Advanced configuration with Annotations

This topic explains how to enable advanced features in F5 NGINX Ingress Controller with Annotations.

The Ingress resource can use basic NGINX features such as host or path-based routing and TLS termination. Advanced features like rewriting the request URI or inserting additional response headers can be enabled with Annotations.

Outside of advanced features, Annotations are necessary for customizing NGINX behavior such as setting the value of connection timeouts.

Customization is also available through the ConfigMap resources: Annotations take priority.

Using Annotations

This example uses Annotations to customize the configuration for an Ingress resource:

kind: Ingress
  name: cafe-ingress-with-annotations
  annotations: "30s" "20s" "4m" |
      location / {
        return 302 /coffee;
  - host:
      - path: /tea
        pathType: Prefix
            name: tea-svc
              number: 80
      - path: /coffee
        pathType: Prefix
            name: coffee-svc
              number: 80


NGINX Ingress Controller validates the annotations of Ingress resources. If an Ingress is invalid, NGINX Ingress Controller will reject it: the Ingress will continue to exist in the cluster, but NGINX Ingress Controller will ignore it.

You can check if NGINX Ingress Controller successfully applied the configuration for an Ingress resource. For the example cafe-ingress-with-annotations Ingress, you can run:

kubectl describe ing cafe-ingress-with-annotations
  Type     Reason          Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------          ----  ----                      -------
  Normal   AddedOrUpdated  3s    nginx-ingress-controller  Configuration for default/cafe-ingress-with-annotations was added or updated

The events section includes a Normal event with the AddedOrUpdated reason that informs us that the configuration was successfully applied.

If you create an invalid Ingress, NGINX Ingress Controller will reject it and emit a Rejected event. For example, if you create an Ingress cafe-ingress-with-annotations, with an annotation set to yes please instead of true, you will get:

kubectl describe ing cafe-ingress-with-annotations
  Type     Reason    Age   From                      Message
  ----     ------    ----  ----                      -------
  Warning  Rejected  13s   nginx-ingress-controller Invalid value: "yes please": must be a boolean

Note how the events section includes a Warning event with the Rejected reason.

If you make an existing Ingress invalid, NGINX Ingress Controller will reject it and remove the corresponding configuration from NGINX.

The Ingress annotation has limited validation.

Summary of Annotations

The table below summarizes the available annotations.

Annotations that start with are only supported with NGINX Plus.

General customization

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example proxy-connect-timeout Sets the value of the proxy_connect_timeout and grpc_connect_timeout directive. 60s proxy-read-timeout Sets the value of the proxy_read_timeout and grpc_read_timeout directive. 60s proxy-send-timeout Sets the value of the proxy_send_timeout and grpc_send_timeout directive. 60s client-max-body-size Sets the value of the client_max_body_size directive. 1m proxy-buffering Enables or disables buffering of responses from the proxied server. True proxy-buffers Sets the value of the proxy_buffers directive. Depends on the platform. proxy-buffer-size Sets the value of the proxy_buffer_size and grpc_buffer_size directives. Depends on the platform. proxy-max-temp-file-size Sets the value of the proxy_max_temp_file_size directive. 1024m server-tokens Enables or disables the server_tokens directive. Additionally, with the NGINX Plus, you can specify a custom string value, including the empty string value, which disables the emission of the “Server” field. True N/A Enables regular expression modifiers for Ingress path parameter. This translates to the NGINX location directive. You can specify one of these values: “case_sensitive”, “case_insensitive”, or “exact”. The annotation is applied to the entire Ingress resource and its paths. While using Master and Minion Ingresses i.e. Mergeable Ingresses, this annotation can be specified on Minion types. The path-regex annotation specified on Master is ignored, and has no effect on paths defined on Minions. N/A path-regex

Request URI/Header Manipulation

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example proxy-hide-headers Sets the value of one or more proxy_hide_header directives. Example: ``“”: “header-a,header-b”* N/A proxy-pass-headers Sets the value of one or more proxy_pass_header directives. Example: ``“”: “header-a,header-b”* N/A N/A Configures URI rewriting using proxy_pass directive. N/A rewrites N/A Enables customization of proxy headers and values using the proxy_set_header directive. Example: "": "header-a: valueA,header-b: valueB,header-c: valueC" N/A Proxy Set Headers.

Auth and SSL/TLS

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example redirect-to-https Sets the 301 redirect rule based on the value of the ``http_x_forwarded_proto* header on the server block to force incoming traffic to be over HTTPS. Useful when terminating SSL in a load balancer in front of NGINX Ingress Controller — see 115 False ssl-redirect Sets an unconditional 301 redirect rule for all incoming HTTP traffic to force incoming traffic over HTTPS. True hsts Enables HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)\ : the HSTS header is added to the responses from backends. The ``preload* directive is included in the header. False hsts-max-age Sets the value of the ``max-age* directive of the HSTS header. 2592000 (1 month) hsts-include-subdomains Adds the ``includeSubDomains* directive to the HSTS header. False hsts-behind-proxy Enables HSTS based on the value of the http_x_forwarded_proto* request header. Should only be used when TLS termination is configured in a load balancer (proxy) in front of NGINX Ingress Controller. Note: to control redirection from HTTP to HTTPS configure the* annotation. False N/A Specifies a Secret resource with a user list for HTTP Basic authentication. N/A N/A Specifies a realm. N/A N/A Specifies a Secret resource with keys for validating JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). N/A Support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). N/A Specifies a realm. N/A Support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). N/A Specifies a variable that contains a JSON Web Token. By default, a JWT is expected in the ``Authorization* header as a Bearer Token. Support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). N/A Specifies a URL to which a client is redirected in case of an invalid or missing JWT. N/A Support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).


Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example N/A Configures HTTP ports that NGINX will listen on. [80] N/A Configures HTTPS ports that NGINX will listen on. [443]

Backend services (Upstreams)

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example lb-method Sets the load balancing method. To use the round-robin method, specify "round_robin". “random two least_conn” N/A Enables HTTPS or gRPC over SSL when connecting to the endpoints of services. N/A ssl-services N/A Enables gRPC for services. Note: requires HTTP/2 (see ``http2* ConfigMap key); only works for Ingresses with TLS termination enabled. N/A grpc-services N/A Enables WebSocket for services. N/A websocket max-fails Sets the value of the max_fails parameter of the ``server* directive. 1 N\A Sets the value of the max_conns parameter of the ``server* directive. 0 upstream-zone-size Sets the size of the shared memory zone for upstreams. For NGINX, the special value 0 disables the shared memory zones. For NGINX Plus, shared memory zones are required and cannot be disabled. The special value 0 will be ignored. 256K fail-timeout Sets the value of the fail_timeout parameter of the ``server* directive. 10s N/A Configures session persistence. N/A session-persistence keepalive Sets the value of the keepalive directive. Note that ``proxy_set_header Connection “”;* is added to the generated configuration when the value > 0. 0 N/A Enables active health checks. False health-checks N/A Configures active health checks as mandatory. False health-checks N/A When active health checks are mandatory, creates a queue where incoming requests are temporarily stored while NGINX Plus is checking the health of the endpoints after a configuration reload. 0 health-checks N/A Sets the upstream server slow-start period. By default, slow-start is activated after a server becomes available or healthy. To enable slow-start for newly-added servers, configure mandatory active health checks. “0s” N/A Enables using the Cluster IP and port of the service instead of the default behavior of using the IP and port of the pods. When this field is enabled, the fields that configure NGINX behavior related to multiple upstream servers (like lb-method* and next-upstream``) will have no effect, as NGINX Ingress Controller will configure NGINX with only one upstream server that will match the service Cluster IP. False

Rate limiting

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example N/A Enables request-rate-limiting for this ingress by creating a limit_req_zone and matching limit_req for each location. All servers/locations of one ingress share the same zone. Must have unit r/s or r/m. N/A 200r/s N/A The key to which the rate limit is applied. Can contain text, variables, or a combination of them. Variables must be surrounded by ${}. ${binary_remote_addr} ${binary_remote_addr} N/A Configures the size of the created limit_req_zone. 10m 20m N/A Configures the delay-parameter of the limit_req directive. 0 100 N/A Configures the nodelay-parameter of the limit_req directive. false true N/A Configures the burst-parameter of the limit_req directive. N/A 100 N/A Enables the dry run mode. In this mode, the rate limit is not actually applied, but the number of excessive requests is accounted as usual in the shared memory zone. false true N/A Sets the desired logging level for cases when the server refuses to process requests due to rate exceeding, or delays request processing. Allowed values are info, notice, warn or error. error info N/A Sets the status code to return in response to rejected requests. Must fall into the range 400..599. 429 503 N/A Enables a constant rate-limit by dividing the configured rate by the number of nginx-ingress pods currently serving traffic. This adjustment ensures that the rate-limit remains consistent, even as the number of nginx-pods fluctuates due to autoscaling. Note: This will not work properly if requests from a client are not evenly distributed accross all ingress pods (sticky sessions, long lived TCP-Connections with many requests etc.). In such cases using NGINX+’s zone-sync feature instead would give better results. false true

Snippets and custom templates

Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example location-snippets Sets a custom snippet in location context. N/A server-snippets Sets a custom snippet in server context. N/A

App Protect WAF

The App Protect annotations only work if the App Protect WAF module is installed.
Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example N/A The name of the App Protect Policy for the Ingress Resource. Format is namespace/name. If no namespace is specified, the same namespace of the Ingress Resource is used. If not specified but ``* is true, a default policy id applied. If the referenced policy resource does not exist, or policy is invalid, this annotation will be ignored, and the default policy will be applied. N/A app-protect-waf N/A Enable App Protect for the Ingress Resource. False app-protect-waf N/A Enable the security log for App Protect. False app-protect-waf N/A The App Protect log configuration for the Ingress Resource. Format is namespace/name. If no namespace is specified, the same namespace as the Ingress Resource is used. If not specified the default is used which is: filter: illegal, format: default. Multiple configurations can be specified in a comma separated list. Both log configurations and destinations list (see below) must be of equal length. Configs and destinations are paired by the list indices. N/A app-protect-waf N/A The destination of the security log. For more information check the DESTINATION argument. Multiple destinations can be specified in a comma-separated list. Both log configurations and destinations list (see above) must be of equal length. Configs and destinations are paired by the list indices. syslog:server=localhost:514 app-protect-waf

App Protect DoS

The App Protect DoS annotations only work if the App Protect DoS module is installed.
Annotation ConfigMap Key Description Default Example N/A Enable App Protect DoS for the Ingress Resource by specifying a DosProtectedResource. N/A app-protect-dos

Last modified January 16, 2025