication status in the response within the field lastDeploymentDetails
for instances and instance groups:
(for an instance): associations -> instance -> lastDeploymentDetailslastDeploymentDetails
(for an instance in an instance group): associations -> instanceGroup -> instances -> lastDeploymentDetails
The example below shows a call to the security deployments associations
endpoint and the corresponding JSON response containing successful deployments.
curl -X GET "https://{NGINX-INSTANCE-MANAGER-FQDN}/api/platform/v1/security/deployments/logprofiles/associations/default-log" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Response
"associations": [
"instance": {
"hostName": "",
"systemUid": "",
"uid": ""
"instanceGroup": {
"displayName": "ig1",
"instances": [
"hostName": "ip-172-16-0-142",
"systemUid": "1d1f03ff-02de-32c5-8dfd-902658aada4c",
"uid": "18d074e6-3868-51ba-9999-b7466a936815"
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-07-05T23:01:06.679136973Z",
"details": {
"failure": [],
"pending": [],
"success": [
"name": "ip-172-16-0-142"
"id": "9bfc9db7-877d-4e8e-a43d-9660a6cd11cc",
"message": "Instance Group config successfully published to ig1",
"status": "successful",
"updateTime": "2023-07-05T23:01:06.790802157Z"
"uid": "0df0386e-82f7-4efc-863e-5d7cfbc3f7df"
"logProfileUid": "b680f7c3-6fc0-4c6b-889a-3025580c7fcb",
"logProfileVersionDateTime": "2023-07-05T22:08:47.371Z"
"instance": {
"hostName": "ip-172-16-0-5",
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-07-05T21:45:08.698646791Z",
"details": {
"failure": [],
"pending": [],
"success": [
"name": "ip-172-16-0-5"
"id": "73cf670a-738a-4a74-b3fb-ac9771e89814",
"message": "Instance config successfully published to",
"status": "successful",
"updateTime": "2023-07-05T21:45:08.698646791Z"
"systemUid": "0afe5ac2-43aa-36c8-bcdc-7f88cdd35ab2",
"uid": "9bb4e2ef-3746-5d79-b526-e545fad27e90"
"instanceGroup": {
"displayName": "",
"instances": [],
"uid": ""
"logProfileUid": "bb3badb2-f8f5-4b95-9428-877fc208e2f1",
"logProfileVersionDateTime": "2023-07-03T21:46:17.006Z"
To retrieve the configuration publication status details for a particular instance, send an HTTP GET
request to the Instances API endpoint, providing the unique system and instance identifiers.
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/systems/{system-uid}/instances/{instance-id} |
You can locate the configuration publication status in the the response within the lastDeploymentDetails
field, which contains additional fields that provide more context around the status.
The example below shows a call to the instances
endpoint and the corresponding JSON response containing a compiler related error message.
curl -X GET "https://{NGINX-INSTANCE-MANAGER-FQDN}/api/platform/v1/systems/b9df6377-2c4f-3266-a64a-e064b0371c73/instances/5663cf4e-a0c7-50c8-b93c-16fd11a0f00b" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Response
"build": {
"nginxPlus": true,
"release": "nginx-plus-r28",
"version": "1.23.2"
"configPath": "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
"configVersion": {
"instanceGroup": {
"createTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"uid": "",
"versionHash": ""
"versions": [
"createTime": "2023-01-14T10:48:46.319Z",
"uid": "5663cf4e-a0c7-50c8-b93c-16fd11a0f00b",
"versionHash": "922e9d40fa6d4dd3a4b721295b8ecd95f73402644cb8d234f9f4f862b8a56bfc"
"displayName": "ip-192-0-2-27",
"links": [
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/systems/b9df6377-2c4f-3266-a64a-e064b0371c73",
"name": "system"
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/systems/b9df6377-2c4f-3266-a64a-e064b0371c73/instances/5663cf4e-a0c7-50c8-b93c-16fd11a0f00b",
"name": "self"
"rel": "/api/platform/v1/systems/instances/deployments/b31c6ab1-4a46-4c81-a065-204575145e8e",
"name": "deployment"
"processPath": "/usr/sbin/nginx",
"registrationTime": "2023-01-14T10:12:31.000Z",
"startTime": "2023-01-14T10:09:43Z",
"status": {
"lastStatusReport": "2023-01-14T11:11:49.323495017Z",
"state": "online"
"uid": "5663cf4e-a0c7-50c8-b93c-16fd11a0f00b",
"version": "1.23.2",
"appProtect": {
"attackSignatureVersion": "Available after publishing Attack Signatures from Instance Manager",
"status": "active",
"threatCampaignVersion": "Available after publishing Threat Campaigns from Instance Manager",
"version": "4.2.0"
"configureArgs": [
"lastDeploymentDetails": {
"createTime": "2023-01-14T11:10:25.096812852Z",
"details": {
"error": "{\"instance:b9df6377-2c4f-3266-a64a-e064b0371c73\":\"failed building config payload: policy compilation failed for deployment b31c6ab1-4a46-4c81-a065-204575145e8e due to integrations service error: the specified compiler (4.2.0) is missing, please install it and try again.\"}",
"failure": [
"failMessage": "failed building config payload: policy compilation failed for deployment b31c6ab1-4a46-4c81-a065-204575145e8e due to integrations service error: the specified compiler (4.2.0) is missing, please install it and try again.",
"name": "ip-192-0-2-27"
"pending": [],
"success": []
"id": "b31c6ab1-4a46-4c81-a065-204575145e8e",
"message": "Instance config failed to publish to",
"status": "failed",
"updateTime": "2023-01-14T11:10:25.175145693Z"
"loadableModules": [
"packages": [
"processId": "10345",
"ssl": {
"built": null,
"runtime": null
When you use the Publish API (/security/publish
) to publish a security policy and security log profile, Instance Manager creates a deployment ID for the request. To view the status of the update, or to check for any errors, use the endpoint and method shown below and reference the deployment ID.
Method | Endpoint |
GET | /api/platform/v1/systems/instances/deployments/{deployment-id} |
You can locate the configuration publication status in the the response within the details
field, which contains additional fields that provide more context around the status.
The example below shows a call to the deployments
endpoint and the corresponding JSON response containing a compiler error message.
curl -X GET --url "https://{NGINX-INSTANCE-MANAGER-FQDN}/api/platform/v1/systems/instances/deployments/d38a8e5d-2312-4046-a60f-a30a4aea1fbb" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
JSON Response
"createTime": "2023-01-14T04:35:47.566082799Z",
"details": {
"error": "{\"instance:8a2092aa-5612-370d-bff0-5d7521e206d6\":\"failed building config payload: policy bundle compilation failed for d38a8e5d-2312-4046-a60f-a30a4aea1fbb, integrations service returned the following error: missing the specified compiler (4.2.0) please install it and try again\"}",
"failure": [
"failMessage": "failed building config payload: policy bundle compilation failed for d38a8e5d-2312-4046-a60f-a30a4aea1fbb, integrations service returned the following error: missing the specified compiler (4.2.0) please install it and try again",
"name": "ip-192-0-2-243"
"pending": [],
"success": []
"id": "d38a8e5d-2312-4046-a60f-a30a4aea1fbb",
"message": "Instance config failed to publish to",
"status": "failed",
"updateTime": "2023-01-14T04:35:47.566082799Z"