Deploy using Helm


Legacy 'nms' references
Some commands, file paths, and configuration references still use nms due to the ongoing transition from NGINX Management Suite (NMS) to NGINX Instance Manager (NIM). These will be updated in future releases.

This guide explains how to deploy F5 NGINX Instance Manager on a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster using Helm. You’ll learn how to download and use Docker images and customize your deployment.

Starting in NGINX Instance Manager 2.19, you can deploy NGINX Instance Manager on an OpenShift cluster using Helm.

About Helm

Helm charts are pre-configured packages of Kubernetes resources deployed with a single command. They let you define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications easily.

Helm charts consist of files that describe a group of related Kubernetes resources, like deployments, services, and ingress. They also allow you to manage dependencies between applications, making it easier to deploy multi-tier or complex applications.

Before you begin

To deploy NGINX Instance Manager using a Helm chart, you need:

Requirements Notes
Docker 20.10 or later (linux/amd64) Docker documentation
Kubernetes 1.21.3 or later (linux/amd64) Ensure your client can access the Kubernetes API server. The Helm chart will enable persistent storage using the default storage class in your Kubernetes cluster. More info is available in Dynamic Volume Provisioning.
kubectl 1.21.3 or later kubectl documentation
Helm 3.10.0 or later Helm installation guide
OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later OpenSSL source
tar 1.20 or later The tar tool is usually installed by default. Check your version with tar --version. If tar is missing or outdated, install it from your distribution’s package manager (like YUM for CentOS/RHEL or APT for Debian/Ubuntu).

Get the NGINX Instance Manager images

Using Docker

Using Helm with a JWT token

You can use your NGINX JWT as a Docker configuration secret with Helm charts.

Create a Docker registry secret on the cluster, using the JWT token as the username and none as the password. The Docker server is

Make sure there are no extra characters or spaces when copying the JWT token. They can invalidate the token and cause 401 errors during authentication.
  • Kubernetes:

    kubectl create namespace nms
    kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \ \
    --docker-username=<JWT Token> \
    --docker-password=none \
    -n nms
  • OpenShift:

    oc new-project nms
    oc create secret docker-registry regcred \ \
    --docker-username=<JWT Token> \
    --docker-password=none \
    -n nms

You might see a warning about --password being insecure.

This can be ignored (since no password is used), but if others have access to this system, delete the JWT token and clear your shell history after deployment.

To confirm the secret is created:

  • Kubernetes:

    kubectl get secret regcred --output=yaml -n nms
  • OpenShift:

    oc get secret regcred --output=yaml -n nms

You can now use this secret for Helm deployments and point the charts to the public registry.

Add the Helm repository

You need Helm 3.10.0 or later for these steps.

Run these commands to install the NGINX Instance Manager chart from the Helm repository:

helm repo add nginx-stable
helm repo update

The first command adds the nginx-stable repository to your local Helm repo list. The second updates the list to ensure you have the latest versions of the charts.

Create a Helm deployment values.yaml file

The values.yaml file customizes the Helm chart installation without modifying the chart itself. You can use it to specify image repositories, environment variables, resource requests, and other settings.

  1. Create a values.yaml file similar to this example:

    • In the imagePullSecrets section, add the credentials for your private Docker registry.
    • Change the version tag to the version of NGINX Instance Manager you would like to install. See “Install the chart” below for versions.
    • If deploying on OpenShift, add the openshift.enabled: true setting.
    See Also:
    For details on creating a secret, see Kubernetes Pull an Image from a Private Registry.
        - name: regcred
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
            tag: <version>
    Starting in NGINX Instance Manager 2.19, the secmon pod is included in the NGINX Instance Manager deployment.
  2. Save and close the values.yaml file.

Enabling OpenShift

If deploying on OpenShift, include this setting in the values.yaml file:

  enabled: true
The NIM deployment on OpenShift has been tested with OpenShift v4.13.0 Server.

How OpenShift handles security constraints

When openshift.enabled: true is set in the values.yaml file, the NGINX Instance Manager deployment automatically creates a custom Security Context Constraints (SCCs) and links it to the Service Account used by all pods.

