Add NGINX users to nginx-agent Group


During installation, NGINX Agent detects the NGINX user (typically nginx) for the master and worker processes and adds this user to a group called nginx-agent.

If you change the NGINX username after installing the NGINX Agent, you’ll need to add the new username to the nginx-agent group so that the NGINX socket has the proper permissions.

A failure to update the nginx-agent group when the NGINX username changes may result in non-compliance errors for NGINX Plus.

NGINX Socket

NGINX Agent creates a socket in the default location /var/run/nginx-agent/nginx.sock. You can customize this location by editing the nginx-agent.conf file and setting the path similar to the following example:

 socket: "unix:/var/run/nginx-agent/nginx.sock"

The socket server starts when the NGINX socket configuration is enabled; the socket configuration is enabled by default.

Add NGINX Users to nginx-agent Group

To manually add NGINX users to the nginx-agent group, take the following steps:

  1. Verify the nginx-agent group exists:

    sudo getent group | grep nginx-agent

    The output looks similar to the following example:


    If the group doesn’t exist, create it by running the following command:

    sudo groupadd nginx-agent
  2. Verify the ownership of /var/run/nginx-agent directory:

    ls -l /var/run/nginx-agent

    The output looks similar to the following:

    total 0
    srwxrwxr-x 1 root nginx-agent 0 Jun 13 10:51 nginx.sockvv

    If the group ownership is not nginx-agent, change the ownership by running the following command:

    sudo chown :nginx-agent /var/run/nginx-agent
  3. To add NGINX user(s) to the nginx-agent group, run the following command:

    sudo usermod -a -G nginx-agent <username>

    For example to add the nginx user, take the following step:

    sudo usermod -a -G nginx-agent nginx

    Repeat for all NGINX users.

Last modified February 10, 2025