Early Access Preview

The F5 NGINX One cloud console is currently available in Early Access. This preview version is for evaluation and testing purposes only and should not be used in production environments.

Use NGINX Plus container images to connect to NGINX One


By following this guide, you will be able to set up a Docker container with NGINX Plus and the NGINX Agent, and then connect to the F5 NGINX One cloud console.

Before you start

Before you start, make sure you have the following:

Process for private registry

Log in to NGINX private registry

First, log in to the NGINX private registry. Replace YOUR_JWT_HERE with your actual JWT.

sudo docker login private-registry.nginx.com --username=YOUR_JWT_HERE --password=none

For security, follow these practices with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), passwords, and shell history:

  1. JWTs: JWTs are sensitive information. Store them securely. Delete them after use to prevent unauthorized access.

  2. Shell history: Commands that include JWTs or passwords are recorded in the history of your shell, in plain text. Clear your shell history after running such commands. For example, if you use bash, you can delete commands in your ~/.bash_history file. Alternatively, you can run the history -c command to erase your shell history.

Follow these practices to help ensure the security of your system and data.

Pull the image

Next, pull the NGINX Plus image from the private registry. Replace VERSION_TAG with the specific version tag you need (for example, alpine, debian, or ubi).

sudo docker pull private-registry.nginx.com/nginx-plus/agent:VERSION_TAG
A version tag is required. Leaving out the version tag is not supported because latest is not a valid option. For more details about version tags, refer to Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus on Docker.


To pull the debian image, use the following command:

sudo docker pull private-registry.nginx.com/nginx-plus/agent:debian

Start the container

Finally, start the Docker container. Replace YOUR_DATA_PLANE_KEY with your actual NGINX One data plane key and VERSION_TAG with the specific version tag you pulled.

sudo docker run \
--env=NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_HOST=agent.connect.nginx.com \
--restart=always \
--runtime=runc \
-d private-registry.nginx.com/nginx-plus/agent:VERSION_TAG


To start the container with the debian image, use the following command:

sudo docker run \
--env=NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_HOST=agent.connect.nginx.com \
--restart=always \
--runtime=runc \
-d private-registry.nginx.com/nginx-plus/agent:debian


For more detailed information, refer to the following resources: