SMI Traffic Policies


This topic discusses the various traffic policies that are supported by F5 NGINX Service Mesh. We support the SMI spec to allow for a variety of functionality within our mesh, from traffic shaping to access control. NGINX Service Mesh provides additional traffic policies to extend on the SMI spec. This topic provides examples of how you can use the SMI spec and NGINX custom resources with NGINX Service Mesh to apply policies and control your traffic.

Refer to the SMI GitHub repo to find out more about the SMI spec and how to configure it.

Avoid configuring traffic policies such as TrafficSplits, RateLimits, and CircuitBreakers for headless services. These policies will not work as expected because NGINX Service Mesh has no way to tie each pod IP address to its headless service.

SMI Specification

Traffic Splitting

You can use the SMI TrafficSplit spec to implement Canary, A/B testing, and other traffic routing setups.

NGINX Service Mesh is also compatible with Flagger and other SMI-compatible projects.

The Deployments using Traffic Splitting tutorial provides a walkthrough of using traffic splits in a deployment.

The NGINX Plus Ingress Controller’s custom resource TransportServer has the same Kubernetes short name (ts) as the custom resource TrafficSplit. If you install the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller, use the full names transportserver(s) and trafficsplit(s) when managing these resources with kubectl.

Traffic Split Matches

The TrafficSplit spec outlines how you can split traffic based on headers in order to implement A/B testing. NGINX Service Mesh expands on this concept by allowing you to split traffic based on the path, HTTP methods, and/or headers of a request. This is achieved by specifying matches that associate HTTPRouteGroups with your traffic split policy.

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: target
  service: target-svc
  - service: target-v1
    weight: 0
  - service: target-v2
    weight: 1
  - service: target-v3
    weight: 0
  - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
    name: target-route-group
 kind: HTTPRouteGroup
   name: target-route-group
   namespace: default
   - name: metrics
     pathRegex: "/metrics"
     - GET
  - name: test-header
      x-test: "^true$"

This example associates all matches defined in the target-route-group to the target TrafficSplit. When a request is sent to the target-svc, if it’s a GET request to the /metrics endpoint or has the x-test:true header set, the traffic split is applied and the request is routed to the target-v2 service. All other requests will be sent to the root target-svc, which will forward the request to one of the target services based on the load-balancing algorithm of the mesh.

If there are multiple matches defined in a HTTPRouteGroup, or multiple HTTPRouteGroups listed in the TrafficSplit spec.matches field, then all the matches across all HTTPRouteGroups will be attached to the TrafficSplit. Matches are evaluated with the OR operation, meaning that a request only needs to satisfy one of the matches in order for the traffic split to be applied.

Services named in a TrafficSplit definition should not forward to an overlapping set of Pods. In other words, using the example above, target-v1 and target-v2 should have unique selectors to ensure they are forwarding to different sets of Pods. This avoids any unintentional or confusing traffic flow to incorrect destinations.

In another example, the spec above could be changed to set target-v1 as the root default service, rather than target-svc. With this configuration, all traffic that matches the HTTPRouteGroup rules will be sent to target-v2, while all unmatched traffic will be sent to target-v1.

For more information about HTTPRouteGroups see the SMI Traffic Specs guide.

Access Control

You can use the SMI Traffic Access spec to define access to applications throughout your cluster. Keep in mind that you must use this spec in conjunction with SMI Specs to fully define access control in the mesh.

Access Control Rules

The Traffic Access spec describes how you can define L7 rules for your access control policies with HTTPRouteGroups.

HTTPRouteGroup rules are picked on a first match basis. A match is the first rule that satisfies all criteria (pathRegex, methods, headers, and port) for a request. Matches should be defined in order from most specific to least specific to ensure the first match policy picks the best option.

This match policy works on a per TrafficTarget basis. If multiple TrafficTargets reference the same destination and same sources, rule ordering is not guaranteed. Ensure that a single TrafficTarget contains all appropriate rules for a destination and source.

The Services using Access Control tutorial provides a walkthrough of using access control between services.

NGINX SMI Extensions

Rate Limiting

API Version: v1alpha2

The Configure Rate Limiting tutorial provides a walkthrough of setting up rate limiting between workloads.

You can configure rate limiting between your workloads in NGINX Service Mesh by creating a RateLimit resource.

 kind: RateLimit
   name: ratelimit-v1
   namespace: default
     kind: Service
     name: dest-svc
     namespace: default
     - kind: Deployment
       name: source-1
       namespace: default
   name: 10rm
   rate: 10r/m
   burst: 10
   delay: "nodelay"
     - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
       name: hrg
         - get-only
 kind: HTTPRouteGroup
   name: hrg
   namespace: default
     - name: get-only
         - GET
     - name: v2
       pathRegex: "/configuration-v2"
         X-DEMO: "^true$"
         - GET

In this example, GET requests to the destination service from source-1 will be rate limited at the rate of 10r/m. The burst of 10 and a delay of nodelay means that 10 excess requests over the rate will be forwarded to the destination service immediately. Requests from sources other than source-1, or requests from source-1 that are not GET requests, will not be rate limited.

You can download the schema for the RateLimit CRD here: rate-limit-schema.yaml

The rate limit spec contains the following fields:

  • destination: The destination resource for the rate limit (required).

    Must provide a name, kind, and namespace in order to bind to the specified resource. Supported kinds: Pod, Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, and Service.

  • sources: The source resources that the rate limit is applied to (optional).

    Rate limits only affect the traffic from services that are in the sources list. Services not included in this list are able to pass unlimited traffic to their destination(s). If no sources are provided then the rate limit applies to all resources making requests to the destination.

    The sources do not have to be in the same namespace as the destination; cross-namespaces rate limiting is supported.
  • name: The name of the rate limit (required).

