NGINX Metrics

HTTP Connections and Requests

  • nginx.http.conn.accepted

  • nginx.http.conn.dropped

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: NGINX-wide statistics describing HTTP connections.
    Source:      stub_status (or NGINX Plus status API)

  • nginx.http.conn.current

  • nginx.http.conn.idle

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: NGINX-wide statistics describing HTTP connections.
    Source:      stub_status (or NGINX Plus status API)
  • nginx.http.request.count

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of client requests.
    Source:      stub_status (or NGINX Plus status API)
  • nginx.http.request.current

  • nginx.http.request.reading

  • nginx.http.request.writing

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Number of currently active requests (reading and writing). 
                 Number of requests reading headers or writing responses to clients.
    Source:      stub_status (or NGINX Plus status API)
  • nginx.http.request.malformed

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of malformed requests.
    Source:      access.log
  • nginx.http.request.body_bytes_sent

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of bytes sent to clients, not counting response headers.
    Source:      access.log

HTTP Methods

  • nginx.http.method.get

  • nginx.http.method.head


  • nginx.http.method.put

  • nginx.http.method.delete

  • nginx.http.method.options

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Statistics about observed request methods.
    Source:      access.log

HTTP Status Codes

  • nginx.http.status.1xx

  • nginx.http.status.2xx

  • nginx.http.status.3xx

  • nginx.http.status.4xx

  • nginx.http.status.5xx

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests with HTTP status codes per class.
    Source:      access.log
  • nginx.http.status.403

  • nginx.http.status.404

  • nginx.http.status.500

  • nginx.http.status.502

  • nginx.http.status.503

  • nginx.http.status.504

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests with specific HTTP status codes above.
    Source:      access.log
  • nginx.http.status.discarded

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests finalized with status code 499 which is 
                 logged when the client closes the connection.
    Source:      access.log

HTTP Protocol Versions

  • nginx.http.v0_9

  • nginx.http.v1_0

  • nginx.http.v1_1

  • nginx.http.v2

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests using a specific version of the HTTP protocol.
    Source:      access.log

NGINX Process Metrics

  • nginx.workers.count

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Number of NGINX worker processes observed.
  • nginx.workers.cpu.system


  • nginx.workers.cpu.user

    Type:        gauge, percent
    Description: CPU utilization percentage observed for NGINX worker processes.
  • nginx.workers.fds_count

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Number of file descriptors utilized by NGINX worker processes.


    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of kilobytes read from or written to disk by NGINX worker processes.
  • nginx.workers.mem.rss

  • nginx.workers.mem.vms

    Type:        gauge, bytes
    Description: Memory utilized by NGINX worker processes.
  • nginx.workers.mem.rss_pct

    Type:        gauge, percent
    Description: Memory utilization percentage for NGINX worker processes.
  • nginx.workers.rlimit_nofile

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Hard limit on the number of file descriptors as seen 
                 by NGINX worker processes.

Additional NGINX Metrics

NGINX Amplify Agent can collect many useful metrics, as described below. To enable these metrics, make the following configuration changes. More predefined graphs will be added to the Graphs page if NGINX Amplify Agent finds additional metrics. With the required log format configuration, you can build more specific custom graphs.

The access.log log format should include an extended set of NGINX variables. Please add a new log format or modify the existing one — and use it with the access_log directives in your NGINX configuration.

log_format  main_ext  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" '
                      '"$host" sn="$server_name" '
                      'rt=$request_time '
                      'ua="$upstream_addr" us="$upstream_status" '
                      'ut="$upstream_response_time" ul="$upstream_response_length" '
                      'cs=$upstream_cache_status' ;

To use the extended log format with your access log configuration:

access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main_ext;
Please keep in mind that by default, NGINX Amplify Agent will process all access logs that are found in your log directory. If you define a new log file with the extended log format that will contain the entries being already logged to another access log, your metrics might be counted twice. Please refer to the NGINX Amplify Agent configuration section above to learn how to exclude specific log files from processing.

The error.log log level should be set to warn.

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;

Note. Don’t forget to reload your NGINX configuration with either kill -HUP or service nginx reload.

