Customize OIDC Configuration with NGINX Ingress Controller

The F5 NGINX Ingress Controller implements OpenID Connect (OIDC) using the NGINX OpenID Connect Reference implementation: nginx-openid-connect.

This guide will walk through how to customize and configure this default implementation.


This guide assumes that you have an F5 NGINX Ingress Controller deployed. If not, please follow the installation steps using either the Manifest or Helm approach.

To customize the NGINX OpenID Connect Reference implementation, you will need to:

  1. Create a ConfigMap containing the contents of the default oidc.conf file
  2. Attach a Volume and VolumeMount to your deployment of the F5 NGINX Ingress Controller

This setup will allow the custom configuration in your ConfigMap to override the contents of the default oidc.conf file.

Step 1 - Creating the ConfigMap

Run the below command to generate a ConfigMap with the contents of the oidc.conf file. NOTE The ConfigMap must be deployed in the same namespace as the F5 NGINX Ingress Controller.

kubectl create configmap oidc-config-map --from-literal=oidc.conf="$(curl -k"

Use the kubectl describe command to confirm the contents of the ConfigMap are correct.

kubectl describe configmap oidc-config-map
Name:         oidc-config-map
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

docs: "DOCS-1448"
    # Advanced configuration START
    set $internal_error_message "NGINX / OpenID Connect login failure\n";
    set $pkce_id "";
    # resolver; # For DNS lookup of IdP endpoints;
    subrequest_output_buffer_size 32k; # To fit a complete tokenset response
    gunzip on; # Decompress IdP responses if necessary
    # Advanced configuration END

    # Rest of configuration file truncated

Step 2 - Customizing the default configuration

Once the contents of the oidc.conf file has been added to the ConfigMap, you are free to customize the contents of this ConfigMap. This example demonstrates adding a comment to the top of the file. The comment will be shown at the top of the oidc.conf file. This comment will be # >> Custom Comment for my OIDC file <<

kubectl edit configmap oidc-config-map

Add the custom content:

# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
  oidc.conf: |2-
        # >> Custom Comment for my OIDC file <<
        # Advanced configuration START
        set $internal_error_message "NGINX / OpenID Connect login failure\n";
        set $pkce_id "";
        # resolver; # For DNS lookup of IdP endpoints;
        subrequest_output_buffer_size 32k; # To fit a complete tokenset response
        gunzip on; # Decompress IdP responses if necessary
        # Advanced configuration END

        # Rest of configuration file truncated

In the next step, NGINX Ingress Controller will be deployed using this ConfigMap.

Any changes made to this ConfigMap must be made before deploying or updating NGINX Ingress Controller. If an update is applied to the ConfigMap after NGINX Ingress Controller is deployed, it will not be applied.

Applying any updates to the data in this ConfigMap will require NGINX Ingress Controller to be re-deployed.

Step 3 - Add Volume and VolumeMount to the Ingress Controller deployment

In this step we will add a Volume and VolumeMount to the NGINX Ingress Controller deployment. This will allow you to mount the ConfigMap created in Step 1 and overwrite the contents of the oidc.conf file.

This document will demonstrate how to add the Volume and VolumeMount using both Manifest and HELM


The below configuration shows where the Volume and VolumeMount can be added to your Deployment/Daemonset file.

The VolumeMount must be added the spec.template.spec.containers section.

The Volume must be added the spec.template.spec section:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: <Deployment/Daemonset>
  name: <name>
  namespace: <ic-namespace>
      - name: oidc-volume
          name: <config-map-name> # Must match the name of the ConfigMap
        - name: oidc-volume
          mountPath: /etc/nginx/oidc/oidc.conf
          subPath: oidc.conf # Must match the name in the data filed
          readOnly: true

Once the Volume and VolumeMount has been added the manifest file, apply the changes to the Ingress Controller deployment.

Confirm the oidc.conf file has been updated:

kubectl exec -it -n <ic-namespace> <ingess-controller-pod> -- cat /etc/nginx/oidc/oidc.conf


Deployments using helm will need to edit their existing Edit the NGINX Ingress Controller Deployment/Daemonset yaml to include a Volume and VolumeMount.

The Volume should be within the spec.template.spec section.

The VolumeMountmust be added the spec.template.spec.containers section.

For Deployments:

kubectl edit deployments <name-of-deployment> -n <ic-namespace>

For Daemonsets:

kubectl edit daemonset <name-of-daemonset> -n <ic-namespace>
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: <Deployment/Daemonset>
  name: <name>
  namespace: <ic-namespace>
      - name: oidc-volume
          name: <config-map-name> # Must match the name of the ConfigMap
        - name: oidc-volume
          mountPath: /etc/nginx/oidc/oidc.conf
          subPath: oidc.conf # Must match the name in the data filed
          readOnly: true

Once the Deployment/Daemonset has been edited, save the file and exit.

Confirm the oidc.conf file has been updated:

kubectl exec -it -n <ic-namespace> <ingess-controller-pod> -- cat /etc/nginx/oidc/oidc.conf

Last modified January 28, 2025