CLI Reference


nginx-meshctl is the CLI utility for the F5 NGINX Service Mesh control plane. Requires a connection to a Kubernetes cluster via a kubeconfig.

  nginx-meshctl [flags]
  nginx-meshctl [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Display the NGINX Service Mesh configuration
  deploy      Deploys NGINX Service Mesh into your Kubernetes cluster
  help        Help for nginx-meshctl or any command
  inject      Inject the NGINX Service Mesh sidecars into Kubernetes resources
  remove      Remove NGINX Service Mesh from your Kubernetes cluster
  services    List the Services registered with NGINX Service Mesh
  status      Check connection to NGINX Service Mesh API
  supportpkg  Create an NGINX Service Mesh support package
  top         Display traffic statistics
  upgrade     Upgrade NGINX Service Mesh
  version     Display NGINX Service Mesh version

  -h, --help                help for nginx-meshctl
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Generate the autocompletion script for nginx-meshctl for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.

  nginx-meshctl completion [command]

Available Commands:
  bash        Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  fish        Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  powershell  Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  zsh         Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

  -h, --help   help for completion

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Display the NGINX Service Mesh configuration.

  nginx-meshctl config [flags]

  -h, --help   help for config

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Deploy NGINX Service Mesh into your Kubernetes cluster. This command installs the following resources into your Kubernetes cluster by default:

  • NGINX Mesh API: The Control Plane for the Service Mesh.
  • NGINX Metrics API: SMI-formatted metrics.
  • SPIRE: mTLS service-to-service communication.
  • NATS: Message bus.

  nginx-meshctl deploy [flags]

      --access-control-mode string        default access control mode for service-to-service communication
                                          		Valid values: allow, deny (default "allow")
      --client-max-body-size string       NGINX client max body size (default "1m")
      --disable-public-images             don't pull third party images from public repositories
      --enable-udp                        enable UDP traffic proxying (beta); Linux kernel 4.18 or greater is required
      --environment string                environment to deploy the mesh into
                                          		Valid values: kubernetes, openshift (default "kubernetes")
  -h, --help                              help for deploy
      --image-tag string                  tag used for pulling images from registry
                                          		Affects: nginx-mesh-controller, nginx-mesh-cert-reloader, nginx-mesh-init, nginx-mesh-metrics, nginx-mesh-sidecar (default "2.0.0")
      --mtls-ca-key-type string           the key type used for the SPIRE Server CA
                                          		Valid values: ec-p256, ec-p384, rsa-2048, rsa-4096 (default "ec-p256")
      --mtls-ca-ttl string                the CA/signing key TTL in hours(h). Min value 24h. Max value 999999h. (default "720h")
      --mtls-mode string                  mTLS mode for pod-to-pod communication
                                          		Valid values: off, permissive, strict (default "permissive")
      --mtls-svid-ttl string              the TTL of certificates issued to workloads in hours(h) or minutes(m). Max value is 999999. (default "1h")
      --mtls-trust-domain string          the trust domain of the NGINX Service Mesh (default "")
      --mtls-upstream-ca-conf string      the upstream certificate authority configuration file
      --nginx-error-log-level string      NGINX error log level
                                          		Valid values: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg (default "warn")
      --nginx-lb-method string            NGINX load balancing method
                                          		Valid values: least_conn, least_time, least_time last_byte, least_time last_byte inflight, random, random two, random two least_conn, random two least_time, random two least_time=last_byte, round_robin (default "least_time")
      --nginx-log-format string           NGINX log format
                                          		Valid values: default, json (default "default")
      --persistent-storage string         use persistent storage. "auto" will enable persistent storage if a default StorageClass exists
                                          		Valid values: auto, off, on (default "auto")
      --prometheus-address string         the address of a Prometheus server deployed in your Kubernetes cluster
                                          		Address should be in the format <service-name>.<namespace>:<service-port>
      --registry-key string               path to JSON Key file for accessing private GKE registry
                                          		Cannot be used with --registry-username or --registry-password
      --registry-password string          password for accessing private registry
                                          		Requires --registry-username to be set. Cannot be used with --registry-key
      --registry-server string            hostname:port (if needed) for registry and path to images
                                          		Affects: nginx-mesh-controller, nginx-mesh-cert-reloader, nginx-mesh-init, nginx-mesh-metrics, nginx-mesh-sidecar (default "")
      --registry-username string          username for accessing private registry
                                          		Requires --registry-password to be set. Cannot be used with --registry-key
      --spire-server-key-manager string   storage logic for SPIRE Server's private keys
                                          		Valid values: disk, memory (default "disk")
      --telemetry-exporters stringArray   list of telemetry exporter key-value configurations
                                          		Format: "type=<exporter_type>,host=<exporter_host>,port=<exporter_port>".
                                          		Type, host, and port are required. Only type "otlp" exporter is supported.
      --telemetry-sampler-ratio float32   the percentage of traces that are processed and exported to the telemetry backend.
                                          		Float between 0 and 1 (default 0.01)

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)

Deploy Examples

Most of the examples below show shortened commands for convenience. The ‘…’ in these examples represents the image references. Be sure to include the image references when running the deploy command.