By default, OpenShift enforces strict security policies that require containers to run as non-root users. The NGINX Instance Manager deployment needs specific user IDs (UIDs) for certain services, such as 1000 for nms and 101 for nginx and clickhouse. Since the default SCCs do not allow these UIDs, a custom SCC is created. This ensures that the deployment can run with the necessary permissions while maintaining OpenShift’s security standards. The custom SCC allows these UIDs by setting the runAsUser field, which controls which users can run containers.

If you’re encountering errors with the custom SCC, you may not have permissions to access the Security Context Constraints resource. Please contact a Cluster Administrator to request access, either through a cluster role binding or by adjusting your user role.

To verify that the custom SCC has been created, after installing the helm chart, run:

oc get scc nms-restricted-v2-scc --output=yaml

Install the chart

Run the helm install command to deploy NGINX Instance Manager:

  1. Replace <path-to-your-values.yaml> with the path to your values.yaml file.

  2. Replace YourPassword123# with a secure password (containing a mix of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters).

    Remember to save the password for future use. Only the encrypted password is stored, and there’s no way to recover or reset it if lost.

(Optional) Replace <chart-version> with the desired chart version. If omitted, the latest version will be installed. Currently only version 2.19.0 is supported.

helm install -n nms \
--set adminPasswordHash=$(openssl passwd -6 'YourPassword123#') \
nms nginx-stable/nms-hybrid \
--create-namespace \
-f <path-to-your-values.yaml> \
[--version <chart-version>] \

Validate the deployment

Check the status of the deployment:

helm -n nms status nms

The status should show STATUS: deployed if successful.

Access the web interface

You can access the NGINX Instance Manager web interface using the external IP address for the API Gateway.

  1. To look up the external IP address for the API Gateway, run the following command:

    kubectl -n nms get svc apigw

    This kubectl command retrieves the service named apigw from the namespace nms. It outputs the details of the service, such as its type, port, cluster and external IP addresses.

    The default service type is ClusterIP and the output looks similar to the following example:

    apigw   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   32s

    Using the CLUSTER-IP value, go to https://<CLUSTER-IP>:443/ui.

    For example,

    This IP address might not be reachable, depending on how the Kubernetes cluster networking was configured. If so, the apigw service type can be changed to a more suitable option, such as LoadBalancer, by changing the Configurable Helm Setting value for apigw.service.type.

Add a license

A valid license is required to use all NGINX Instance Manager features.

For instructions on downloading and applying a license, see Add a License.

Upgrade NGINX Instance Manager

To upgrade:

  1. Update the Helm repository list.
  2. Adjust your values.yaml file if needed.
  3. To upgrade the NGINX Instance Manager deployment, run the following command. This command updates the nms deployment with a new version from the nginx-stable/nms-hybrid repository. It also hashes the provided password and uses the values.yaml file at the path you specify.

(Optional) Replace <chart-version> with the desired chart version. If omitted, the latest version will be installed. Currently only version 2.19.0 is supported.

 helm upgrade -n nms \
 --set adminPasswordHash=$(openssl passwd -6 'YourPassword123#') \
 nms nginx-stable/nms-hybrid \
 -f <path-to-your-values.yaml> \
 [--version <chart-version>] \
  • Replace <path-to-your-values.yaml> with the path to the values.yaml file you created](/nginx-instance-manager/deploy/kubernetes/deploy-using-helm/#configure-chart).

  • Replace YourPassword123# with a secure password that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

    Save the password!
    Save this password for future use. Only the encrypted password is stored in Kubernetes, and you can’t recover or reset it later.
  • (Optional) Replace with the desired version number. If you don’t specify a version, the latest version will be installed.

Uninstall NGINX Instance Manager

To uninstall:

helm uninstall --namespace nms nms

This deletes the nms application and all associated Kubernetes resources.

Manage network policies

To apply network policies for NGINX Instance Manager, ensure Kubernetes has a network plugin installed before the Helm chart installation.

