NGINX App Protect WAF Configuration Guide


This guide explains the F5 NGINX App Protect WAF security features and how to use them. This guide also assumes that you have some familiarity with various Layer 7 (L7) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) concepts, such as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL), method, header, cookie, status code, request, response, and parameters.

For more information on the NGINX App Protect WAF security features, see NGINX App Protect WAF Terminology.

Supported Security Policy Features

Protection Mechanism Description
Attack Signatures Default policy covers all the OWASP top 10 attack patterns enabling signature sets detailed in a section below. The user can disable any of them or add other sets.
Signature attack for Server Technologies Support adding signatures per added server technology.
Threat Campaigns These are patterns that detect all the known attack campaigns. They are very accurate and have almost no false positives, but are very specific and do not detect malicious traffic that is not part of those campaigns. The default policy enables threat campaigns but it is possible to disable it through the respective violation.
HTTP Compliance All HTTP protocol compliance checks are enabled by default except for GET with body and POST without body. It is possible to enable any of these two. Some of the checks enabled by default can be disabled, but others, such as bad HTTP version and null in request are performed by the NGINX parser and NGINX App Protect WAF only reports them. These checks cannot be disabled.
Evasion Techniques All evasion techniques are enabled by default and each can be disabled. These include directory traversal, bad escaped character and more.
Data Guard Detects and masks Credit Card Number (CCN) and/or U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) and/or custom patterns in HTTP responses. Disabled by default but can be enabled.
Parameter parsing Support only auto-detect parameter value type and acts according to the result: plain alphanumeric string, XML or JSON.
Disallowed file type extension Support any file type. Default includes a predefined list of file types.
Cookie enforcement By default all cookies are allowed and not enforced for integrity. The user can add specific cookies, wildcards or explicit, that will be enforced for integrity. It is also possible to set the cookie attributes: HttpOnly, Secure and SameSite for cookies found in the response.
Sensitive Parameters Default policy masks the “password” parameter in the security log. It is possible to add more such parameters. See also Data Guard detecting, partial blocking and masking.
JSON Content JSON content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures and metacharacters in the property values. Default policy checks maximum structure depth. It is possible to enforce a provided JSON schema and/or enable more size restrictions: maximum total length Of JSON data; maximum value length; maximum array length; tolerate JSON parsing errors.
XML Content XML content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures in the element values. Default policy checks maximum structure depth. It is possible to enable more size restrictions: maximum total length of XML data, maximum number of elements are more. SOAP, Web Services and XML schema features are not supported.
Allowed methods Check HTTP allowed methods. By default all the standard HTTP methods are allowed.
Deny and Allow IP lists Manually define denied & allowed IP addresses as well as IP addresses to never log.
XFF headers & trust Disabled by default. User can enable it and optionally add a list of custom XFF headers.
gRPC Protection gRPC content profile detects malformed content, parses well-formed content, and extracts the text fields for detecting attack signatures and disallowed meta-characters. In addition, it enforces size restrictions and prohibition of unknown fields. The Interface Definition Language (IDL) files for the gRPC API must be attached to the profile. gRPC protection can be on unary or bidirectional traffic.
Secure Traffic Between NGINX and App Protect Enforcer using mTLS Disabled by default. You can manually configure mTLS to secure the traffic between NGINX and App Protect Enforcer.

Disallowed File Types

The following file types are disallowed by default:

  • bak, bat, bck, bkp, cfg, conf, config, ini, log, old, sav, save, temp, tmp
  • bin, cgi, cmd, com, dll, exe, msi, sys, shtm, shtml, stm
  • cer, crt, der, key, p12, p7b, p7c, pem, pfx
  • dat, eml, hta, htr, htw, ida, idc, idq, nws, pol, printer, reg, wmz

Additional Policy Features

Feature Description
Enforcement by Violation Rating By default block requests that are declared as threats, that is, their Violation Rating is 4 or 5. It is possible to change this behavior: either disable enforcement by Violation Rating or block also request with Violation Rating 3 - needs examination. See section on basic configuration below.
Large Request Blocking To increase the protection of resources at both the NGINX Plus and upstream application tiers, all requests that are larger than 10 MB in size are blocked. When these requests are blocked, a VIOL_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH violation will be logged.
Request size checks Upper limit of request size as dictated by the maximum buffer size of 10 MB; Size checks for: URL, header, Query String, whole request (when smaller than the maximum buffer), cookie, POST data. By default all the checks are enabled with the exception of POST data and whole request. The user can enable or disable every check and customize the size limits.
Malformed cookie Requests with cookies that are not RFC compliant are blocked by default. This can be disabled.
Status code restriction Illegal status code in the range of 4xx and 5xx. By default only these are allowed: 400, 401, 404, 407, 417, 503. The user can modify this list or disable the check altogether.
Blocking pages The user can customize all blocking pages. By default the AJAX response pages are disabled, but the user can enable them.

Attack Signatures Overview

Attack signatures are rules or patterns that identify attack sequences or classes of attacks on a web application and its components. You can apply attack signatures to both requests and responses. App Protect includes predefined attack signatures to protect your application against all attack types identified by the system.

Signature Settings

Setting JSON Property in Policy Support in NGINX App Protect WAF Value in Default Profile
Signature Sets signature-sets All available sets. See signature set list below
Signatures signatures “Enabled” flag can be modified. All signatures in the included sets are enabled.
Auto-Added signature accuracy minimumAccuracyForAutoAddedSignatures Editable Medium

Signature Sets in Default Policy

The following signature sets are included in the default policy. Most of the sets are defined by the Attack Type they protect from. In all sets the Alarm flag is enabled and Block disabled except High Accuracy Signatures, which are set to blocked (block parameter is enabled).

  • Command Execution Signatures
  • Cross Site Scripting Signatures
  • Directory Indexing Signatures
  • Information Leakage Signatures
  • OS Command Injection Signatures
  • Path Traversal Signatures
  • Predictable Resource Location Signatures
  • Remote File Include Signatures
  • SQL Injection Signatures
  • Authentication/Authorization Attack Signatures
  • XML External Entities (XXE) Signatures
  • XPath Injection Signatures
  • Buffer Overflow Signatures
  • Denial of Service Signatures
  • Vulnerability Scan Signatures
  • High Accuracy Signatures
  • Server Side Code Injection Signatures
  • CVE Signatures

Basic Signature Sets Included in App Protect

These signatures sets are included but are not part of the default template.

  • All Response Signatures
  • All Signatures
  • Generic Detection Signatures
  • Generic Detection Signatures (High Accuracy)
  • Generic Detection Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)
  • High Accuracy Signatures
  • Low Accuracy Signatures
  • Medium Accuracy Signatures
  • OWA Signatures
  • WebSphere signatures
  • HTTP Response Splitting Signatures
  • Other Application Attacks Signatures
  • High Accuracy Detection Evasion Signatures

See signature sets for configuring the signature sets included in your policy.

Policy Configuration

The NGINX App Protect WAF ships with two reference policies, both with a default enforcement mode set to Blocking:

  • The default policy which is identical to the base template and provides OWASP Top 10 and Bot security protection out of the box.
  • The strict policy contains more restrictive criteria for blocking traffic than the default policy. It is meant to be used for protecting sensitive applications that require more security but with higher risk of false positives. You can use those policies as is, but usually you will use them as starting points and further customize them to the needs of the applications they protect.

Policy Configuration Overview

The NGINX App Protect WAF security policy configuration uses the declarative format based on a pre-defined base template. The policy is represented in a JSON file which you can edit to add, modify and remove security capabilities with respect to the base template. The JSON file then should be compiled to a bundle file (.tgz) using the NGINX App Protect WAF Compiler. The way the policy is integrated into the NGINX configuration is via referencing the bundle file (using the full path) in the nginx.conf file.

Refer to the admin guide for instructions on how to mount bundle files to your deployment.

NGINX App Protect WAF provides a JSON Schema which can be used to validate a JSON policy file to ensure file format compliance. The schema file can be generated using a script inside the NGINX App Protect WAF Compiler image:

sudo docker run --rm \
 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
 -w $(pwd) \
 --entrypoint=/opt/app_protect/bin/ \

Replace the 1.0.0 with the version you use.

This script will output the schema to a file named policy.json into the current working directory. Once the schema file is generated, you can use validation tools such as AJV to validate a JSON policy file.

In the following example, the NGINX configuration file with App Protect enabled in the HTTP context and the policy /policies/policy1.tgz is used:

user nginx;
worker_processes  4;

load_module modules/;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;

events {
    worker_connections  65536;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

    app_protect_enable on; # This is how you enable NGINX App Protect WAF in the relevant context/block
    app_protect_policy_file "/policies/policy1.tgz"; # This is a reference to the policy bundle file to use. If not defined, the default policy is used
    app_protect_security_log_enable on; # This section enables the logging capability
    app_protect_security_log log_all syslog:server=; # This is where the remote logger is defined in terms of: logging options (defined in the referenced file), log server IP, log server port

    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  localhost;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;

        location / {
            client_max_body_size 0;
            default_type text/html;

Basic Configuration and the Default Policy

The base template is the common starting point to any policy you write. The default policy just reflects that template without any further modifications, thus we use the terms base template and default policy interchangeably. The default policy appears as follows

    "policy" : {
        "name": "app_protect_default_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" }

The default policy enforces violations by Violation Rating, the App Protect computed assessment of the risk of the request based on the triggered violations.

  • 0: No violation
  • 1-2: False positive
  • 3: Needs examination
  • 4-5: Threat

The default policy enables most of the violations and signature sets with Alarm turned ON, but not Block. These violations and signatures, when detected in a request, affect the violation rating. By default, if the violation rating is calculated to be malicious (4-5) the request will be blocked by the VIOL_RATING_THREAT violation. This is true even if the other violations and signatures detected in that request had the Block flag turned OFF. It is the VIOL_RATING_THREAT violation having the Block flag turned ON that caused the blocking, but indirectly the combination of all the other violations and signatures in Alarm caused the request to be blocked. By default, other requests which have a lower violation rating are not blocked, except for some specific violations described below. This is to minimize false positives. However, you can change the default behavior. For example, if you want to add blocking on a violation rating of 3 as well, enable blocking for the VIOL_RATING_NEED_EXAMINATION violation.

The following violations and signature sets have a low chance of being false positives and are, therefore, configured by default to block the request regardless of its Violation Rating:

  • High accuracy attack signatures
  • Threat campaigns
  • Malformed request: unparsable header, malformed cookie and malformed body (JSON or XML).

The Strict Policy

The Strict Policy is recommended as a starting point for applications requiring a higher level of security. Just like all other policies it is based on the base template, so it detects and blocks everything the default policy does. To obtain the Strict Policy, execute the following command:

sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) --entrypoint='' cat /etc/app_protect/conf/NginxStrictPolicy.json

Replace the 1.0.0 with the actual release version.

In addition the Strict Policy also blocks the following:

  • Requests that have a Violation Rating of 3, “Needs examination”. This occurs because the VIOL_RATING_NEED_EXAMINATION violation’s block flag is enabled in the strict policy.
  • Requests with the VIOL_EVASION violation (evasion techniques).
  • Requests with violations that restrict options in the request and response: HTTP method, response status code and disallowed file types.
Other violations, specifically attack signatures and metacharacters, which are more prone to false positives, still have only Alarm turned on, without blocking, contributing to the Violation Rating as in the Default policy.

In addition, the Strict policy also enables the following features in alarm only mode:

  • Data Guard: masking Credit Card Number (CCN), US Social Security Number (SSN) and custom patterns found in HTTP responses.

  • HTTP response data leakage signatures: preventing exfiltration of sensitive information from the servers.

  • More restrictive limitations: mainly sizing and parsing of JSON and XML payloads.

  • Cookie attribute insertion: the Strict policy adds the Secure and SameSite=lax attributes to every cookie set by the application server. These attributes are enforced by the browsers and protect against session hijacking and CSRF attacks respectively.

Default Policy Bundles

NGINX App Protect WAF offers prebuilt bundles for security policies:

  • app_protect_default_policy
  • app_protect_strict_policy
You cannot mix these prebuilt bundles with custom policy bundles within the same nginx.conf file.


    location / {

        # NGINX App Protect WAF
        app_protect_enable on;
        app_protect_policy_file app_protect_strict_policy;
        app_protect_security_log_enable on;
        app_protect_security_log log_all stderr;


Updating Default Policy Bundles

This section assumes that you have built a compiler image named waf-compiler-1.0.0:custom.

To generate versions of the default policies that include the latest security updates, use the -factory-policy option instead of a source policy file.

For instance, to create an updated version of the app_protect_default_policy, use the following command:

docker run \
 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
 waf-compiler-1.0.0:custom \
 -factory-policy default -o $(pwd)/new_default_policy.tgz

To create an updated version of the app_protect_strict_policy, use:

docker run \
 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
 waf-compiler-1.0.0:custom \
 -factory-policy strict -o $(pwd)/new_strict_policy.tgz

After creating the updated version of a policy, reference it in the nginx.conf file:

app_protect_policy_file /policies_mount/new_default_policy.tgz;

Policy Authoring and Tuning

The policy JSON file specifies the settings that are different from the base template, such as enabling more signatures, disabling some violations, adding server technologies, etc. These will be shown in the next sections.

There are two ways to tune those settings:

  • Within the policy structure property, the organic structure of the policy.
  • Within the modifications structure property that contains a list of changes expressed in a generic manner.

Both options are equivalent in their semantic expression power, but different syntactically and are designated for different use cases. But before that, let’s look at an example - disabling a specific attack signature.

Signature 200001834 disabled in the policy property:

    "policy": {
        "name": "signature_exclude_1",
        "signatures": [
                "signatureId": 200001834,
                "enabled": false

As you can see, this is expressed using the signatures property that contains configuration of individual signatures in a policy. If you want to modify other parts of the policy, you would use different JSON properties.

The same configuration in the modifications array looks like this:

    "policy": {
        "name": "signature_exclude_2"
    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200001834
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"

Note the generic schema that can express manipulation in any policy element: entity, entityType, action etc. The modifications array is a flat list of individual changes applied to the policy after evaluating the policy block.

So when to use policy and when to use modifications? There are some recommended practice guidelines for that:

  • Use policy to express the security policy as you intended it to be: the features you want to enable, disable, the signature sets, server technologies and other related configuration attributes. This part of the policy is usually determined when the application is deployed and changes at a relatively slow pace.
  • Use modifications to express exceptions to the intended policy. These exceptions are usually the result of fixing false positive incidents and failures in tests applied to those policies. Usually these are granular modifications, typically disabling checks of individual signatures, metacharacters and sub-violations. These changes are more frequent.
  • Use modifications also for removing individual collection elements from the base template, for example disallowed file types.

It is a good practice to separate the modifications to a different file and have the main policy file reference the former, as the two parts have different lifecycles.

The sections just below review the common policy feature configurations using examples. For the full reference of the policy JSON properties see the Declarative Policy guide.

Policy Enforcement Modes

A policy’s enforcement mode can be:

  • Blocking: Any illegal or suspicious requests are logged and blocked. This is the default enforcement mode for the default policy and any added policy unless changed to Transparent.
  • Transparent: Any illegal or suspicious requests are logged but not blocked.

Specific security features can be defined as blocked or transparent in the policy.

Blocking Mode example:

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy_name",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking"

Transparent Mode example:

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy_name",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "transparent"

Enabling Violations

Adding and enabling additional security features to the policy can be done by specifying the violation name and the alarm block state to “true”. To set different states to sub-violations within the violation, enable the violation first, then specifying and enable the sub-violations. Also, a violation may have its own section that provides additional configuration granularity for a specific violation/sub-violation.

The attack signature violation VIOL_ATTACK_SIGNATURE cannot be configured by the user. Rather, the violation is determined by the combination of the signature sets on the policy.

The examples below show how to enable a violation and sub-violation in a declarative format.

Configuration Details Example

In this example, we enable 2 violations: VIOL_JSON_FORMAT and VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR.

Note that the example defines the blocking and alarm setting for each violation. These settings override the default configuration set above in the enforcementMode directive. Be aware, however, that in a transparent policy no violations are blocked, even if specific violations are set to block: true in the configuration.

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy_name",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_JSON_FORMAT",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": false,
                    "block": false

HTTP Compliance

HTTP compliance is one of the basic application security violations. It validates the request itself and also prevents the use of the HTTP protocol as an entry point to the application.

In this example, we enable the HTTP compliance violation with the blocking as true. We also configure (enabled or disabled) all of its sub-violations in the relevant HTTP section. Note that you can add/remove sub-violations to match your desired configurations. However, not listing a violation does not mean it will be disabled. Rather, it would actually mean that the default configuration would not be overridden for that specific sub-violation.

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy_name",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
            "http-protocols": [
                    "description": "Header name with no header value",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Chunked request with Content-Length header",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Check maximum number of parameters",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "maxParams": 5
                    "description": "Check maximum number of headers",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "maxHeaders": 20
                    "description": "Body in GET or HEAD requests",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Bad multipart/form-data request parsing",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Bad multipart parameters parsing",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Unescaped space in URL",
                    "enabled": true

RFC Checks on the Referer Header

This feature introduces RFC checks on the URL referer header.

If a request contains a referer header with a URL that doesn’t comply with RFC standards as per RFC-3986, it will trigger the VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL violation along with its associated sub-violations. If this violation is reported, the user should inspect both the request and referer URLs to identify and address the underlying issue.

For example, in the below URL in Referer header in “Example 1” there is NULL used in Referer value and in “Example 2” unescaped space is used. Since these requests are non-RFC compliant, it will trigger the VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL violation.

Example 1
...  Referer:\r\n
Example 2
...  Referer: world\r\n

Evasion Techniques

Evasion techniques refers to techniques usually used by hackers to attempt to access resources or evade what would otherwise be identified as an attack. Like HTTP compliance, evasion techniques have a list of sub-violations that can be configured for additional granularity and to reduce false positives.

In this example, we enable the evasion technique violation with the blocking as true. We also configure (enabled or disabled) all of its sub-violations in the relevant section. Note that you can add/remove sub-violations to match your desired configurations. However, not listing a violation does not mean it will be disabled. Rather, it would actually mean that the default configuration would not be overridden for that specific sub-violation.

    "policy": {
        "name": "evasions_enabled",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_EVASION",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
            "evasions": [
                    "description": "Bad unescape",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Directory traversals",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Bare byte decoding",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Apache whitespace",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "Multiple decoding",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "maxDecodingPasses": 2
                    "description": "IIS Unicode codepoints",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "IIS backslashes",
                    "enabled": true
                    "description": "%u decoding",
                    "enabled": true

User-defined HTTP Headers

HTTP header enforcement refers to the handling of the headers section as a special part of the request. These header elements are parsed and enforced based on header specific criteria. However, it is important to distinguish between 2 distinct types of enforcement for HTTP headers:

  • The first type of header enforcement is global enforcement for all header content, regardless of the header field name or value. This type of enforcement enables/disables violations that are effective for all contents of the header section of the request. Examples of this are VIOL_HEADER_LENGTH and VIOL_HEADER_METACHAR. These violations can be configured in the blocking-settings section under the violations list in the declarative policy.
  • The second type of header enforcement is the ability to configure certain violations that are relevant only to specific header fields. Examples of this are allowing repeated instances of the same header field and enabling/disabling Attack Signature checks for an HTTP header field. These violations are configured in the headers section where we configure each HTTP header element separately as an object in the list. Additionally, the corresponding violations need to be enabled in the blocking-settings section under the violations list for them to be enforced.

As far as the header field enforcement is concerned, the following violations are enabled by default:

  • VIOL_HEADER_REPEATED (in Block mode)
  • VIOL_MANDATORY_HEADER (in Alarm mode)

There are 3 additional violations that are part of the header enforcement but are specific to the Cookie header alone:

  • VIOL_COOKIE_LENGTH (in Alarm mode)
  • VIOL_COOKIE_MALFORMED (in Block mode)
  • VIOL_COOKIE_MODIFIED (in Alarm mode)

In the base template, there are 4 header objects configured by default:

  • * (wildcard) - This entity represents the default action taken for all the header fields that have not been explicitly defined in the headers section.
  • Cookie - This entity handles the Cookie header field; this object is just a placeholder and does not affect configuration (See the cookie note below).
  • Referer - This entity handles the Referer header field.
  • Authorization - This entity handles the Authorization header field.
  • Transfer-Encoding - This entity handles the Transfer-Encoding header field.

It is important to emphasize that the Cookie header field is a special case because its behavior is determined by and configured in the cookie policy entity rather than the header entity. The Cookie HTTP header entity is only a placeholder in that it is read-only and does not affect the way cookies are enforced. To modify the configuration of the cookie header field behavior, modify the respective cookie entity in the declarative policy.

It is possible to customize the policy configuration using different enforcement modes of the above two violations, as well as configuring custom header elements. For example, we can add a new header Myheader and exclude this header from attack signature checks. Alternatively, we can specify a mandatory header that should be present in all requests being sent to our application.

Following is an example configuration where we enable Header violations in blocking mode, create a custom header MyHeader, and configure this custom header to allow multiple occurrences of the same header, disable checking attack signatures for the header, and mark it as optional (not mandatory):

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_headers_blocking_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_HEADER",
                    "block": true
        "headers": [
                "name": "MyHeader",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "disabled",
                "htmlNormalization": false,
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowRepeatedOccurrences": true,
                "checkSignatures": false

Anti Automation (Bot Mitigation)

Anti Automation provides basic bot protection by detecting bot signatures and clients that falsely claim to be browsers or search engines. The bot-defense section in the policy is enabled by default. Anti Automation encompasses both Bot Signatures and Header Anomalies, each of which can be disabled separately.

As new bot signatures are identified, they will be accessible for download and installation so that your system will always have the most up-to-date protection. You can update the bot signatures without updating the App Protect release. Similarly, you can update App Protect without altering the bot signature package, unless you upgrade to a new NGINX Plus release.

Bot Signatures

Bot Signatures provide basic bot protection by detecting bot signatures in the User-Agent header and URI. Each bot signature belongs to a bot class. Search engine signatures such as googlebot are under the trusted_bots class, but App Protect performs additional checks of the trusted bot’s authenticity. If these checks fail, it means that the respective client impersonated the search engine in the signature and it will be classified as class - malicous_bot, anomaly - Search engine verification failed, and the request will be blocked, irrespective of the class’s mitigation actions configuration. An action can be configured for each bot class, or may also be configured per each bot signature individually:

  • ignore - bot signature is ignored (disabled)
  • detect - only report without raising the violation - VIOL_BOT_CLIENT. The request is considered legal unless another violation is triggered.
  • alarm - report, raise the violation, but pass the request. The request is marked as illegal.
  • block - report, raise the violation, and block the request

In this example we show how to enable bot signatures using the default bot configuration:

    "policy": {
        "name": "bot_defense_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "bot-defense": {
            "settings": {
                "isEnabled": true

The default actions for classes are: detect for trusted-bot, alarm for untrusted-bot, and block for malicious-bot. In this example, we enabled bot defense and specified that we want to raise a violation for trusted-bot, and block for untrusted-bot.

    "policy": {
        "name": "bot_defense_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "bot-defense": {
            "settings": {
                "isEnabled": true
            "mitigations": {
                "classes": [
                        "name": "trusted-bot",
                        "action": "alarm"
                        "name": "untrusted-bot",
                        "action": "block"
                        "name": "malicious-bot",
                        "action": "block"

In this example, we override the action for a specific signature (python-requests)

    "policy": {
        "name": "bot_defense_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "bot-defense": {
            "settings": {
                "isEnabled": true
            "mitigations": {
                "signatures": [
                        "action": "ignore",
                        "name": "python-requests"

Bot Signatures Update File

Starting with NGINX App Protect WAF release 4.7, the bot signature file included_bot_signatures, is located at the following path: /opt/app-protect/var/update_files/bot_signatures/included_bot_signatures. This will be part of the app-protect-bot-signatures package.

This file contains an up-to-date list of all bot signatures that have been updated with the new bot signature package. This list is automatically generated as a part of the app-protect-bot-signatures package and follows a format similar to the README-style text file found in the attack signature. This file contains essential information which includes:

  • Bot name
  • Bot type
  • Bot classification/category

List of Trusted Bots

This is a list of the trusted bots that are currently part of the bot signatures. As the title suggests, these bot signatures belong to the trusted-bot class and currently all are search engines.