  • Deploy the latest version of NGINX Service Mesh, using default values, from your container registry:

    nginx-meshctl deploy --registry-server "registry:5000"

  • Deploy the Service Mesh in namespace “my-namespace”:

    nginx-meshctl deploy ... --namespace my-namespace

  • Deploy the Service Mesh with mTLS turned off:

    nginx-meshctl deploy ... --mtls-mode off

  • Deploy the Service Mesh and enable telemetry traces to be exported to your OTLP gRPC collector running in your Kubernetes cluster:

    nginx-meshctl deploy ... --telemetry-exporters "type=otlp,,port=4317"

  • Deploy the Service Mesh with upstream certificates and keys for mTLS:

    nginx-meshctl deploy ... --mtls-upstream-ca-conf="disk.yaml"


Inject the NGINX Service Mesh sidecar into Kubernetes resources.

  • Accepts JSON and YAML formats.
  • Outputs JSON or YAML resources with injected sidecars to stdout.

  nginx-meshctl inject [flags]

  -f, --file string                  the filename that contains the resources you want to inject
                                     		If no filename is provided, input will be taken from stdin
  -h, --help                         help for inject
      --ignore-incoming-ports ints   ports to ignore for incoming traffic
      --ignore-outgoing-ports ints   ports to ignore for outgoing traffic

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)

Inject Examples

  • Inject the resources in my-app.yaml and create in Kubernetes:

    nginx-meshctl inject -f ./my-app.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

  • Inject the resources passed into stdin and write the changes to the same file:

    nginx-meshctl inject < ./my-app.json > ./my-injected-app.json

  • Inject the resources in my-app.yaml and configure proxies to ignore ports 1433 and 1434 for outgoing traffic:

    nginx-meshctl inject --ignore-outgoing-ports 1433,1434 -f ./my-app.yaml

  • Inject the resources passed into stdin and configure proxies to ignore port 1433 for incoming traffic:

    nginx-meshctl inject --ignore-incoming-ports 1433 < ./my-app.json


Remove the NGINX Service Mesh from your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Removes the resources created by the deploy command from the Service Mesh namespace (default: “nginx-mesh”).
  • You will need to clean up all Deployments with injected proxies manually.

  nginx-meshctl remove [flags]

      --environment string   environment the mesh is deployed in
                             		Valid values: kubernetes, openshift
  -h, --help                 help for remove
  -y, --yes                  answer yes for confirmation of removal

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)

Remove Examples

  • Remove the NGINX Service Mesh from the default namespace (“nginx-mesh”):

    nginx-meshctl remove

  • Remove the NGINX Service Mesh from namespace “my-namespace”:

    nginx-meshctl remove --namespace my-namespace

  • Remove the NGINX Service Mesh without prompting the user to confirm removal:

    nginx-meshctl remove -y


List the Services registered with NGINX Service Mesh.

  • Outputs the Services and their upstream addresses and ports.
  • The list contains only those Services whose Pods contain the NGINX Service Mesh sidecar.

  nginx-meshctl services [flags]

  -h, --help   help for services

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Check connection to NGINX Service Mesh API.

  nginx-meshctl status [flags]

  -h, --help   help for status

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Create an NGINX Service Mesh support package.

  nginx-meshctl supportpkg [flags]

      --disable-sidecar-logs   disable the collection of sidecar logs
  -h, --help                   help for supportpkg
  -o, --output string          output directory for supportpkg tarball (default "$PWD")

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)


Display traffic statistics. Top provides information about the incoming and outgoing requests to and from a resource type or name. Supported resource types are: Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and Namespaces.

  nginx-meshctl top [resource-type/resource] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for top
  -n, --namespace string   namespace where the resource(s) resides (default "default")

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string  path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")

Top Examples

  • Display traffic statistics for all Deployments:

    nginx-meshctl top

  • Display traffic statistics for all Pods:

    nginx-meshctl top pods

  • Display traffic statistics for Deployment “my-app”:

    nginx-meshctl top deployments/my-app


Upgrade NGINX Service Mesh to the latest version. This command removes the existing NGINX Service Mesh while preserving user configuration data. The latest version of NGINX Service Mesh is then deployed using that data.

  nginx-meshctl upgrade [flags]

  -h, --help   help for upgrade
  -y, --yes    answer yes for confirmation of upgrade
  -t, --timeout duration   timeout when waiting for an upgrade to finish (default 5m0s)

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")


Display NGINX Service Mesh version. Will contact Mesh API Server for version and timeout if unable to connect.

  nginx-meshctl version [flags]

  -h, --help   help for version

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubectl config file (default "/Users/<user>/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string    NGINX Service Mesh control plane namespace (default "nginx-mesh")
  -t, --timeout duration    timeout when communicating with NGINX Service Mesh (default 5s)

Last modified March 19, 2025