NGINX Amplify Agent

What Operating Systems are Supported?

The F5 NGINX Amplify Agent is currently officially packaged and supported for the following Linux flavors only:

  • Ubuntu 24.04 “noble” (amd64/arm64)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 “jammy” (amd64/arm64)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 “focal” (amd64/arm64)
  • Debian 12 “bookworm” (amd64/arm64)
  • Debian 11 “bullseye” (amd64/arm64)
  • RHEL/CentOS/OEL 9 (amd64/arm64)
  • Amazon Linux 2 LTS (amd64/arm64)

The following platforms are no longer supported but still can be used with older agent packages powered by Python 3:

  • RHEL/CentOS/OEL 8 (amd64/arm64)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 “bionic” (amd64/arm64)
  • Debian 10 “buster” (amd64/arm64)

The following platforms are no longer supported but still can be used with older agent packages powered by Python 2:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 “xenial” (i386/amd64/arm64)
  • Debian 9 “stretch” (i386/amd64)
  • RHEL/CentOS/OEL 6 (i386/amd64)
  • RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7 (amd64)
  • Amazon Linux (amd64)

Other OS and distributions below are not fully supported yet (and no agent packages are available), however you can grab a specialized install script here and see if it works for you. Run (as root) instead of and follow the dialog. You can copy the API key from the Amplify UI (find it in the Settings or in the New System pop-up).

  • FreeBSD
  • SLES
  • Alpine
  • Fedora

Feel free to submit an issue or a PR if you find something that has to be fixed.

We also have an experimental Ebuild for Gentoo.

What Version of Python is Required?

NGINX Amplify Agent starting from version 1.8.0, works with Python >= 3.6.

Previous versions were powered by Python 2.6 and 2.7, depending on the target platform.

How Do I Start to Monitor My Systems with NGINX Amplify?

  1. Download and run the install script.
  curl -sS -L -O \ && \

where YOUR_API_KEY is a unique API key assigned when you create an account with NGINX Amplify. You can also find the API key in the Account menu.

  1. Verify that NGINX Amplify Agent has started.

    ps ax | grep -i 'amplify\-'
    2552 ?        S      0:00 amplify-agent

For manual installation, please check the user guide.

What Do I Need to Configure NGINX Amplify Agent to Report Metrics Correctly?

Once you install NGINX Amplify Agent, it will automatically begin sending metrics. You can expect to see real-time metrics in the Amplify web interface within about a minute.

If you don’t see the new system or NGINX in the web interface, or (some) metrics aren’t being collected, please check the following:

  1. The NGINX Amplify Agent package has been successfully installed, and no warnings were shown during the installation.

  2. The amplify-agent process is running and updating its log file.

  3. NGINX Amplify Agent is running under the same user as your NGINX worker processes.

  4. The NGINX instance is started with an absolute path. Currently, NGINX Amplify Agent can’t detect NGINX instances launched with a relative path (e.g., “./nginx”).

  5. The user ID that is used by NGINX Amplify Agent and NGINX , can run ps(1) to see all system processes. If ps(1) is restricted for non-privileged users, NGINX Amplify Agent won’t be able to find and properly detect the NGINX master process.

  6. The time is set correctly. If the time on the system where NGINX Amplify Agent runs is ahead or behind the world’s clock, you won’t be able to see the graphs.

  7. stub_status is properly configured, and the stub_status module is included in the NGINX build (this can be checked with nginx -V).

  8. NGINX access.log and error.log files are readable by the user nginx (or by the user set in NGINX config).

  9. All NGINX configuration files are readable by the NGINX Amplify Agent user ID (check owner, group, and permissions).

  10. Extra configuration steps have been performed as required for the additional metrics to be collected.

  11. The system DNS resolver is correctly configured, and can be successfully resolved.

  12. Outbound TLS/SSL from the system to is not restricted. This can be checked with curl(1). Configure a proxy server for NGINX Amplify Agent if required.

  13. selinux(8), apparmor(7) or grsecurity are not interfering with the metric collection. E.g. for selinux(8) check /etc/selinux/config, try setenforce 0 temporarily and see if it improves the situation for certain metrics.

  14. Some VPS providers use hardened Linux kernels that may restrict non-root users from accessing /proc and /sys. Metrics describing system and NGINX disk I/O are usually affected. There is no easy workaround except for allowing NGINX Amplify Agent to run as root. Sometimes fixing permissions for /proc and /sys/block may work.

How Do I Verify that NGINX Amplify Agent Is Correctly Installed?

  1. On Ubuntu/Debian use:

    dpkg -s nginx-amplify-agent
  2. On CentOS and Red Hat use:

    yum info nginx-amplify-agent

How Can I Update NGINX Amplify Agent?

  1. On Ubuntu/Debian use:

    apt-get update && \
    apt-get install nginx-amplify-agent
  2. On CentOS use:

    yum makecache && \
    yum update nginx-amplify-agent

What System Resources are Required?

Under 10% of the CPU and a few dozen MBs of RSS memory will be consumed. If you notice any anomalies in the system resource consumption, please submit a support request through, please attach the debug log to the support case.

How Do I Restart NGINX Amplify Agent?

# service amplify-agent restart

How Can I Uninstall NGINX Amplify Agent?

Guide to uninstall NGINX Amplify Agent

How Can I Override System Hostname?

If NGINX Amplify Agent is not able to determine the system’s hostname, you can define it manually in /etc/amplify-agent/agent.conf

Find the following section, and fill in the desired hostname:

hostname = myhostname1

The hostname should be valid — the following aren’t valid hostnames:

  • localhost
  • localhost.localdomain
  • localhost6.localdomain6
  • ip6-localhost

How Can I Override the User ID for NGINX Amplify Agent to Use?

Refer to the Configuring NGINX Amplify Agent section in the documentation.

Can I Use NGINX Amplify Agent with Docker?

Please check the following section of the NGINX Amplify Agent repository to find out more. Keep in mind that the support for a Docker environment is currently experimental.

Last modified March 19, 2025