NGINX App Protect DoS Directives and Policy


NGINX directives are specified in the nginx.conf file and are used to configure various modules of NGINX.
F5 NGINX App Protect DoS has its own set of directives, which follow the same rules as other NGINX directives, and are used to enable and configure its features.

The table below provides a summary of all the F5 NGINX App Protect DoS directives.

While only the first directive is mandatory for enabling NGINX App Protect DoS, it is recommended to use as many directives as possible to leverage the product’s full range of monitoring and application health detection capabilities. After adding these directives, ensure you reload NGINX and check the error log for any errors or warnings.

Directives table

Below is a summary of all NGINX App Protect DoS directives. Detailed descriptions of each directive can be found in the following sections.

Directive syntax Options Context Description Mandatory Default
app_protect_dos_enable [on|off] http,
Enable/Disable DoS protection Yes off
app_protect_dos_policy_file [FILE-PATH] http,
Load DoS configuration from a policy file No /etc/app_protect_dos/BADOSDefaultPolicy.json
app_protect_dos_name [SERVICE-NAME] http,
Name of protected object No line_num-server_name:seq-location_name

(i.e. 30-backend:1-/abc)
app_protect_dos_monitor [uri=X] [protocol=Y] [timeout=Z] [proxy_protocol | proxy_protocol=on|off] http,
URI to monitor server’s stress. Protocol and timeout are optional Yes, unless its regular http1 traffic uri - None
protocol - http1
timeout - 10 seconds for http1/websocket ; 5 seconds for http2/grpc
proxy_protocol - off
app_protect_dos_security_log_enable [on|off] http,
Enable/Disable security logger No off
app_protect_dos_security_log [LOG-CONFIG-FILE] [DESTINATION] http,
Security logger configuration. Second argument:
“syslog:server={ip}:{port}” or
“stderr” or
No /etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json stderr
app_protect_dos_liveness [on|off] [uri:URI] [port:PORT] http Liveness prob. Second and third arguments are optional No off uri:/app_protect_dos_liveness port:8090
app_protect_dos_readiness [on|off] [uri:URI] [port:PORT] http Readiness prob. Second and third arguments are optional No off uri:/app_protect_dos_readiness port:8090
app_protect_dos_arb_fqdn [FQDN|IP address] http Arbitrator FQDN/IP address No svc-appprotect-dos-arb
app_protect_dos_api No arguments location Monitoring via Rest API (also includes the dashboard) No off
app_protect_dos_accelerated_mitigation [on|off] [syn_drop=on|off] http Enable/Disable L4 accelerated mitigation. Second argument is optional No off syn_drop=off
app_protect_dos_access_file [FILE-PATH] http,
Define allowlist policy from a file No None / disabled

Directives Info

Enable directive (app_protect_dos_enable)

Enables/disables App Protect DoS module in the relevant block/s.
It can be written in the following contexts: location/server/http.

The derived blocks/contexts also inherit the directive. For example: A directive written in http context will be considered as if written also in all of the http’s server blocks and their location blocks.

In case of multiple directives in different contexts, the derived overwrites the base’s directive.

Config Expected
Http block: directive is on
Server block: none is written
Location-1 block: none is written
Location-2 block: none is written
VS1: the server block
VS2: location-1 block
VS3: location-2 block
Server block: directive is on
Location-1 block: directive is off
Location-2 block: none is written
VS1: the server block
VS2: location-2 block
Http block: directive is on
Server block: directive is off
Location-1 block: directive is on
Location-2 block: none is written
VS1: location-1 block


app_protect_dos_enable on;

Policy directive (app_protect_dos_policy_file)

This is the path to the JSON policy file which includes the product’s configuration parameters. It can be written in the following contexts: location/server/http.

The directive is optional. If not inserted then default path will be used, which is /etc/app_protect_dos/BADOSDefaultPolicy.json.

If the configuration file doesn’t exist or its attributes are invalid, default values will be used.


    "mitigation_mode": "standard",
    "signatures": "on",
    "bad_actors": "on",
    "automation_tools_detection": "on",
    "tls_fingerprint" : "on"
Parameter name Values Default Description
mitigation_mode standard / conservative / none standard Standard - module allowed to use global rate mitigation
Conservative - module is not allowed to use global rate but only Signatures/Bad Actors mitigation
None - module is not allowed to mitigate. Only to learn and report.
signatures [on|off] on Enable Signatures mechanism
bad_actors [on|off] on Enable Bad Actors mechanism
automation_tools_detection [on|off] on Enable the usage of automation tools detection (via cookies and redirect)
tls_fingerprint [on|off] on Enable source identification using TLS fingerprinting
Scenario Result
Directive is not written Default path is used: “/etc/app_protect_dos/BADOSDefaultPolicy.json”
Directive is written Path from the directive is used
File not found / file syntax is invalid Default values are used


app_protect_dos_policy_file /etc/app_protect_dos/BADOSPolicy.json;

Service Name directive (app_protect_dos_name)

This is the Protected Object (VS) name, which should be unique and is used to identify the Protected Object in the logs.
It can be utilized within location, server, and http blocks.

