Commercial support

F5 NGINX Ingress Controller adheres to the support policy detailed in the following knowledge base article: K000140156.

After opening a support ticket, F5 staff will request additional information to better understand the problem.

The nginx-supportpkg-for-k8s plugin collects the information needed by F5 Technical Support to assist with troubleshooting your issue.

When used, the plugin will generate a tarball of the collected information which can be shared with the support channels.

The plugin uses krew, the plugin manager for the Kubernetes kubectl command-line tool.

The plugin may collect some or all of the following global and namespace-specific information:

  • K8s version, nodes information, and Custom Resources (kubectl describe output)
  • Pods’ logs
  • List of Pods, events, ConfigMaps, Services, Deployments, Daemonsets, StatefulSets, ReplicaSets, and Leases
  • K8s metrics
  • Helm deployments
  • nginx -T output from NGINX-related pods

This plugin does not collect secrets or coredumps.

Visit the project’s GitHub repository for further details.

Support channels

Last modified October 7, 2024