Bot Name Description
Ask engine
Baidu Baidu search engine
Baidu Image Spider Baidu search engine for images
Bing Microsoft Bing search engine
BingPreview Microsoft Bing page snapshot generation engine
Daum Daum search engine
DuckDuckGo Bot DuckDuckGo search engine
fastbot fastbot search engine
Google Google search engine
MojeekBot Mojeek search engine
Yahoo! Slurp Yahoo search engine
Yandex Yandex search engine
YioopBot Yioop search engine

Header Anomalies

In addition to detecting Bot Signatures, by default NGINX App Protect WAF verifies that a client claiming to be a browser is indeed one by inspecting the HTTP headers. Each request receives a score, is categorized by anomaly, and is enforced according to the default configured anomaly action:

Range Anomaly Action Class
0-49 None None Browser
50-99 Suspicious HTTP Headers Presence or Order Alarm Suspicious Browser
100 and above Invalid HTTP Headers Presence or Order Block Malicious Bot

Notice that the default scores for each anomaly can be changed. In this example, we override the score and action of the default bot configuration:

    "policy": {
        "name": "bot_anomalies_and_signatures",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "bot-defense": {
            "mitigations": {
                "anomalies": [
                        "name": "Suspicious HTTP Headers",
                        "action": "alarm",
                        "scoreThreshold": 50
                        "name": "Invalid HTTP Headers",
                        "action": "block",
                        "scoreThreshold": 99

Signature Sets

The default and strict policies include and enable common signature sets, which are categorized groups of signatures applied to the policy. However, you may wish to modify the list of signature sets and their logging and enforcement settings via the signature-sets array property. There are several ways to configure the enforced signature sets.

One way is by use of the All Signatures signature set, which is simply a predefined signature set that includes all signatures known to NGINX App Protect WAF.

In this example, the All Signatures set (and therefore the signatures included within) are configured to be enforced and logged respectively, by setting their block and alarm properties:

    "policy": {
        "name": "attack_sigs",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                 "name": "All Signatures",
                 "block": true,
                 "alarm": true

In this example, only high accuracy signatures are configured to be enforced, but SQL Injection signatures are detected and reported:

    "policy": {
        "name": "attack_sigs",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                "name": "High Accuracy Signatures",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true
                "name": "SQL Injection Signatures",
                "block": false,
                "alarm": true

Since the “All Signatures” set is not included in the default policy, turning OFF both alarm and block has no effect because all the other sets with alarm turned ON (and high accuracy signatures with block enabled) are still in place and a signature that is a member of multiple sets behaves in accordance with the strict settings of all sets it belongs to. The only way to remove signature sets is to remove or disable sets that are part of the default policy.

For example, in the below default policy, even though All Signature’s Alarm/Block settings are set to false, we cannot ignore all attack signatures enforcement as some of the signature sets will be enabled in their strict policy. If the end users want to remove a specific signature set then they must explicitly mention it under the strict policy.

    "policy": {
        "name": "signatures_block",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "caseInsensitive": false,
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                "name": "Generic Detection Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)",
                "block": false,
                "alarm": false
                "name": "All Signatures",
                "block": false,
                "alarm": false

A signature may belong to more than one set in the policy. Its behavior is determined by the most severe action across all the sets that contain it. In the above example, a high accuracy SQL injection signature will both alarm and block, because the High Accuracy Signatures set is blocking and both sets trigger alarm.

The default policy already includes many signature sets, most of which are determined by the attack type these signatures protect from, for example Cross-Site Scripting Signatures or SQL Injection Signatures. See the full list above. In some cases you may want to exclude individual signatures.

In this example, signature ID 200001834 is excluded from enforcement:

    "policy": {
        "name": "signature_exclude",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                 "name": "All Signatures",
                 "block": true,
                 "alarm": true
        "signatures": [
                 "signatureId": 200001834,
                 "enabled": false

Another way to exclude signature ID 200001834 is by using the modifications section instead of the signatures section used in the example above:

    "policy": {
        "name": "signature_modification_entitytype",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                 "name": "All Signatures",
                 "block": true,
                 "alarm": true
    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200001834
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"

To exclude multiple attack signatures, each signature ID needs to be added as a separate entity under the modifications list:

    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200001834
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200004461
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"

In the above examples, the signatures were disabled for all the requests that are inspected by the respective policy. You can also exclude signatures for specific URLs or parameters, while still enable them for the other URLs and parameters. See the sections on User-Defined URLs and User-Defined Parameters for details.

In some cases, you may want to remove a whole signature set that was included in the default policy. For example, suppose your protected application does not use XML and hence is not exposed to XPath injection. You would like to remove the set XPath Injection Signatures. There are two ways to do that. The first is to set the alarm and block flags to false for this signature set overriding the settings in the base template:

    "policy": {
        "name": "no_xpath_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "signature-sets": [
                 "name": "XPath Injection Signatures",
                 "block": false,
                 "alarm": false

The second way is to remove this set totally from the policy using the $action meta-property.

    "policy": {
        "name": "no_xpath_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "signature-sets": [
                 "name": "XPath Injection Signatures",
                 "$action": "delete"

Although the two methods are functionally equivalent, the second one is preferable for performance reasons.

Server Technologies

Another way to configure attack signature sets is by applying server technologies. Server technologies applies sets of signatures that would be relevant to attacks targeted to a specific OS, application, or server type. The Server technologies are represented in attack signatures as systems using the same name, for example SharePoint. Note, however, that the overlap between Server technologies and signature systems is not complete: there are server technologies that cannot be represented as signature systems, and also a few generic signature systems that are not represented as server technologies. The exact details will follow in the sections just below. Server technologies that are not signature systems will not bring in new signatures when added to the policy. However, associating them with the policy still has declarational value, and in one of the future signature updates they may be associated with new signatures.

In this example, we enable the attack signature violation, and enabled the Apache/NCSA HTTP Server server technology, which in turn enables attack signatures specific to this type of technology. We also enabled signatures with minimum accuracy of low. This would include low, medium, and high accuracy attack signatures.

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy_name",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-settings": {
            "minimumAccuracyForAutoAddedSignatures": "low"
        "server-technologies": [
            { "serverTechnologyName": "Apache/NCSA HTTP Server" }
Available Server Technologies

The table below lists all the available Server Technologies. Some of them are built on top others on the stack and including them implies the inclusion of the latter. For example: ASP.NET implies both IIS and Microsoft Windows. This is indicated in the “implied technologies” column when applicable. We also denote the server technologies that currently have a signature system counterpart.

Server Technology Name Description Implied Technologies Signature System?
Jenkins Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins helps to automate the non-human part of the software development process, with continuous integration and facilitating technical aspects of continuous delivery. It is a server-based system that runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. Yes
SharePoint SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially among organizations. Yes
Oracle Application Server Oracle Internet Application Server provides a single integrated packaged solution of for middleware infrastructure including Oracle Containers for J2EE, Oracle Web Cache, Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Oracle Portal and Oracle Discoverer. Yes
Python Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. Yes
Oracle Identity Manager Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) enables enterprises to manage the entire user lifecycle across all enterprise resources both within and beyond a firewall. Within Oracle Identity Management it provides a mechanism for implementing the user-management aspects of a corporate policy. Yes
Spring Boot Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform so that new and existing users can quickly get to the bits they need. Yes
CouchDB Apache CouchDB is open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture. Yes
SQLite SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a client-server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. Yes
Handlebars Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration. No
Mustache Mustache is a simple web template system. No
Prototype Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming. Built to solve real-world problems, it adds useful extensions to the browser scripting environment and provides elegant APIs around the clumsy interfaces of Ajax and the Document Object Model. No
Zend Zend Server is a complete and certified PHP distribution stack fully maintained and supported by Zend Technologies. It ships with an updated set of advanced value-add features designed to optimize productivity, performance, scalability and reliability. No
Redis Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. Redis supports different kinds of abstract data structures, such as strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted sets, hyperloglogs, bitmaps, streams and spatial indexes. Yes
Underscore.js Underscore.js is a JavaScript library which provides utility functions for common programming tasks. It is comparable to features provided by Prototype.js and the Ruby language, but opts for a functional programming design instead of extending object prototypes No
Ember.js Ember.js is an open source JavaScript web framework, based on the Model-view-viewmodel pattern. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms and best practices into the framework. No
ZURB Foundation Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. Foundation provides a responsive grid and HTML and CSS UI components, templates, and code snippets, including typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface elements, as well as optional functionality provided by JavaScript extensions. Foundation is maintained by ZURB and is an open source project. No
ef.js ef.js is an elegant HTML template engine & basic framework. No
Vue.js Vue.js is an open source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. No
UIKit UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. No
TYPO3 CMS TYPO3 is a free and open source web content management system written in PHP. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It can run on several web servers, such as Apache or IIS, on top of many operating systems, among them Linux, Microsoft Windows, FreeBSD, macOS and OS/2. No
RequireJS RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which manages the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming. It also helps to improve the speed and quality of the code. No
React React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. Yes
MooTools MooTools is a lightweight, object-oriented JavaScript framework. It is released under the free, open source MIT License. No
Laravel Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. No
Google Web Toolkit Google Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. Other than a few native libraries, everything is Java source that can be built on any supported platform with the included GWT Ant build files. No
Express.js Express.js, or simply Express, is a web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node.js. No
CodeIgniter CodeIgniter is an open source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. No
Backbone.js Backbone.js is a JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface and is based on the Model-view-presenter application design paradigm. Backbone is known for being lightweight, as its only hard dependency is on one JavaScript library, Underscore.js, plus jQuery for use of the full library. No
AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. Yes
JavaScript JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Yes
NGINX NGINX is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. Yes
Jetty Jetty is a Java HTTP (Web) server and Java Servlet container Java Servlets/JSP Yes
Joomla Joomla is a free and open source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content. PHP Yes
JavaServer Faces (JSF) JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java specification for building component-based user interfaces for web applications. Java Servlets/JSP Yes
Ruby Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Yes
MongoDB MongoDB is a free and open source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Yes
Django Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern. Yes
Node.js Node.js is an open source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of tools and applications. Yes
Citrix Citrix Systems, Inc. is an American multinational software company that provides server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, software as a service (SaaS), and cloud computing technologies. Yes
JBoss The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (or JBoss EAP) is a subscription-based/open source Java EE-based application server runtime platform used for building, deploying, and hosting highly-transactional Java applications and services. Java Servlets/JSP Yes
Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. Yes
Apache Struts Apache Struts is an open source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. Java Servlets/JSP Yes
XML Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Yes
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database (ORDBMS) - i.e., an RDBMS, with additional (optional use) "object" features - with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. Yes
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 contains database server products developed by IBM. Yes
Sybase/ASE SAP ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise), originally known as Sybase SQL Server, and also commonly known as Sybase DB or ASE, is a relational model database server product for businesses developed by Sybase Corporation which became part of SAP AG. Yes
CGI Common Gateway Interface (CGI) offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically. Yes
Proxy Servers A proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. Yes
SSI (Server Side Includes) Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the Web. Yes
Cisco Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational corporation technology company headquartered in San Jose, California, that designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment worldwide. Yes
Novell Novell Directory Services (NDS) is a popular software product for managing access to computer resources and keeping track of the users of a network, such as a company’s intranet, from a single point of administration. Yes
Macromedia JRun JRun is a J2EE application server, originally developed in 1997 as a Java Servlet engine by Live Software and subsequently purchased by Allaire, who brought out the first J2EE compliant version. Yes
BEA Systems WebLogic Server Oracle WebLogic Server is a Java EE application server currently developed by Oracle Corporation. Java Servlets/JSP Yes
Lotus Domino IBM Notes and IBM Domino are the client and server, respectively, of a collaborative client-server software platform sold by IBM. Yes
MySQL MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS). Yes
Oracle Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Yes
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. Yes
PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Yes
Outlook Web Access Outlook on the web (previously called Exchange Web Connect, Outlook Web Access, and Outlook Web App in Office 365 and Exchange Server 2013) is a personal information manager web app from Microsoft. ASP.NET, IIS, Microsoft Windows Yes
Apache/NCSA HTTP Server The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is the world’s most used web server software. Yes
Apache Tomcat Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat, is an open source Java Servlet Container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Java Servlets/JSP Yes
WordPress WordPress is a free and open source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. XML, PHP Yes
Macromedia ColdFusion Adobe ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by JJ Allaire in 1995. Yes
Unix/Linux Unix is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, developed in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others. Yes
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. Yes
ASP.NET ASP.NET is an open source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. IIS, Microsoft Windows Yes
Front Page Server Extensions (FPSE) FrontPage Server Extensions are a software technology that allows Microsoft FrontPage clients to communicate with web servers, and provide additional functionality intended for websites. Yes
IIS Internet Information Services (IIS, formerly Internet Information Server) is an extensible web server created by Microsoft for use with Windows NT family. Microsoft Windows Yes
WebDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations. Yes
ASP Active Server Pages (ASP), later known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic, is Microsoft’s first server-side script engine for dynamically generated web pages. IIS, Microsoft Windows Yes
Java Servlets/JSP A Java servlet is a Java program that extends the capabilities of a server. Yes
jQuery jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. Yes
Generic Signature Systems

These signature systems are generic and do not represent a particular technology, therefore do not have a server technology counterpart. Yet, there are signatures associated with them. The Generic Detection Signatures factory signature set includes most of these signatures. You can define your own signature sets using one or more of those systems.

System Name Description
Other Web Server Web Servers that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies
System Independent Used to denote signatures that apply to any server technology
Various Systems Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here
Generic Database Database systems that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies

Threat Campaigns

Threat Campaigns is a threat intelligence feature included in an NGINX App Protect WAF subscription. The feature includes frequent update feeds containing contextual information about active attack campaigns currently being observed by F5 Threat Labs that NGINX App Protect WAF can provide protection against. As an example, without threat campaign updates NGINX App Protect WAF (and any WAF in general) may detect an attack pattern in a web application form parameter, but it cannot correlate the singular attack incident as part of a more extensive and sophisticated threat campaign. Threat Campaigns’ contextual information is very specific to current attack campaigns, allowing false positives to be virtually non-existent.

Just like attack signatures, the Threat Campaign patterns, i.e. app-protect-attack-signatures and app-protect-threat-campaigns are installed as a dependency chain of our main package app-protect. Then, these two package dependencies should be updated periodically to get the latest security updates. Due to the highly dynamic nature of threat campaigns the updates are issued far more frequently than the attack signatures. You need to install those updates close to the time they are issued in order to get the most effective protection.

The default policy enables the mechanism with all available Threat Campaigns and blocks when detecting one. Since the risk of false positive is very low, you do not need to enable or disable specific Threat Campaigns. Rather, you can disable the whole mechanism or decide to only alarm rather than block. You can do that by modifying the properties of the Threat Campaign Violation - VIOL_THREAT_CAMPAIGN.

In this example we disable both alarm and blocking.

   "policy": {
       "name": "policy_name",
       "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
       "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
       "enforcementMode": "blocking",
       "blocking-settings": {
           "violations": [
                   "name": "VIOL_THREAT_CAMPAIGN",
                   "alarm": false,
                   "block": false

Data Guard - Blocking

Data Guard is a security feature that can be used to prevent the leakage of sensitive information from an application. This could be credit card numbers (CCN) or Social Security numbers (SSN) or custom patterns. Once this feature is enabled, sensitive data is either blocked or masked, depending on the configuration.

In this example, we enable the data guard violation in blocking mode. In the detailed configuration, we enable enforcement of data guard and specify which items are being protected against information leakage. Note that if blocking is enabled, data masking will have no effect in this case.

    "policy": {
        "name": "dataguard_blocking",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_DATA_GUARD",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "data-guard": {
            "enabled": true,
            "maskData": true,
            "creditCardNumbers": true,
            "usSocialSecurityNumbers": true,
            "enforcementMode": "ignore-urls-in-list",
            "enforcementUrls": []

Data Guard - Masking

Masking is used when we do not want to block the page entirely but want to mask all sensitive data in the response.

In this example, we enable data guard in alarm mode. In the detailed configuration, we enable enforcement of data guard and specify which items are being protected against information leakage.

    "policy": {
        "name": "nginx_default_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_DATA_GUARD",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": false
        "data-guard": {
            "enabled": true,
            "maskData": true,
            "creditCardNumbers": true,
            "usSocialSecurityNumbers": true,
            "enforcementMode": "ignore-urls-in-list",
            "enforcementUrls": []

Partial Masking of Data using Data Guard

Here is an example showing partial masking on custom patterns. Custom patterns are specified in customPatternsList, number of unmasked leading and trailing characters are defined in firstCustomCharactersToExpose and lastCustomCharactersToExpose parameters.

    "policy": {
        "name": "custom_pattern_mask_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_DATA_GUARD",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": false
        "data-guard": {
            "enabled": true,
            "maskData": true,
            "creditCardNumbers": false,
            "usSocialSecurityNumbers": true,
            "enforcementMode": "ignore-urls-in-list",
            "enforcementUrls": [],
            "customPatterns": true,
            "firstCustomCharactersToExpose": 2,
            "lastCustomCharactersToExpose": 4,
            "customPatternsList": [

File Types

A user can enable/disable specific file types in the policy.

In this example, we enable the file type violation in blocking mode. In the detailed configuration, we allow the * wildcard entity which would allow all file types by default. In the last section, we explicitly disable the bat file type. This is an example of allowing all, but specifically blocking (via deny list) certain items. You may add as many file types as you wish, each declared in its own curly brackets, along with the "allowed": false directive.

    "policy": {
        "name": "policy1",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_FILETYPE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "filetypes": [
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "allowed": true,
                "checkPostDataLength": false,
                "postDataLength": 4096,
                "checkRequestLength": false,
                "requestLength": 8192,
                "checkUrlLength": true,
                "urlLength": 2048,
                "checkQueryStringLength": true,
                "queryStringLength": 2048,
                "responseCheck": false
                "name": "bat",
                "allowed": false

Response Signatures

All Response Signatures are attack signatures detected on the response side, in contrast to the request side.

Restrict Response Signatures

Restrict Response Signatures enhancement assists the users in saving time by limiting the search for response signatures to a specified amount. You can enable the signature verification in the response by setting the responseCheck parameter to true. However, the restriction of certain signatures is set in the policy and then enforced by the App Protect.

In the policy base template under the “filetypes” section, make sure you enable the responseCheck attribute for responseCheckLength to work properly. The default value of responseCheck parameter is set to false.

The responseCheckLength parameter refers to the number of uncompressed bytes in the response body prefix that are examined for signatures. The responseCheckLength field will be added with the default value of 20000 bytes which means that the first 20,000 bytes of the response body will undergo signature verification.

Restrict Response Signature example:

In the below policy example, in the “filetypes” section, the responseCheck parameter is set to true, indicating that response check will be enabled. When enforcing signatures on the response, we have the flexibility to restrict the portion of the response body that requires validation. In this case, the policy is configured with responseCheckLength set to 1000, signifying that only the initial 1000 bytes of the response body will undergo signature verification.

    "policy": {
        "name": "response_signatures_block",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "filetypes": [
            "name": "*",
            "type": "wildcard",
            "responseCheck": true,
		    "responseCheckLength": 1000
            "signature-sets": [
                "name": "All Response Signatures",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true

How Does Restrict Response Signature Check Work?

The response signature check is always done on the configured responseCheckLength as described above. Usually NGINX App Protect WAF will buffer only that part of the response saving memory and CPU, but in some conditions the whole response may have to be buffered, such as when the response body is compressed.

Allowed Methods

In the policy, you can specify what methods to allow or disallow.

In this example, we enable the illegal method violation in blocking mode. In the methods configuration, we define which of the methods are allowed. If a method is allowed by default, it can be disallowed via "$action": "delete". In the following example we disallow the default allowed method PUT by removing it from the default enforcement. For illustrative purposes this example also has all the other methods that are allowed by default defined in the configuration, but in practicality they do not actually need to be included explicitly to be allowed:

    "policy": {
        "name": "blocking_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_METHOD",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "methods": [
                "name": "GET"
                "name": "POST"
                "name": "HEAD"
                "name": "PUT",
                "$action": "delete"
                "name": "PATCH"
                "name": "DELETE"
                "name": "OPTIONS"

Custom Method Enforcement

To enable any custom method other than the above mentioned HTTP standard methods, the user must configure the specific modules that allow those methods. NGINX will reject any custom method other than the standard allowed HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS.

For example, see currently supported WebDAV Methods.

Response Codes

Response codes are a general setting that defines which response codes are acceptable, while all others will be blocked.

In this example, we enable the response status codes violation in blocking mode. In the general configuration, we define which of the response codes are allowed. This would mean that all others will be considered as illegal response codes and will be blocked. In this configuration, you specify a list of comma-separated response codes that are allowed.

    "policy": {
        "name": "allowed_response",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "general": {
            "allowedResponseCodes": [


When configuring handling of parameters, it is a bit different from other configurations we have dealt with earlier, where we enable a violation and configure its details. With parameters, there are a number of independent violations that need to be enabled on their own, as well as a parameter section to define further customization. The full list of parameter violations can be extracted from the above violation list.

    "policy": {
        "name": "parameters_blocking",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_MULTIPART_NULL_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "checkMetachars": true,
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "valueType": "auto-detect",
                "metacharsOnParameterValueCheck": true,
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",

In this example we configure allowed meta-characters in parameter name and value.

    "policy": {
        "name": "parameters_allowed_metachars",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_MULTIPART_NULL_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "checkMetachars": true,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "valueType": "auto-detect",
                "nameMetacharOverrides": [
                        "isAllowed": true,
                        "metachar": "0x3c"
                        "isAllowed": true,
                        "metachar": "0x3e"
                "metacharsOnParameterValueCheck": true,
                "allowEmptyValue": true,
                "checkMaxValueLength": false,
                "valueMetacharOverrides": [
                        "isAllowed": true,
                        "metachar": "0x3c"
                        "isAllowed": true,
                        "metachar": "0x3e"
                "name": "*",
                "level": "global",
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": true,
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "signatureOverrides": [],
                "type": "wildcard",

In this example, we define a sensitive parameter mypass configuration.

    "policy": {
        "name": "parameters_sensitive",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_MULTIPART_NULL_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": false
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": false
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": false
        "sensitive-parameters": [
                "name": "mypass"

User-Defined URLs

The user-defined URL feature allows the user to configure the URL while supporting the following options:

  • Define a protected URL configuration both explicitly and by wildcards.
  • Define a per-URL list of allowed/disallowed methods that will override the list defined in the policy level.
  • Define a content-type: json/xml/form-data on a user-defined URL.
  • Define an Allowed/Disallowed user-defined URL.
  • Add a user-defined URL to the Signature/Metacharacters override list.

For urlContentProfiles default values, see NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide.

In this example we configure allowed meta-characters in a user-defined URL:

    "policy": {
        "name": "/Common/user_defined_URL",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_URL",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_URL_METACHAR",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "urls": [
                "method": "*",
                "name": "/meta*",
                "protocol": "http",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "metacharsOnUrlCheck": true,
                "metacharOverrides": [
                        "isAllowed": true,
                        "metachar": "0x3c"
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "metachar": "0x28"
                "wildcardOrder": 2

In this example, we disable the detection of a specific signature, 200010093 and enable another one, 200010008, both in a user-defined URL /Common/user_defined_URL. These signature settings take effect only in requests to that URL. In other requests, the signature behavior is determined by the signature sets these signatures belong to. See Signature Sets for more details.

    "policy": {
        "name": "/Common/user_defined_URL",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_URL",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "urls": [
                "method": "*",
                "name": "/test*",
                "protocol": "http",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "wildcardOrder": 1,
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "signatureOverrides": [
                        "enabled": true,
                        "signatureId": 200010008
                        "enabled": false,
                        "signatureId": 200010093

In this example, we configure Wildcard/Explicit URLs, where the first URL is permitted for all methods, and the second is permitted only for GET:

    "policy": {
        "name": "/Common/user_defined_URL",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_URL",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "urls": [
                "method": "*",
                "name": "/test*",
                "protocol": "http",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "wildcardOrder": 1
                "method": "GET",
                "name": "/index.html",
                "protocol": "http",
                "type": "explicit"

In this example, we configure json/xml/form-data content types for a specific user-defined URL:

    "policy": {
        "name": "/Common/user_defined_URL",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_URL",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_METHOD",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_JSON_MALFORMED",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_JSON_FORMAT",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_XML_FORMAT",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "json-profiles": [
                "name": "Default",
                "handleJsonValuesAsParameters": false,
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumTotalLengthOfJSONData": "any",
                    "maximumArrayLength": "any",
                    "maximumStructureDepth": "any",
                    "maximumValueLength": "any"
        "xml-profiles": [
                "name": "Default",
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumAttributesPerElement": "any",
                    "maximumDocumentDepth": "any",
                    "maximumAttributeValueLength": "any",
                    "maximumChildrenPerElement": "any",
                    "maximumDocumentSize": "any",
                    "maximumElements": "any",
                    "maximumNameLength": "any",
                    "maximumNSDeclarations": "any",
                    "maximumNamespaceLength": "any",
                    "tolerateLeadingWhiteSpace": true,
                    "tolerateCloseTagShorthand": true,
                    "allowCDATA": true,
                    "allowExternalReferences": true,
                    "allowProcessingInstructions": true
        "urls": [
                "method": "*",
                "name": "/first*",
                "protocol": "http",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "wildcardOrder": 1,
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "3",
                        "type": "form-data"
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "Default"
                        "headerValue": "*xml*",
                        "headerName": "Content-Type",
                        "headerOrder": "2",
                        "type": "xml"
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "Default"
                        "headerValue": "*json*",
                        "headerName": "Content-Type",
                        "headerOrder": "1",
                        "type": "json"


The do-nothing in urlContentProfiles allows the user to avoid inspecting or parsing the content in a policy, and instead handle the request’s header according to the specifications outlined in the security policy.