Directive is optional. If not written, then each protected object (VS) will have an auto-generated name according to the following syntax:


For example: 30-backend:1-/abc

  • line number: the line number of the server block (server {) in the nginx.conf file (i.e. 30)
  • server name: taken from directive server_name (i.e. backend)
    seq: 0 for server block, increments for each location block. i.e. VS created from server block will have 0 and VS’s from location blocks will be 1,2,3,… (i.e. 1)
  • location name: the name of the location (i.e. /abc)

NGINX App Protect DoS supports up to 300 Protected Objects for versions up to 4.3, and 1,000 Protected Objects in version 4.4 and above.


app_protect_dos_name po-example;

Monitor directive (app_protect_dos_monitor)

The app_protect_dos_monitor directive is used to monitor the stress level of the Protected Object.
Requests for this monitoring are sent from the localhost (
This directive is mandatory, except when using the HTTP1 protocol, where it is still strongly recommended for optimal performance.

app_protect_dos_monitor uri=path [protocol=http1|http2|grpc|websocket] [timeout=number] [proxy_protocol=on|off];

Monitor directive has four arguments - uri, protocol, timeout and proxy_protocol. The first is mandatory and the rest are optional.

  • URI - The destination to the desired protected object in the nginx.conf. The format is scheme://server_name:port/location.

    For gRPC, a specific method should be specified in the location. For example, /RouteGuide/GetFeature.
  • Protocol - determines the protocol type of the service. Options are http1 / http2 / grpc / websocket. Default: http1.

    HTTP2 and gRPC are supported from NGINX App Protect DoS v2, while WebSocket is supported from NGINX App Protect DoS v4.
  • Timeout - determines how long (in seconds) should NGINX App Protect DoS wait for a response. Default: 10 seconds for http1/http2/websocket and 5 seconds for grpc.

  • Proxy Protocol - Should be used when the listen directive of the corresponding server block contains the proxy_protocol parameter. It adds an HAProxy PROXY protocol header to the monitor request. The format is proxy_protocol | proxy_protocol=on. Default: off.

    The proxy_protocol is supported from NGINX App Protect DoS v3.1.

For NGINX App Protect DoS v1

Monitor directive has one argument which is the uri to be monitored. Only HTTP1 is supported.

The argument is a destination to the desired protected object in the nginx.conf: scheme://server_name:port/location.


  1. http1 on port 80:
listen 80;
server_name serv;

location / {
    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=http://serv:80/;
For NGINX App Protect DoS v1, use: app_protect_dos_monitor http://serv:80/;
  1. http2 over SSL
listen 443 http2 reuseport ssl;
server_name serv;

location / {
    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=https://serv:443/ protocol=http2 timeout=5;
  1. gRPC service on port 50051
listen 50051 http2 reuseport;
server_name my_grpc;

location /routeguide. {
    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=http://my_grpc:50051/routeguide.RouteGuide/GetFeature protocol=grpc;
  1. Server with proxy_protocol
listen 443 ssl http2 proxy_protocol;
server_name serv;

location / {
    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=https://serv:443/ protocol=http2 timeout=5 proxy_protocol=on;

location /example2 {
    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=https://serv:443/ protocol=http2 timeout=5 proxy_protocol;
  1. WebSocket service
listen 80;
server_name wsapp;

location /wsapp/ {
    # WebSocket configuration, required by NGINX
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

    # Protected Object is defined here
    app_protect_dos_monitor uri=http://wsapp:80/ protocol=websocket;

Security log enable directive (app_protect_dos_security_log_enable)

Enable/Disable App Protect DoS security logger. It can be used in location/server/http blocks.

Directive is optional. If not written, then logger is disabled.


app_protect_dos_security_log_enable on;

Security log directive (app_protect_dos_security_log)

This directive has two string arguments.

First argument is the configuration file path, i.e. /etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json.

Second argument is the destination (the location which the events will be sent to). The destination can be one of three options:

  • syslog:server={ip}:{port}, i.e. syslog:server=
  • stderr (default)
  • {absolute_file_path}, i.e. /shared/dos_sec_logger.log

Implemented according to: NGINX App Protect DoS Security Log

  • When using stderr, make sure that the process admd is not redirecting the stderr output to file.
  • When using the Docker startup script from the admin guide, make sure that it doesn’t redirect stderr.


  • Syslog:
app_protect_dos_security_log "/etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json" syslog:server=;
  • File:
app_protect_dos_security_log "/etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json" /shared/logger.log;
  • Stderr:
app_protect_dos_security_log "/etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json" stderr;

While /etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json is:

    "filter": {
        "traffic-mitigation-stats": "all",
        "bad-actors": "top 10",
        "attack-signatures": "top 10"

Liveness probe directive (app_protect_dos_liveness)

This directive has 3 arguments.