List of additional metrics that can be collected from the NGINX log files:

  • nginx.http.request.bytes_sent

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of bytes sent to clients.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $bytes_sent
  • nginx.http.request.length

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Request length, including request line, header, and body.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $request_length
  • nginx.http.request.time

  • nginx.http.request.time.count

  • nginx.http.request.time.max

  • nginx.http.request.time.median

  • nginx.http.request.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Request processing time — time elapsed between reading the first bytes from
                 the client and writing a log entry after the last bytes were sent.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $request_time
  • nginx.http.request.buffered

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests that were buffered to disk.
    Source:      error.log (requires 'warn' log level)
  • nginx.http.gzip.ratio

    Type:        gauge, float
    Description: Achieved compression ratio, calculated as the ratio between the original
                 and compressed response sizes.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $gzip_ratio

Upstream Metrics

  • nginx.upstream.connect.time

  • nginx.upstream.connect.time.count

  • nginx.upstream.connect.time.max

  • nginx.upstream.connect.time.median

  • nginx.upstream.connect.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Time spent on establishing connections with upstream servers. With SSL, it
                 also includes time spent on the handshake.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_connect_time
  • nginx.upstream.header.time

  • nginx.upstream.header.time.count

  • nginx.upstream.header.time.max

  • nginx.upstream.header.time.median

  • nginx.upstream.header.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Time spent on receiving response headers from upstream servers.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_header_time
  • nginx.upstream.response.buffered

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of upstream responses buffered to disk.
    Source:      error.log (requires 'warn' log level)
  • nginx.upstream.request.count


    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests that were sent to upstream servers.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_*
  • nginx.upstream.request.failed

  • nginx.upstream.response.failed

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests and responses that failed while proxying.
    Source:      error.log (requires 'error' log level)
  • nginx.upstream.response.length

    Type:        gauge, bytes
    Description: Average length of the responses obtained from the upstream servers.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_response_length
  • nginx.upstream.response.time

  • nginx.upstream.response.time.count

  • nginx.upstream.response.time.max

  • nginx.upstream.response.time.median

  • nginx.upstream.response.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Time spent on receiving responses from upstream servers.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_response_time
  • nginx.upstream.status.1xx

  • nginx.upstream.status.2xx

  • nginx.upstream.status.3xx

  • nginx.upstream.status.4xx

  • nginx.upstream.status.5xx

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of responses from upstream servers with specific HTTP status codes.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_status

Cache Metrics

  • nginx.cache.bypass

  • nginx.cache.expired

  • nginx.cache.hit

  • nginx.cache.miss

  • nginx.cache.revalidated

  • nginx.cache.stale

  • nginx.cache.updating

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Various statistics about NGINX cache usage.
    Source:      access.log (requires custom log format)
    Variable:    $upstream_cache_status

NGINX Plus Metrics

In NGINX Plus several additional metrics describing various aspects of NGINX performance are available. The API module in NGINX Plus is responsible for collecting and exposing all of the additional counters and gauges.

The NGINX Plus metrics currently supported by NGINX Amplify Agent are described below. The NGINX Plus metrics have the “plus” prefix in their names.

Some of the NGINX Plus metrics extracted from the connections and the requests datasets are used to generate the following server-wide metrics (instead of using the stub_status metrics):

nginx.http.conn.accepted = connections.accepted =
nginx.http.conn.current = + connections.idle
nginx.http.conn.dropped = connections.dropped
nginx.http.conn.idle = connections.idle
nginx.http.request.count =
nginx.http.request.current = requests.current

The NGINX Plus metrics below are collected per zone. When configuring a graph using these metrics, please make sure to pick the correct server, upstream, or cache zone. A more granular peer-specific breakdown of the metrics below is currently not supported in NGINX Amplify.

NGINX Amplify Agent does not support reporting the following metrics per zone but it can be used to display a cumulative sum of values from each zone.

A cumulative metric set is also maintained internally by summing up the per-zone metrics. If you don’t configure a specific zone when building graphs, this will result in an “all zones” visualization. E.g., for something like plus.http.status.2xx omitting zone will display the instance-wide sum of the successful requests across all zones.