In this example, we configure do-nothing content types for a specific user-defined URL:

    "policy" : {
        "name": "ignore_body",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "urls": [
                "method": "*",
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "default",
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "type": "do-nothing"

User-Defined Parameters

So far, we have been managing the default parameter or * entity. What if we want to give specific attributes to specific parameters? This can be done by creating and configuring the user-defined parameters. This feature gives the user full control over what the parameter should include, where it should be located and allows for granularity in configuring each and every parameter. Here you can:

  • Create unique parameters and specify attributes for each.
  • Define what data type the parameter should contain.
  • Define the allowed location where you expect to see a parameter.
  • Define minimum/maximum values and minimum/maximum lengths for a parameter.
  • Define whether a parameter is mandatory or not.
  • Define whether the parameter can have empty values or not.
  • Define whether to inspect a parameter for violations, attack signatures, or meta-characters.
  • Decide whether to exclude certain violations, attack signatures, or meta-characters for a parameter.

In the following example, we configure two parameters. The first one, text, takes string values (here configured as alpha-numeric), and limits the length of the allowed string between 4 and 8 characters. Any string below or above these values will trigger the violation VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH. Note that we enable this violation to block the violating request.

The second parameter, query, is added to the policy just to avoid a false positive condition due to a specific signature, 200002835. Suppose you realized that whenever this signature detected on this parameter, it was false positive. You would like to disable this signature, but only in the context of this parameter. The signature will still be detected on values of other parameters.

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_parameters_data_types",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "text",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "alpha-numeric",
                "checkMinValueLength": true,
                "checkMaxValueLength": true,
                "minimumLength": 4,
                "maximumLength": 8
                "name": "query",
                "type": "explicit",
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "alpha-numeric",
                "signatureOverrides": [
                        "enabled": false,
                        "signatureId": 200002835

In the next example, we configure a numeric parameter. This parameter accepts only integer values and allows values between 9 and 99 (non-inclusive). If the request includes anything other than an integer, it will trigger the VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE violation. If the parameter value falls beyond or below the desired values, it will trigger the VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE violation. Note that if you change the values of exclusiveMin and exclusiveMax to false, values equal to the boundary values will be accepted (namely 9 and 99).

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_parameters_data_types",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "number",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "integer",
                "checkMinValue": true,
                "checkMaxValue": true,
                "minimumValue": 9,
                "maximumValue": 99,
                "exclusiveMin": true,
                "exclusiveMax": true

For increased granularity, you can configure whether the parameter value is also a multiple of a specific number. This is useful when you wish to limit the input to specific values. The following example configures a parameter that accepts values in the range of 0 to 10 and are only multiples of 3. This means that the accepted values are 3, 6 and 9. Any other value will trigger the VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE violation.

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_parameters_data_types",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "multiples",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "integer",
                "checkMinValue": true,
                "checkMaxValue": true,
                "minimumValue": 0,
                "maximumValue": 10,
                "checkMultipleOfValue": true,
                "multipleOf": 3

Another very useful example is when the user wants to limit the parameter to a single context, like in a header or a query string. If the same variable appears in a different location, it will trigger the VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION violation.

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_parameters_misc_test",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "headerparam",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "header",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "alpha-numeric",
                "checkMinValueLength": false,
                "checkMaxValueLength": false

Another very useful example is the following configuration. It has:

  • A sensitive parameter mypass that should be masked in the logs.
  • A parameter empty that is allowed to be empty.
  • A parameter repeated that can be repeated multiple times.
  • A parameter mandatory that is mandatory for all requests.

Note that new violations were enabled so that the configuration becomes effective.

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_parameters_misc_test",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_EMPTY_VALUE",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_REPEATED",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_PARAMETER",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "mypass",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "sensitiveParameter": true,
                "valueType": "auto-detect"
                "name": "empty",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": true,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "auto-detect"
                "name": "repeated",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": false,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": true,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "auto-detect"
                "name": "mandatory",
                "type": "explicit",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "mandatory": true,
                "allowEmptyValue": false,
                "allowRepeatedParameterName": false,
                "sensitiveParameter": false,
                "valueType": "auto-detect"

User-Defined Signatures

Another useful expansion to the customization capabilities is the ability to create user-defined signatures. This capability allows the user to define new signatures, configure how they behave in terms of enforcement, and categorize them in user-defined signature sets (using tags) for ease of management.

The process of creating and implementing a user policy that contains user-defined signatures is a three-fold process:

  • Creating the user-defined signature definitions in separate JSON files.
  • Adding the relevant references (names, tags, signature sets) to the user-defined signatures in a policy JSON file.
  • Referencing user-defined JSON files in a global settings file.
  • Compiling a policy bundle using NGINX App Protect WAF Compiler
User-Defined Signature Definitions

The user-defined signature definition file is a JSON file where the signatures themselves are defined and given their properties and tags. The format of the user-defined signature definition is as follows:

    "tag": "tag_name",
    "revisionDatetime": "2020-01-21T18:32:02Z",
    "signatures": []

Tags help organizing the user-defined signatures in bundles so that all signatures in that bundle are (usually) authored by the same person and share a common purpose or set of applications that will consume it. It also creates name spaces that avoid name conflicts among user-defined signatures. Signatures are uniquely identified by the combination of tag and name. The tag_name should be replaced with the tag name to be assigned to all signatures in this file or group. The revisionDatetime specifies the date or version of the signature file. Note that you can create as many user-defined signature definition files as you wish provided that you assign a unique tag for each file and that the user-defined signatures have unique names, both within the same file, or across different files.

To add user-defined signatures to the signatures list, each signature must have the following format:

    "name": "unique_name",
    "description": "Add your description here",
    "rule": "content:\"string\"; nocase;",
    "signatureType": "request",
    "attackType": {
        "name": "Buffer Overflow"
    "systems": [
            "name": "Microsoft Windows"
            "name": "Unix/Linux"
    "risk": "medium",
    "accuracy": "medium"

Here is a brief explanation about each of the above items in the signature definition:

  • name - is the unique name to be given to the user-defined signature.
  • description - is an optional item where you can add a human-readable text to describe the functionality or purpose of the signature.
  • rule - is the rule by which the enforcement will be done. The rule uses Snort syntax: a keyword to look for in a certain context, such as URL, header, parameter, content, and optionally one or more regular expressions. For full details on how to create a rule and the possible permutations, check the Rule Syntax page.
  • signatureType - defines whether the signature is relevant to the request or the response.
  • attackType - this field gives an indication of the attack type the signature is intended to prevent. This field is mostly useful for signature set enforcement and logging purposes. A full list of the available attack types can be found in the Attack Types section.
  • systems - is a list of systems (operating systems, programming languages, etc.) that the signature should be applicable for. Note that systems have the same meaning and use as server technologies although the overlap between both terms is not perfect. This is explained in the above section Server Technologies.
  • risk - defines the risk level associated with this signature. Possible values are: low, medium, high.
  • accuracy - defines the accuracy level of the signature. Note that the value of this field contributes to the value of the Violation Rating. Possible values are: low, medium, high.

The following is an example of a user-defined signature definition file called user_defined_signature_definitions.json:

    "softwareVersion": "15.1.0",
    "tag": "Fruits",
    "revisionDatetime": "2020-01-22T18:32:02Z",
    "signatures": [
            "name": "Apple_medium_acc",
            "rule": "content:\"apple\"; nocase;",
            "signatureType": "request",
            "attackType": {
                "name": "Buffer Overflow"
            "systems": [
                    "name": "Microsoft Windows"
                    "name": "Unix/Linux"
            "risk": "medium",
            "accuracy": "medium",
            "description": "Medium accuracy user defined signature with tag (Fruits)"
Updating the Policy

Once all the user-defined signatures are added to definitions files, it is time to activate and use them in the policy. To achieve this, certain items need to be added to the policy file to enable these signatures, and to specify the action to take when they are matched. The following policy shows a simplified policy file example called user_defined_signatures_policy.json:

    "policy": {
        "name": "user_defined_single_signature",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-requirements": [
                "tag": "Fruits",
                "minRevisionDatetime": "2020-01-20T18:32:02Z",
                "maxRevisionDatetime": "2020-01-23T18:32:02Z"
        "signatures": [
                "name": "Apple_medium_acc",
                "tag": "Fruits"
        "signature-sets": [
                "name": "Fruit_signature_set",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true,
                "signatureSet": {
                    "filter": {
                        "tagValue": "Fruits",
                        "tagFilter": "eq"

Following is an explanation of each of the items added to the bare policy that are relevant to user-defined signatures:

  • signature-requirements - Specifies which tags are being used in this policy, and from which revision/version (minRevisionDatetime and maxRevisionDatetime are optional). The signature requirements serve as an indication of what tags and revisions are required for the proper operation of the policy. If the requirement is met and the tag exists, this means that the signature import was successful, and that the policy compilation process will pass. However, if the tag/revision requirement is specified and no such tag or revision exists, then the policy compilation process will fail. This could mean that the user imported the wrong definitions file, imported a different revision than the one we require, or even forgot to import the definitions file altogether.
  • signatures - The list of signatures we want to add to the policy. Note that each signature should have its unique name added as well as its relevant tag. The signature will then be automatically enabled. This section is redundant if the user wants to enable all signatures. However, if they want to disable specific signature(s), this section becomes mandatory where each signature should have the enabled: with true or false specified. A better way to disable signatures is by removing them from the definitions file altogether and reloading the policy.
  • signature-sets - How the signatures are added to the policy enforcement. The set filters the signatures by tag and adds all the signatures matching this tag to the user-defined signature set. Here we can specify the action taken when a signature match is made (whether to alarm, block, or both)

User-Defined Signature Sets

NGINX App Protect WAF comes with pre-defined signatures and signature sets. Also, the user can create their own user-defined signatures (as we have seen above) as well as user-defined signature sets. User-defined Signature sets are suitable for organizing the sheer number of pre-defined and user-defined signatures into logical sets for better use in the policy. For pre-defined signatures, there are two ways of managing signature sets: manual addition of signatures using the signature unique IDs, or filtering signatures based on specific criteria, like request/response, risk level, accuracy level, attack type, systems, etc. For the user-defined signatures, signature IDs are automatically generated, and they cannot be used in manual addition of signatures. Therefore, only one way is possible: filtering based on tag, request/response, risk level, accuracy level, attack type, systems, etc.

The following example shows the creation of a new signature set based on filtering all signatures that have accuracy equals to “low”:

    "name": "filtered_signature_sets",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "signature-sets": [
            "name": "my-low-accuracy-signatures",
            "block": true,
            "alarm": true,
            "signatureSet": {
                "type": "filter-based",
                "filter": {
                    "attackType": {
                        "name": "Other Application Attacks"
                    "signatureType": "request",
                    "riskFilter": "eq",
                    "riskValue": "high",
                    "accuracyFilter": "le",
                    "accuracyValue": "high"

Note that the filter can have one of the following values:

  • eq - Include values equal to.
  • le - Include values less than or equal.
  • ge - Include values greater than or equal.
  • all - Do not filter, use all items. Note that all is the default value so if the user does not specify a filter, it will be considered as all. Also, if the user specifies the all filter, there is no need to specify the corresponding value element.

Therefore, the above example can be interpreted as: include all the signatures with risk equal to “high” and all signatures with accuracy equal to or less than medium. The result should include all low and medium accuracy signatures that have a high risk value.

In the following example, we demonstrate how to add signatures manually to a signature set by specifying the signature ID of each of the signatures:

    "name": "manual_signature_sets",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "signature-sets": [
            "name": "my-cherry-picked-signatures",
            "block": true,
            "alarm": true,
            "signatureSet": {
                "type": "manual",
                "signatures": [
                        "signatureId": 200003360
                        "signatureId": 200001234

It is worthy to note that if a newly added signature set name matches an existing signature set name, it will not overwrite the existing set. Instead, a new set will be created with “_2” appended to the signature set name. For example, if we create a signature set with the name “My_custom_signatures” with 3 signatures, then add a new signature to the set and reload the nginx process, a new signature set will be created with the name “My_custom_signatures_2” containing the new list of 4 signatures. The older list “My_custom_signatures” with 3 signatures will remain intact.

User-Defined Browser Control

The User-Defined Browser Control feature allows a user to define new custom browsers, and create a list of allowed or disallowed browsers (both user-defined and factory preset browsers) used by the client application. It mainly provides the opportunity:

  1. To detect browsers that are not among the factory supported ones so that they can be verified they are indeed browsers using the anti-automation feature.
  2. To be able to block access to specific browsers types and versions that the application does not support. This is not a security feature but rather a means to provide a smooth user experience.
User-Defined Browser Control Configuration

User-defined browsers can be configured in the browser-definitions section in the policy. There are a number of properties that can be configured per user-defined browser element:

  • name - must be unique and not conflict with factory names.
  • matchString - string that should be present in the User-Agent header to trigger enforcement.
  • matchRegex - regex that should be matched in the User-Agent header to trigger enforcement.
  • description - description of the custom browser agent element.

Please note that:

  • matchString and matchRegex are mutually exclusive (either can appear but never both at the same time).

Defining a list of allowed or disallowed browsers can be done in classes and browsers sections under bot-defense/mitigations section.

  1. classes
    • name - name of class (in this case only browser and unknown are relevant).
    • action - detect / alarm / block.
  2. browsers
    • name - name of the browser (factory or user-defined).
    • action - detect / alarm / block.
    • minVersion (int) - minimum version of the browser for which the action is applicable (major browser version only).
    • maxVersion (int) - maximum version of the browser for which the action is applicable (major browser version only).

Please note that:

  • browser class defines the default action for any browser that is not in the supported factory browsers list (the default action is detect).
  • unknown class defines the default action for unclassified clients that did not match any browser or bot type (the default action is alarm).
  • minVersion and maxVersion properties are available only for factory browsers and refer to major browser version. These fields are optional - when not present (either one) then it means “any” version.
List of Supported Factory Browsers

The following table specifies supported built-in (factory) browsers:

Declarative Name Description
android The native Android browser.
blackberry The native Blackberry browser.
chrome Chrome browser on Microsoft Windows.
chrome Chrome browser on Android.
firefox Firefox on Microsoft Windows.
firefox Firefox on Android.
internet-explorer Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows.
internet-explorer Internet Explorer on mobile devices.
opera Opera Browser on Microsoft Windows.
opera Opera Mini Browser.
opera Opera on Mobile devices.
safari Safari Browser on Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS.
safari Safari Browser on Apple iOS and iPadOS devices.
edge Microsoft Edge Browser.
uc UC Browser.
puffin Puffin Browser on Microsoft Windows.
puffin Puffin Browser on Android devices.
puffin Puffin Browser on iOS devices.
User-Defined Browser Control Enforcement

If the received request has no bot signatures, then the following actions are enforced:

  1. Parse the User-Agent header. If a known browser is identified, then enforce based on the action set in the browser subsection of the classes section.
  2. If no factory or user-defined browser is identified, then enforce based on the action set in the unknown subsection of the classes section.
  3. If both factory and user-defined browser were detected, then the user-defined one takes precedence and its action is executed according to point 1.
  4. If more than one user-defined browser was detected, then the most severe action of the detected browsers is taken.

Please note that:

  • User-Defined Browser Control configuration is part of the bot-defense configuration in the policy, therefore enforcement can take place only if isEnabled flag under bot-defense section is set to true (it is set to true in the default policy).
User-Defined Browser Control Configuration Examples

In the following example, the policy is configured with these items:

  • Define some user-defined browsers.
  • Detect (allow) all browsers except for browsers with action set to block in browsers section (according to minVersion/maxVersion fields values).
  • Alarm if no browser was detected.
    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "example_1",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "browser-definitions": [
                "name": "FunkyBrowserV3",
                "matchString": "FunkyBrowser/1.3.1",
                "name": "SmartBrowser4",
                "matchRegex": "smartbrowser/([\\d.]+)",
        "bot-defense": {
            "settings" : {
                "isEnabled": true
            "mitigations": {
                "classes": [
                        "name": "browser",
                        "action": "detect"
                        "name": "unknown",
                        "action": "alarm"
                "browsers": [
                        "name": "safari",
                        "action": "block"
                        "name": "chrome",
                        "minVersion": 77,
                        "action": "block"
                        "name": "firefox",
                        "minVersion": 45,
                        "maxVersion": 60,
                        "action": "block"
                        "name": "FunkyBrowserV3",
                        "action": "block"

In the next example, the policy is configured with the following items:

  • Define some user-defined browsers.
  • Block all browsers except for browsers with action set to detect or alarm in browsers section (according to minVersion/maxVersion fields values).
  • Block request if no browser was detected.
    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "example_2",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "browser-definitions": [
                "name": "FunkyBrowserV3",
                "matchString": "FunkyBrowser/1.3.1",
                "name": "SmartBrowser4",
                "matchRegex": "smartbrowser/([\\d.]+)",
        "bot-defense": {
            "settings" : {
                "isEnabled": true
            "mitigations": {
                "classes": [
                        "name": "browser",
                        "action": "block"
                        "name": "unknown",
                        "action": "block"
                "browsers": [
                        "name": "safari",
                        "action": "detect"
                        "name": "chrome",
                        "minVersion": 77,
                        "action": "alarm"
                        "name": "firefox",
                        "minVersion": 45,
                        "maxVersion": 60,
                        "action": "detect"
                        "name": "FunkyBrowserV3",
                        "action": "detect"

Deny and Allow IP Lists

It is possible to define IP addresses or ranges for which the traffic will always be allowed or denied or never logged despite the rest of the configuration settings in the policy.

  1. Always Allowed ("blockRequests": "never") - requests from this IP range will be passed even if they have blocking violations.
  2. Always Denied ("blockRequests": "always") - requests from this IP range will be always blocked even if they have no other blocking violations. The VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP violation will be triggered in this case and its block flag must be set to true in order for the request to be actually blocked.
  3. Never Log ("neverLogRequests": true) - requests from this IP range will not be logged even if they were supposed to be in the logging configuration. Note this is independent of the other setting, so the same IP range can be both denied (or allowed) and yet never logged.

In this IPv4 example, we use the default configuration while enabling the deny list violation. In the configuration section, we define:

  • An always allowed IP
  • An always denied IP
  • An always allowed range of IPs
  • An allowed range of IPs which should never log
    "policy": {
        "name": "allow_deny",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "whitelist-ips": [
                "blockRequests": "never",
                "neverLogRequests": false,
                "ipAddress": "",
                "ipMask": ""
                "blockRequests": "always",
                "ipAddress": "",
                "ipMask": ""
                "blockRequests": "never",
                "neverLogRequests": false,
                "ipAddress": "",
                "ipMask": ""
                "blockRequests": "never",
                "neverLogRequests": true,
                "ipAddress": "",
                "ipMask": ""
The above configuration assumes the IP address represents the original requestor. However, it is also common that the client address may instead represent a downstream proxy device as opposed to the original requestor’s IP address. In this case, you may need to configure NGINX App Protect WAF to prefer the use of an X-Forwarded-For (or similar) header injected to the request by a downstream proxy in order to more accurately identify the actual originator of the request. See the XFF Headers and Trust for information regarding the additional settings required for this configuration.

Here’s an example of IPv6 notation with a single address and an IP subnet with a 120-bit prefix:

The first address is a single IP address, because the mask is all f’s. Since this is a default value, there is no need to specify the mask in this case. The second address is a subnet of 120 bits (out of the 128 of an IPv6 address). The trailing 8 bits (128-120) must be zero in both the mask and the address itself.

    "policy": {
        "name": "allow_deny",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "whitelist-ips": [
                "ipAddress": "2023::4ef3",
                "ipMask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
                "blockRequests": "never"
                "ipAddress": "2034::2300",
                "ipMask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff00",
                "blockRequests": "never"

CSRF Protection Using Origin Validation

CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) is an attack vector in which the victim user that visits a sensitive site such as a bank account, is lured to click on a malicious link attempting a fraudulent operation on that sensitive site. The link may be sent over email or in a hidden frame in another site. NGINX App Protect WAF provides protection against CSRF attacks by validating the Origin header for AJAX POST requests (default configuration).

CSRF Configuration

There are several settings that can be configured to enable CSRF protection, some are global while others are specific. Following is a list of all the settings that can be configured to enable or customize the CSRF settings:

  1. In the csrf-protection section, enable CSRF protection. This is a global configuration option and applies to all policy elements.
  2. Enable the CSRF violation VIOL_CSRF in the violations section (the violation is already enabled in Alarm mode in the base template). This is a global configuration option and applies to all policy elements.
  3. In the csrf-urls section, the user can define method and URL configurations. By default, the wildcard URL * with the POST method is configured to enforce Origin validation. The default configuration can be deleted to allow for customized configuration for specific methods and URLs.
  4. In the urls section, you can enable CSRF protection for specific URLs, and define a list of acceptable origins. If the wildcard URL * is selected, the configuration becomes global for all URLs. Otherwise, the configuration is applicable only to the specified URL.
  5. In the host-names section, you can add a list of the domains that are to be accepted when comparing the origin to the hostnames. The user can enable or disable the inclusion of subdomains. This is a global configuration option and applies to all policy elements.

Please note that:

  • Both VIOL_CSRF and csrf-protection settings need to be enabled for CSRF protection to be active. Disabling either setting will disable CSRF protection altogether.
  • Configuring urls is required only if there are external origins that have to be allowed.
  • host-names are internal, owned by the application and used by clients to reach it. The crossDomainAllowedOrigin in the urls are external domains, from other applications, that we wish to allow as origins.
CSRF Enforcement

If CSRF is enabled in the violation section and in the csrf-protection settings, when receiving a request to a URL that matches one of the csrf-urls and all its conditions: method and parameters (if applicable there), then the following conditions must be met:

  1. Origin header must exist in the request.
  2. The domain name from the Origin header must match any of the following criteria:
    • The Host header in the same request.
    • One of the hostnames in the policy.
    • One of the allowed origins in the matching URL entity in the policy.

If the first condition is not met, the validation will fail with the message “Origin header validation failed: Origin is absent”. If the second condition fails to match any of the items, the validation will fail with the message “Origin header validation failed: Origin is not allowed”.

CSRF Configuration Examples

In the following example, CSRF Protection is enabled globally (in Block mode) with no customization:

    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "csrf_default",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_CSRF",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "csrf-protection": {
            "enabled": true

In the following example, the policy is configured with the following items:

  • Enable CSRF Protection globally (in Block mode).
  • Delete the default wildcard CSRF URL and define a new custom one.
  • Define a policy-wide hostname domain without its subdomains.
    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "example_2",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_CSRF",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "csrf-protection": {
            "enabled": true
        "csrf-urls": [
                "$action": "delete",
                "method": "POST",
                "url": "*"
                "enforcementAction": "verify-origin",
                "method": "POST",
                "url": "/operation.aspx"
        "host-names": [
                "name": "",
                "includeSubdomains": false

In the following example, the policy is configured with the following items:

  • Enable CSRF Protection globally (violation already in Alarm mode in the default policy).
  • Delete the default wildcard CSRF URL and define a new custom one.
  • Define a policy-wide hostname domain with subdomains.
  • Add a custom URL “myurl” where CSRF enforcement is enabled, and define a custom origin for this URL.
    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "example_3",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "csrf-protection": {
            "enabled": true
        "csrf-urls": [
                "$action": "delete",
                "method": "POST",
                "url": "*"
                "enforcementAction": "verify-origin",
                "method": "POST",
                "url": "/csrfurl"
        "host-names": [
                "name": "",
                "includeSubdomains": true
        "urls": [
                "name": "/myurl",
                "html5CrossOriginRequestsEnforcement": {
                    "enforcementMode": "enforce",
                    "crossDomainAllowedOrigin": [
                            "includeSubDomains": false,
                            "originName": "",
                            "originPort": "all",
                            "originProtocol": "http/https"

Clickjacking Protection

Clickjacking refers to a technique used by malicious actors to embed remote website content into their malicious websites, tricking the end users to click on the embedded frames triggering actions the users were not aware of, such as liking a certain Facebook page or giving a restaurant a 5 star rating. To protect against such attacks, NGINX App Protect WAF uses the X-Frame-Options header capabilities. The X-Frame-Options header is injected by NGINX App Protect WAF to indicate to the browser whether it should embed the content or not. Please note that this additional layer of security is available only in browsers that support the X-Frame-Options headers.


