Technical Specifications


NGINX Instance Manager provides centralized management for NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus instances across various environments, including bare metal, containers, public clouds (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and virtual machines. It supports several Linux distributions, including Amazon Linux, CentOS, Debian, RHEL, and Ubuntu. This guide outlines the technical specifications, minimum requirements, and supported platforms for deploying NGINX Instance Manager, ensuring optimal performance in both small and large environments.

Supported deployment environments

You can deploy NGINX Instance Manager in the following environments:

  • Bare metal
  • Container
  • Public cloud: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure
  • Virtual machine

Supported Linux Distributions

The following table lists the Linux distributions supported by NGINX Instance Manager and NGINX App Protect:

Distribution Version Architecture NGINX Instance Manager Support NGINX App Protect Support
Amazon Linux 2 LTS x86_64 Supported Support discontinued as of 2.18.0
CentOS 7.4 and later in the 7.x family x86_64 Support discontinued as of 2.17.0 Supported
Debian 11
Supported on 2.13.0+
Oracle Linux 7.4 and later in the 7.x family
8.0 and later in the 8.x family
Supported on 2.6.0+
RHEL 7.4 and later in the 7.x family
8.x and later in the 8.x family
9.x and later in the 9.x family
Support discontinued as of 2.17.0
Supported on 2.6.0+
Ubuntu 20.04
Supported on 2.3.0+
Supported on 2.18.0+

Supported NGINX Versions

NGINX Instance Manager supports the following NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus versions:

NGINX Instance Manager NGINX OSS NGINX Plus
2.18.0 and later 1.18–1.25.1 R31–R33
2.16.0–2.17.x 1.18–1.25.1 R31–R32
2.7.0–2.15.x 1.18–1.25.1 R21–R30
2.0.0–2.6.0 1.18–1.21.6 R21–R27

Sizing recommendations for Managing NGINX Instances

The following recommendations provide the minimum guidelines for NGINX Instance Manager. These guidelines ensure adequate performance, but for optimal results, we strongly recommend using solid-state drives (SSDs) for storage. If you set up deployments with NGINX App Protect, you may need additional memory and CPU.

Standard NGINX configuration deployments

This section outlines the recommendations for NGINX Instance Manager deployments with data plane instances using standard configurations, without NGINX App Protect. Standard configurations typically support up to 40 upstream servers with associated location and server blocks, and up to 350 certificates. This is ideal for medium-sized environments or applications with moderate traffic.

We recommend using SSDs to enhance storage performance.

Number of Data Plane Instances CPU Memory Network Storage
10 2 vCPU 4 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 100 GB
100 2 vCPU 4 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 1 TB
1000 4 vCPU 8 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 3 TB

These values represent the minimum resources needed for deployments that fall under standard configurations.

Large NGINX configuration deployments

For environments requiring more resources, large configurations are suitable. These configurations can support up to 300 upstream servers and are designed for enterprise environments or applications handling high traffic and complex configurations, without NGINX App Protect.

Number of Data Plane Instances CPU Memory Network Storage
50 4 vCPU 8 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 1 TB
250 4 vCPU 8 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 2 TB

NGINX configuration deployments with NGINX App Protect

If using NGINX App Protect features in NGINX Instance Manager, this requires additional CPU and Memory for policy compilation and security monitoring features. At a minimum, 8gb Memory and 4 CPUs are required for a standard NGINX App Protect use case (under 20 NGINX Plus instances). The requirements are heavily dependent on the number of policies being managed, the frequency of updates and the number of events being that occur in the security monitoring feature.

License and usage reporting only

This section assumes you’ve configured NGINX Instance Manager to manage your NGINX instances for licensing and usage reporting only. NGINX commercial license and usage reporting is done in an “unmanaged” way, where NGINX sends a request periodically to NGINX Instance Manager solely for counting purposes. For more information, see how you would Prepare your environment for reporting.

Therefore, the requirements for NGINX Instance Manager when used solely for licensing and usage reporting are minimal.

Number of Data Plane Instances CPU Memory Network Storage
n/a 2 vCPU 4 GB RAM 1 GbE NIC 20 GB

Sizing benchmarks for storage

The following benchmarks focus on disk storage requirements for NGINX Instance Manager. Storage needs depend on the number of instances and data retention periods (in days). The benchmarks are divided into three configuration sizes:

  • Small configuration: Typically supports about 15 servers, 50 locations, and 30 upstreams/backends. Each instance generates 3,439 metrics per minute.
  • Medium configuration: Usually includes about 50 servers, 200 locations, and 200 upstreams/backends. Each instance generates 16,766 metrics per minute.
  • Generic Large configuration: Handles up to 100 servers, 1,000 locations, and 900 upstreams/backends. In NGINX Plus, each instance generates 59,484 metrics per minute.

