End of Sale Notice:

Commercial support for NGINX Service Mesh is available to customers who currently have active NGINX Microservices Bundle subscriptions. F5 NGINX announced the End of Sale (EoS) for the NGINX Microservices Bundles as of July 1, 2023.

See our End of Sale announcement for more details.

Private Registry

How to set up access to a private registry


F5 NGINX Service Mesh supports using a private registry to store its components. In order to deploy NGINX Service Mesh from a private registry, you need to configure the NGINX Service Mesh CLI with credentials that can access the registry.

CLI Flags

You can use the following NGINX Service Mesh CLI flags to configure private registry access.

Flag Description
--registry-server The host name and port (if needed) of the private registry, for example, “gcr.io”. Can also contain the path, though only the domain is used for authentication. Pull requests for images to this registry will authenticate using the provided credentials.
--registry-username The username to access the private registry. Must be used with --registry-password. Cannot be used with --registry-key.
--registry-password The password to access the private registry. Must be used with --registry-username. Cannot be used with --registry-key.
--registry-key The path on disk to a JSON key file that allows access to a GKE registry. Cannot be used with --registry-username or --registry-password.

There are two methods of accessing a private registry:

  • Registry username and password can be specified with --registry-username and --registry-password.
  • For a GKE registry, you can specify the path to the JSON key using --registry-key. The path can be relative to the working directory or absolute.
Using the --registry-password flag can expose your plain text password on the console and in the console history.


See this list for the images you need to copy to your private registry. The image names and tags must remain the same.

gcr.io/spiffe-io/spire-agent:1.5.6 would become your-registry/spire-agent:1.5.6

nats:2.9-alpine would become your-registry/nats:2.9-alpine

When running nginx-meshctl deploy, use the --disable-public-images flag to instruct the mesh to use your --registry-server for all images.

nginx-meshctl deploy --registry-server your-registry --disable-public-images ...


Deploying from a private registry using a username and password:

nginx-meshctl deploy ... --registry-server <your-docker-registry> --registry-username <your-username> --registry-password <your-password>

Deploy from a GKE registry using a JSON Key:

nginx-meshctl deploy ... --registry-server <your-gke-docker-registry> --registry-key </path/to/key.json>

How it Works

When deploying with the private registry flags, nginx-meshctl will create a Kubernetes Secret (example below) that encapsulates the secret data:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: nginx-mesh-registry-key
    namespace: nginx-mesh
        usage: nginx-mesh-registry-key
    .dockerconfigjson: <base64-encoded-config>
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

The is a base64 encoded JSON that encapsulates the secret data with a header. When using the --registry-username and --regsitry-password option, that section looks like:

    "auths": {
        "<your-docker-registry as specified with --registry-server>": {
            "username": "<your-username>",
            "password": "<your-password>",
            "auth": "<base64 encoded string of your username and password>"

NGINX Service Mesh creates the Kubernetes Secret in its namespace. Kubernetes Secrets aren’t cluster-wide, so when injecting a pod with a sidecar, NGINX Service Mesh duplicates the Kubernetes Secret into the namespace of that pod.

NGINX Service Mesh will additionally inject the below yaml snippet into Pods injected with a sidecar. This allows the Pod to use the Kubernetes Secret to pull the NGINX Service Mesh sidecar container:

- name: nginx-mesh-registry-key

When you remove NGINX Service Mesh, all of the Kubernetes Secrets that it created are deleted. It uses a label selector to get a list of all the Kubernetes Secrets with the label usage=nginx-mesh-registry-key. You can simulate this operation using kubectl:

kubectl get secrets -l usage=nginx-mesh-registry-key -A