By default, the following network policies will be created in the release namespace:

  • Kubernetes:

    kubectl get netpol -n nms
  • OpenShift:

    oc get netpol -n nms


    NAME           POD-SELECTOR                          AGE
    apigw          4m47s
    clickhouse     4m47s
    core            4m47s
    dpm              4m47s
    ingestion      4m47s
    integrations   4m47s
    secmon         4m47s
    utility   4m47s

To disable network policies, update the values.yaml file:

    # Set this to true to enable network policies for NGINX Instance Manager.
    enabled: false

Helm Deployment for NGINX Instance Manager 2.18 or lower

Create a Helm deployment values.yaml file

The values.yaml file customizes the Helm chart installation without modifying the chart itself. You can use it to specify image repositories, environment variables, resource requests, and other settings.

  1. Create a values.yaml file similar to this example:

    • In the imagePullSecrets section, add the credentials for your private Docker registry.
    • Change the version tag to the version of NGINX Instance Manager you would like to install. See “Install the chart” below for versions.
    See Also:
    For details on creating a secret, see Kubernetes Pull an Image from a Private Registry.
            - name: regcred
                tag: <version>
                tag: <version>
                tag: <version>
                tag: <version>
                tag: <version>
                tag: <version> 
  2. Save and close the values.yaml file.

Install the chart

Run the helm install command to deploy NGINX Instance Manager:

  1. Replace <path-to-your-values.yaml> with the path to your values.yaml file.

  2. Replace YourPassword123# with a secure password (containing a mix of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters).

    Remember to save the password for future use. Only the encrypted password is stored, and there’s no way to recover or reset it if lost.
  3. Replace <chart-version> with the desired chart version 1.15.0 or lower. If omitted, it will lead to an unsuccessful deployment as it will try to install the latest vesrion 1.16.0 or later.

helm install -n nms \
--set nms-hybrid.adminPasswordHash=$(openssl passwd -6 'YourPassword123#') \
nms nginx-stable/nms \
--create-namespace \
-f <path-to-your-values.yaml> \
--version <chart-version> \

To help you choose the right NGINX Instance Manager chart version, see the table in:

NGINX Instance Manager chart Instance Manager
1.15.0 2.18.0
1.14.4 2.17.4
1.14.0 2.17.0
1.13.0 2.16.0
1.12.1 2.15.1
1.12.0 2.15.0
1.11.0 2.14.0
1.10.1 2.13.1
1.10.0 2.13.1
1.9.0 2.13.0
1.8.2 2.12.0
1.8.1 2.12.0
1.8.0 2.12.0
1.7.2 2.11.0
1.7.1 2.11.0
1.7.0 2.11.0
1.6.0 2.10.1
1.5.2 2.10.0
1.5.1 2.10.0
1.5.0 2.10.0
1.4.0 2.9.1
1.3.1 2.9.0
1.3.0 2.9.0
1.2.1 2.8.0
1.2.0 2.8.0
1.1.2 2.7.0
1.1.1 2.7.0
1.1.0 2.7.0
1.0.0 2.6.0

Upgrade NGINX Instance Manager

To upgrade:

  1. Update the Helm repository list.

  2. Adjust your values.yaml file if needed.

  3. To upgrade the NGINX Instance Manager deployment, run the following command. This command updates the nms deployment with a new version from the nginx-stable/nms repository. It also hashes the provided password and uses the values.yaml file at the path you specify.

  4. Replace <chart-version> with the desired chart version 1.15.0 or lower. If omitted, it will lead to an unsuccessful deployment as it will try to upgrade to the latest vesrion 1.16.0 or later.

     helm upgrade -n nms \
     --set nms-hybrid.adminPasswordHash=$(openssl passwd -6 'YourPassword123#') \
     nms nginx-stable/nms \
     -f <path-to-your-values.yaml> \
     --version <chart-version> \
    • Replace <path-to-your-values.yaml> with the path to the values.yaml file you created](/nginx-instance-manager/deploy/kubernetes/deploy-using-helm/#configure-chart).

    • Replace YourPassword123# with a secure password that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

      Save the password!
      Save this password for future use. Only the encrypted password is stored in Kubernetes, and you can’t recover or reset it later.


For instructions on creating a support package to share with NGINX Customer Support, see Create a Support Package from a Helm Installation.

Last modified March 19, 2025