Basic configuration

The following sections explain how to configure NGINX Agent using configuration files, CLI flags, and environment variables.

  • NGINX Agent interprets configuration values set by configuration files, CLI flags, and environment variables in the following priorities:

    1. CLI flags overwrite configuration files and environment variable values.
    2. Environment variables overwrite configuration file values.
    3. Config files are the lowest priority and config settings are superseded if either of the other options is used.
  • You must open any required firewall ports or add SELinux/AppArmor rules for the ports and IPs you want to use.

Configure with Config Files

The default locations of configuration files for NGINX Agent are /etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf and /var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf. The agent-dynamic.conf file default location is different for FreeBSD which is located /var/db/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf. These files have comments at the top indicating their purpose.

Examples of the configuration files are provided below:

example nginx-agent.conf
In the following example nginx-agent.conf file, you can change the and server.grpcPort to connect to the control plane.
# /etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf
# Configuration file for NGINX Agent.
# This file tracks agent configuration values that are meant to be statically set. There
# are additional NGINX Agent configuration values that are set via the API and agent install script
# which can be found in /etc/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf.

# specify the server grpc port to connect to
  # host of the control plane
  host: <FQDN>
  grpcPort: 443
  backoff: # note: default values are prepopulated 
    initial_interval: 100ms # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour
    randomization_factor: 0.10 # Add the appropriate float value here, e.g., 0.10
    multiplier: 1.5 # Add the appropriate float value here, e.g., 1.5
    max_interval: 1m # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour
    max_elapsed_time: 0 # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "0" for indefinite "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour
# tls options
  # enable tls in the nginx-agent setup for grpcs
  # default to enable to connect with secure connection but without client cert for mtls
  enable: true
  # controls whether the server certificate chain and host name are verified.
  # for production use, see instructions for configuring TLS
  skip_verify: false
  # set log level (panic, fatal, error, info, debug, trace; default "info")
  level: info
  # set log path. if empty, don't log to file.
  path: /var/log/nginx-agent/
  # path of NGINX logs to exclude
  exclude_logs: ""
  # Set to true when NGINX configuration should contain no warnings when performing a configuration apply (nginx -t is used to carry out this check)
  treat_warnings_as_errors: false # Default is false
# data plane status message / 'heartbeat'
    # poll interval for dataplane status - the frequency the NGINX Agent will query the dataplane for changes
    poll_interval: 30s
    # report interval for dataplane status - the maximum duration to wait before syncing dataplane information if no updates have been observed
    report_interval: 24h
  # specify the size of a buffer to build before sending metrics
  bulk_size: 20
  # specify metrics poll interval
  report_interval: 1m
  collection_interval: 15s
  mode: aggregated
    backoff: # note: default values are prepopulated 
      initial_interval: 100ms # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour
      randomization_factor: 0.10 # Add the appropriate float value here, e.g., 0.10
      multiplier: 1.5 # Add the appropriate float value here, e.g., 1.5
      max_interval: 1m # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour
      max_elapsed_time: 0 # Add the appropriate duration value here, e.g., "0" for indefinite "100ms" for 100 milliseconds, "5s" for 5 seconds, "1m" for 1 minute, "1h" for 1 hour

# OSS NGINX default config path
# path to aux file dirs can also be added
config_dirs: "/etc/nginx:/usr/local/etc/nginx"

# Internal queue size
queue_size: 100

  - nginx-app-protect

# Enable reporting NGINX App Protect details to the control plane.
  # Report interval for NGINX App Protect details - the frequency NGINX Agent checks NGINX App Protect for changes.
  report_interval: 15s
  # Enable precompiled publication from the NGINX Management Suite (true) or perform compilation on the data plane host (false).
  precompiled_publication: true
example dynamic-agent.conf

Default location in Linux environments: /var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf

Default location in FreeBSD environments: /var/db/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf

# Dynamic configuration file for NGINX Agent.
# The purpose of this file is to track agent configuration
# values that can be dynamically changed via the API and the agent install script.
# You may edit this file, but API calls that modify the tags on this system will
# overwrite the tag values in this file.
# The agent configuration values that API calls can modify are as follows:
# tags:
#   - dev
#   - qa
# The agent configuration value that the agent install script can modify are as follows:
# instance_group: my-instance-group

instance_group: my-instance-group
  - dev
  - qa

CLI Flags & Environment Variables

This section details the CLI flags and corresponding environment variables used to configure the NGINX Agent.


CLI Flags

nginx-agent [flags]

Environment Variables

export ENV_VARIABLE_NAME="value"

CLI Flags and Environment Variables


Before version 2.35.0, the environment variables were prefixed with NMS_ instead of NGINX_AGENT_.

If you are upgrading from an older version, update your configuration accordingly.