X-Frame-Options can be configured as follows:

  • X-Frame-Options: deny - This option will prevent the browser from displaying the content in a frame, regardless of the website trying to do so.
  • X-Frame-Options: only-same - This option allows the browser to display the content in a frame only if it comes from the same website.

Please note that a third configuration option was available but it was deprecated by RFC and is not supported by NGINX App Protect WAF.

To enable this protection in NGINX App Protect WAF, we enable the feature for a URL (or for all URLs, via the wildcard URL), and then set the value to be assigned to the X-Frame-Options header. Following is an example of a policy enabling the feature for the URL /clickme, and using only-same as the value for the X-Frame-Options header:

    "name": "x_frame_options",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "urls": [
            "name": "/clickme",
            "type": "explicit",
            "method": "*",
            "isAllowed": true,
            "clickjackingProtection": true,
            "allowRenderingInFrames": "only-same"

In the following example, a policy is created with Clickjacking enabled for the URL /clickme, and using DENY as the value for the X-Frame-Options header:

    "name": "x_frame_options",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "urls": [
            "name": "/clickme",
            "type": "explicit",
            "method": "*",
            "isAllowed": true,
            "clickjackingProtection": true,
            "allowRenderingInFrames": "never"

Detect Base64

The Detect Base64 feature allows NGINX App Protect WAF to detect whether values in headers, cookies, and parameters are Base64 encoded. When an entity is detected as Base64 encoded NGINX App Protect WAF will enforce the configured signatures on the decoded value, instead of on the original value.

This feature is disabled by default or by setting the decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled.

There is a small risk that the system will wrongly detect a field value as Base64 decodable, when it’s actually not. In that case signatures will not be detected properly. To mitigate this, set decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled on known non Base64 entities.

    "policy": {
        "name": "detect_base64",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "cookies": [
                "name": "username",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "disabled"
        "parameters": [
                "name": "catchPhrase",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "disabled"
        "headers": [
                "name": "Catch-Phrase",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "disabled"

If decodeValueAsBase64 is set to required, then a violation is raised if the value is not Base64 decodable.

In this example we already know which specific entity values are Base64 decodable, so we set the value of decodeValueAsBase64 to required to raise a violation if the value is not Base64 decodable:

    "policy": {
        "name": "detect_base64",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true

        "cookies": [
                "name": "mySession",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "required"
        "parameters": [
                "name": "myId",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "required"
        "headers": [
                "name": "My-Header",
                "type": "explicit",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "required"

Handling XML and JSON Content

XML and JSON Content Profiles

By default every request with a Content-Type header containing XML or JSON is expected to have an XML or JSON body, respectively. Consequently, a series of checks are performed to ensure that the body is indeed well-formed as XML or JSON, and certain restrictions are enforced on the size and content of that body. These restrictions are specified in XML and JSON profiles. These configuration structures are associated with URLs and optionally also with Parameters, in case parameters that are known to have XML or JSON values are defined. One of the most powerful restrictions in a JSON profile is enforcing a schema with which the content must comply. This will be detailed in the next section.

The default Base template comes with default JSON and XML profiles, both called “default”. They are associated to the * URL based on the values of the Content-Type header as described above. You can use those profiles on other URLs or Parameters in your policies, and you can also create your own custom JSON and XML profiles to customize the checks that you want on your content.

Let’s assume you have a JSON registration form under the URL /register. It is a small form, and it makes sense to limit its size to 1000 characters and its nesting depth to 2. Here is a policy that enforces this:

    "policy": {
        "name": "json_form_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "json-profiles": [
                "name": "reg_form_prof",
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumArrayLength": "any",
                    "maximumStructureDepth": 2,
                    "maximumTotalLengthOfJSONData": 1000,
                    "maximumValueLength": "any",
                    "tolerateJSONParsingWarnings": false
        "urls": [
                "name": "/register",
                "method": "POST",
                "type": "explicit",
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "clickjackingProtection": false,
                "disallowFileUploadOfExecutables": false,
                "isAllowed": true,
                "mandatoryBody": false,
                "methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck": false,
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "default",
                        "type": "json",
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "reg_form_prof"

The enforcement on the JSON payload is defined in the reg_form_prof JSON profile. This profile is attached to the /register URL. Note JSON content is always expected for this URL - it applies to all header name and value combinations, and no other content option exists for this URL. Also note that we limited the method to POST in this URL. A POST request to this URL with a body that is not well-formed JSON will trigger the VIOL_JSON_MALFORMED violation.

If the body of the request is legal JSON, but violates any of the restrictions in the reg_form_prof JSON profile, for example has a nesting depth of 3, then you should expect the VIOL_JSON_FORMAT violation with details on what exactly was wrong with the JSON payload.

Let’s assume that in your JSON registration there is a specific field that should be Base64 encoded. we can set the value of handleJsonValuesAsParameters to true on the profile level, and set the value of decodeValueAsBase64 to required on the parameter level. Here is a policy that enforces this:

    "policy": {
        "name": "json_parse_param_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "caseInsensitive": false,
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64",
                    "alarm": true,
                    "block": true
        "parameters": [
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "parameterLocation": "any",
                "valueType": "user-input",
                "dataType": "alpha-numeric",
                "decodeValueAsBase64": "required"
        "json-profiles": [
                "name": "Default",
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "tolerateJSONParsingWarnings": true
                "handleJsonValuesAsParameters": true,
                "validationFiles": []
Defining a JSON or XML profile in a policy has no effect until you assign it to a URL or Parameter you defined in that policy. Profiles can be shared by more than one URL and/or Parameter.

Applying a JSON Schema

If a schema for the JSON payload exists, it can be attached to the JSON profile and App Protect will enforce it along with the other restrictions.

Here is a sample JSON schema for a registration form. It contains personal details:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Person",
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "properties": {
        "firstName": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The person's first name."
        "lastName": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The person's last name."
        "age": {
            "description": "Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero.",
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 0

Embedding the schema into the reg_form_prof JSON profile should be done in the following way:

  • Add an object containing the JSON schema to the json-validation-files array, which details all the available JSON schema validation files available in the profile. A unique fileName should be specified, and the escaped contents of the JSON schema added via the contents keyword.
  • Associate the specific JSON schema to the reg_form_prof JSON profile by adding a validationFiles array object and set the fileName in the jsonValidationFile object to the JSON schema fileName.
  • All JSON schema files including external references must be added in this way to both the json-validation-files array and associated with the JSON profile. The isPrimary should be set on the object containing the primary JSON schema.

This yields the following policy:

    "policy": {
        "name": "json_form_policy_inline_schema",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "json-validation-files": [
                "fileName": "person_schema.json",
                "contents": "{\r\n \"$schema\": \"\",\r\n \"title\": \"Person\",\r\n \"type\": \"object\",\r\n \"properties\": {\r\n \"firstName\": {\r\n \"type\": \"string\",\r\n \"description\": \"The person's first name.\"\r\n },\r\n \"lastName\": {\r\n \"type\": \"string\",\r\n \"description\": \"The person's last name.\"\r\n },\r\n \"age\": {\r\n \"description\": \"Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero.\",\r\n \"type\": \"integer\",\r\n \"minimum\": 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
        "json-profiles": [
                "name": "reg_form_prof",
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumArrayLength": "any",
                    "maximumStructureDepth": "any",
                    "maximumTotalLengthOfJSONData": 1000,
                    "maximumValueLength": "any",
                    "tolerateJSONParsingWarnings": false
                "validationFiles": [
                        "isPrimary": true,
                        "jsonValidationFile": {
                            "fileName": "person_schema.json"
        "urls": [
                "name": "/register",
                "type": "explicit",
                "method": "POST",
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "clickjackingProtection": false,
                "disallowFileUploadOfExecutables": false,
                "isAllowed": true,
                "mandatoryBody": false,
                "methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck": false,
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "reg_form_prof"
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "default",
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "type": "json"

When a request to the /register URL is POST-ed with JSON content that does not comply with the above schema, the VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA violation is triggered. In the default base template, the alarm flag is turned on for this violation and if it is triggered, it affects Violation Rating. In addition, you can turn on the block flag so that this violation will also block when triggered.


  • The schema file is embedded as a quoted string; therefore you must escape the quotes inside the schema itself.
  • We removed the nesting depth check in the JSON profile because it is enforced by the schema. It is not an error to leave the sizing checks together with the schema enforcement, but usually the schema has more accurate restrictions and leaving the profile restriction might be redundant in the best case or cause false positives in the worst.

Including an External JSON Schema File

Schema files are often developed as part of the application, independently from the App Protect Policy. It is often desirable to keep it in a separate file and reference it from the policy using a URL. Just as in all externally referenced policy sections, the JSON schema file can reside either in the NGINX file system (the default directory /etc/app_protect/conf is assumed if only the filename is specified in the file: URL, that is: file:///my_schema.json refers to the file located at /etc/app_protect/conf/my_schema.json), or on a remote Web server, typically, your source control system.

In this example the file is in the default directory:

    "policy": {
        "name": "json_form_policy_external_schema",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "json-validation-files": [
                "fileName": "person_schema.json",
                "link": "file://person_schema.json"
        "json-profiles": [
                "name": "reg_form_prof",
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumArrayLength": "any",
                    "maximumStructureDepth": "any",
                    "maximumTotalLengthOfJSONData": 1000,
                    "maximumValueLength": "any",
                    "tolerateJSONParsingWarnings": false
                "validationFiles": [
                        "isPrimary": true,
                        "jsonValidationFile": {
                            "fileName": "person_schema.json"
        "urls": [
                "name": "/register",
                "type": "explicit",
                "method": "POST",
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "clickjackingProtection": false,
                "disallowFileUploadOfExecutables": false,
                "isAllowed": true,
                "mandatoryBody": false,
                "methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck": false,
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "reg_form_prof"
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "default",
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "type": "json"

The schema file is identified by the filename property. It is a good practice to keep the filename identical to the one on the URL path, but it is not an error to have different names for each.

if you want to reference the file externally, replace the content of the link property with an HTTP or HTTPS URL:

    "json-validation-files": [
            "fileName": "person_schema.json",
            "link": ""

NGINX App Protect WAF generates its own cookies and adds them on top of the application cookies.

These are called Enforcer Cookies.

You can control the attributes within these cookies:

  • httpOnlyAttribute: Whether or not to add HttpOnly attribute, value is either true or false, default is true.
  • secureAttribute: Whether or not to add Secure attribute, value is either always or never, default is always.
  • sameSiteAttribute: In which mode to add SameSite attribute, value is one of: none-value, lax, strict or none, default is strict. Use none in order to not add this attribute to the cookie at all.

In this example, we configure HttpOnly to be true, Secure to be never, and SameSite to be strict.

    "policy": {
        "name": "cookie_attrs_configured",
        "template": { "name":"POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "enforcer-settings": {
            "enforcerStateCookies": {
                "httpOnlyAttribute": true,
                "secureAttribute": "never",
                "sameSiteAttribute": "strict"
  • httpOnlyAttribute: Default value was true for all policies.
  • secureAttribute: Default value was never in the default policy, and always in the strict and API policies.
  • sameSiteAttribute: Default value was lax in the default and API policies, and strict in the strict policy.

Additional Configuration Options

XFF Headers and Trust

XFF trust is disabled by default but can be enabled.

In this example, we use the default configuration but enable the trust of XFF header.

    "policy": {
        "name": "xff_enabled",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "general": {
            "customXffHeaders": [],
            "trustXff": true

In this example, we configure a policy with a custom-defined XFF header.

    "policy": {
        "name": "xff_custom_headers",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "general": {
            "customXffHeaders": [
            "trustXff": true

Blocking Page Customization

You can customize the blocking page text and formatting to suit your particular design requirements.

In this example, we use the default configuration but modify the response page that is displayed to the customer.

    "policy": {
        "name": "blocking_page",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "response-pages": [
                "responseContent": "<html><head><title>Custom Reject Page</title></head><body>This is a custom response page; it is supposed to overwrite the default page with custom text.<br><br>Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%><br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>",
                "responseHeader": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close",
                "responseActionType": "custom",
                "responsePageType": "default"

AJAX Response Page for Single Page Applications (SPAs)

There is a special scenario where default or regular custom response pages cannot be used. SPAs (Single Page Applications) are applications that provide application functionality within the boundaries of a single HTML page. Once a SPA application has been loaded in the browser, it typically makes REST API calls to remote resources expecting JSON response bodies rather than HTML markup. If this SPA application were to receive a default HTML-formatted block page, it would not be able to interpret this, likely causing an application error.

A way to handle such a situation is via configuring an AJAX response page. The AJAX response page will cause a pop-up to appear on the client browser, informing them that the request has been blocked.

In this example, we set up an AJAX response page.

    "policy": {
        "name": "NGINX-SPA",
        "description": "Policy with AJAX response page enabled for blocking AJAX requests",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "response-pages": [
                "responsePageType": "ajax",
                "ajaxEnabled": true,
                "ajaxPopupMessage": "My customized popup message! Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%>"

Modifying Configurations

What we have been seeing so far has been related to making changes by actually overriding specific configuration values. What would happen in the case we wanted to remove a specific configuration entity from the policy. For example, let’s say we have added file types “aaa”, “bbb”, and “ccc”, and now we wish to remove “bbb” from the list of disallowed file types. Deleting this entity from the declarative configuration file will simply mean that this entity will be left intact when the policy is rebuilt, meaning that the entity is still in the disallowed file types list. To resolve such situations, we have a modifications section where we can force modification where otherwise it is not possible using direct declarative configuration.

There is a specific section named modifications where we can configure items to be removed/deleted or forcefully modified in the policy.

In this example, we specify that we wish to remove the file type log from the disallowed file types list.

    "policy": {
        "name": "modifying_disallowed_file_types",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking"
    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "type": "explicit"
            "entity": {
                "name": "log"
            "action": "delete",
            "entityType": "filetype"

entityType List

The below list provides information about the entityType which can be used in the modifications section of the App Protect policy:

  • blocking-settings/evasion
  • blocking-settings-general
  • blocking-settings/http-protocol
  • blocking-settings/violation
  • bot-defense/mitigations/anomaly
  • bot-defense/mitigations/browser
  • bot-defense/mitigations/class
  • bot-defense/mitigations/signature
  • bot-defense/settings
  • browser-definition
  • character-set
  • cookie
  • cookie-settings
  • csrf-protection
  • csrf-url
  • data-guard
  • enforcer-settings
  • filetype
  • general
  • graphql-profile
  • grpc-profile
  • header
  • header-settings
  • host-name
  • json-profile
  • method
  • parameter
  • response-page
  • signature
  • sensitive-parameter
  • signature-setting
  • url
  • whitelist-ip
  • xml-profile

NGINX App Protect WAF Standalone Configuration


apreload is a tool that can update that can update the NGINX App Protect WAF configuration without having to reload NGINX if only the App Protect configuration is changed and the nginx.conf file remains unchanged. apreload does not affect the existing NGINX reload process and it functions in the same manner as before.

Some Conditions Required for apreload to Work:

  • For apreload to work, NGINX must be started first.

  • apreload may be used if the App Protect configuration (policies, log configuration files, global settings etc) have been modified, but the NGINX configuration hasn’t changed.

    Whenever nginx.conf file or any of its included files are modified, nginx reload must be used, rather than apreload. This will also update any changes in the App Protect configuration (policies, logging profiles, global settings). This applies also if only the App Protect directives have been modified in the nginx.conf file.

  • apreload should be executed with the same user that executes NGINX to avoid any access error.

  • apreload handles any changes in the content of the policy, with the exception of the name of the policy.

apreload Events

apreload events use the same format as the current operation log events written in the NGINX error log, namely: configuration_load_success or configuration_load_failure with the details in JSON format. Refer to the Operation logs for more details.

Note that if any of the configuration files are invalid, apreload will discover that and return the proper error message in the configuration_load_failure event. The Enforcer continues to run with the previous configuration.

Modification to nginx.conf file and App Protect Configurations

When both nginx.conf file and App Protect configurations are modified, apreload enforces only the App Protect configurations but nginx reload enforces both. apreload is a script that you run remotely on the nginx container after you have modified the policy in the nginx container. The result of the apreload script is viewable in the waf-config-mgr container log.

For apreload, use the following command:

kubectl -n [namespace] exec -it [podname] -c waf-nginx -- bash /opt/app_protect/bin/apreload


kubectl -n [namespace] logs [podname] -c config-mgr
sudo docker logs waf-config-mgr

External References

External references in policy are defined as any code blocks that can be used as part of the policy without being explicitly pasted within the policy file. This means that you can have a set of pre-defined configurations for parts of the policy, and you can incorporate them as part of the policy by simply referencing them. This would save a lot of overhead having to concentrate everything into a single policy file.

A perfect use case for external references is when you wish to build a dynamic policy that depends on moving parts. You can have code create and populate specific files with the configuration relevant to your policy, and then compile the policy to include the latest version of these files, ensuring that your policy is always up to date when it comes to a constantly changing environment.

To use the external references capability, in the policy file the direct property is replaced by “xxxReference” property, where xxx defines the replacement text for the property changed to singular (if originally plural) and notation converted from snake case to camelCase. For example, modifications section is replaced by modificationsReference and data-guard is replaced by dataGuardReference.

Types of References

There are different implementations based on the type of references that are being made.

URL Reference

URL reference is the method of referencing an external source by providing its full URL. This is a very useful method when trying to combine or consolidate parts of the policy that are present on different server machines.

You need to make sure that the server where the resource files are located is always available when you are compiling your policy.
Example Configuration

In this example, we are creating a skeleton policy, then enabling the file type violation. However, we do not wish to specify the file types as these file types depend on an app that defines these types. We therefore wish to have this section populated from an external reference. Note that the filetypes section is replaced by the filetypeReference section. For a list of all the available reference options, consult the documentation (declarative section). In the filetypeReference section, we define a key/value pair, where the key defines what type of reference we are making, while the value defines the actual URL to use to reach that reference item.

For the content of the file itself, it is an extension of the original JSON format for the policy, as if this section was cut from the policy and pasted into the file.

Policy configuration:

    "name": "external_resources_file_types",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "blocking-settings": {
        "violations": [
                "name": "VIOL_FILETYPE",
                "alarm": true,
                "block": true
    "filetypeReference": {
        "link": ""

Content of the referenced file file-types.txt:

        "name": "*",
        "type": "wildcard",
        "allowed": true,
        "checkPostDataLength": false,
        "postDataLength": 4096,
        "checkRequestLength": false,
        "requestLength": 8192,
        "checkUrlLength": true,
        "urlLength": 2048,
        "checkQueryStringLength": true,
        "queryStringLength": 2048,
        "responseCheck": false
        "name": "pat",
        "allowed": false
        "name": "mat",
        "allowed": false

HTTPS Reference

HTTPS references are a special case of URL references. It uses the HTTPS protocol instead of the HTTP protocol. Make sure that the webserver you are downloading the resources from does also support HTTPS protocol and has certificates setup properly.

  • Certificates must be valid in date (not expired) during the policy compilation.
  • Certificates must be signed by a trusted CA.
  • For Self-signed certificates, you need to make sure to add your certificates to the trusted CA of the machine where App Protect is installed.
  • Certificates must use the exact domain name that the certificate was issued for. For example, SSL will differentiate between and, considering each a different domain name.
Example Configuration

In this configuration, we are completely satisfied with the basic default policy, and we wish to use it as is. However, we wish to define a custom response page using an external file located on an HTTPS web server. The external reference file contains our custom response page configuration.

Policy configuration:

    "name": "external_references_custom_respsonse",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "responsePageReference": {
        "link": ""

Content of the referenced file response-pages.txt:

        "responseContent": "<html><head><title>Custom Reject Page</title></head><body>This is a custom response page, it is supposed to overwrite the default page with custom text.<br><br>Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%><br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>",
        "responseHeader": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close",
        "responseActionType": "custom",
        "responsePageType": "default"
Example Configuration

In this example, we would like to enable all attack signatures. Yet, we want to exclude specific signatures from being enforced.

Policy configuration:

    "policy": {
        "name": "external_resources_signature_modification",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                "name": "All Signatures",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true
    "modificationsReference": {
        "link": ""

Content of the referenced file modifications.txt:

    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200001834
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"

File Reference

File references refers to accessing local resources on the same machine, as opposed to accessing a remote resource on another server/machine. The user can specify any location that is accessible by App Protect except for the root folder ("/"). If no full path is provided, the default path /etc/app_protect/conf will be assumed. Note that file references can only be on the local machine: you cannot use remote hosts!

Here are some examples of the typical cases:

Link URL Format (examples) File Path Comment
file:///foo.json /etc/app_protect/conf/foo.json Default directory assumed
file://foo.json /etc/app_protect/conf/foo.json Formally illegal, but tolerated as long as there is no trailing slash.
file:///etc/app_protect/conf/foo.json /etc/app_protect/conf/foo.json Full path, but still the default one
file:///bar/foo.json /bar/foo.json Non-default path
file://etc/app_protect/conf/foo.json Not accepted “etc” is interpreted as remote host name
Example Configuration

In this example, we would like to enable all attack signatures. Yet, we want to exclude specific signatures from being enforced. To do this, we reference a local file on the machine.

Policy Configuration:

    "policy": {
        "name": "external_resources_signature_modification",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "signature-sets": [
                "name": "All Signatures",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true
    "modificationsReference": {
        "link": "file:///modifications.txt"

Content of the referenced file modifications.txt:

    "modifications": [
            "entityChanges": {
                "enabled": false
            "entity": {
                "signatureId": 200001834
            "entityType": "signature",
            "action": "add-or-update"

Configuration Errors

If, for any reason, the configuration was done incorrectly, the policy compilation process will fail with the following error:

APP_PROTECT { "event": "configuration_load_failure" ...

The error details that follow will depend on the exact situation causing the policy compilation to fail. If the policy compilation process fails, the compiler will revert to the last working policy and all the changes for the last policy compilation attempt will be lost.

OpenAPI Specification File Reference

The OpenAPI Specification defines the spec file format needed to describe RESTful APIs. The spec file can be written either in JSON or YAML. Using a spec file simplifies the work of implementing API protection. Refer to the OpenAPI Specification (formerly called Swagger) for details.

The simplest way to create an API protection policy is using an OpenAPI Specification file to import the details of the APIs. If you use an OpenAPI Specification file, NGINX App Protect WAF will automatically create a policy for the following properties (depending on what’s included in the spec file):

  • Methods
  • URLs
  • Parameters
  • JSON profiles

To obtain an OpenAPI-ready policy template, execute the following command:

sudo docker run --rm --entrypoint='' cat /etc/app_protect/conf/NginxApiSecurityPolicy.json

Ensure to substitute 1.0.0 with the specific version that you are using.

It contains violations related to OpenAPI set to blocking (enforced).

NGINX App Protect WAF supports only one OpenAPI Specification file reference per policy.

Types of OpenAPI References

There are different ways of referencing OpenAPI Specification files. The configuration is similar to External References.

Any update of an OpenAPI Specification file referenced in the policy will not trigger a policy compilation. This action needs to be done actively by reloading the NGINX configuration.

URL Reference

URL reference is the method of referencing an external source by providing its full URL.

Make sure to configure certificates prior to using the HTTPS protocol - see the HTTPS References under the External References section for more details.

You need to make sure that the server where the resource files are located is always available when you are compiling your policy.
Example Configuration

In this example, we are adding an OpenAPI Specification file reference using the link This will configure allowed data types for query_int and query_str parameters values.

Policy configuration:

    "policy": {
        "name": "petstore_api_security_policy",
        "description": "NGINX App Protect WAF API Security Policy for the Petstore API",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "open-api-files": [
                "link": ""
        "blocking-settings": {
            "violations": [
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Disallowed file upload content detected in body",
                    "name": "VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_BODY"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Mandatory request body is missing",
                    "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_REQUEST_BODY"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter location",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Mandatory parameter is missing",
                    "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_PARAMETER"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "JSON data does not comply with JSON schema",
                    "name": "VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter array value",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_ARRAY_VALUE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal Base64 value",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Disallowed file upload content detected",
                    "name": "VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal request content type",
                    "name": "VIOL_URL_CONTENT_TYPE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal static parameter value",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter value length",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter data type",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter numeric value",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Parameter value does not comply with regular expression",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_REGEXP"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal URL",
                    "name": "VIOL_URL"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal parameter",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal empty parameter value",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_EMPTY_VALUE"
                    "block": true,
                    "description": "Illegal repeated parameter name",
                    "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_REPEATED"

Content of the referenced file myapi.yaml:

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: 'Primitive data types'
  description: 'Primitive data types.'
  version: '2.5.0'
  - url: http://localhost
        - query_int_str
      description: query_int_str
      operationId: query_int_str
        - name: query_int
          in: query
          required: false
          allowEmptyValue: false
            type: integer
        - name: query_str
          in: query
          required: false
          allowEmptyValue: true
            type: string
          description: OK
          description: NotFound

In this case the following request will trigger an Illegal parameter data type violation, as we expect to have an integer value in the query_int parameter:


The request will be blocked.

The link option is also available in the openApiFileReference property and synonymous with the one above in open-api-files

Note: openApiFileReference is not an array.

Example Configuration

In this example, we reference the same OpenAPI Specification file as in the policy above using the openApiFileReference property.

Policy configuration:

    "name": "openapifilereference-yaml",
    "template": {
    "openApiFileReference": {
        "link": ""

Content of the file ref.txt:

        "link": ""

File Reference

File reference refers to accessing local resources on the same machine. See the File References under the External References section for more details.

Example Configuration

In this example, we would like to add an OpenAPI Specification file reference to the default policy.

Policy Configuration:

    "name": "openapi-file-reference-json",
    "template": {
    "open-api-files": [
            "link": "file:///myapi2.json"

Content of the referenced file myapi2.json:

    "openapi": "3.0.1",
    "info": {
        "title": "Primitive data types2",
        "description": "Primitive data types.",
        "version": "2.5.1"
    "servers": [
            "url": "http://localhost"
    "paths": {
        "/query": {
            "get": {
                "tags": [
                "description": "query_bool",
                "operationId": "query_bool",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "query_bool",
                        "in": "query",
                        "required": false,
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "boolean"
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "OK"
                    "404": {
                        "description": "NotFound"

In this case the following request will trigger an Illegal repeated parameter name violation, as the OpenAPI Specification doesn’t allow repeated parameters.


The request will not be blocked because this violation is set to alarm in the default policy.

gRPC Protection for Unary Traffic

gRPC is a remote API standard and is an alternative to OpenAPI. If your applications expose gRPC APIs, NGINX App Protect WAF can protect them by parsing the messages; making sure they comply with the API definition; and enforcing security restrictions - such as size limits, detecting attack signatures, threat campaigns, and suspicious metacharacters in message string field values. In the following sections, you will learn how to configure gRPC protection in the policy using gRPC Content Profiles.

gRPC Content Profiles

The gRPC Content Profile contains all the definitions for protecting a gRPC service. It is similar in nature to the JSON and XML profiles handling JSON and XML traffic respectively. Roughly it includes:

  • The IDL files of the protected gRPC service. This is essential for App Protect to be able to parse the API messages and determine whether they are legal and what needs to be inspected for security. For more info regarding including an external file.
  • Security enforcement: whether to detect signatures and/or metacharacters and optionally an exception (a.k.a override) list of signatures that need to be disabled in the context of this profile.
  • Defense attributes: special restrictions applied to the gRPC traffic. This includes a size limit for the gRPC messages in the request, and whether to tolerate fields that are not defined in the definition of the Protocol Buffer messages.

Let’s look at an example:

Assume you have a service with this IDL:

syntax = "proto3";


import "common/messages.proto";

service photo_album {
  rpc upload_photo (Photo) returns (OperationResult) {};
  rpc get_photos (Condition) returns (PhotoResult) {};

message Photo {
  string name = 1;
  bytes image = 2;

message PhotoResult {
  repeated Photo photos = 1;
  OperationResult res = 2;

The definitions of OperationResult and Condition messages are in the imported file found in common/messages.proto which we will not list here. The two files need to be referenced in the gRPC Content Profile. Here is the policy with the profile example:

Policy with the profile example:

    "policy": {
        "name": "my-grpc-service-policy",
        "grpc-profiles": [
                "name": "photo_service_profile",
                "associateUrls": true,
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumDataLength": 100000,
                    "allowUnknownFields": false
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "signatureOverrides": [
                        "signatureId": 200001213,
                        "enabled": false
                        "signatureId": 200089779,
                        "enabled": false
                "metacharCheck": true,
                "idlFiles": [
                        "idlFile": {
                            "$ref": "file:///grpc_files/album.proto"
                        "isPrimary": true
                        "idlFile": {
                            "$ref": "file:///grpc_files/common/messages.proto"
                        "importUrl": "common"
        "urls": [
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "method": "*",
                "$action": "delete"

The profile in this example enables checking of attack signatures and disallowed metacharacters in the string-typed fields within the service messages. Two signatures are disabled. The profile also limits the size of the messages to 100KB and disallows fields that are not defined in the IDL files.

The main IDL file, album.proto is marked as primary. The file it imports, messages.proto, is marked as secondary, i.e., isPrimary is false and so should be any imported file. In order for App Protect to be able to match it to the import statement, the file location should be specified as done in the example above using the importUrl property.

An alternative and probably more convenient way to specify all the IDL files, the primary and all its imports, direct and indirect, is to bundle them into a single tar file in the same directory structure as they are expected by the import statements. In this case, you will have to specify which of the files in the tarball is the primary one. The supported formats are tar and tgz. App Protect will identify the file type automatically (tar, gzipped tar, or JSON) and handle it accordingly. Following the above example:

"idlFiles": [{
    "idlFile": {
        "$ref": "file:///grpc_files/album_service_files.tgz"
    "primaryIdlFileName": "album_service.proto"

Note the deletion of the * URL in the above policy. This is required if you want to accept only requests pertaining to the gRPC services exposed by your apps. If you decide to leave this catch-all URL, App Protect will accept other traffic including gRPC requests, applying policy checks such as signature detection. However, it will not apply to any gRPC-specific protection on them.

Associating Profiles with URLs

As with JSON and XML profiles, in order for a gRPC Content Profile to become effective, it has to be associated with a URL that represents the service. However, in the sample policy above, the profile was apparently not associated with any URL and yet the profile is active. How did this happen? By setting associateUrls with true, App Protect implicitly creates the URL based on the package and service name as defined in the IDL file and associates the profile with that URL. In this example, the URL is /*. Note it is a wildcard URL so that all methods in this service match it in its suffix; for example / represents the get_photos RPC method.

Automatic association with URLs (associateUrls is true) is the recommended method of configuring gRPC protection, but if your gRPC services are mapped to URLs in a different manner, you can always explicitly associate a gRPC Content Profile with a different or an additional URL than the one implied by the service name, as in this example:

    "policy": {
        "name": "my-special-grpc-service-policy",
        "grpc-profiles": [
                "name": "special_service_profile",
                "associateUrls": false,
                "defenseAttributes": {
                    "maximumDataLength": "any",
                    "allowUnknownFields": true
                "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
                "idlFiles": [
                        "idlFile": {
                            "$ref": "file:///grpc_files/special_service.proto"
                        "isPrimary": true
        "urls": [
                "name": "/services/unique/special/*",
                "method": "POST",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "isAllowed": true,
                "urlContentProfiles": [
                        "contentProfile": {
                            "name": "special_service_profile"
                        "headerName": "*",
                        "headerOrder": "default",
                        "headerValue": "*",
                        "type": "grpc"
                "name": "*",
                "type": "wildcard",
                "method": "*",
                "$action": "delete"

You can always override the properties of the URL with the gRPC Content Profile even if you use associateUrls to true. For example, you can turn off meta character checks by adding "metacharsOnUrlCheck": false within the respective URL entry.

gRPC Response Pages

A gRPC error response page is returned when a request is blocked. The default page returns gRPC status code UNKNOWN (numeric value of 2) and a short textual message that includes the support ID. You can customize any of these two by configuring a custom gRPC response page in your policy.

    "policy": {
        "name": "my-special-grpc-service-policy",
        "response-pages": [
                "responsePageType": "grpc",
                "grpcStatusCode": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
                "grpcStatusMessage": "Operation does not comply with the service requirements. Please contact your administrator with the following number: <%TS.request.ID()%>"

The grpcStatusCode expects one of the standard gRPC status code values.

Detect Base64 in String Values

The Detect Base64 feature allows NGINX App Protect WAF to detect whether values in string fields in gRPC payload are Base64 encoded. When a value is detected as Base64 encoded NGINX App Protect WAF will enforce the configured signatures on the decoded value and on the original value.

This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting decodeStringValuesAsBase64 to enabled.

This has to be used with care because Protocol Buffer protocol is supposed to carry binary fields of “bytes” type and, thus, trying to decode strings as Base64 may lead to false positives. Using Base64-encoded strings for binary data is usually not a good practice but, if the protected app still does that, then enable Base64 detection.

    "policy": {
        "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
        "name": "valid_string_encoding_policy",
        "template": {
            "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "idl-files": [
                "fileName": "valid_string.proto",
                "link": "file:///tmp/grpc/valid_string.proto"
        "grpc-profiles": [
                "name": "base64_decode_strings",
                "description": "My first profile",
                "idlFiles": [
                        "idlFile": {
                            "fileName": "valid_string.proto"
                "decodeStringValuesAsBase64": "enabled"

Protocol Buffers Supported Version

The supported Protocol Buffer version is 3 i.e. only proto3 is supported. Version 2 is not supported. Hence any obsolete feature of version 2, such as message extensions in the IDL files, will be rejected. IDL files that have the syntax = "proto2"; statement is also rejected.

gRPC Server Reflection

gRPC Server Reflection provides information about publicly-accessible gRPC services on a server, and assists clients at runtime to construct RPC requests and responses without precompiled service information. gRPC Server reflection is not currently supported in App Protect. If Server Reflection support is required, App Protect must be disabled on the reflection URIs by adding a location block such as this:

server {
    location /grpc.reflection {
        app_protect_enable off;
        grpc_pass grpc://grpc_backend;

gRPC Protection for Bidirectional Streaming

Bidirectional Streaming Overview

A gRPC service can have a stream of messages on each side: client, server, or both. Bidirectional Streaming leverages HTTP/2 streaming capability, namely the ability to send multiple gRPC messages from either side ended by the message having the END_STREAM flag set to 1.

The Bidirectional Streaming will:

  1. Accept streaming services on either or both sides (client or server) and send a sequence of messages using a read-write stream.
  2. Inspect the client messages in the stream and log them one by one.
  3. In case of blocking action:
    • Send the blocking response.
    • Close the stream on both directions.
  4. Pass the server messages through without inspection.

The below image demonstrates bidirectional streaming (client-side and server-side streaming):

gRPC Streaming


The only configuration related to streaming is the IDL file or more specifically the rpc declaration. The keyword stream indicates that the message on the respective side is streaming.

For example:

Client Stream

Where the client writes a sequence of messages and sends them to the server, again using a provided stream. Once the client has finished writing the messages, it waits for the server to read them and return its response. Again gRPC guarantees message ordering within an individual RPC call.

rpc LotsOfGreetings(stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

Server Stream

Where the client sends a request to the server and gets a stream to read a sequence of messages back. The client reads from the returned stream until there are no more messages. gRPC guarantees message ordering within an individual RPC call.

rpc LotsOfReplies(HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);

Bidirectional Streams

Where both sides send a sequence of messages using a read-write stream. The two streams operate independently, so clients and servers can read and write in whatever order they like: for example, the server could wait to receive all the client messages before writing its responses, or it could alternately read a message and then write a message, or some other combination of reads and writes. The order of messages in each stream is preserved.

rpc BidiHello(stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);

Bidirectional IDL File Example:

syntax = "proto3";
package streaming;
service Greeter {
  rpc BothUnary (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
  rpc ClientStreaming (stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
  rpc ServerStreaming (HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloReply) {}
  rpc BidirectionalStreaming (stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloReply) {}
message HelloRequest {
  string message = 1;
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

Enabling the gRPC Protection for Bidirectional Streaming

For enabling the gRPC capability, an HTTP/2 server definition needs to be applied with the grpc_pass location in the nginx.conf file. In addition, the app_protect_policy_file directive points to a policy specific to gRPC. All the gRPC messages will be logged in Security Log under the log_grpc_all file. For more details on how these requests are handled in gRPC, refer to the gRPC Logging section.

user nginx;
worker_processes auto;

load_module modules/;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
working_directory /tmp/cores;
worker_rlimit_core 1000M;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    keepalive_timeout  30m;
    client_body_timeout 30m;
    client_max_body_size 0;
    send_timeout 30m;

    proxy_connect_timeout  30m;
    proxy_send_timeout  30m;
    proxy_read_timeout  30m;
    proxy_socket_keepalive on;

    server {
        listen       80 default_server http2;
        server_name  localhost;
        app_protect_enable on;
        app_protect_policy_file "/etc/app_protect/conf/grpc_policy.tgz";
        app_protect_security_log_enable on;
        app_protect_security_log log_grpc_all /tmp/grpc.log;

        grpc_socket_keepalive on;
        grpc_read_timeout 30m;
        grpc_send_timeout 30m;

        location / {
            default_type text/html;
            grpc_pass grpc://<GRPC_BACKEND_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>;

Policy with the profile example:

Refer to the above section for more details on policy with the profile example.

gRPC Bidirectional Streaming Enforcement

Client Request Flow

Bidirectional Enforcement is per message; each message is buffered and processed (doing all the inspection actions according to the policy: signatures, metacharacters, and other violations) on its own. The following section provides more details on receiving a client event:

  • The request header and each of the messages in the client stream is enforced separately.
  • The Enforcer issues a separate security log message per each message containing the violations found on it (if any). Refer to the gRPC Violations section for more details on gRPC violations. There is also a separate log message per request headers opening the stream.
  • Then the Enforcer decides on the action that results from the violations just as it does for a regular HTTP request, but in gRPC it is done per message rather than the per whole stream. So if a message needs to be blocked, a blocking response is sent to the client and the stream is closed, but all the messages that preceded the blocked message have already been sent to the server.
  • A special case is when the request headers message had blocking violations. In that case, the blocking response is sent right away, ignoring any messages the client may have sent afterward. The security log will just reflect the headers in this case. See more details in the Sending Blocking Response in Bidirectional Streaming section below.

Server Response Flow

gRPC server messages are not processed. All gRPC messages (unary or streaming) including the headers and trailer messages, are sent directly to the client (without sending them to the Enforcer).

Sending Blocking Response in Bidirectional Streaming

The blocking response comes as the trailers message is sent to the client on behalf of the server. At the same time, the server gets the END_STREAM frame to ensure streams on both sides are closed.

Size Limits

The maximum total request size is applied to each message on its own, rather than to the total stream messages. By default, the maximum gRPC message size is 4MB. You can configure different sizes in the declarative policy, like the 100K in the Policy Example File. If a message is sent with a size larger than that value, a GRPC_FORMAT violation is raised. If a message is sent with a size larger than 10MB, a GRPC_MALFORMED and REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH violation is raised.

There is no limit to the number of messages in a stream.

Message Compression

Currently, Message Compression is not supported. Therefore, a violation VIOL_GRPC_MALFORMED will be raised and the connection will be blocked if a compressed message is sent.

Slow POST Attacks

A Slow POST attack or Slow HTTP POST attack is a type of denial of service attack. The attacker sends a legitimate HTTP POST request with the header Content-Length specified. The attacker then proceeds to send this content slowly. The server establishes a connection to the client and keeps it open to receive the request that it thinks is legitimate.

The attacker sends several such requests and effectively occupies the server’s entire connection pool. As a result, it blocks the service for other legitimate users and results in a denial of service.

Handling Slow POST Attacks

Slow POST attack mitigation - A client sending messages very slowly for a long time may be cut off by resetting the connection.

In gRPC, a connection is considered “slow” if a message takes more than 10 seconds to process. In other words, the slow connection timer will be reset when a message ends and not when the whole request ends. This way, a limit is applied on the number of concurrent messages rather than the number of concurrent gRPC connections (streams), as many of them may be idle.

The number of slow connections is limited to 25. Once another connection becomes slow it is reset.

Other gRPC References

gRPC Violations

There are three violations that are specific to gRPC. They are all enabled in the default policy. See also the Violations section.

  • VIOL_GRPC_MALFORMED: This violation is issued when a gRPC message cannot be parsed according to its expected definition. This violation blocks in the default policy.
  • VIOL_GRPC_FORMAT: This violation is issued when any of the definitions in the defenseAttributes of the profile are violated; for example, the maximum total size is exceeded.
  • VIOL_GRPC_METHOD: This violation is issued when the gRPC method is unrecognized in the configured IDL.

The violation VIOL_METHOD (not to be confused with the above VIOL_GRPC_METHOD) is not unique to gRPC, but in the context of a gRPC Content Profile, it is issued in special circumstances. Since gRPC mandates using the POST method on any gRPC request over HTTP, any other HTTP method on a request to URL with gRPC Content Profile will trigger this violation, even if the respective HTTP method is allowed in the policy. So, in our first example above, the request GET / will trigger VIOL_METHOD even though GET is among the allowed HTTP methods in the policy (by the base template).

gRPC Logging

Security log for gRPC requests has unique fields: uri, grpc_method, and grpc_service. Also, since the content of gRPC requests is binary (Protocol Buffers), it is better transferred in Base64 encoding. Hence, it is recommended to use the headers and request_body_base64 fields instead of the request field. A new predefined log format called grpc should be used in all gRPC locations that also use policies with gRPC Content Profiles. The grpc format also contains the above new gRPC fields (grpc_service and grpc_method). See Available Security Log Attributes.

NGINX App Protect WAF provides three security log bundles for gRPC: log_grpc_all, log_grpc_illegal and log_grpc_blocked using the grpc format with three filters: all requests, illegal requests, and blocked requests respectively. Unless you have special logging format requirements, the best practice is to use one of these bundles in all gRPC locations with the app_protect_security_log directive.

Here is a typical example:

server {
    location / {
        app_protect_enable on;
        app_protect_policy_file "/etc/app_protect/conf/policies/policy_with_grpc_profile.tgz";
        app_protect_security_log_enable on;
        app_protect_security_log log_grpc_all stderr;
        grpc_pass grpcs://grpc_backend;

Securing GraphQL APIs with NGINX App protect WAF

GraphQL Overview

GraphQL is an API technology that has grown rapidly in recent years and is continuing to gain traction. GraphQL is a query language designed for APIs to use in the development of client applications that access large data sets with intricate relations among themselves. It provides an intuitive application and flexible syntax for describing data requirements.

GraphQL provides a more efficient, powerful and flexible alternative to REST APIs. This makes it easier to retrieve the data you require in a single request and helps in overcoming challenges which include under-fetching and over-fetching of data. GraphQL also enables faster front-end development without the need for new API endpoints (GraphQL works on a single endpoint), great backend analytics using GraphQL queries and a structured schema and type system.

GraphQL also allows the client to specify exactly what data it needs, reducing the amount of data transferred over the network and improving the overall performance of the application.

In the following sections, you will learn more about enabling GraphQL configuration (using basic and advanced configuration) plus GraphQL security, GraphQL profile and URL settings.

GraphQL Security

Securing GraphQL APIs with NGINX App Protect WAF involves using WAF to monitor and protect against security threats and attacks. GraphQL, like REST, is usually served over HTTP, using GET and POST requests and a proprietary query language. It is prone to the typical Web APIs security vulnerabilities, such as injection attacks, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and abuse of flawed authorization.

Unlike REST, where Web resources are identified by multiple URLs, GraphQL server operates on a single URL/endpoint, usually /graphql. All GraphQL requests for a given service should be directed to this endpoint.

Enabling GraphQL with Basic Configuration

This section describes how to configure GraphQL with minimal configuration. Refer to the following sections for GraphQL elements definitions and details about advanced configuration options.

GraphQL is supported on NGINX App Protect WAF version starting 4.2. Make sure you’re running NGINX App Protect WAF version 4.2 or later to get GraphQL to work properly.

GraphQL policy consists of three basic elements: GraphQL Profile, GraphQL Violations and GraphQL URL.

You can enable GraphQL on App Protect by following these steps:

  1. Create a GraphQL policy that includes the policy name. Note that GraphQL profile and GraphQL violation will be enabled by default in the default policy. You can enable GraphQL on App Protect with minimum effort by using the following GraphQL policy example.
  2. Add the GraphQL URL to the policy and associate the GraphQL default profile with it.
  3. Optionally, if the app that uses this policy serves only GraphQL traffic, then delete the wildcard URL “*” from the policy so that requests to any URL other than /graphql will trigger a violation. In the example below we assume this is the case.
  4. Update the nginx.conf file. To enforce GraphQL settings, update the app_protect_policy_file field with the GraphQL policy name in nginx.conf file. Perform nginx reload once nginx.conf file is updated to enforce the GraphQL settings.

In the following policy example, the GraphQL “policy name” i.e. “graphql_policy”, and graphql “urls” settings are defined.

    "name": "graphql_policy",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "caseInsensitive": false,
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "urls": [
            "$action": "delete",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*",
            "type": "wildcard"
            "name": "/graphql",
            "type": "explicit",
            "urlContentProfiles": [
                    "contentProfile": {
                        "name": "Default"
                    "headerValue": "*",
                    "headerName": "*",
                    "headerOrder": "default",
                    "type": "graphql"

As described in point 4 above, here is an example nginx.conf file:

user nginx;
worker_processes  4;

load_module modules/;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;

events {
    worker_connections  65536;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

    app_protect_enable on;  # This is how you enable NGINX App Protect WAF in the relevant context/block
    app_protect_policy_file app_protect_default_policy; # This is a reference to the policy file to use. If not defined, the default policy is used
    app_protect_security_log_enable on; # This section enables the logging capability
    app_protect_security_log log_default syslog:server=; # This is where the remote logger is defined in terms of: logging options (defined in the referenced file), log server IP, log server port

    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  localhost;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;

        location / {
            client_max_body_size 0;
            default_type text/html;

        location /graphql {
            client_max_body_size 0;
            default_type text/html;
            app_protect_policy_file "/etc/app_protect/conf/graphQL_policy.tgz"; # This location will invoke the custom GraphQL policy bundle

GraphQL Advanced Configuration

The below sections provides details about enabling GraphQL with advanced configuration.

In advanced configuration, GraphQL policy consists of GraphQL Violations, GraphQL Profile and the URL section.

GraphQL Violations


Under the “blocking-settings,” user can either enable or disable these violations. Note that these violations will be enabled by default. Any changes to these violation settings here will override the default settings. The details regarding logs will be recorded in the security log.

See also the Violations section for more details.

While configuring GraphQL, since the GraphQL violations are enabled by default, you can change the GraphQL violations settings i.e. alarm: true and block: false under the “blocking settings”. In this manner, the GraphQL profile detects violations but does not block the request. They may contribute to the Violation Rating, which, if raised above 3, will automatically block the request.

However, setting the alarm and block to true will enforce block settings and App Protect will block any violating requests.

See below example for more details:

    "name": "graphql_policy",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "caseInsensitive": false,
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",
    "blocking-settings": {
        "violations": [
                "name": "VIOL_GRAPHQL_FORMAT",
                "alarm": true,
                "block": false
                "name": "VIOL_GRAPHQL_MALFORMED",
                "alarm": true,
                "block": false
                "name": "VIOL_GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION_QUERY",
                "alarm": true,
                "block": false
                "name": "VIOL_GRAPHQL_ERROR_RESPONSE",
                "alarm": true,
                "block": false

GraphQL Profile

The GraphQL Profile defines the GraphQL properties that are enforced by the security policy.

The profile can be added by the security engineers to make sure that GraphQL apps are bound to the same security settings defined in the profile. Different GraphQL apps can have different profiles based on the security needs.

The GraphQL Profile includes:

  • Security enforcement: whether to detect signatures and/or metacharacters and optionally an exception (a.k.a override) list of signatures that need to be disabled in the context of this profile.
  • Defense attributes: special restrictions applied to the GraphQL traffic. The below example shows the customized GraphQL properties.
  • responseEnforcement: whether to block Disallowed patterns and provide the list of patterns against the disallowedPatterns property.

GraphQL profile example:

In the GraphQL profile example below, we changed the “defenseAttributes” to custom values. You can customize these values under the “defenseAttributes” property. Add a list of disallowed patterns to the “disallowedPatterns” field (for example, here we’ve added pattern1 and pattern2).

"graphql-profiles" : [
            "attackSignaturesCheck" : true,
            "defenseAttributes" : {
            "allowIntrospectionQueries" : false,
               "maximumBatchedQueries" : 10,
               "maximumQueryCost" : "any",
               "maximumStructureDepth" : 10,
               "maximumTotalLength" : 100000,
               "maximumValueLength" : 100000,
               "tolerateParsingWarnings" : false
            "description" : "",
            "metacharElementCheck" : false,
            "name" : "response_block",
            "responseEnforcement" : {
               "blockDisallowedPatterns" : true,
For GraphQL profile default values and GraphQL violations reference, see NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide.

Define URL settings

The second step to configure GraphQL is to define the URL settings. Set the values for “isAllowed”: true, “name”: /graphql in the URLs section, which means URLs with /graphql name are permitted. This path will be used for all GraphQL API requests.

Under the “urlContentProfiles” settings define the GraphQL profile name, headerValue: * (wildcard), headerName: * (wildcard), headerOrder: default (allowing any GraphQL URL request with any headerValue, headerName and type should be graphql.

There are no restrictions on the number of GraphQL profiles that can be added by the user.

GraphQL URL example:

  "urls": [
            "$action": "delete",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*",
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "wildcard"
            "isAllowed": true,
            "name": "/graphql",
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "explicit",
            "performStaging": false,
            "urlContentProfiles": [
                    "contentProfile": {
                        "name": "Default"
                    "headerValue": "*",
                    "headerName": "*",
                    "headerOrder": "default",
                    "type": "graphql"

Associating GraphQL Profiles with URL

The last step is to associate the GraphQL profiles with the URLs. As with JSON and XML profiles, in order for a GraphQL Profile to become effective, it has to be associated with a URL that represents the service. Add the GraphQL profile name which you defined previously under the GraphQL profiles in the name field. For example, here we have defined two GraphQL profiles with the “name”: “Default” and “My Custom Profile” under the urlContentProfiles. Later we also associated these profiles in “graphql-profiles”.

GraphQL configuration example:

In this example we define a custom GraphQL profile and use it on one URL, while assigning the default profile to another one.

    "name": "graphql_policy",
    "template": {
    "applicationLanguage": "utf-8",
    "caseInsensitive": false,
    "enforcementMode": "blocking",

    "graphql-profiles": [
            "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
            "defenseAttributes": {
                "allowIntrospectionQueries": true,
                "maximumBatchedQueries": "any",
                "maximumQueryCost": "any",
                "maximumStructureDepth": "any",
                "maximumTotalLength": "any",
                "maximumValueLength": "any",
                "tolerateParsingWarnings": true
            "description": "Default GraphQL Profile",
            "metacharElementCheck": true,
            "name": "Default",
            "responseEnforcement": {
                "blockDisallowedPatterns": false
            "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
            "defenseAttributes": {
                "allowIntrospectionQueries": true,
                "maximumBatchedQueries": "any",
                "maximumQueryCost": "any",
                "maximumStructureDepth": "any",
                "maximumTotalLength": "400",
                "maximumValueLength": "any",
                "tolerateParsingWarnings": false
            "description": "my custom Profile",
            "metacharElementCheck": true,
            "name": "My Custom Profile",
            "responseEnforcement": {
                "blockDisallowedPatterns": true,
                "disallowedPatterns": ["pattern1", "pattern2"]
    "urls": [
            "$action": "delete",
            "method": "*",
            "name": "*",
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "wildcard"
            "isAllowed": true,
            "name": "/graphql",
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "explicit",
            "performStaging": false,
            "urlContentProfiles": [
                    "contentProfile": {
                        "name": "Default"
                    "headerValue": "*",
                    "headerName": "*",
                    "headerOrder": "default",
                    "type": "graphql"
            "isAllowed": true,
            "name": "/mygraphql",
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "explicit",
            "performStaging": false,
            "urlContentProfiles": [
                    "contentProfile": {
                        "name": "My Custom Profile"
                    "headerValue": "*",
                    "headerName": "*",
                    "headerOrder": "default",
                    "type": "graphql"

GraphQL Response Pages

A GraphQL error response page is returned when a request is blocked. This GraphQL response page, like other blocking response pages, can be customized, but the GraphQL JSON syntax must be preserved for them to be displayed correctly. The default page returns the GraphQL status code Blocking Response Page (BRP) and a short JSON error message which includes the support ID.

For example:

"response-pages": [
            "responsePageType": "graphql",
            "responseActionType": "default",
            "responseContent": "{\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"This is a custom GraphQL blocking response page. Code: BRP. Your support ID is: <%TS.request.ID()%>\"}]}"

Override Rules

Override Rules Overview

The Override Rules feature allows overriding of the default policy settings. Each override rule consists of a condition followed by changes to the original policy applied to requests that meet the respective condition. This feature provides the ability to include the override rules within a declarative policy such that all incoming requests are verified against those rules.

With this enhancement, users now have more control over how a unique policy setting is applied to incoming requests with a specific method, source IP address, header or URI value through one or multiple unique override rules. Each override rule possesses a unique name and specific conditions that are matched against incoming traffic from a specific client side. The structure of these override rules adheres to the JSON schema defined by the declarative policy.

Here is an example of a declarative policy using an override rules entity:

  "policy": {
    "name": "override_rules_example",
    "template": {
    "override-rules": [
        "name": "localhost-log-only",
        "condition": "host.contains('localhost') and clientIp == '' and userAgent.lower().startsWith('curl')",
        "override": {
          "policy": {
            "enforcementMode": "transparent"
        "name": "login_page",
        "condition": "method == 'POST' and not parameters['ref'].lower().matches('example') and uri.contains('/login/')",
        "actionType": "replace-policy",
        "override": {
          "policy": {
            "name": "login_page_block_redirect",
            "template": {
              "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
            "signature-sets": [
                "name": "All Signatures",
                "block": true,
                "alarm": true
            "response-pages": [
                "responseRedirectUrl": "<%TS.request.ID()%>",
                "responseActionType": "redirect",
                "responsePageType": "default"
        "name": "api-strict",
        "condition": "uri.contains('api4') and not (clientIp.matches('fd00:1::/48') or userAgent.lower().startsWith('Mozilla'))",
        "actionType": "replace-policy",
        "override": {
          "$ref": "file:///NginxStrictPolicy.json"
        "name": "strict-post",
        "condition": "method.matches('POST') and (cookies['sessionToken'] != 'c2Vzc2lvblRva2Vu' or headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'gzip')",
        "actionType": "replace-policy",
        "override": {
          "$ref": "file:///NginxStrictPolicy.json"
        "name": "usa-only",
        "condition": "geolocation != 'US'",
                "actionType": "violation",
                "violation": {
                    "block": true,
                    "alarm": true,
                    "attackType": {
                           "name": "Forceful Browsing"
                    "description": "Attempt to access from outside the USA",
                    "rating": 4

The above “override_rules_example” policy contains five override rules:

  1. The “localhost-log-only” rule applies to the requests with a user agent header starting with “curl”, a host header containing “localhost”, and a client IP address set to It switches the enforcement mode to “transparent” without blocking the request. The remaining policy settings remain unchanged. This type of override rule is an example of an Inline Policy Reference.
  2. The “login_page” rule is triggered by POST requests to URIs containing “/login/”. Since the “actionType” field is set to “replace-policy”, it overrides the policy with a new one named “login_page_block_redirect”. This new policy is independent of the “override_rules_example” policy. It enables all signature sets and redirects the user to a rejection page. This is another example of an Inline Policy Reference with a different condition.
  3. The “api-strict” rule is applied for requests with “api4” in the URI, except for client IP addresses matching the “fd00:1::/48” range and user agents starting with “Mozilla”. It references an external policy file named “NginxStrictPolicy.json” located at “/etc/app_protect/conf/” to override the current policy. The “actionType” field is set to “replace-policy” and the external policy can be specified using a reference to its file using $ref. The file is the JSON policy source of that policy. This type of policy switching is known as External Policy Reference.
  4. The “strict-post” rule is triggered when POST requests include a session token in the cookies that is not equal to “c2Vzc2lvblRva2Vu” or when the “gzip” value is found in the content-encoding headers. This rule follows a similar approach to referencing an external policy file, just like the api-strict rule mentioned above.
  5. The “usa-only” rule is triggered when a request coming from a country other than the USA. The actionType is set to “violation”, meaning that VIOL_RULE violation is triggered for such a request. This violation will block and mark the request as illegal with regard to the “block” and “alarm” attributes. There is no change in policy for this rule. For more details about Geolocation feature, see Geolocation in Policy Override Rules Conditions.

These five rules demonstrate how the override rules feature allows for customization and the ability to modify specific aspects of the original policy based on predefined conditions.

  • By default, the actionType field is configured to “extend-policy”.
  • External references are supported for any policy reference.

Condition Syntax Usage

For the full reference of Override Rules condition syntax and usage see the NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide.

First Match Principle

The policy enforcement operates on the first match principle. This principle is applied when multiple conditions match or are similar, indicating that any incoming requests that match the first condition will be processed. In the following example, the “override_rules_example2” policy uses two override rules: “this_rule_will_match” and “non_matching_rule”. Since both conditions match, the first match principle will be applied, and requests with “api” in the URI will be processed. It will reference an external policy file named “NginxStrictPolicy.json” to override the current policy. .

For example:

  "policy": {
    "name": "override_rules_example2",
    "template": {
    "override-rules": [
        "name": "this_rule_will_match",
        "condition": "uri.contains('api')",
        "actionType": "replace-policy",
        "override": {
          "$ref": "file:///NginxStrictPolicy.json"
        "name": "non_matching_rule",
        "condition": "uri.contains('api') and not clientIp == ''",
        "actionType": "extend-policy",
        "override": {
          "policy": {
            "enforcementMode": "transparent"

Important Things to Remember About Override Rules

Here are some key points to remember regarding the Override Rules feature:

  • To ensure efficient compilation time and optimal resource allocation for policies, there are limitations in place. Currently, policies have a maximum limit of 10 rules and a maximum of 5 clauses in a condition. These limitations help maintain better performance and manageability. A compilation error will not occur if a policy file contains more than 5 clauses or 10 overrides.
  • The replacement policy should not include any override rules. Override rules should be used to extend or switch to a different policy, rather than being part of the replacement policy itself.
  • Each override rule will be compiled as a separate policy, whether extending the main policy or switching to a new one. The enforcer will switch to the policy that corresponds to the matched rule, but the main policy name will be reported along with the override rule property.
  • The URI, host, and user-agent strings in the request will be treated as plain ASCII characters and won’t undergo language decoding. If any of these strings contain non-ASCII characters, they may be misinterpreted and may not comply with rules that expect specific values in the conditions.

Override Rules Logging & Reporting

If a request matches an override rule, the json_log field will include a new block named ‘overrideRule’. However, if no rules match the request, the log will not contain any related information. When the ‘actionType’ flag is set to “replace-policy”, the ‘originalPolicyName’ field in the log will reflect the name of the original policy name (the one that contains override rules), and the policy_name field will reflect the policy that was enforced.

For example, if the matching override rule is called “login_page”:


json_log will have:

    "overrideRule": {
        "name": "login_page",
        "originalPolicyName": "override_rule_example"

If the matching override rule is called “usa-only”:

    "enforcementState": {
        "isBlocked": true,
        "isAlarmed": true,
        "rating": 4,
        "attackType": [
                "name": "ATTACK_TYPE_FORCEFUL_BROWSING"
    "violation": {
        "name": "VIOL_RULE"
    "policyEntity": {
        "override-rule": {
            "name": "usa-only"
    "description": "Trying to access special"

Errors and Warnings

Missing Policy Name

Every policy must have a name if actionType is either “extend-policy” or “replace-policy”. If the policy ’name’ is not provided in the override section, an error message will be displayed indicating the missing policy ’name’ within that specific override rule. For instance, in the override rule below, the policy name is not specified.

Example of Missing policy ’name':

"override-rules": [
        "name": "example-rule",
        "condition": "uri.contains('127')",
        "actionType": "replace-policy",
        "override": {
            "policy": {
                "name": "policy_name",  <--- the missing part
                "enforcementMode": "transparent"

Example of Missing policy ’name’ error:

"error_message": "Failed to import Policy 'policy1' from '/etc/app_protect/conf/test.json': Missing policy 'name' in the override rule 'example-rule'."

Cyclic Override Rule Error

If an inline or externally referenced policy contains an override rule, a Cyclic Override Rule error will be issued.

Example of Cyclic Override Rule error:

"error_message": "Failed to import an override policy: Cyclic override-rules detected."



Geolocation refers to the process of assessing or determining the geographic location of an object. This feature helps in identifying the geographic location of a client or web application user.

In NGINX App Protect WAF, the Enforcer will look up the client IP address in the Geolocation file included in the app protect package, and extract the corresponding ISO 3166 two-letter code, representing the country. For instance, “IL” denotes Israel. This information is denoted as “geolocation” in the condition and is also included in the request reporting.

Disallowing Application Use in Certain Geolocations

For applications protected by app protect, you can use Geolocation enforcement to restrict or allow application use in specific countries. You can adjust the lists of which countries or locations are allowed or disallowed in a app protect security policy. If the user tries to access the web application from a location that is not allowed, the VIOL_GEOLOCATION violation will be triggered. By default, all locations are allowed, and the alarm and block flags are enabled.

Requests from certain locations, such as RFC-1918 addresses or unassigned global addresses, do not include a valid country code. The geolocation is shown as N/A in both the request and the list of geolocations. You have the option to disallow N/A requests whose country of origination is unknown.

For example, in the policy provided below, within the “disallowed-geolocations” section, “countryCode”: IL and “countryName”: Israel have been included. This signifies that requests originating from these locations will raise an alarm, trigger the VIOL_GEOLOCATION violation and will be blocked.

"general": {
         "customXffHeaders": [],
         "trustXff": true
"disallowed-geolocations" : [
            "countryCode" : "IL",
            "countryName" : "Israel"
"blocking-settings": {
      "violations": [
          "name": "VIOL_GEOLOCATION",
          "alarm": true,
          "block": true

Geolocation in Policy Override Rules Conditions

The below example represents a security policy for a web application. The policy named as “override_rule_example” is based on a template called “POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE.” The policy is set to operate in “blocking” mode, which means it will prevent certain activities.

There’s a specific configuration under “general” that deals with custom headers for cross-origin requests, specifically the “xff” header. The policy is configured to trust this header.

In the “override-rules” section there is one override rule named “myFirstRule.” This rule is set up to trigger when the geolocation of a request is identified as ‘IL’ (Israel). When this condition is met, the action taken is to extend the policy, but with a change in enforcement mode to “transparent.”

In simpler terms, when someone tries to access the web application from Israel (‘IL’), the security policy will be adjusted to allow the access but in a more transparent manner, meaning it won’t block the access but may monitor it differently.

    "policy": {
        "name": "override_rule_example",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "enforcementMode": "blocking",
        "general": {
             "customXffHeaders": ["xff"],
             "trustXff": true
         "override-rules": [
                "name": "myFirstRule",
                "condition": "geolocation == 'IL'",
                "actionType": "extend-policy",
                "override": {
                    "policy": {
                        "enforcementMode": "transparent"

JSON Web Token Protection


JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact and self-contained way to represent information between two parties in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format and is commonly used for authentication and authorization. With NGINX App Protect now it is possible to control access to its application using JWT validation. NGINX App Protect WAF validates the authenticity and well-formedness of JWTs coming from a client, denying access to the service exclusively when the validation process fails. JWT is mainly used for API access.

When a user logs in to a web application, they might receive a JWT, which can then be included in subsequent requests to the server. The server can validate the JWT to ensure that the user is authenticated to access the requested resources.

Now NGINX App Protect WAF provides JSON Web Token (JWT) protection. NGINX App Protect WAF will be placed in the path leading to the application server and will handle the token for the application. This includes:

  1. Validating the token’s existence and ensuring its correct structure for specific URLs.
  2. Verifying the token’s signature based on provisioned certificates.
  3. Check the validity period of the token.
  4. Extract the user identity from the token and use it for logging and session awareness.

The JSON Web Token consists of three parts: the Header, Claims and Signature. The first two parts are in JSON and Base64 encoded when carried in a request. The three parts are separated by a dot “.” delimiter and put in the authorization header of type “Bearer”, but can also be carried in a query string parameter.

  • Header: It contains information about the type of token (usually “JWT”) and the cryptographic algorithm being used to secure the JSON Web Signature (JWS).

  • Claims: This part contains claims, which refers to the statements or assertions about an entity (typically, the user) that the token is issued for. Claims are key/value pairs contained within the token’s payload. The claims is the second part of a JWT and typically looks like this:

      "sub": "1234567890",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "iat": 1654591231,
      "nbf": 1654607591,
      "exp": 1654608348

In example above, the payload contains several claims:

  • sub (Subject) - Represents the subject of the JWT, typically the user or entity for which the token was created.

  • name (Issuer) - Indicates the entity that issued the JWT. It is a string that identifies the issuer of the token.

  • iat (Issued At) - Indicates the time at which the token was issued. Like exp, it is represented as a timestamp.

  • nbf (Not Before) - Specifies the time before which the token should not be considered valid.

  • exp (Expiration Time) - Specifies the expiration time of the token. It is represented as a numeric timestamp (e.g., 1654608348), and the token is considered invalid after this time.

These claims provide information about the JWT and can be used by the recipient to verify the token’s authenticity and determine its validity. Additionally, you can include custom claims in the payload to carry additional information specific to your application.

  • Signature - To create the signature part, the header and payload are encoded using a specified algorithm and a secret key. This signature can be used to verify the authenticity of the token and to ensure that it has not been tampered with during transmission. The signature is computed based on the algorithm and the keys used and also Base64-encoded.

NGINX App Protect WAF supports the following types of JWT:

JSON Web Signature (JWS) - JWT content is digitally signed. The following algorithm can be used for signing:

  • RSA/SHA-256 (RS256 for short)

Here is an example of a Header: describes a JWT signed with HMAC 256 encryption algorithm:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

Configuring NGINX App Protect WAF to Authenticate JSON Web Token

Access Profile

NGINX App Protect WAF introduces a new policy entity known as “access profile” to authenticate JSON Web Token. Access Profile is added to the app protect policy to enforce JWT settings. JSON Web Token needs to be applied to the URLs for enforcement and includes the actions to be taken with respect to access tokens. It is specifically associated with HTTP URLs and does not have any predefined default profiles.

At present, only one access profile is supported within the App Protect policy. However, the JSON schema for the policy will be designed to accommodate multiple profiles in the future.

The access profile includes:

  • Enforcement Settings: here you can configure the “enforceMaximumLength,” “enforceValidityPeriod,” and “keyFiles” settings within the scope of this profile, allowing you to enable or disable them as needed.
  • Location: here you can modify the location settings, choosing between “header” or “query,” as well as specifying the “name” for the header or parameter.
  • Access Profile Settings: here you can set the “maximumLength” as well as specify the “name” and “type” for the access profile, with “jwt” representing JSON Web Token.

Access Profile example:

Refer to the following example where all access profile properties are configured to enforce specific settings within the App Protect policy. In this instance, we have established an access profile named “access_profile_jwt” located in the authorization header. The “maximumLength” for the token is defined as 2000, and “verifyDigitalSignature” is set to true.

    "policy": {
        "name": "jwt_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "access-profiles": [
            "description": "",
            "enforceMaximumLength": true,
            "enforceValidityPeriod": false,
            "keyFiles": [
                  "contents": "{\r\n  \"keys\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"alg\": \"RS256\",\r\n      \"e\": \"AQAB\",\r\n      \"kid\": \"1234\",\r\n      \"kty\": \"RSA\",\r\n      \"n\": \"tSbi8WYTScbuM4fe5qe4l60A2SG5oo3u5JDBtH_dPJTeQICRkrgLD6oyyHJc9BCe9abX4FEq_Qd1SYHBdl838g48FWblISBpn9--B4D9O5TPh90zAYP65VnViKun__XHGrfGT65S9HFykvo2KxhtxOFAFw0rE6s5nnKPwhYbV7omVS71KeT3B_u7wHsfyBXujr_cxzFYmyg165Yx9Z5vI1D-pg4EJLXIo5qZDxr82jlIB6EdLCL2s5vtmDhHzwQSdSOMWEp706UgjPl_NFMideiPXsEzdcx2y1cS97gyElhmWcODl4q3RgcGTlWIPFhrnobhoRtiCZzvlphu8Nqn6Q\",\r\n      \"use\": \"sig\",\r\n      \"x5c\": [\r\n        \"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\"\r\n      ]\r\n    }\r\n  ]\r\n}",  # there can be more only one JWKs file (contents) in the policy JSON schema, however, the total amount of JWK in the JWKs is limited to 10.
                  "fileName": "JWKSFile.json"
            "location": {
               "in": "header",  # the other option is: "query"
               "name": "authorization"  # the name of the header or parameter (according to "part")
            "maximumLength": 2000,
            "name": "access_profile_jwt",
            "type": "jwt",
            "usernameExtraction": {
               "claimPropertyName": "sub",
               "enabled": true,
               "isMandatory": false
            "verifyDigitalSignature": true
      "urls": [
            "name": "/jwt",
            "accessProfile": {
               "name": "access_profile_jwt"
            "attackSignaturesCheck": true,
            "isAllowed": true,
            "mandatoryBody": false,
            "method": "*",
            "methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck": false,
            "name": "/jwt",
            "performStaging": false,
            "protocol": "http",
            "type": "explicit"
For access profile default values and their related field names, see NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide.

Access Profile in URL Settings

The next step to configure JWT is to define the URL settings. Add the access profile name that you defined previously under the access profiles in the “name” field. From the previous example, we associate the access profile “access_profile_jwt” with the “name”: /jwt in the URLs section to become effective, which means URLs with /jwt name are permitted for this feature and will be used for all JWT API requests.

Please note that the access profile cannot be deleted if it is in use in any URL.

Authorization Rules in URLs

A new entity named as authorizationRules is introduced under the URL. This entity encompasses an authorization condition essential for “Claims” validation, enabling access to a specific URL based on claims of a JWT. The authorizationRules entity consists of the following two mandatory fields:

  • name: a unique descriptive name for the condition predicate
  • condition: a boolean expression that defines the conditions for granting access to the URL

Here is an example of declarative policy using an authorizationRules entity under the access profile:

    "urls": [
            "name": "/api/v3/shops/items/*",
            "accessProfile": {
                "name": "my_jwt"
            "authorizationRules": [
                    "condition": "claims['scope'].contains('pet:read') and claims['scope'].contains('pet:write')",
                    "name": "auth_scope"
                    "condition": "claims['roles'].contains('admin') or claims['roles'].contains('inventory-manager')",
                    "name": "auth_roles"
                    "condition": "claims['email'].endsWith('')",
                    "name": "auth_email"

AuthorizationRules Condition Syntax Usage

The authorizationRules use a Boolean expression to articulate the conditions for granting access to the URL. The conditions use the same syntax as in Policy Override Rules with one additional attribute “claims”.

Claims Attribute

The newly introduced attribute “claims” is a mapping of JSON paths for claims from the JWT to their respective values. Only structure nesting is supported using the “.” notation. A few points to remember regarding JWT claims:

  • Please note that at the moment, accessing individual cells within JSON arrays isn’t possible. Instead, the entire array gets serialized as a string, and its elements can be evaluated using string operators like “contains”.
  • While it’s technically feasible to consolidate all conditions into one with “and” between them, it’s not recommended. Dividing them into multiple conditions enhances the readability and clarity of the policy, particularly when explaining the reasons for authorization failure. For the full reference of authorizationRules condition syntax and usage see the NGINX App Protect WAF Declarative Policy guide. See below example for JWT claims:
    "scope": "top-level:read",
    "roles": [
    "sub": ""
    "address": {
        "country": "US",
        "state": "NY",
        "city": "New York",
        "street": "888 38th W"

then the claims can be:

claims['scope'] = "top-level:read" 
claims['roles'] = "["inventory-manager", "price-editor]" # the whole array is presented as a string
claims[''] = "US" 
claims['company'] = null # does not exist 
claims['address'] = "{ \"address\": { .... } }" # JSON structs can be accessed using the dot "." notation

Attack Signatures

Attack signatures are detected within the JSON values of the token, i.e. the header and claims parts, but not on the digital signature part of the token. The detection of signatures, and specifically which signatures are recognized, depends on the configuration entity within the Policy. Typically, this configuration entity is the Authorization HTTP header or else, the header or parameter entity configured as the location of the token in the access profile.