  • rate: The rate to restrict traffic to (required). Example: “1r/s”, “30r/m”

    Each Pod in the destination accepts the total rate defined in a rate limit policy. If a policy has a rate of 100 r/m, and the destination consists of 3 Pods, each Pod accepts 100 r/m.

    If a single rate limit policy contains multiple sources, the rate divides evenly amongst them. For example, a policy defined with

      name: destService
    - name: source1
    - name: source2
    rate: 100 r/m

    would result in destService accepting 50 requests per minute from source1, and 50 requests per minute from source2, for a total rate of 100 requests per minute. If two separate policies are defined for the same destination, then the rate is not divided amongst the sources.

    If you are creating multiple rate limit policies for the same destination, the source lists for each rate limit must be distinct. You cannot reference the same source and destination across multiple rate limits.
  • burst: The number of requests to allow beyond a given rate (optional).

    Refer to the NGINX Documentation for more information on burst.

  • delay: The number of requests after which to delay requests (optional).

    Refer to the NGINX Documentation for more information on delay.

  • rules: A list of routing rules (optional).

    RateLimit rules allow you to configure rate limiting based on the path, HTTP methods, and/or headers of a request. The rules field is a list of HTTPRouteGroups with an optional matches field. The matches field allows you to specify one or more matches from a particular HTTPRouteGroup. If the matches field is omitted, then all matches from the HTTPRouteGroup are attached to the RateLimit.

    HTTPRouteGroups must be in the same namespace as the RateLimit.
    If there are multiple matches defined in an HTTPRouteGroup, or multiple HTTPRouteGroups listed in the RateLimit spec.rules field, then all the matches across all HTTPRouteGroups will be attached to the RateLimit. Matches are evaluated with the OR operation, meaning that a request only needs to satisfy one of the matches in order for the rate limit to be applied.

Documentation for the v1alpha1 RateLimit can be found here.

Default rate limit policies

If you would like to enforce one rate limit policy for all requests made to a destination, you can omit the sources field from your rate limit spec.

 kind: RateLimit
   name: dest-svc-default
   namespace: default
     kind: Service
     name: dest-svc
     namespace: default
   name: 10rs
   rate: 10r/s

The above configuration will restrict all traffic sent to dest-svc to 10 requests per second.

You can also create additional rate limit policies for dest-svc with sources defined, and the default policy will only apply if the source of the traffic is not listed in another policy. For example, if you have a source that sends bursts of requests to dest-svc, you might create the following rate limit:

 kind: RateLimit
   name: dest-svc-bursty
   namespace: default
     kind: Service
     name: dest-svc
     namespace: default
     kind: Deployment
     name: bursty-src
     namespace: default
   name: 10rs
   rate: 10r/s
   burst: 10

The dest-svc-bursty rate limit will allow a burst of 10 requests to get through to the dest-svc only if the requests are from bursty-src. All other requests will be limited according to the dest-svc-default rate limit policy.

Rate limit conflicts

Multiple rate limit policies are allowed for the same destination, but the source lists for each rate limit must be distinct. You cannot reference the same source and destination across multiple rate limits. The NGINX Service Mesh control plane’s admission webhook will reject rate limits that reference the same source and destination as an existing rate limit. However, the admission webhook can only compare the resource definitions (Kind, Namespace, and Name) of the destination and sources in order to determine if there’s a conflict with an existing rate limit. For example, consider the following rate limits:

kind: RateLimit
 name: limit-1
 namespace: default
    kind: Service
    name: dest-svc
    namespace: default
  - kind: Service
    name: src-1
    namespace: default
kind: RateLimit
  name: limit-2
  namespace: default
    kind: Deployment
    name: dest-svc
    namespace: default
    - kind: Service
      name: src-1
      namespace: default

Let’s say that we create limit-1 first and limit-2 second. The admission webhook will allow both limits to be created, because even though the sources are the same, the destinations are different. If the control plane later determines that the IP addresses between the two destinations are the same, limit-2 will not be configured and the control plane will emit an UpsertRateLimitFailed event on the rate limit object.

To check for misconfiguration events, you can describe the rate limit:

kubectl describe ratelimit <rate limit name>

Circuit Breaking

API Version: v1alpha1

You can enable circuit breaking by creating a CircuitBreaker resource. A circuit breaker requires a destination and an associated spec. The destination takes a name, kind, and namespace in order to bind to a selected resource.

Currently, only kind: Service is supported.

The circuit breaker spec has three custom fields:

  • errors: The number of errors before the circuit trips.

  • timeoutSeconds: The window for errors to occur within before tripping the circuit. Also the amount of time to wait before closing the circuit.

  • fallback: The name and port of a Kubernetes Service to re-route traffic to after the circuit has been tripped.


       name: "my-namespace/fallback-svc"
       port: 8080

    If no namespace or port is specified, default values are default and 80, respectively.

The destination and fallback services must be in the same namespace. The fallback service must be injected with the sidecar proxy.

If Circuit Breakers are configured, the load balancing algorithm random cannot be used. Combining Circuit Breakers with random load balancing will cause sidecars to exit with an error. Data flow will be affected.

To avoid this issue, use a different load balancing algorithm. See the Configuration guide.

If a Traffic Split is applied to the same service that a Circuit Breaker is defined for, the Circuit Breaker may no longer function as intended. This is because the Traffic Split changes the destination service to a backend service, not the original root destination for which the Circuit Breaker is defined. Therefore, Circuit Breakers must be defined for each backend service individually.

You can download our Circuit Breaker example here: circuit-breaker.yaml and the Circuit Breaker schema here: circuit-breaker-schema.yaml

Refer to the NGINX Documentation for more information about the max_fails, fail_timeout, and backup parameters, which are used for circuit breaking.

Last modified March 19, 2025