First argument Second argument Third argument
[on|off] depending if this feature should be enabled or disabled. URI Syntax is: uri:___ Port Syntax is: port:____
Second and Third arguments are optional; if one or more is not written, the default will take place.

If liveness is enabled, a request with URI and PORT that matches the probe configuration (i.e. /app_protect_dos_liveness:8090) will be answered with RC 200 “Alive” by our NGINX module, without being counted or pass to other handlers nor the backend server.

Any other response will indicate that our NGINX module (NGINX App Protect DoS) has not received the request (possibly means that NGINX is down).


app_protect_dos_liveness on uri:/liveness port:8090;

Readiness probe directive (app_protect_dos_readiness)

This directive has 3 arguments.

First argument Second argument Third argument
[on|off] depending if this feature should be enabled or disabled. URI Syntax is: uri:___ Port Syntax is: port:____
Second and Third arguments are optional; if one or more is not written, the default will take place.

If readiness is enabled, a request with URI and PORT that matches the probe configuration (i.e. /app_protect_dos_readiness:8090) will be answered with RC 200 “Ready” or RC 503 “Not Ready” by our NGINX module, without being counted or pass to other handlers nor the backend server.

Any other response will indicate that our NGINX module (NGINX App Protect DoS) has not received the request (possibly means that NGINX is down).

RC 200 “Ready” will occur if two conditions are met:

  1. NGINX worker successfully connected to the global shared memory block
  2. ADMD process is running (and not stuck)


app_protect_dos_readiness on uri:/readiness port:8090;

Arbitrator FQDN directive (app_protect_dos_arb_fqdn)

Arbitrator FQDN directive has one argument which is the FQDN/IP.

The argument is the FQDN to the desired Arbitrator.



app_protect_dos_arb_fqdn svc-appprotect-dos-arb.arb.svc.cluster.local;

IP address:


API directive (app_protect_dos_api)

This directive is used to enable the App Protect DoS monitoring capability via REST API.
The REST API interface provides extended metrics information of the Protected Objects. It can be used by sending REST API requests manually or by using the App Protect DoS dashboard page.

For more information refer to NGINX App Protect DoS Live Activity Monitoring


http {
    # ...
    server {
        # ...
        location /api {
            deny  all;
        location = /dashboard-dos.html {
            root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

Accelerated mitigation directive (app_protect_dos_accelerated_mitigation)

This directive is used to enable or disable App Protect DoS L4 accelerated mitigation.

syn_drop is an optional parameter; the default value is “off”.
syn_drop=on mode is applicable for plane HTTP services or HTTPS when the tls_fingerprint feature is disabled. Refer to policy parameter “tls_fingerprint” in Policy directive. In syn_drop mode, the SYN packet of detected bad actors will be dropped.

syn_drop mode is recommended for the deployments of NGINX App Protect DoS at the perimeter network or behind L3 load balancer. Using this mode when NGINX App Protect DoS is deployed behind L4/L7 load balancer may result in the load balancer’s starvation during an attack.

To use this directive you need to install eBPF package.


app_protect_dos_accelerated_mitigation on syn_drop=on;

Access File directive (app_protect_dos_access_file)

The app_protect_dos_access_file directive defines an allowlist policy from a specified file.
This enables specifying IP addresses or ranges that should never be blocked.
The format of the file is the same as used in NGINX App Protect WAF, making it easy to reuse existing WAF policies with defined allowlist IPs.

The directive is optional. If not written, then the allowlist feature is disabled.

The file should include a list of IP addresses or ranges in JSON format. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.

IPv4 addresses are in the format “a.b.c.d” where each component is a decimal number in the range 0-255.
IPv6 addresses are in the format “h1:h2:h3:h4:h5:h6:h7:h8” where each component is a hex number in the range 0x0-0xffff. Any contiguous range of zero elements can be omitted and replaced by “::”.
IPv4 and IPv6 masks are written in the format “IP/xxx” (for example: /24), indicating the number of significant bits.

The JSON file should include the ipAddress field for specifying IP addresses or ranges, and the blockRequests field set to “transparent”. The file can also include $ref to reference additional files containing more IP addresses.

Additionally, a second format is supported where the mask is specified in a dedicated field ipMask. The mask should be written in the standard subnet notation for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. In this format, the blockRequests field should have a value of “never” instead of “transparent”.


app_protect_dos_access_file "/etc/app_protect_dos/allowlist.json";

Example content of /etc/app_protect_dos/allowlist.json:

    "policy": {
        "ip-address-lists": [
                "ipAddresses": [
                    { "ipAddress": "" },
                    { "ipAddress": "" },
                    { "ipAddress": "" },
                    { "ipAddress": "2023::4ef3/128" },
                    { "ipAddress": "2034::2300/120" }
                "blockRequests": "transparent"
                "$ref": "/etc/app_protect_dos/additional_ips.json",
                "blockRequests": "transparent"

Example content of /etc/app_protect_dos/additional_ips.json:

    "ipAddresses": [
        { "ipAddress": "" },
        { "ipAddress": "" }

Example content with second format:


Last modified September 30, 2024