If the request doesn’t align with a URL associated with an Access Profile, an attempt is made to parse the “bearer” type Authorization header, but no violations are raised, except for Base64. More information can be found below:

  1. Token parsed successfully - No violations are detected when enforced on URL with or without access profile.

  2. There are more or less than two dots in the token - VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED is detected when enforced on URL with access profile.

  3. Base64 decoding failure - VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED is detected when enforced on URL with access profile. VIOL_PARAMETER_BASE64 is detected when enforced with access profile.

  4. JSON parsing failure - VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED is detected when enforced on URL with access profile.

JSON Web Token Violations

NGINX App Protect WAF introduces three new violations specific to JWT: VIOL_ACCESS_INVALID, VIOL_ACCESS_MISSING and VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED.

Under the “blocking-settings,” user can either enable or disable these violations. Note that these violations will be enabled by default. The details regarding logs will be recorded in the security log.

See the below example for these violations.

    "policy": {
        "name": "jwt_policy",
        "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" },
        "blocking-settings": {
           "violations": [
               "alarm": true,
               "block": false,
               "name": "VIOL_ACCESS_INVALID"
               "alarm": true,
               "block": false,
               "name": "VIOL_ACCESS_MISSING"
               "alarm": true,
               "block": false,
               "name": "VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED"

Violation Rating Calculation

The default violation rating is set to the level of 5 regardless of any violation. Any changes to these violation settings here will override the default settings. The details regarding logs will be recorded in the security log. All violations will be disabled on upgrade.

See also the Violations section for more details.

Other References

For more information about JSON Web Token (JWT) see below reference links:

Secure Traffic Between NGINX and App Protect Enforcer using mTLS


NGINX App Protect WAF can be secured with mutual TLS (mTLS) connection to provide an extra layer of security where the mutual authentication is set up between both the NGINX (client) and App Protect Enforcer (server). This adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that both parties are who they claim to be.

mTLS Configuration

To enable mTLS in NGINX, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Generate certificates and keys for both components - NGINX (client) and the App Protect Enforcer (server).

    Below are the steps for using self-signed certificates:

    The below commands will generate a self-signed certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ valid for the default period of 30 days. You can adjust the command to fit your needs. For instance, to specify a different validity period, add the -days option followed by the number of days you want the certificate to be valid (for example, -days 90).
    mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs
    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.key
    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_ca.key
    openssl req -x509 -new -key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.crt -subj "/O=F5/OU=app-protect/CN=mTLS Server Root CA"
    openssl req -x509 -new -key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_ca.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_ca.crt -subj "/O=F5/OU=app-protect/CN=mTLS Client Root CA"

    Generate a certificate and key for the App Protect Enforcer (server):

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server.key
    openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_csr.crt -subj "/O=F5/OU=app-protect/CN=mTLS"
    openssl x509 -req -in /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_csr.crt -CA /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.crt -CAkey /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server.crt -CAcreateserial

    Generate a client certificate and key for the NGINX (client):

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.key
    openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_csr.crt -subj "/O=F5/OU=app-protect/CN=mTLS"
    openssl x509 -req -in /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_csr.crt -CA /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_ca.crt -CAkey /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client_ca.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.crt -CAcreateserial
  2. Open the NGINX configuration file nginx.conf and perform the following steps:

    Create a top‑level stream {} block or modify the existing one and add the following configuration:

    stream {
        upstream enforcer {
            # Replace with the actual App Protect Enforcer address and port if different
        server {
            listen 5000;
            proxy_pass enforcer;
            proxy_ssl_server_name on;
            proxy_timeout 60m;
            proxy_ssl on;
            proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.crt;
    	    proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.key;
    	    proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.crt;

    In the above configuration:

    • The upstream enforcer block specifies the App Protect Enforcer server listening on port 4431
    • The proxy_pass is used to proxy requests to the enforcer upstream
    • ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key specify the NGINX (client) certificate and key
    • The proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate enables the enforcer (server) certificate verification.

    Use this stream server as the app_protect_enforcer_address value:


    Configuration Example:

    user nginx;
    worker_processes auto;
    worker_shutdown_timeout 10s; # NGINX gives worker processes 10 seconds to gracefully terminate before it will actively close connections
    load_module modules/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
    events {
            worker_connections 65536;
    stream {
    upstream enforcer {
    server {
        listen 5000;
        proxy_pass enforcer;
        proxy_ssl_server_name on;
        proxy_timeout 60m;
        proxy_ssl on;
        proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.crt;
        proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_client.key;
        proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/app_protect_server_ca.crt;
    http {
        include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
        default_type application/octet-stream;
        sendfile on;
        keepalive_timeout 65;
        server {
            listen 80;
            server_name localhost;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            app_protect_enable on;
            app_protect_policy_file app_protect_default_policy;
            app_protect_security_log_enable on;
            app_protect_security_log log_all syslog:server=;
            location / {
                client_max_body_size 0;
                default_type text/html;
                # Pass traffic to backend
  3. Add the following environment variables to the waf-enforcer container in your Docker Compose or Kubernetes deployment file:


    Refer to the example for mTLS deployment in the admin guide, whether you’re using Docker or Kubernetes.

Custom Dimensions Log Entries


Custom dimensions log entries feature refers to the new configuration in NGINX App Protect WAF, where the new directive called app_protect_custom_log_attribute is assigned to a particular location or server or http level in the nginx.conf file. The need is to be able to add custom identifiers to the respective location and/or server and identify requests in the Security Log by those identifiers.

The app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive will be used to track the assigned location/server/http dimension of each request by adding the app_protect_custom_log_attribute to the Security Logs a.k.a Request Logs. Since it is a custom attribute a customer can set, that custom attribute will appear for every request log entry that was handled by that location/server.


A new directive app_protect_custom_log_attribute will be added to the nginx.conf file. You can set this directive at all scopes: http, server and location. The setting at the location scope overrides the setting in the server and/or http scopes and the server scope overrides the http scope. The app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive syntax will consist of a name/value or key/value pair i.e. “app_protect_custom_log_attribute ”.

Example Configuration:

In the below example, we are configuring the app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive at the server and location level where we define the key/value pair as one string.

user nginx;
load_module modules/;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;

events {
    worker_connections  65536;
server {

        listen       80;

        server_name  localhost;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        app_protect_custom_log_attribute ‘environment' 'env1';

        location / {

            app_protect_enable on;
            app_protect_custom_log_attribute gateway gway1;
            app_protect_custom_log_attribute component comp1;

The key/value pair will be ’environment env1’, ‘gateway gway1’ and ‘component comp1’ in the above examples, i.e.

  • app_protect_custom_log_attribute environment env1;
  • app_protect_custom_log_attribute gateway gway1;
  • app_protect_custom_log_attribute component comp1;

The above key/value pair will be parsed as below:

"customLogAttributes": [
        "name": "gateway",
        "value": "gway1"
        "name": "component",
        "value": "comp1"

Things to Remember While Configuring the Custom Dimensions Log Entries

The app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive has a few limitations which should be kept in mind while configuring this directive:

  • Key and value strings are limited to 64 chars
  • Maximum possible directive numbers are limited to 10 (in total) in each context i.e. Limit of 10 keys and values

Errors and Warnings

An error message “app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive is invalid” will be displayed in the Security Log if the below conditions are met:

  1. If the app_protect_custom_log_attribute exceeds the maximum number of 10 directives
  2. If the app_protect_custom_log_attribute exceeds the maximum name length of 64 chars
  3. If the app_protect_custom_log_attribute exceeds the maximum value of 64 chars

Error message example:

app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive is invalid. Number of app_protect_custom_log_attribute directives exceeds maximum

Logging and Reporting

When app_protect_custom_log_attribute is assigned to a particular location/server/http context, it will appear in the json_log field as a new JSON property called “customLogAttributes” at the top level. The property will not appear if no app_protect_custom_log_attribute directive was assigned.

Attributes at the http level applies to all servers and locations unless a specific server or location overrides the same key with a different value. Same goes for the server level and all locations under it. In the below example, the “environment” attribute will appear in logs of all locations under that server.

Security logging example in json_log:


Time-Based Signature Staging

When new attack signatures are introduced in an App Protect policy, the policy is tested in a staging environment first before being promoted to production. However, in some instances where it is challenging to replicate real traffic accurately in the staging environment, the detection of genuine attacks becomes difficult. There can be false positives and expose the application to attacks. For such cases, we need to deploy the new signatures in staging environment in “staging” mode.

The Certification Time policy property determines the point in time for which signatures have been tested, approved and certified.

The purpose of this feature is to put signatures in staging by their age (modification time).

There are two types of signatures:

  1. Staging Signatures - All the signatures in the policy that were created or modified after the certification time are in staging.
  2. Enforced Signatures – All the signatures in the policy that were created or modified prior to the certification date time or exactly at that time.

Latest Signature Certification Time

The latest signatures certification time is the timestamp (in date-time ISO format) as the time the signatures in the policy are considered as “trusted” by the user and separates enforced signatures from signatures in staging.

When this value is not defined and the staging flag is enabled, it means that all the signatures in the policy are in staging. If the signature was added to the policy but was created and last modified before the certification date-time then it will not be in staging.

A signature is considered new if it was introduced by a recent signature update that was applied to the respective policy. Note that signatures that were added later to the policy (by adding a new signature set) are not considered new unless they were added in the recent signature update. These signatures will not be in staging.

New Policy

When a new policy is deployed, the user prefers to have all its signatures present in the staging environment. To facilitate this, the performStaging flag is configured to true at the signature settings level.

Signature Update

After applying a signature update (F5 or user-defined), and assuming the update creation time is later than the previous signature update applied to the policy (in other words, the signatures are upgraded, not downgraded), then all the signatures that were affected by the update (created or modified) are automatically put in staging. That’s because their modification time is newer than the current stagingCertificationDatetime. Signatures that were not affected by the update will not be in staging.


Staging Certification Date-Time

A new property known as stagingCertificationDatetime is added to signature-settings section. All signatures that were created or modified in a signature update that is later than that time are in staging while all the rest are enforced and not in staging.

The stagingCertificationDatetime property will contain ISO 8601 date-time format. It has effect only if performStaging is set to true. It is optional and its absence means that all signatures are placed in the staging environment, assuming the performStaging setting is set to true.

See below policy for more details.

     "policy" : {
        "applicationLanguage" : "utf-8",
        "description" : "Nginx Policy",
        "enforcementMode" : "blocking",
        "fullPath" : "/Common/my_test_nginx_policy",
        "name" : "my_test_nginx_policy",
        "performStaging" : true,
        "signature-settings" : {
           "stagingCertificationDatetime": "2023-06-13T14:53:24Z",
           "signatureStaging": true
        "template" : {
           "name" : "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE"
        "type" : "security"

Enforcing the Modified Signatures After Testing Them

All signatures are considered to be in staging if their creation or modification time is later than the stagingCertificationDatetime.

A signature in staging will be reported in the security log but will not cause the request to be blocked and will not raise the Violation Rating (threat score). The potential Violation Rating in case all the detected signatures were not in staging will also be reported.

After you review the logs and can be assured that the new and modified signatures that were in staging are behaving correctly and do not cause false positives, you should enforce them. To do so, change the stagingCertificationDatetime to the time stamp of the latest signature update. This moves all the signatures out of staging. When installing a new signature update in the future, all the new and modified signatures in that update will be automatically placed in staging.

Note that we do not recommend setting the stagingCertificationDatetime to the current time, the time you finished reviewing the signatures. That’s because the future signature update might have been created before that time, and when you install that update, modified signatures in it will not be in staging because they will be older than the stagingCertificationDatetime.

Logging and Reporting

Time-based Signature will be logged and reported in the Security log without blocking the request as discussed in the above section.

Security log will have the following new fields under the enforcementState:

  • The Violation Rating if there was no staging - ratingIncludingViolationsInStaging
  • The stagingCertificationDatetime from the policy
  • The specific staging state of the signature
  • The lastUpdateTime of the signature - for the user to be able to determine why the signature was (or was not) in staging.
json_log="{""id"":""7103271131347005954"",""violations"":[{""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":true,""isAlarmed"":true,""isInStaging"":false,""isLearned"":false,""isLikelyFalsePositive"":false},""violation"":{""name"":""VIOL_ATTACK_SIGNATURE""},""signature"":{""name"":""XSS script tag (Parameter)"",""signatureId"":200000098,""accuracy"":""high"",""risk"":""high"",""hasCve"":false,""stagingCertificationDatetime"":""2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"",""lastUpdateTime"":""2023-11-02T19:36:54Z""},""snippet"":{""buffer"":""cGFyYW09PHNjcmlwdA=="",""offset"":6,""length"":7},""policyEntity"":{""parameters"":[{""name"":""*"",""level"":""global"",""type"":""wildcard""}]},""observedEntity"":{""name"":""cGFyYW0="",""value"":""PHNjcmlwdA=="",""location"":""query""}},{""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":false,""isAlarmed"":true,""isLearned"":false},""violation"":{""name"":""VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR""},""policyEntity"":{""parameters"":[{""name"":""*"",""level"":""global"",""type"":""wildcard""}]},""observedEntity"":{""name"":""cGFyYW0="",""value"":""PHNjcmlwdA=="",""location"":""query""},""metachar"":""0x3c"",""charsetType"":""parameter-value""},{""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":false},""violation"":{""name"":""VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL""},""policyEntity"":{""blocking-settings"":{""http-protocols"":{""description"":""Host header contains IP address""}}}},{""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":true},""violation"":{""name"":""VIOL_RATING_THREAT""}},{""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":false},""violation"":{""name"":""VIOL_BOT_CLIENT""}}],""enforcementAction"":""block"",""method"":""GET"",""clientPort"":6026,""clientIp"":"""",""host"":""nginx-78b84c446f-flw6h"",""responseCode"":0,""serverIp"":"""",""serverPort"":80,""requestStatus"":""blocked"",""url"":""L2luZGV4LnBocA=="",""virtualServerName"":""24-localhost:1-/"",""enforcementState"":{""isBlocked"":true,""isAlarmed"":true,""rating"":4,""attackType"":[{""name"":""Non-browser Client""},{""name"":""Abuse of Functionality""},{""name"":""Cross Site Scripting (XSS)""},{""name"":""Other Application Activity""},{""name"":""HTTP Parser Attack""}],""ratingIncludingViolationsInStaging"":4,""stagingCertificationDatetime"":""2024-01-01T00:00:00Z""},""requestDatetime"":""2023-12-27T14:22:29Z""


Global Directives

Global configuration consists of a series of nginx.conf directives at the http context controlling aspects that are not specific to a specific application.

When applied to a cluster, all cluster members will get the same globals as expected.

Whether an incoming request is inspected by NGINX App Protect WAF may be determined by the URL in the request. This happens if you configure app_protect_enable and app_protect_policy_file directives in the location scope. In the case where the URL itself has violations such as bad unescape or illegal metacharacter then the request might be assigned to a location in which NGINX App Protect WAF is disabled or has a relaxed policy that does not detect these violations. Such malicious requests will be allowed without inspection. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to have a basic policy enabled at the http scope or at least at the server scope to process malicious requests in a more complete manner.
Directive Name Syntax Description Default
app_protect_physical_memory_util_thresholds app_protect_physical_memory_util_thresholds high=<number_0-100> low=<number_0-100> Sets the physical memory utilization thresholds for entering (high) and exiting (low) failure mode. When the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until memory drops below the low threshold. Setting the value of 100 disables this feature. high=low=100 (disabled)
app_protect_cpu_thresholds app_protect_cpu_thresholds high=<number_0-100> low=<number_0-100> Sets the CPU utilization thresholds for entering and exiting failure mode respectively: when the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until CPU drops below the low threshold. Setting the value of 100 disables this feature.
Note: The system does not enter failure mode during policy compilation after reload even if the threshold is exceeded.
high=low=100 (disabled)
app_protect_failure_mode_action app_protect_failure_mode_action pass | drop How to handle requests when the App Protect Enforcer cannot process them, either because it is down, disconnected or because of excessive CPU or memory utilization. There are two values:
  • pass: Pass the request without App Protect Enforcer inspection, a.k.a. “fail-open”.
  • drop: Drop the request by returning the response “503 Service Unavailable”, a.k.a. “fail-close”.
app_protect_cookie_seed app_protect_cookie_seed A long randomized string that serves to generate the encryption key for the cookies generated by App Protect. The string should contain only alphanumeric characters and be no longer than 1000 characters. Auto-generated random string
app_protect_request_buffer_overflow_action app_protect_request_buffer_overflow_action pass | drop Determines how to handle requests in case the NGINX request buffer is full and requests cannot be buffered anymore. There are two values:
  • pass: Pass the request without App Protect Enforcer inspection, a.k.a. “fail-open”.
  • drop: Drop the request by resetting connection. No response page is returned, a.k.a. “fail-close”.
app_protect_reconnect_period_seconds app_protect_reconnect_period_seconds
Value type: number with decimal fraction
Value Range: 0-60. 0 is illegal
Determines the period of time between reconnect retries of the module to the web application firewall (WAF) engine. The time unit is seconds. 5

App Protect Specific Directives

This table summarizes the nginx.conf directives for NGINX App Protect WAF functionality.

Directive Name Syntax Functionality nginx.conf Contexts Example
load_module load_module <library_file_path> NGINX directive to load the App Protect module. It must be invoked with the App Protect library path Global load_module modules/
app_protect_enforcer_address <hostname/ip>: The Enforcer service address. HTTP app_protect_enforcer_address;
app_protect_enable app_protect_enable on | off Whether to enable App Protect at the respective context. If not present, inherits from the parent context HTTP, Server, Location app_protect_enable on
app_protect_policy_file app_protect_policy_file <file_path> Set a App Protect policy configuring behavior for the respective context. HTTP, Server, Location app_protect_policy_file /config/waf/strict_policy.tgz
app_protect_security_log_enable app_protect_security_log_enable on | off Whether to enable the App Protect per-request log at the respective context. HTTP, Server, Location app_protect_security_log_enable on
app_protect_security_log app_protect_security_log <file_path> Specifies the per-request logging: what to log and where HTTP, Server, Location app_protect_security_log /config/waf/log_illegal.tgz syslog:localhost:522
app_protect_custom_log_attribute app_protect_custom_log_attribute <key_value> Specifies the assigned location/server/http dimension of each request. HTTP, Server, Location app_protect_custom_log_attribute ‘environment’ ’env1'

Failure Mode

If the App Protect daemons are down or disconnected from the NGINX workers, there are two modes of operation until they are up and connected again:

  • Pass the traffic without inspection. Use this when preferring availability over security. This mode is also known as “fail open”.
  • Drop the traffic. Use this when preferring security over availability. This mode is also known as “fail closed”.

The default is to pass, fail open, but you can control this using the app_protect_failure_mode_action directive with one argument with two possible values: “pass” or “fail” for the two above options.

This directive is also placed in the http block of the nginx.conf file.

http {
    app_protect_failure_mode_action drop;
    server {
        listen       80;

Handling Compressed Requests

Starting with NGINX App Protect WAF release version 4.6, the app_protect_compressed_requests_action directive has been deprecated from the nginx configuration. When configuring this directive in the nginx.conf file, App Protect will disregard any previously used values (“pass” or “drop”) and issue a warning.

Handling Decompression

Now by default the enforcer will decompress all the HTTP compressed payload request and will apply the enforcement. The supported compression algorithms for this feature are “gzip” and “deflate”. There will be no decompression, if the compression method is not supported.

The ‘Content-Encoding’ header must match the compression algorithm used while sending compressed payload in a HTTP request, else the enforcer will fail to decompress the payload.

The decompressed request must not exceed the size limit of 10 MB. If it does exceed this limit, NGINX App Protect WAF will only decompress the first 10 KB, ignoring the remainder, and trigger the VIOL_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH violation, just as it would for an uncompressed request that exceeds 10 MB.

In the cases where decompression fails, NGINX App Protect WAF will continue with the scan in the same manner as it does for uncompressed requests.


App Protect violations are rated by the App Protect algorithms to help distinguish between attacks and potential false positive alerts. A violation rating is a numerical rating that our algorithms give to requests based on the presence of violation(s). Each violation type and severity contributes to the calculation of the final rating. The final rating then defines the action taken for the specific request. As per the default policy, any violation rating of 1, 2 and 3 will not cause the request to be blocked and only a log will be generated with alerted status. If the violation rating is 4 or 5, the request is blocked: a blocking page is displayed and a log generated for the transaction with blocked status. Violation ratings are displayed in the logs by default.

Supported Violations

The following violations are supported and can be enabled by turning on the alarm and/or block flags.

Violation Name Title Enabled Flags in Default Template Description Comment
VIOL_ACCESS_INVALID Access token does not comply with the profile requirements Alarm The system checks the access token in a request according to the access profile attached to the respective URL. The violation is raised when at least one of the enforced checks in the profile is not satisfied This would trigger a Violation Rating of 5.
VIOL_ACCESS_MISSING Missing Access Token Alarm The system checks that the request contains the access token for the respective URL according to the Access Profile. The violation is raised when that token is not found. This would trigger a Violation Rating of 5.
VIOL_ACCESS_MALFORMED Malformed Access Token Alarm The access token required for the URL in the request was malformed. This would trigger a Violation Rating of 5.
VIOL_ACCESS_UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized access attempt Alarm The system checks that the access token complies with the authorization conditions defined per the accessed URL. The violation is raised at least one condition is not met. This would trigger a Violation Rating of 5.
VIOL_ASM_COOKIE_MODIFIED Modified ASM cookie Alarm & Block The system checks that the request contains an ASM cookie that has not been modified or tampered with. Blocks modified requests.
VIOL_ATTACK_SIGNATURE Attack signature detected N/A The system examines the HTTP message for known attacks by matching it against known attack patterns. Determined per signature set.
Note: This violation cannot be configured by the user. Rather, the violation is determined by the combination of the signature sets on the policy.
VIOL_BLACKLISTED_IP IP is in the deny list Alarm The violation is issued when a request comes from an IP address that falls in the range of an IP address exception marked for “always blocking”, that is, the deny list of IPs. Would trigger Violation Rating of 5.
VIOL_BOT_CLIENT Bot Client Detected Alarm & Block The system detects automated clients, and classifies them to Bot types.
VIOL_COOKIE_EXPIRED Expired timestamp Alarm The system checks that the timestamp in the HTTP cookie is not old. An old timestamp indicates that a client session has expired. Blocks expired requests. The timestamp is extracted and validated against the current time. If the timestamp is expired and it is not an entry point, the system issues the Expired Timestamp violation.
VIOL_COOKIE_LENGTH Illegal cookie length Alarm The system checks that the request does not include a cookie header that exceeds the acceptable length specified in the security policy. Determined by policy setting which is disabled in default template.
VIOL_COOKIE_MALFORMED Cookie not RFC-compliant Alarm & Block This violation occurs when HTTP cookies contain at least one of the following components:
  • Quotation marks in the cookie name.
  • A space in the cookie name.
  • An equal sign (=) in the cookie name.

