API Reference

Reference for using the NGINX Instance Manager API

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This document is intended to help people use the NGINX Instance Manager API.


Install NGINX Instance Manager and know what port the API and web interface are listening on (11000 by default).


Use curl, postman, or another tool to call the API. The API will be in the format https://nginx-manager.example.com:11000/api/v0/. You might be using HTTP if you didn’t set SSL certificates on the proxy or in the config).

For example, to call the instances in a GET call, you can run a curl command similar to the following:

curl -X GET "https://nginx-manager.example.com/api/v0/instances" -H  "accept: application/json"


You can also find examples of all the calls available through the swagger-ui page, installed by default with nginx-manager. Point your browser to the Instance Manager web interface URL and append /swagger-ui to the end to access this page. For example, https://nginx-manager.example.com:11000/swagger-ui.

You can select the “Try it out” button and run the calls directly against your server. For example, a GET of instances is shown below.

Swagger-UI JSON

To download the swagger-ui JSON, point to the above address and append /lightning.swagger.json to the end. For example, https://nginx-manager.example.com:11000/swagger-ui/lightning.swagger.json.