Storage requirements for NGINX Plus

The table below provides storage estimates for NGINX Plus based on configuration size, number of instances, and a 14-day data retention period. Larger configurations and longer retention periods will require proportionally more storage.

Config Size Instances Retention (days) Estimated Disk Usage (NGINX Plus)
Small Size 10 14 5 GiB
50 14 25 GiB
100 14 45 GiB
1000 14 450 GiB
Medium Size 10 14 25 GiB
50 14 126 GiB
100 14 251 GiB
500 14 1.157 TiB
Generic Large Size 10 14 100 GiB
50 14 426 GiB
100 14 850 GiB
250 14 2 TiB
MiB (mebibyte), GiB (gibibyte), and TiB (tebibyte) are units of data storage. MiB equals 1,024^2 (2^20) bytes, GiB equals 1,024^3 (2^30) bytes, and TiB equals 1,024^4 (2^40) bytes. These are often used in computing to represent binary data storage capacities, as opposed to MB (megabyte), GB (gigabyte), and TB (terabyte), which use decimal units.

Storage requirements for NGINX OSS

NGINX OSS collects fewer metrics per instance compared to NGINX Plus. This is because NGINX OSS lacks the advanced features of NGINX Plus, such as the NGINX Plus API, which limits the amount of operational data collected and stored. For example, in the Generic Large configuration, NGINX OSS generates only 167 metrics per minute per instance, compared to 59,484 metrics per minute in NGINX Plus.

The table below shows the estimated storage requirements for NGINX OSS, based on the number of instances and a 14-day retention period.

Config Size Instances Retention (days) Estimated Disk Usage (NGINX OSS)
Generic Large Size 10 14 200 MiB
50 14 850 MiB
100 14 1.75 GiB
250 14 4 GiB

Firewall ports

NGINX Instance Manager and NGINX Agent use the Unix domain socket by default and proxy through the gateway on port 443.

To ensure smooth communication, make sure port 443 is open on any firewalls between NGINX Instance Manager, NGINX Agent, and other systems they need to communicate with. This allows secure HTTPS traffic to pass through.


NGINX Instance Manager stores its log files in /var/log/nms. To prevent your system from running out of disk space as logs grow, we recommend either creating a separate partition for logs or enabling log rotation.

Supported Browsers

The NGINX Instance Manager web interface works best on the latest versions of these browsers:

Support for NGINX App Protect WAF

NGINX Instance Manager supports the following versions of NGINX App Protect WAF:

NGINX Instance Manager NGINX App Protect WAF
2.17.0–2.19.0 Release 4.8.0–4.13.0, 5.1.0–5.5.0
2.15.1–2.16.0 Release 4.8.0–4.10.0
2.14.1–2.15.0 Release 4.4.0–4.7.0
2.13.0–2.14.0 Release 4.3.0–4.5.0
2.12.0 Release 4.2.0–4.5.0
2.11.0 Release 4.1.0–4.3.0
2.10.0–2.10.1 Release 4.0.0–4.3.0
2.9.0–2.9.1 Release 3.12.2–4.2.0
2.8.0 Release 3.12.2–4.1.0
2.7.0 Release 3.12.2–4.0.0
2.6.0 Release 3.12.2

Security Monitoring Module

Dependencies with NGINX Instance Manager

Control plane requirements

The Security Monitoring module requires the following versions of NGINX Instance Manager to be installed on the management plane.

The Security Monitoring module doesn’t automatically install or upgrade NGINX Instance Manager. You’ll need to manually install or upgrade NGINX Instance Manager to a supported version.
Security Monitoring Instance Manager
1.7.1 2.14.1–2.18.0
1.7.0 2.14.0
1.6.0 2.12.0–2.13.0
1.5.0 2.11.0
1.4.0 2.10.0–2.10.1
1.3.0 2.9.0
1.2.0 2.8.0
1.1.0 2.7.0
1.0.0 2.6.0

Dependencies with NGINX App Protect WAF and NGINX Plus

Data plane requirements

The Security Monitoring module requires the following versions of NGINX App Protect WAF and NGINX Plus for the data plane:

Security Monitoring NGINX App Protect WAF
1.7.1 Release 4.7.0–4.12.0, 5.1.0–5.4.0
1.7.0 Release 4.4.0–4.7.0
1.6.0 Release 4.3.0–4.4.0
1.5.0 Release 4.3.0
1.4.0 Release 4.2.0
1.3.0 Release 3.12.2–4.2.0
1.2.0 Release 3.12.2–4.1.0
1.1.0 Release 3.12.2–4.0.0
1.0.0 Release 3.12.2


Data plane requirements

  • Supported distributions: The NGINX Agent can run on most environments. For the supported distributions, see the NGINX Agent Technical Specs guide.

Last modified March 19, 2025