CLI flag Environment variable Description
--api-cert NGINX_AGENT_API_CERT Specifies the certificate used by the Agent API.
--api-host NGINX_AGENT_API_HOST Sets the host used by the Agent API. Default:
--api-key NGINX_AGENT_API_KEY Specifies the key used by the Agent API.
--api-port NGINX_AGENT_API_PORT Sets the port for exposing nginx-agent to HTTP traffic.
--config-dirs NGINX_AGENT_CONFIG_DIRS Defines directories NGINX Agent can read/write. Default: "/etc/nginx:/usr/local/etc/nginx:/usr/share/nginx/modules:/etc/nms"
--dataplane-report-interval NGINX_AGENT_DATAPLANE_REPORT_INTERVAL Sets the interval for dataplane reporting. Default: 24h0m0s
--dataplane-status-poll-interval NGINX_AGENT_DATAPLANE_STATUS_POLL_INTERVAL Sets the interval for polling dataplane status. Default: 30s
--display-name NGINX_AGENT_DISPLAY_NAME Sets the instance’s display name.
--dynamic-config-path NGINX_AGENT_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATH Specifies the path of the Agent dynamic config file. Default: "/var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf"
--features NGINX_AGENT_FEATURES Specifies a comma-separated list of features enabled for the agent. Default: [registration, nginx-config-async, nginx-ssl-config, nginx-counting, metrics, dataplane-status, process-watcher, file-watcher, activity-events, agent-api]
--ignore-directives Specifies a comma-separated list of directives to ignore for sensitive info.
--instance-group NGINX_AGENT_INSTANCE_GROUP Sets the instance’s group value.
--log-level NGINX_AGENT_LOG_LEVEL Sets the logging level (e.g., panic, fatal, error, info, debug, trace). Default: info
--log-path NGINX_AGENT_LOG_PATH Specifies the path to output log messages.
--metrics-bulk-size NGINX_AGENT_METRICS_BULK_SIZE Specifies the number of metrics reports collected before sending data. Default: 20
--metrics-collection-interval NGINX_AGENT_METRICS_COLLECTION_INTERVAL Sets the interval for metrics collection. Default: 15s
--metrics-mode NGINX_AGENT_METRICS_MODE Sets the metrics collection mode: streaming or aggregation. Default: aggregated
--metrics-report-interval NGINX_AGENT_METRICS_REPORT_INTERVAL Sets the interval for reporting collected metrics. Default: 1m0s
--nginx-config-reload-monitoring-period Sets the duration to monitor error logs after an NGINX reload. Default: 10s
--nginx-exclude-logs NGINX_AGENT_NGINX_EXCLUDE_LOGS Specifies paths of NGINX access logs to exclude from metrics collection.
--nginx-socket NGINX_AGENT_NGINX_SOCKET Specifies the location of the NGINX Plus counting Unix socket. Default: unix:/var/run/nginx-agent/nginx.sock
--nginx-treat-warnings-as-errors NGINX_AGENT_NGINX_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS Treats warnings as failures on configuration application.
--queue-size NGINX_AGENT_QUEUE_SIZE Specifies the size of the NGINX Agent internal queue.
--server-command Specifies the name of the command server sent in the TLS configuration.
--server-grpcport NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_GRPCPORT Sets the desired GRPC port for NGINX Agent traffic.
--server-host NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_HOST Specifies the IP address of the server host.
--server-metrics Specifies the name of the metrics server sent in the TLS configuration.
--server-token NGINX_AGENT_SERVER_TOKEN Sets the authentication token for accessing the commander and metrics services. Default: e202f883-54c6-4702-be15-3ba6e507879a
--tags NGINX_AGENT_TAGS Specifies a comma-separated list of tags for the instance or machine.
--tls-ca NGINX_AGENT_TLS_CA Specifies the path to the CA certificate file for TLS.
--tls-cert NGINX_AGENT_TLS_CERT Specifies the path to the certificate file for TLS.
--tls-enable NGINX_AGENT_TLS_ENABLE Enables TLS for secure communications.
--tls-key NGINX_AGENT_TLS_KEY Specifies the path to the certificate key file for TLS.
--tls-skip-verify NGINX_AGENT_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY Insecurely skips verification for gRPC TLS credentials.


Use the --config-dirs command-line option, or the config_dirs key in the nginx-agent.conf file, to identify the directories NGINX Agent can read from or write to. This setting also defines the location to which you can upload config files when using a control plane.

NGINX Agent cannot write to directories outside the specified location when updating a config and cannot upload files to directories outside of the configured location.

NGINX Agent follows NGINX configuration directives to file paths outside the designated directories and reads certificates’ metadata. NGINX Agent uses the following directives:


Use the --dynamic-config-path command-line option to set the location of the dynamic config file. This setting also requires you to move your dynamic config to the new path, or create a new dynamic config file at the specified location.

Default location in Linux environments: /var/lib/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf

Default location in FreeBSD environments: /var/db/nginx-agent/agent-dynamic.conf

Log Rotation

By default, NGINX Agent rotates logs daily using logrotate with the following configuration:

NGINX Agent Logrotate Configuration
   # log files are rotated every day
   # log files are rotated if they grow bigger than 5M
   size 5M
   # truncate the original log file after creating a copy
   # remove rotated logs older than 10 days
   maxage 10
   # log files are rotated 10 times before being removed
   rotate 10
   # old log files are compressed
   # if the log file is missing it will go on to the next one without issuing an error message
   # do not rotate the log if it is empty

If you need to change the default configuration, update the file at /etc/logrotate.d/nginx-agent.

For more details on logrotate configuration, see Logrotate Configuration Options.

Last modified February 10, 2025