Note: A space between the cookie name and the equal sign (=), and between the equal sign (=) and cookie value is allowed.
  • An equal sign (=) before the cookie name.
  • A carriage return (hexadecimal value of 0xd) in the cookie name.
VIOL_COOKIE_MODIFIED Modified domain cookie(s) Alarm The system checks that the web application cookies within the request have not been tampered, and the system checks that the request includes a web application cookie defined in the security policy. Determined by cookie type: applied to “enforced” cookies.
VIOL_DATA_GUARD Data Guard: Information leakage detected Alarm The system examines responses and searches for sensitive information. Controlled by the DG enable flag which is disabled in default template.
VIOL_ENCODING Failed to convert character Alarm & Block The system detects that one of the characters does not comply with the configured language encoding of the web application’s security policy. Enforced by NGINX core, reported by App Protect.
VIOL_EVASION Evasion technique detected Alarm This category contains a list of evasion techniques that attackers use to bypass detection.
VIOL_FILETYPE Illegal file type Alarm The system checks that the requested file type is configured as a valid file type, or not configured as an invalid file type, within the security policy. Only for disallowed file types.
VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD Disallowed file upload content detected Alarm The system checks that the file upload content is not a binary executable file format. The check must be enabled for parameters of data type file upload
VIOL_FILE_UPLOAD_IN_BODY Disallowed file upload content detected in body Alarm The system checks that the file upload content is not a binary executable file format. The check must be enabled for URLs
VIOL_GEOLOCATION Disallowed Geolocations Alarm & Block This violation will be triggered when an attempt is made to access the web application from a restricted location.
VIOL_GRAPHQL_MALFORMED Malformed GraphQL data Alarm & Block This violation will be issued when the traffic expected to be GraphQL doesn’t comply to the GraphQL syntax. The specifics of the syntax that will be enforced in App Protect is detailed in the enforcing section. The violation details will note the error. In case of tolerate parser warning turned on, missing closing bracket of the JSON should not issue a violation.
VIOL_GRAPHQL_FORMAT GraphQL format data does not comply with format settings Alarm & Block This violation will be issued when the GraphQL profile settings are not satisfied, for example the length is too long, depth is too deep, a specific value is too long or too many batched queries.
The violation details will note what happened and the found length, depth or which value is too long and by what.
The depth violation is not learnable. The reason is that we don’t know the actual depth of the query - we stop parsing at the max depth.
Note that the values will be used on the variables JSON part as well as the query. In a way, we can see these values as a JSON profile attributes just for the variables.
VIOL_GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION_QUERY GraphQL introspection Query Alarm & Block This violation will be issued when an introspection query was seen.
VIOL_GRAPHQL_ERROR_RESPONSE GraphQL Error Response Alarm & Block GraphQL disallowed pattern in response.
VIOL_GRPC_FORMAT gRPC data does not comply with format settings Alarm The system checks that the request contains gRPC content and complies with the various request limits within the defense configuration in the security policy’s gRPC Content Profile. Enforces valid gRPC requests and protects the server from Protocol Buffers parser attacks. This violation is generated when a gRPC request does not meet restrictive conditions in the gRPC Content Profile, such as the message length or existence of unknown fields.
VIOL_GRPC_MALFORMED Malformed gRPC data Alarm & Block The system checks that the request contains gRPC content that is well-formed. Enforces parsable gRPC requests.
VIOL_GRPC_METHOD Illegal gRPC method Alarm The system checks that the gRPC service method invoked matches one of the methods defined in the IDL file. The violation is triggered if the method does not appear there.
VIOL_HEADER_LENGTH Illegal header length Alarm The system checks that the request includes a total HTTP header length that does not exceed the length specified in the security policy. The actual size in default policy is 4 KB
VIOL_HEADER_METACHAR Illegal meta character in header Alarm The system checks that the values of all headers within the request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
VIOL_HTTP_PROTOCOL HTTP protocol compliance failed Alarm This category contains a list of validation checks that the system performs on HTTP requests to ensure that the requests are formatted properly.
VIOL_HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS Illegal HTTP response status Alarm The server response contains an HTTP status code that is not defined as valid in the security policy.
VIOL_JSON_FORMAT JSON data does not comply with format settings Alarm The system checks that the request contains JSON content and complies with the various request limits within the defense configuration in the security policy’s JSON profile. Enforces valid JSON requests and protects the server from JSON parser attacks. This violation is generated when a problem is detected in a JSON request, generally checking the message according to boundaries such as the message’s size and meta characters in parameter value. Controlled from the default JSON profile.
VIOL_JSON_MALFORMED Malformed JSON data Alarm & Block The system checks that the request contains JSON content that is well-formed. Enforces parsable JSON requests.
VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA JSON data does not comply with JSON schema Alarm The system checks that the incoming request contains JSON data that matches the schema file that is part of a JSON profile configured in the security policy. Enforces proper JSON requests defined by the schema.
VIOL_MANDATORY_PARAMETER Mandatory parameter is missing Alarm The system checks that parameter marked as mandatory exists in the request.
VIOL_MANDATORY_REQUEST_BODY Mandatory request body is missing Alarm The system checks that the body exists in the request
VIOL_METHOD Illegal method Alarm The system checks that the request references an HTTP request method that is found in the security policy. Enforces desired HTTP methods; GET and POST are always allowed. These HTTP methods are supported:
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT
VIOL_PARAMETER Illegal parameter Alarm The system checks that every parameter in the request is defined in the security policy.
VIOL_PARAMETER_ARRAY_VALUE Illegal parameter array value Alarm The value of an item in an array parameter is not according to the defined data type.
VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE Illegal parameter data type Alarm The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose data type matches the data type defined in the security policy. The data types that this violation applies to are integer, email, and phone.
VIOL_PARAMETER_EMPTY_VALUE Illegal empty parameter value Alarm The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value is not empty when it must contain a value.
VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION Illegal parameter location Alarm The parameter was found in a different location than it was configured in the policy.
VIOL_PARAMETER_MULTIPART_NULL_VALUE Null in multi-part parameter value Disabled The system checks that the multi-part request has a parameter value that does not contain the NULL character (0x00). If a multipart parameter with binary content type contains NULL in its value, the Enforcer issues this violation. The exceptions to this are:
  • If that parameter is configured in the policy as Ignore value.
  • If that parameter is configured in the security policy as user-input file-upload.
  • If the parameter has a content-type that contains the string ‘XML’ and the parameter value contains a valid UTF16 encoded XML document (the encoding is valid). In this case NULL is allowed as it is part of the UTF16 encoding.
VIOL_PARAMETER_NAME_METACHAR Illegal meta character in parameter name Alarm The system checks that all parameter names within the incoming request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE Illegal parameter numeric value Alarm The system checks that the incoming request contains a parameter whose value is in the range of decimal or integer values defined in the security policy.
VIOL_PARAMETER_REPEATED Illegal repeated parameter name Alarm Detected multiple parameters of the same name in a single HTTP request.
VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE Illegal static parameter value Alarm The system checks that the request contains a static parameter whose value is defined in the security policy. Prevents static parameter change. NGINX App Protect WAF can be configured to block parameter values that are not in a predefined list. Parameters can be defined on each of the following levels: file type, URL, and flow. Each parameter can be one of the following types: explicit or wildcard.
VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64 Illegal Base64 value Alarm The system checks that the value is a valid Base64 string. If the value is indeed Base64, the system decodes this value and continues with its security checks.
VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH Illegal parameter value length Alarm The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value length (in bytes) matches the value length defined in the security policy.
VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_METACHAR Illegal meta character in value Alarm The system checks that all parameter values, XML element/attribute values, or JSON values within the request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy. Enforces proper input values. In case of a violation, the reported value represents the decimal ASCII value (metachar_index), or, in case of using “json_log” the hexadecimal ASCII value (metachar) of the violating character.
VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_REGEXP Parameter value does not comply with regular expression Alarm The system checks that the request contains an alphanumeric parameter value that matches the expected pattern specified by the regular-expression field for that parameter. Prevents HTTP requests which do not comply with a defined pattern. NGINX App Protect WAF lets you set up a regular expression to block requests where a parameter value does not match the regular expression.
VIOL_POST_DATA_LENGTH Illegal POST data length Alarm The system checks that the request contains POST data whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. In * file type entity. This check is disabled by default.
VIOL_QUERY_STRING_LENGTH Illegal query string length Alarm The system checks that the request contains a query string whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. In * file type entity. Actual size is 2 KB.
VIOL_RATING_THREAT Request is likely a threat Alarm & Block The combination of violations in this request determined that the request is likely to be a threat. For VR = 4 or 5
VIOL_RATING_NEED_EXAMINATION Request needs further examination Disabled The combination of violations could not determine whether the request is a threat or violations are false positives thus requiring more examination. For VR = 3
VIOL_REQUEST_LENGTH Illegal request length Alarm The system checks that the request length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy per the requested file type. In * file type entity. This check is disabled by default.
VIOL_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH Request length exceeds defined buffer size Alarm & Block The system checks that the request length is not larger than the maximum memory buffer size. Note that this protects NGINX App Protect WAF from consuming too much memory across all security policies which are active on the device. Default is 10MB
VIOL_RULE Actionable override rule was triggered. Disabled A policy override rule with an action was triggered.
VIOL_THREAT_CAMPAIGN Threat Campaign detected Alarm & Block The system examines the HTTP message for known threat campaigns by matching it against known attack patterns.
VIOL_URL Illegal URL Alarm The system checks that the requested URL is configured as a valid URL, or not configured as an invalid URL, within the security policy.
VIOL_URL_CONTENT_TYPE Illegal request content type Alarm The URL in the security policy has a Header-Based Content Profiles setting that disallows the request because the specified HTTP header or the default is set to disallow.
VIOL_URL_LENGTH Illegal URL length Alarm The system checks that the request is for a URL whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. In * file type entity. Actual size is 2 KB.
VIOL_URL_METACHAR Illegal meta character in URL Alarm The system checks that the incoming request includes a URL that contains only meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy. Enforces a desired set of acceptable characters.
VIOL_XML_FORMAT XML data does not comply with format settings Alarm The system checks that the request contains XML data that complies with the various document limits within the defense configuration in the security policy’s XML profile. Enforces proper XML requests and the data failed format/defense settings such as the maximum document length.
This violation is generated when a problem in an XML document is detected (for example, an XML bomb), generally checking the message according to boundaries such as the message’s size, maximum depth, and maximum number of children.
Controlled by the default XML profile
VIOL_XML_MALFORMED Malformed XML data Alarm & Block The system checks that the request contains XML data that is well-formed, according to W3C standards. Enforces proper XML requests.

HTTP Compliance Sub-Violations

The following table specifies the HTTP Compliance sub-violation settings. All are supported in NGINX App Protect WAF, but not all are enabled in the default App Protect security template. The table specifies which. Some of the checks are enforced by NGINX Plus and App Protect only gets a notification. Note: In this case, the request is always blocked regardless of the App Protect policy.

Sub-Violation Default Template Enforced by Description
Unparsable request content Enabled NGINX This violation is triggered when the system’s parser cannot parse the message.
Several Content-Length headers Enabled NGINX More than one content-length header is a non RFC violation. Indicates an HTTP response splitting attack.
POST request with Content-Length: 0 Disabled App Protect POST request is usually sent with request body. This sub-violation is issued when a request has empty or no body at all.
Null in request Enabled Null in header - NGINX, null in body - App Protect The system issues a violation for requests with a NULL character anywhere in the request (except for a NULL in the binary part of a multipart request).
No Host header in HTTP/1.1 request Enabled NGINX Examines requests using HTTP/1.1 to see whether they contain a “Host” header.
Multiple host headers Enabled NGINX Examines requests to ensure that they contain only a single “Host” header.
Host header contains IP address Enabled App Protect The system verifies that the request’s host header value is not an IP address to prevent non-standard requests.
High ASCII characters in headers Enabled App Protect Checks for high ASCII characters in headers (greater than 127).
Header name with no header value Disabled App Protect The system checks for a header name without a header value.
CRLF characters before request start N/A NGINX Note: NGINX strips any CRLF characters before the request method. The system DOES NOT issue a violation.
Content length should be a positive number Enabled NGINX The Content-Length header value should be greater than zero; only a numeric positive number value is accepted.
Chunked request with Content-Length header Enabled App Protect The system checks for a Content-Length header within chunked requests.
Check maximum number of parameters Enabled App Protect The system compares the number of parameters in the request to the maximum configured number of parameters. When enabled, the default value for number of maximum number of parameters is 500.
Check maximum number of headers Enabled App Protect The system compares the request headers to the maximal configured number of headers.
Unescaped space in URL Enabled App Protect The system checks that there is no unescaped space within the URL in the request line. Such spaces split URLs introducing ambiguity on picking the actual one. when enabled, the default value for number of unescaped space in URL is 50.
Body in GET or HEAD requests Disabled App Protect Examines GET and HEAD requests which have a body.
Bad multipart/form-data request parsing Enabled App Protect When the content type of a request header contains the substring “Multipart/form-data”, the system checks whether each multipart request chunk contains the strings “Content-Disposition” and “Name”. If they do not, the system issues a violation.
Bad multipart parameters parsing Enabled App Protect The system checks the following:
  1. A boundary follows immediately after request headers.
  2. The parameter value matches the format: ’name=“param_key”;\r\n.
  3. A chunked body contains at least one CRLF.
  4. A chunked body ends with CRLF.
  5. Final boundary was found on multipart request.
  6. There is no payload after final boundary.

If one of these is false, the system issues a violation.
Bad HTTP version Enabled NGINX Enforces legal HTTP version number (only 0.9 or higher allowed).
Bad host header value Enabled NGINX Detected non RFC compliant header value.
Check maximum number of cookies Enabled App Protect The system compares the request cookies to the maximal configured number of cookies. When enabled, the default value for number of maximum cookies if unmodified is 100.

Evasion Techniques Sub-Violations

The following table specifies the Evasion Techniques sub-violation settings. All are supported in NGINX App Protect WAF.

Sub-Violation Default Template Description
%u decoding Enabled Performs Microsoft %u unicode decoding (%UXXXX where X is a hexadecimal digit). For example, the system turns a%u002fb to a/b. The system performs this action on URI and parameter input to evaluate if the request contains an attack.
Apache whitespace Enabled The system detects the following characters in the URI: 9 (0x09), 11 (0x0B), 12 (0x0C), and 13 (0x0D).
Bad unescape Enabled The system detects illegal HEX encoding. Reports unescaping errors (such as %RR).
Bare byte decoding Enabled The system detects higher ASCII bytes (greater than 127).
Directory traversals Enabled Ensures that directory traversal commands like ../ are not part of the URL. While requests generated by a browser should not contain directory traversal instructions, sometimes requests generated by JavaScript have them.
IIS backslashes Enabled Normalizes backslashes (\) to slashes (/) for further processing.
IIS Unicode codepoints Enabled Handles the mapping of IIS specific non-ASCII codepoints. Indicates that, when a character is greater than ‘0x00FF’, the system decodes %u according to an ANSI Latin 1 (Windows 1252) code page mapping. For example, the system turns a%u2044b to a/b. The system performs this action on URI and parameter input.
Multiple decoding Enabled: 3 The system decodes URI and parameter values multiple times according to the number specified before the request is considered an evasion.

Attack Types

Each signature, factory or user-defined, and violation has an Attack Type, the attack vector it protects from. When you create a user-defined signature you associate it with the most appropriate attack type from the list below. If you do not find an Attack Type that matches the threat for which your signature was written, use Other Application Activity Attack Type. Attach Types are also useful as part of the filter in user-defined signature sets.

Following is the full list of Attack Types supported in App Protect. Use the name of the Attack Type to reference it within the signature or signature set filter.

Attack Type Name Description
Abuse of Functionality Abuse of Functionality is an attack technique that uses a web site’s own features and functionality to consume, defraud, or circumvent access controls mechanisms.
Authentication/Authorization Attacks Authentication/Authorization Attacks occur when a web site permits an attacker to access sensitive content or functionality without having to properly authenticate, or authorize, that resource.
Buffer Overflow Buffer Overflow could be triggered when data written to memory exceeds the allocated size of the buffer for that data. This could lead to the Denial of Service or arbitrary code execution.
Cache Poisoning Cache poisoning is an attack against the integrity of an intermediate Web cache repository, in which genuine content cached for an arbitrary URL is replaced with spoofed content.
Command Execution Web applications can be tricked to execute operating system commands, injected from a remote machine, if user supplied input is not properly checked by the web application.
Cross-site Request Forgery An attacker exploits the web application’s assumption and trust that the authenticated user is purposely sending requests to perform actions or commands, while in fact the attacker is causing the user to send the commands without the user’s knowledge or consent.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Cross Site Scripting (XSS) occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input and places it directly into the page returned to the user. Usually, the attacker will submit malicious JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, or Flash code to the vulnerable web site.
Denial of Service A denial-of-service (DoS) attack represents a family of attacks aimed to exhaust the application server resources up to a point that the application cannot respond to legitimate traffic, either because it has crashed, or because its slow response renders it effectively unavailable.
Detection Evasion An attempt is made to evade detection of the attack on a web server, by obfuscating the attack using various methods such as encodings and path manipulation.
Directory Indexing This is a directory listing attempt which can lead to information disclosure and possible exposure of sensitive system information. Directory Indexing attacks usually target web servers that are not correctly configured, or which have a vulnerable component that allows Directory Indexing.
Forceful Browsing This attack occurs when an attacker is directly accessing a URL, which could grant access to a restricted part of the web site.
HTTP Parser Attack HTTP parser attack targets the functionality of the HTTP parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
HTTP Request Smuggling Attack Specially crafted HTTP messages can manipulate the web server or cache’s standard behavior. This can lead to XSS, and cache poisoning.
HTTP Response Splitting Specially crafted HTTP messages can manipulate the web server or cache’s standard behavior. This can lead to XSS, and cache poisoning.
Information Leakage Sensitive information may be present within HTML comments, error messages, source code, or simply left in files which are accessible by remote clients. In addition, attackers can manipulate the application to reveal classified information like credit card numbers. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive system information which may be used by an attacker to further compromise the system.
Insecure Deserialization This is an attack against an application that receives serialized objects. An application which does not restrict which objects might be deserialized could be exploited by attackers sending specific object called ‘gadgets’, that could trigger arbitrary code execution when deserialized.
Insecure File Upload Many applications allow uploading files to the server, such as images or documents. An application that does not correctly restrict the type of the uploaded files or the upload folder path can be exploited by attackers to upload files, called ‘WebShells’, containing malicious code that later will be executed or override the server configuration.
JSON Parser Attack This attack targets the functionality of the JSON parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
LDAP Injection If user-supplied input is not correctly sanitized, the attacker could change the construction of LDAP statements. Successful exploitation results in information gathering, system integrity compromise, and possible modification of the LDAP tree.
Malicious File Upload Malicious file upload occurs when a user tries to upload a malicious file to the web application. This could allow remote attackers to cause Server Infection, Network Infection, Buffer Overflow and Remote Comma Execution.
Non-browser Client An attempt is made by a non-browser client to explore the site.
Other Application Attacks This is an attack which targets the web application and does not fall in any predefined category.
Parameter Tampering By changing certain parameters in a URL or web page form, attackers can successfully attack the web application business logic.
Path Traversal Path traversal can be used to bypass the web server root and request various files, including system files or private directories and resources. This attack can lead to information disclosure, and possible exposure of sensitive system information.
Predictable Resource Location By making educated guesses, the attacker could discover hidden web site content and functionality, such as configuration, temporary, backup, or sample files. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive system information which may be used by an attacker to compromise the system.
Remote File Include Remote File Inclusion attacks allow attackers to run arbitrary code on a vulnerable website.
Server Side Code Injection An attacker can submit server-side code by invalidated input. The web server, when parsing malicious input, may execute operating system commands or access restricted files.
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Some applications receive a URL as input and use it to exchange data with another service. An attacker could provide special URLs to read or update internal resources such as localhost services, cloud metadata servers, internal network web applications or HTTP enabled databases.
Server-Side Template Injection Some applications use server-side templates for better modularity. This attack occurs when a non-sanitized input containing template directives is embedded into a server-side template which then leads to execution of the injected code when rendered.
Session Hijacking An attacker can steal a valid web session from legitimate users in order to gain unauthorized access.
SQL-Injection SQL-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input, and places it directly into the SQL statement. This attack allows remote attackers to run SQL statements on the internal database.
Trojan/Backdoor/Spyware This is an attack initiated by some form of malicious code.
Vulnerability Scan An attempt is made using an automatic tool to scan a web server, or an application running on a web server, for a possible vulnerability.
XML External Entities (XXE) This is a type of attack against an application that parses XML input. This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser.
XML Parser Attack This attack targets the functionality of the XML parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
XPath Injection XPath-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input but places it directly into the XML document query. Successful exploitation results in information gathering and system integrity compromise.

Security Logs

Refer to Logging Overview section for more details on Security Logs.

NGINX App Protect WAF Terminology

This guide assumes that you have some familiarity with various Layer 7 (L7) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) concepts, such as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/Uniform Resource Locator (URL), method, header, cookie, status code, request, response, and parameters.

Term Definition
Alarm If selected, the NGINX App Protect WAF system records requests that trigger the violation in the remote log (depending on the settings of the logging profile).
Attack signature Textual patterns which can be applied to HTTP requests and/or responses by NGINX App Protect WAF to determine if traffic is malicious. For example, the string <script> inside an HTTP request triggers an attack signature violation.
Attack signature set A collection of attack signatures designed for a specific purpose (such as Apache).
Bot signatures Textual patterns which can be applied to an HTTP request’s User Agent or URI by NGINX App Protect WAF to determine if traffic is coming from a browser or a bot (trusted, untrusted or malicious). For example, the string googlebot inside the User-Agent header will be classified as trusted bot, and the string Bichoo Spider will be classified as malicious bot.
Block To prevent a request from reaching a protected web application. If selected (and enforcement mode is set to Blocking), NGINX App Protect WAF blocks requests that trigger the violation.
Blocking response page A blocking response page is displayed to a client when a request from that client has been blocked. Also called blocking page and response page.
Enforcement mode Security policies can be in one of two enforcement modes:
  • Transparent mode In Transparent mode, Blocking is disabled for the security policy. Traffic is not blocked even if a violation is triggered with block flag enabled. You can use this mode when you first put a security policy into effect to make sure that no false positives occur that would stop legitimate traffic.
  • Blocking mode In Blocking mode, Blocking is enabled for the security policy, and you can enable or disable the Block setting for individual violations. Traffic is blocked when a violation occurs if you configure the system to block that type of violation. You can use this mode when you are ready to enforce the security policy. You can change the enforcement mode for a security policy in the security policy JSON file.
Entities The elements of a security policy, such as HTTP methods, as well as file types, URLs, and/or parameters, which have attributes such as byte length. Also refers to elements of a security policy for which enforcement can be turned on or off, such as an attack signature.
False positive An instance when NGINX App Protect WAF treats a legitimate request as a violation.
File types Examples of file types are .php, .asp, .gif, and .txt. They are the extensions for many objects that make up a web application. File Types are one type of entity a NGINX App Protect WAF policy contains.
Illegal request A request which violates a security policy
Legal request A request which has not violated the security policy.
Loosening The process of adapting a security policy to allow specific entities such as File Types, URLs, and Parameters. The term also applies to attack signatures, which can be manually disabled — effectively removing the signature from triggering any violations.
Parameters Parameters consist of “name=value” pairs, such as OrderID=10. The parameters appear in the query string and/or POST data of an HTTP request. Consequently, they are of particular interest to NGINX App Protect WAF because they represent inputs to the web application.
TPS/RPS Transactions per second (TPS)/requests per second (RPS). In NGINX App Protect WAF, these terms are used interchangeably.
Tuning Making manual changes to an existing security policy to reduce false positives and increase the policy’s security level.
URI/URL The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) specifies the name of a web object in a request. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) specifies the location of an object on the Internet. For example, in the web address,, index.html is the URI, and the URL is In NGINX App Protect WAF, the terms URI and URL are used interchangeably.
Violation Violations occur when some aspect of a request or response does not comply with the security policy. You can configure the blocking settings for any violation in a security policy. When a violation occurs, the system can Alarm or Block a request (blocking is only available when the enforcement mode is set to Blocking).

Interaction with NGINX Features

Below are examples of how to configure various NGINX features with NGINX App Protect WAF.

Configure Static Location

load_module modules/;

http {
    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;

        location /proxy {
            default_type text/html;
            return 200 "Hello! I got your URI request - $request_uri\n";

Configure Ranges

load_module modules/;

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            proxy_force_ranges on;

Configure Slice

load_module modules/;

http {
    server {
        server_name localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;

    server {
        server_name localhost;

        location / {
            slice 2;
            proxy_set_header Range $slice_range;

Configure NGINX mirror

load_module modules/;

http {
    log_format test $uri;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;
            mirror /mirror;

        location /mirror {
            log_subrequest on;
            access_log test$args.log test;

Configure njs

load_module modules/;
load_module modules/;

http {
    js_include service.js

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            js_content foo;

Configure Client Authorization

load_module modules/;

http {
    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            auth_request /scan;
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8888;
        location /scan {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8081$request_uri;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location /scan {
            app_protect_enable on;
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8888;

Unsupported Configuration

There are some NGINX features that don’t work well with NGINX App Protect WAF. Modules that use subrequest do not work when calling or being called from a scope that contains app_protect_enable on. Other modules that expect to receive the Range header (Slice for example) are also unsupported in the same scope as app_protect_enable on. For example, the following configuration is unsupported, but in the examples above you can find examples of work arounds for these features.

load_module modules/;

http {
    server {
        server_name localhost;

        location / {
            app_protect_enable on;
            slice 2;
            proxy_set_header Range $slice_range;

Last modified September 25, 2024