Overview and Main Components

What Is F5 NGINX Amplify?

NGINX Amplify offers in-depth monitoring for NGINX-based web applications. It simplifies the process of analyzing and resolving issues related to performance and scalability.

With NGINX Amplify, you can:

  • Spot performance issues, server overloads, and possible DDoS attacks easily.
  • Receive intelligent advice to boost NGINX performance.
  • Get alerts about issues in your application infrastructure.
  • Plan for your web application’s performance and capacity needs.
  • Monitor all systems that run NGINX.

Main Components

Hosted on the AWS public cloud, NGINX Amplify consists of several key components:


  • NGINX Amplify Agent: This Python app runs on the systems you’re monitoring. It communicates securely with the SaaS backend using SSL/TLS. NGINX Amplify Agent always initiates the traffic.

NGINX Amplify Web Interface

  • Compatible with all major web browsers, this interface is only accessible through TLS/SSL.

NGINX Amplify Backend (SaaS Implementation)

  • This core system component handles metrics collection, data storage, analytics, and the core API. It’s implemented as a SaaS.

Last modified August 22, 2024