Server Zone Metrics

  • plus.http.request.count

  • plus.http.response.count

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of client requests received, and responses sent to clients.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.request.bytes_rcvd

  • plus.http.request.bytes_sent

    Type:        counter, bytes
    Description: Number of bytes received from clients, and bytes sent to clients.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.status.1xx

  • plus.http.status.2xx

  • plus.http.status.3xx

  • plus.http.status.4xx

  • plus.http.status.5xx

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of responses with status codes 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.status.discarded

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests completed without sending a response.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.ssl.handshakes

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of successful SSL handshakes.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.ssl.failed

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of failed SSL handshakes.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.http.ssl.reuses

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of session reuses during SSL handshake.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

Upstream Zone Metrics

  • plus.upstream.peer.count

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of live ("up") upstream servers in an upstream group. If
                 graphed/monitored without specifying an upstream, it's the current
                 number of all live upstream servers in all upstream groups.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.request.count

  • plus.upstream.response.count

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of client requests forwarded to the upstream servers, and responses obtained.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of active connections to the upstream servers.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.conn.keepalive

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Сurrent number of idle keepalive connections.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.zombies

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of servers removed from the group but still processing
                 active client requests.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.bytes_rcvd

  • plus.upstream.bytes_sent

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of bytes received from the upstream servers, and bytes sent.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.status.1xx

  • plus.upstream.status.2xx

  • plus.upstream.status.3xx

  • plus.upstream.status.4xx

  • plus.upstream.status.5xx

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of responses from the upstream servers with status codes 1xx, 2xx,
                 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.header.time

  • plus.upstream.header.time.count

  • plus.upstream.header.time.max

  • plus.upstream.header.time.median

  • plus.upstream.header.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Average time to get the response header from the upstream servers.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.response.time

  • plus.upstream.response.time.count

  • plus.upstream.response.time.max

  • plus.upstream.response.time.median

  • plus.upstream.response.time.pctl95

    Type:        gauge, seconds.milliseconds
    Description: Average time to get the full response from the upstream servers.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.fails.count

  • plus.upstream.unavail.count

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with upstream servers, and
                 how many times upstream servers became unavailable for client requests.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API



    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of performed health check requests, failed health checks, and
                 how many times the upstream servers became unhealthy.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.queue.size

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of queued requests.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API
  • plus.upstream.queue.overflows

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of requests rejected due to queue overflows.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

Cache Zone Metrics

  • plus.cache.bypass

  • plus.cache.bypass.bytes

  • plus.cache.expired

  • plus.cache.expired.bytes

  • plus.cache.hit

  • plus.cache.hit.bytes

  • plus.cache.miss

  • plus.cache.miss.bytes

  • plus.cache.revalidated

  • plus.cache.revalidated.bytes

  • plus.cache.size

  • plus.cache.stale

  • plus.cache.stale.bytes

  • plus.cache.updating

  • plus.cache.updating.bytes

    Type:        counter, integer; counter, bytes
    Description: Various statistics about NGINX Plus cache usage.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

Stream Zone Metrics


    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of client connections that are currently being processed.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of connections accepted from clients.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API



    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of sessions completed with status codes 2xx, 4xx, or 5xx.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of connections completed without creating a session.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API


    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of bytes received from clients, and bytes sent.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of live ("up") upstream servers in an upstream group.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of connections.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Total number of client connections forwarded to this server.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API





    Type:        timer, integer
    Description: Average time to connect to an upstream server.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        timer, integer
    Description: Average time to receive the first byte of data.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        timer, integer
    Description: Average time to receive the last byte of data.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API


    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of bytes received from upstream servers, and bytes sent.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API


    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with upstream servers, and
                 how many times upstream servers became unavailable for client requests.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API



    Type:        counter, integer
    Description: Number of performed health check requests, failed health checks, and
                 how many times the upstream servers became unhealthy.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Current number of servers removed from the group but still
                 processing active client connections.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

Slab Zone Metrics

  • plus.slab.pages.used

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Сurrent number of used memory pages.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Сurrent number of free memory pages.
    Source:      NGINX Plus status API

    Type:        gauge, integer
    Description: Sum of free and used memory pages above.
  • plus.slab.pages.pct_used

    Type:        gauge, percentage
    Description: Percentage of free pages.

Last modified March 19, 2025