Technical Specifications

The following document outlines the software versions and overhead F5 NGINX Service Mesh uses while running.

Software Versions

The following tables list the software versions NGINX Service Mesh supports and uses by default.

Supported Versions

NGINX Service Mesh Kubernetes OpenShift NGINX Ingress Controller Helm Rancher
v1.7.0+ 1.22+ 4.9+ 2.2+ 3.2+ 2.5+
v1.6.0 1.22+ 4.9+ 2.2+ (NGINX Plus only) 3.2+ 2.5+
NGINX Service Mesh SMI Traffic Access SMI Traffic Metrics SMI Traffic Specs SMI Traffic Split NSM RateLimit NSM CircuitBreaker
v1.2.0+ v1alpha2 v1alpha1* v1alpha3 v1alpha3 v1alpha1, v1alpha2 v1alpha1

* - in progress, supported resources: StatefulSets, Namespaces, Deployments, Pods, DaemonSets


NGINX Service Mesh NGINX Plus (sidecar) SPIRE NATS
v2.0.0+ R28 1.5.6 nats:2.9-alpine
v1.7.0 R28 1.5.4 nats:2.9-alpine
v1.6.0 R27 1.4.4 nats:2.9.3-alpine3.16


Distributed Images

  • NGINX Service Mesh Controller.
  • Gets Pod (and other Kubernetes resources) metrics. Refer to SMI Metrics on GitHub and nginx-meshctl help top for more information.
  • NGINX Service Mesh sidecar.
  • NGINX Service Mesh sidecar init container. Sets up iptables for the sidecar.
  • NGINX Service Mesh certificate reloader. Loads and rotates certificates for the NATs server.

Third Party Images

NGINX Service Mesh also pulls the following publicly-accessible third-party container images into your Kubernetes cluster in order to function:

Component Image path(s) Version tag
SPIRE 1.5.6 1.5.6 1.5.6
curlimages/curl latest
ubuntu (OpenShift only) 22.04 (OpenShift only) 0.2.1 (OpenShift only) v2.7.0
NATS nats 2.9-alpine
Helm hooks bitnami/kubectl latest


NGINX Service Mesh OpenTelemetry C++
v1.7.0+ 1.8.1
v1.6.0 1.4.1


Linux kernel 4.18 is required if enabling UDP traffic proxying (disabled by default). Note that Amazon EKS v1.18 does not work with UDP enabled, due to it using Linux kernel 4.14.

A series of automated tests are frequently run to ensure mesh stability and reliability. For deployments less than 100 Pods, a minimum cluster environment is recommended:

Environment Machine Type Number of Nodes
GKE n2-standard-4 (4 vCPU, 16GB) 3
AKS Standard_D4s_v3 (4 vCPU, 16GiB) 3
EKS t3.xlarge (4 vCPU, 16GiB) 3
AWS t3.xlarge (4 vCPU, 16GiB) 1 Control, 3 Workers


The overhead of NGINX Service Mesh varies depending on the component in the mesh and the type of resources currently deployed. The control plane is responsible for holding the state of all managed resources. Therefore, it scales up linearly with the number of resources being handled - be it Pods, Services, TrafficSplits, or any other resource in NGINX Service Mesh. Spire specifically watches for new workloads, which reside 1:1 in every Pod deployed. As a result, it scales up as more Pods are added to the mesh.

The data plane sidecar must keep track of the other Services in the mesh as well as any traffic policies that are associated with it. Therefore, the resource load will increase as a function of the number of Services and traffic policies in the mesh. In an attempt to balance the stress on the cluster, we run a nightly test which flexes the most critical components of the mesh. Below are the details of this test, so you may get an idea of the overhead each component is responsible for and size your own cluster accordingly.

Stress Test Overhead

Cluster Information:

  • Environment: GKE
  • Node Type: n2-standard-4 (4 vCPU, 16GB)
  • Number of nodes: 3
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.18.16

Metrics were gathered using the Kubernetes Metrics API. CPU is calculated in terms of the number of cpu units, where one cpu is equivalent to 1 vCPU/Core. For more information on the metrics API and how the data is recorded, see The Metrics API documentation.


Num Services Control Plane (without metrics and tracing) Control Plane Total Average Sidecar
10 (20 Pods) CPU: 0.075 vCPU CPU: 0.095 vCPU CPU: 0.033 vCPU
50 (100 Pods) CPU: 0.097 vCPU CPU: 0.431 vCPU CPU: 0.075 vCPU
100 (200 Pods) CPU: 0.148 vCPU CPU: 0.233 vCPU CPU: 0.050 vCPU


Num Services Control Plane (without metrics and tracing) Control Plane Total Average Sidecar
10 (20 Pods) Memory: 168.766 MiB Memory: 767.500 MiB Memory: 33.380 MiB
50 (100 Pods) Memory: 215.289 MiB Memory: 2347.258 MiB Memory: 38.542 MiB
100 (200 Pods) Memory: 272.305 MiB Memory: 4973.992 MiB Memory: 52.946 MiB

Disk Usage

Spire uses a persistent volume to make restarts more seamless. NGINX Service Mesh automatically allocates 1 GB persistent volume in supported environments (see Persistent Storage setup page for environment requirements). Below is the information on the disk usage within that volume. Disk usage scales directly with the number of Pods in the mesh.

Num Pods Disk Usage
20 4.2 MB
100 4.3 MB
200 4.6 MB


The following table lists the ports and IP addresses the NGINX Service Mesh sidecar binds.

Port IP Address Protocol Direction Purpose
8900 All Outgoing Redirect to virtual server for traffic type 1
8901 All Incoming Redirect to virtual server for traffic type 1
8902 localhost All Outgoing Redirection error
8903 localhost All Incoming Redirection error
8904 localhost TCP Incoming Main virtual server
8905 localhost TCP Incoming TCP traffic denied by Access Control policies
8906 localhost TCP Outgoing Main virtual server
8907 localhost TCP Incoming Permissive virtual server 2
8908 UDP Outgoing Main virtual server
8909 UDP Incoming Main virtual server
8886 HTTP Control NGINX Plus API
8887 HTTP Control Prometheus metrics
8888 localhost HTTP Incoming Main virtual server
8889 localhost HTTP Outgoing Main virtual server
8890 localhost HTTP Incoming Permissive virtual server 2
8891 localhost GRPC Incoming Main virtual server
8892 localhost GRPC Outgoing Main virtual server
8893 localhost GRPC Incoming Permissive virtual server 2
8894 localhost HTTP Outgoing NGINX Ingress Controller egress traffic
8895 HTTP Incoming Redirect health probes 3
8896 HTTP Incoming Redirect HTTPS health probes 3


  1. All traffic is redirected to these two ports. From there the sidecar determines the traffic type and forwards the traffic to the Main virtual server for that traffic type.

  2. The Permissive virtual server is used when permissive mTLS is configured. It’s used to accept non-mTLS traffic, for example from Pods that aren’t injected with a sidecar. See the Secure Mesh Traffic using mTLS for more information on permissive mTLS.

  3. The Kubernetes readinessProbe and livenessProbe need dedicated ports as they’re not regular in-band mTLS traffic.

Last modified March 19, 2025